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View Full Version : 100 ways Obama is like GWBush

02-14-2012, 10:17 PM
Well done article that has links to details I won't list the paraghs that go with the numbered points, if your interested see the whole thing here...


"The election of President Obama was in no small part, a referendum on the administration of George W. Bush, and his victory was interpreted as a sound rebuke to eight years of open ended warfare, a vast and growing police state, the destruction of civil liberties, disregard for the Constitution, unchecked executive power, lies and broken promises, hypocrisy and arrogance, a lack of transparency in government, out-of-control federal spending, fever-pitch fearmongering, rampant corruption, and some really stupid gaffes. But what have we gotten instead?

More of the same. A LOT more of the same. In fact, every negative aspect of the Bush Administration has come back with a vengeance in the presidency of Barack H. Obama. Everything the American people detested so strongly about Bush has not only characterized the presidency of his successor, it's gotten much worse. Don't believe me? The following is a list of 100 ways President Obama is just like President Bush. We might as well consider it a third Bush term on steroids, or call Mr. Obama "Bush 2.0." If you honestly didn't like Bush, you can't possibly justify liking Obama, not unless you ignore the facts:

Open Ended Warfare

1. Iraq -

2. First Surge in Afghanistan -

3. Second Surge in Afghanistan -

4. Phony Afghan Withdrawal -

5. The Rise of Drone Warfare -

6. Bombing Campaign in Yemen -

7. Bombing Campaign in Somalia - In Somalia too (http://www.salon.com/news/terrorism/?story=/opinion/greenwald/2011/07/18/terrorism)!

8. Bombing Campaign in Pakistan -

9. Bombing Campaign in Libya -

10. Defense Spending Levels -

11. Record Casualty Levels -

12. "Overseas Contingency Operations"

13. God and War Rhetoric -

4. The Patriot Act -

15. The TSA -

16. The War on Drugs -

17. CIA Rendition -

18. Habeas Corpus -

19. You Do Not Have The Right To Remain Silent -

20. ...or Test Genetic Evidence Used Against You -

21. The DHS and Swine Flu -

22. Faith-Based Initiatives -

23. Signing Statements -

24. Hillary Clinton Appointment -

25. War in Libya -

26. Czars -

27. Distribution of TARP funds -

28. Converting federal loans to common stock -

29. Health provisions in the stimulus bill -

30. Census Bureau Grab -

31. Forcing US banks to accept TARP money -

32. Rebuking SCOTUS -

Lies and Broken Promises

33. Non-Emergency Legislation -

34. Lobbyists -

35. Income Tax Cuts for Seniors -

36. Tax Credit for Businesses -

37. Retirement Accounts -

38. The Armenian Genocide -

39. Tax Credit for College Tuition -

40. The Partisan Tenor -

41. Dog-Gone Lies -

42. Spinning the Auto Bailout -

43. Taxing Some Employee Health Benefits -

Arrogance and Hypocrisy

44. "I won." -

45. "Don't think we're not keeping score." -

46. I'm smart. You're dumb. -

47. OBL Death -

48. Schooled in Hypocrisy -

49. Golf -

50. "Mostly basketball." -

51. Inauguration Footprint -

52. Inauguration Price -

53. Thermostat -

54. Earth Day Flights -

55. The Race Card -

56. AIG Bailout -

57. The Blame Game -

Lack of Transparency

58. Closed door stimulus meetings -

59. Closed door health care meetings (C-SPAN) -

60. HHS "Transparency" -

61. DC Voucher Program -

62. Prisoner Abuse Photos -

63. State Secrets Privilege and CIA torture -

64. Declassifications Drop -

65. Only one question -
66. Tax Returns!!! -

67. Most Anti-Leak Administration Ever -

Out of Control Spending

68. Spending WAY MORE than Bush -

69. Earmarks -

70. Stimulus Package -

71. Health Care Bill -

72. TARP -

73. Bailing out Greece -

74. Appointing Ben Bernanke -

75. Measly $100 million "cut" -

Fear Mongering


76. Stimulus Package -

77. Valentine's Day Vacation -

78. Debt Ceiling -

79. Health Care Bill -

80. DHS Memo -

81. Swine Flu -

82. Patriot Act Renewal -



83. Joe Sestak -

84. Tim Geithner -

85. Annette Nazareth -

86. Tom Daschle -

87. Nancy Killefer -

88. Rahm Emmanuel -

89. Louis Susman -

90. Adolfo Carrion -

91. "GunGate" -

(http://www.whitehouse.gov/)Stupid Gaffes

92. Bowing -

93. Lamest Gift Ever -

94. England =/= UK -

95. Thanking Himself -

96. Arguing with a teleprompter -

97. Special Olympics -

98. All 57 states! -

99. Terrorizing NYC -

100. Gulf Oil Spill -

02-14-2012, 10:31 PM
Sad thing is we are going to elect again either a Dem or Repub...............nothing will change, it will only get worse.