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02-22-2012, 09:02 AM
Lib base loves gutting military - privately, or certainly with less fanfare, powers that be sometimes make the right call.

Anticipating continued trouble in the Middle East and a possible conflict with Iran, the Army got permission from the Obama administration to delay finalizing its budget-cutting troop reductions for six years, said Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army's chief of staff. "What I'm worried about is if we get too small, people miscalculate,'' Odierno said Tuesday when asked about Iran at a meeting with defense reporters. "It's a very uncertain area, and that's what concerns me."

"That's another reason I asked for six years to downsize the Army -- if something happens, you want to make sure the president has the option to react however he so chooses,'' he said.

Odierno said that despite its downsizing, the Army will continue to prepare for "hybrid'' warfare, conflict that encompasses conventional battles, insurgents, terrorism and crime -- a description that some analysts believe would describe a widening conflict in the Middle East.

emphasis mine.


Mr. P
02-22-2012, 01:26 PM
Ya just gotta love a General that uses common sense, logic and facts in their evaluation of issues. Then has the balls to push their evaluation forward when it goes against the flow! He ain't no REMF or LIFER! IMO

If I ever have a chance to meet him (ya never know) I'll say, "GOOD JOB, SIR!". :salute:

Black Diamond
02-22-2012, 02:50 PM
Lib base loves gutting military - privately, or certainly with less fanfare, powers that be sometimes make the right call.

emphasis mine.


Hmm. Could the Ossiah be planning an attack on Iran in his second term?

Dmp, I think this is a political trick by Obama. It just feels that way to me. It's almost like he never intended to make cuts. Six years? He'll be gone by then.

02-22-2012, 05:04 PM
Hmm. Could the Ossiah be planning an attack on Iran in his second term?

Dmp, I think this is a political trick by Obama. It just feels that way to me. It's almost like he never intended to make cuts. Six years? He'll be gone by then.

Absolutely! Mr. President announces things to appease his liberal base, but secretly - or with MUCH less fanfare, changes it. I'm convinced our president is a blatant political opportunist - a whore for votes. I believe his goal is to hold power first - and if the nation happens to get better? Meh? So be it.

02-22-2012, 05:21 PM
The defense budget is more bloated than any other department. If we completely withdraw from the Middle East, there is no reason not to cut troop strengths. The only people in favor of further military conflicts are brain dead hawks who enjoy bloodshed and death. Most of them are faded veterans who sit around in bars telling war stories while they get further wasted every evening. They need help.

Black Diamond
02-22-2012, 06:28 PM
The defense budget is more bloated than any other department. If we completely withdraw from the Middle East, there is no reason not to cut troop strengths. The only people in favor of further military conflicts are brain dead hawks who enjoy bloodshed and death. Most of them are faded veterans who sit around in bars telling war stories while they get further wasted every evening. They need help.
So Truman and Johnson were faded veterans struggling with alcohol who needed help, yes?

02-22-2012, 07:47 PM
The defense budget is more bloated than any other department. If we completely withdraw from the Middle East, there is no reason not to cut troop strengths. The only people in favor of further military conflicts are brain dead hawks who enjoy bloodshed and death. Most of them are faded veterans who sit around in bars telling war stories while they get further wasted every evening. They need help.

Can you prove ANY of those statements?

02-23-2012, 01:26 AM
The defense budget is more bloated than any other department. If we completely withdraw from the Middle East, there is no reason not to cut troop strengths. The only people in favor of further military conflicts are brain dead hawks who enjoy bloodshed and death. Most of them are faded veterans who sit around in bars telling war stories while they get further wasted every evening. They need help.

You never cease to amaze me with your blantantly stupid and callous remarks.

Black Diamond
02-23-2012, 10:42 AM
You never cease to amaze me with your blantantly stupid and callous remarks.

It was pretty insulting.

02-23-2012, 01:00 PM
Callous, perhaps. Insulting, perhaps. Truthful, definitely.

We took the highway till the road went black
We'd marked, Truth Or Consequences on our map*
A voice drifted up from the radio
And I thought of a voice from long ago

Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake

The kids asleep in the backseat
We're just counting the miles, you and me
We don't measure the blood we've drawn anymore
We just stack the bodies outside the door

Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake

The wise men were all fools, what to do

The sun sets in flames as the city burns
Another day gone down as the night turns
And I hold you here in my heart
As things fall apart

A downtown window flushed with light
"Faces of the dead at five" (faces of the dead at five)
Our martyr's silent eyes
Petition the drivers as we pass by

Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die

Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Your tyrants and kings fall to the same fate
Strung up at your city gates
And you're the last to die for a mistake

[Words and Music by Bruce Springsteen]

02-23-2012, 01:24 PM

It's just not worth feeding the troll.

02-23-2012, 03:14 PM
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bq9-91kV2x4?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="360" width="640"></object>

lose quote Newt, "I think Ron Paul makes a good point, for example we have bases in germany that wer'e put there against the soviets , well Germany's united and the soviets are gone why are we paying for those.."
to say the least...

02-23-2012, 03:29 PM
Can you prove ANY of those statements?

Oh, come one, you know Gabs can't, and more pointedly won't. When has she ever seriously provided real evidence of any of her grandiose statements like that?

But to the OP, yeah, they're gonna try to keep that news from reaching the Republicans. Won't work, but that doesn't mean that the Republicans will use that knowledge like they should. I'm really worried by the fact that they keep getting distracted from Obama's many clear failures by bullshit side issues that they can never win.

02-23-2012, 05:04 PM
Lib base loves gutting military - privately, or certainly with less fanfare, powers that be sometimes make the right call.

emphasis mine.


I don't believe Obama did it for the right reasons. He did it to delay the decision beyond the election. He's not directly pissing off the military voter base derectly beofre November, yet STiLL catering to HIS base by saying it's inevitable.

The joke will be on him if he's reelected. The troops won't have an economy to worry about coming home to.

02-23-2012, 05:10 PM
I've seen the military budget. I've looked over it. Look at the outdated bases that are only kept because a Congressional member has them in his/her pork barrel. The Pentagon is the most overstaffed agency in the American government. WAY too many "advisers" and other lobbyists. A lot of unnecessary weaponry continues to be produced and stockpiled, again because no one wants to close them.
And you can go to any watering hole and listen to the drunks cheering on the war stories and declaring the superiority to "cowardly libs." They keep a lot of bars in business. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you are one.

02-23-2012, 05:15 PM
I've seen the military budget. I've looked over it. Look at the outdated bases that are only kept because a Congressional member has them in his/her pork barrel. The Pentagon is the most overstaffed agency in the American government. WAY too many "advisers" and other lobbyists. A lot of unnecessary weaponry continues to be produced and stockpiled, again because no one wants to close them.
And you can go to any watering hole and listen to the drunks cheering on the war stories and declaring the superiority to "cowardly libs." They keep a lot of bars in business. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you are one.

Post the entire budget here (or link of course) so we can all evaluate what's in it...

02-23-2012, 05:42 PM
I've seen the military budget. I've looked over it. Look at the outdated bases that are only kept because a Congressional member has them in his/her pork barrel. The Pentagon is the most overstaffed agency in the American government. WAY too many "advisers" and other lobbyists. A lot of unnecessary weaponry continues to be produced and stockpiled, again because no one wants to close them.
And you can go to any watering hole and listen to the drunks cheering on the war stories and declaring the superiority to "cowardly libs." They keep a lot of bars in business. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you are one.

Wow, way to troll the entire board, there. Still no back of your statements, just a "trust me" and yet another grandiose claim, this time a thinly veiled insult to 3/4 of the board. Way to show us, Gabs, as clearly, you are just so much more mature than us [/sarcasm].

If you're not gonna provide backing up your point, then just move to the next topic. Seriously, you either need to start providing proof, or you need to stop acting so morally superior to every one, it's gotten old.

02-24-2012, 01:30 AM
I've seen the military budget. I've looked over it. Look at the outdated bases that are only kept because a Congressional member has them in his/her pork barrel. The Pentagon is the most overstaffed agency in the American government. WAY too many "advisers" and other lobbyists. A lot of unnecessary weaponry continues to be produced and stockpiled, again because no one wants to close them.
And you can go to any watering hole and listen to the drunks cheering on the war stories and declaring the superiority to "cowardly libs." They keep a lot of bars in business. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you are one.

Gabby, were you ever jilted by a military man? Talk about bitter rantings .......

02-24-2012, 12:04 PM
Wow, way to troll the entire board, there. Still no back of your statements, just a "trust me" and yet another grandiose claim, this time a thinly veiled insult to 3/4 of the board. Way to show us, Gabs, as clearly, you are just so much more mature than us [/sarcasm].

If you're not gonna provide backing up your point, then just move to the next topic. Seriously, you either need to start providing proof, or you need to stop acting so morally superior to every one, it's gotten old.


And I am morally superior to pretty much everyone. :cool:

And no, never jilted by a military person. I know some outstanding military veterans. They don't pretend they are superior beings. They simply go about their lives.
Then there are certain people on this board who believe they are morally superior to everyone. Which, of course, they aren't. :cool:

02-24-2012, 12:06 PM
I've seen the military budget. I've looked over it. Look at the outdated bases that are only kept because a Congressional member has them in his/her pork barrel. The Pentagon is the most overstaffed agency in the American government. WAY too many "advisers" and other lobbyists. A lot of unnecessary weaponry continues to be produced and stockpiled, again because no one wants to close them.
And you can go to any watering hole and listen to the drunks cheering on the war stories and declaring the superiority to "cowardly libs." They keep a lot of bars in business. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you are one.

The military has NOTHING on the increase in bureaucracy Obama has created.

They ARE, drunk or not, superior to YOU. They at least have had a good dose of reality. Something you have yet to display.

02-24-2012, 12:08 PM
The military has NOTHING on the increase in bureaucracy Obama has created.

They ARE, drunk or not, superior to YOU. They at least have had a good dose of reality. Something you have yet to display.


02-24-2012, 12:13 PM


ANYONE who isn't so stuck on their own, one-sided superiority is better than you. I'd like to see you move to Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland and/or Eerie and make a living, much less notice the complete decay of the industrial foundation of this nation because of people like YOU.

Try insulting someone in your own league. An insult from you merely confirms my belief in what an out-of-touch dumbass leftwinger you are.

02-25-2012, 12:53 AM

Thank you. I totally agree with you. As do most men. :cool:

ANYONE who isn't so stuck on their own I'd like to see you move to Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland and/or Eerie and make a living, much less notice the complete decay of the industrial foundation of this nation because of people like YOU.

Obviously you have never been to where I grew up. Or where my sister lives. Or the Rio Grande Valley.
I could make a living anywhere.

Try insulting someone in your own league.

I would, but there aren't many here in my league. I might come down to your league one day, if I ever feel like stepping over all the empties.

02-25-2012, 01:38 AM

And I am morally superior to pretty much everyone. :cool:

And no, never jilted by a military person. I know some outstanding military veterans. They don't pretend they are superior beings. They simply go about their lives.
Then there are certain people on this board who believe they are morally superior to everyone. Which, of course, they aren't. :cool:

Outstanding mil vets, all of whom you've at some point or other painted with the exact same brush, and only bring up as outstanding when the issue gets raised.

Yes, you are one of those people

Oh, and to your link, that's a sales pitch, that's not a blow-by-blow of how and where the money's being spent. Is there military waste? Certainly, but let's look at the production you seek to cut. So in the middle of a bad economy, you want to cut production and lay off hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of workers? Oh yeah, that's gonna help us out SO much, cause it's not like they'd be stuck on unemployment since that aren't really any jobs to go around.

As for stockpile, we do that so that in the future, we are prepared for what comes. It has nothing to do with what we're doing now, but what might need to be done in a few years.

02-25-2012, 11:18 AM
Thank you. I totally agree with you. As do most men. :cool:

Obviously you have never been to where I grew up. Or where my sister lives. Or the Rio Grande Valley.
I could make a living anywhere.

I would, but there aren't many here in my league. I might come down to your league one day, if I ever feel like stepping over all the empties.

You're right about that, only you got your position wrong. You are undoubtedly the MOST out of touch with reality and ignorant leftwingnut on the board. You're just a mindless drone parrotting socialist mantra. You wouldn't have anything to post but insults if some lefwingnut, socialist pundit hadn't written your daily program for you.

02-25-2012, 11:20 AM
You're right about that, only you got your position wrong. You are undoubtedly the MOST out of touch with reality and ignorant leftwingnut on the board. You're just a mindless drone parrotting socialist mantra. You wouldn't have anything to post but insults if some lefwingnut, socialist pundit hadn't written your daily program for you.

blah blah blah...


02-25-2012, 11:37 AM
I see "blah blah blah" from you Gabby, but you failed to address DS72's post.

And what you posted was a budget REQUEST from last year. I don't see anything specific posted by you that screams "waste" by the military budget. I think you just declared the entire military budget as bloated, but know nothing about the actual budget, what the money is for & why it's necessary. If you can't answer specifics, then you're just anti-military tossing out crap hoping it will stick. Problem is, there are MANY people on this very board that are more superior to you when it comes to knowledge about the military budget, so you fail.

02-25-2012, 12:19 PM
Outstanding mil vets, all of whom you've at some point or other painted with the exact same brush, and only bring up as outstanding when the issue gets raised.

Yes, you are one of those people

Oh, and to your link, that's a sales pitch, that's not a blow-by-blow of how and where the money's being spent. Is there military waste? Certainly, but let's look at the production you seek to cut. So in the middle of a bad economy, you want to cut production and lay off hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of workers? Oh yeah, that's gonna help us out SO much, cause it's not like they'd be stuck on unemployment since that aren't really any jobs to go around.

As for stockpile, we do that so that in the future, we are prepared for what comes. It has nothing to do with what we're doing now, but what might need to be done in a few years.

Which the ONLY reason Obama deferred agreed to defer the decision. If he started that right now, he would cement a one-term Presidency more than he always has.

And military waste? How about the US Federal Government's waste? NOTHING compares to the bureaucracy in DC. Unless it's the bureaucracies in NYC or Chicago.

02-25-2012, 02:52 PM
Which the ONLY reason Obama deferred agreed to defer the decision. If he started that right now, he would cement a one-term Presidency more than he always has.

And military waste? How about the US Federal Government's waste? NOTHING compares to the bureaucracy in DC. Unless it's the bureaucracies in NYC or Chicago.

Oh, there's government waste to go around, for certain. And it's not just programs, it's the whole way that money is spent in our government, it punishes fiscal responsibility. We'll use CH here for an example: He's a principal, so let's say he really busts it out, and pulls off everything in his school year that needs to be done, and comes in under budget. Now, if this were a company, he'd likely be given a raise and/or a bonus for the excellent performance, for having saved the company money.

What happens here, however, is that the school's budget is reduced, since it is apparent to the government that they don't need as much money to get by on. Meanwhile, they throw that extra funding to the schools that overshot their budget the past year. This scene plays out in every government office in our country, where we punish the competent, and reward the wasteful.

02-25-2012, 09:18 PM
Has anyone heard if there are similar cuts to the NIH?

02-25-2012, 10:15 PM
Oh, there's government waste to go around, for certain. And it's not just programs, it's the whole way that money is spent in our government, it punishes fiscal responsibility. We'll use CH here for an example: He's a principal, so let's say he really busts it out, and pulls off everything in his school year that needs to be done, and comes in under budget. Now, if this were a company, he'd likely be given a raise and/or a bonus for the excellent performance, for having saved the company money.

What happens here, however, is that the school's budget is reduced, since it is apparent to the government that they don't need as much money to get by on. Meanwhile, they throw that extra funding to the schools that overshot their budget the past year. This scene plays out in every government office in our country, where we punish the competent, and reward the wasteful.

The US Government budget is a PONZI scheme in and of itself. Maybe those Congress persons don't need those raises and perks they get every year? Or the free trips home? The free dry cleaning and parking while everyone else in DC is "hoping" they can get a $10 a day parking spot within 20 minutes walking distance? Or the fact they work only half a year, if that? Hell, every time you look around, even Obama isn't on the job. He's of somewhere pontificating his perfect, socialist world.

On the "Sad but True front": The US government no longer represents the people of the US, nor the US Constitution. It's just another union. Servng itself comes first.

02-25-2012, 10:19 PM
Thank you. I totally agree with you. As do most men. :cool:

Obviously you have never been to where I grew up. Or where my sister lives. Or the Rio Grande Valley.
I could make a living anywhere.

I would, but there aren't many here in my league. I might come down to your league one day, if I ever feel like stepping over all the empties.

blah blah blah...


If this all you have to offer to the topic YOU started and got slammed from all sides on, get out.

02-25-2012, 10:34 PM
The US Government budget is a PONZI scheme in and of itself. Maybe those Congress persons don't need those raises and perks they get every year? Or the free trips home? The free dry cleaning and parking while everyone else in DC is "hoping" they can get a $10 a day parking spot within 20 minutes walking distance? Or the fact they work only half a year, if that? Hell, every time you look around, even Obama isn't on the job. He's of somewhere pontificating his perfect, socialist world.

On the "Sad but True front": The US government no longer represents the people of the US, nor the US Constitution. It's just another union. Servng itself comes first.

The one that gets me is only working half a year. The reason Congressmen were given so much time off was because, originally, they weren't being paid to be Congressmen, so they needed time back home to tend to their farms and businesses. Nowadays, Almost no Congressmen have other enterprises that they're running, so it's just a vacay for them.

Personally I think we need to stop paying people to be Congressmen, hell, there shouldn't really be pay for the Presidency, though expenses should certainly be taken care of. The entire reason we didn't pay these folks was so that only those who could demonstrate an ability to succeed on their own would be in office. We have career politicians now, so they get into office, and it all becomes about retaining their office.

02-25-2012, 11:02 PM
The one that gets me is only working half a year. The reason Congressmen were given so much time off was because, originally, they weren't being paid to be Congressmen, so they needed time back home to tend to their farms and businesses. Nowadays, Almost no Congressmen have other enterprises that they're running, so it's just a vacay for them.

Personally I think we need to stop paying people to be Congressmen, hell, there shouldn't really be pay for the Presidency, though expenses should certainly be taken care of. The entire reason we didn't pay these folks was so that only those who could demonstrate an ability to succeed on their own would be in office. We have career politicians now, so they get into office, and it all becomes about retaining their office.

Ah ... but the fact is, it's those "expenses" that cost more than what they get paid. IMO, IF they receive a salary, then they pay their own expenses. Those two flights to-and-from each year -- and you KNOW they're first class -- are a biggee. Paying for their their residency while in Washington is another. Put them in the damned barracks like the rest of us.

I'm not sure about not paying them, but I AM sure about the double-dipping job they do. While in Washington, their room and board and transportation is "free" (at taxpayer's expense). Their parking is free. Their dry cleaning is free.

Hell, give ME that job. I can accomplish nothing for what they get paid.

02-26-2012, 12:10 AM
Ah ... but the fact is, it's those "expenses" that cost more than what they get paid. IMO, IF they receive a salary, then they pay their own expenses. Those two flights to-and-from each year -- and you KNOW they're first class -- are a biggee. Paying for their their residency while in Washington is another. Put them in the damned barracks like the rest of us.

I'm not sure about not paying them, but I AM sure about the double-dipping job they do. While in Washington, their room and board and transportation is "free" (at taxpayer's expense). Their parking is free. Their dry cleaning is free.

Hell, give ME that job. I can accomplish nothing for what they get paid.

They accomplish nothing for what they get paid.

02-26-2012, 12:19 AM
They accomplish nothing for what they get paid.

All they dio is posture for "their side" as far as I see. And BOTH sides are all about perpuating a difference. I honestly believe, neither party represents even a majority of those they claim to represent. The Democratic party represents socialtist bullshit and the Repulican'ts represnt conformist pussy "please, can we have your vote" do-nothings.

02-28-2012, 10:42 AM
The defense budget is more bloated than any other department. If we completely withdraw from the Middle East, there is no reason not to cut troop strengths. The only people in favor of further military conflicts are brain dead hawks who enjoy bloodshed and death. Most of them are faded veterans who sit around in bars telling war stories while they get further wasted every evening. They need help.

OK, so I'm a drunken dumb-ass.
And I just LOVE to kill people. :321:
also, FYI, we cut the military down that far, some dumb-ass country is going to take full advantage of it. whether you like it or not we'd be bombarded the second we finish cutting. then what? Big freaking draft. military members are what keep civilized people hating war.

And if you like it or not, I'VE NOT MET ONE DRUNKEN SOLDER!!!!!! The VAST majority of them get shit done, and in the military to PROTECT DUMB IDEAS LIKE THIS! you like your freedom of speech? They might just say your welcome.

You need to take a good long look at some of these vets. specifically the ones who've lost everything, friends, limbs, etc. but still keep fighting to keep on living.

its idea's like this that make military members hated, next your gonna start screaming murderer's and protesting at military funerals.
so you know what? Go to a base and actually look for the people you described, and the ones you find will be shitheads who will never get a promotion.

Again, i reiterate, every military member I've met is respectable and easy to look up to. They don't go out and find the biggest pieces of shits ever and do nothing, one of our goals is to create the best moral and respectable leaders in the united states.:salute:

03-01-2012, 02:45 AM
On the "Sad but True front": The US government no longer represents the people of the US, nor the US Constitution. It's just another union. Servng itself comes first.

Totally agree with you here, Gunny.

03-01-2012, 02:47 AM
OK, so I'm a drunken dumb-ass.
And I just LOVE to kill people. :321:
also, FYI, we cut the military down that far, some dumb-ass country is going to take full advantage of it. whether you like it or not we'd be bombarded the second we finish cutting. then what? Big freaking draft. military members are what keep civilized people hating war.

And if you like it or not, I'VE NOT MET ONE DRUNKEN SOLDER!!!!!! The VAST majority of them get shit done, and in the military to PROTECT DUMB IDEAS LIKE THIS! you like your freedom of speech? They might just say your welcome.

You need to take a good long look at some of these vets. specifically the ones who've lost everything, friends, limbs, etc. but still keep fighting to keep on living.

its idea's like this that make military members hated, next your gonna start screaming murderer's and protesting at military funerals.
so you know what? Go to a base and actually look for the people you described, and the ones you find will be shitheads who will never get a promotion.

Again, i reiterate, every military member I've met is respectable and easy to look up to. They don't go out and find the biggest pieces of shits ever and do nothing, one of our goals is to create the best moral and respectable leaders in the united states.:salute:

Thank you cadet!

03-02-2012, 10:45 AM
Hmm. Could the Ossiah be planning an attack on Iran in his second term?

Dmp, I think this is a political trick by Obama. It just feels that way to me. It's almost like he never intended to make cuts. Six years? He'll be gone by then.

I agree. He pushed the actual decision off until after the election. He'd lose his ass for sure if he cut the military right now.

03-02-2012, 06:39 PM
Cadet, if you had actually bothered to read my post, you would have figured out that I am not talking about active duty military. I am talking about those who served in past decades and now live only to sit in bars and tell war stories. Because that is their only remaining function. I would say that perhaps 80-90 percent of vets are not like this. It is only the ones who have outlived their usefulness that disgrace themselves in this matter.
By the way, the U.S. military is better armed than pretty much everyone else by about 10 times. Plus, future conflicts will not be decided by ground forces. They will be fought through high tech weaponry. Which is the U.S. also has a large excess of. We don't need a large number of active duty forces, not do we need the tanks and guns that fought past wars. That is where the old timers are living in the past (again).
It's unfortunate that, once you have outdated yourself, everything else starts to mildew.

03-02-2012, 06:41 PM
Cadet, if you had actually bothered to read my post, you would have figured out that I am not talking about active duty military. I am talking about those who served in past decades and now live only to sit in bars and tell war stories. Because that is their only remaining function. I would say that perhaps 80-90 percent of vets are not like this. It is only the ones who have outlived their usefulness that disgrace themselves in this matter.
By the way, the U.S. military is better armed than pretty much everyone else by about 10 times. Plus, future conflicts will not be decided by ground forces. They will be fought through high tech weaponry. Which is the U.S. also has a large excess of. We don't need a large number of active duty forces, not do we need the tanks and guns that fought past wars. That is where the old timers are living in the past (again).
It's unfortunate that, once you have outdated yourself, everything else starts to mildew.

Unless you yourself are sitting at these bars hearing these stories - I think you're just making shit up. Other than your lame opinion, can you offer ANYTHING at all, ANYTHING at all to back this up?

03-02-2012, 06:43 PM
DIRECTLY related to me from someone who has sat in a lot of bars. And has a slight problem with it.

03-02-2012, 06:56 PM
DIRECTLY related to me from someone who has sat in a lot of bars. And has a slight problem with it.

So you're forming your opinion, from ONE person, and a drunk no less. Sure does explain why you have such a lack of knowledge about so many subjects.

Mr. P
03-02-2012, 09:16 PM
Unless you yourself are sitting at these bars hearing these stories - I think you're just making shit up. Other than your lame opinion, can you offer ANYTHING at all, ANYTHING at all to back this up?

DIRECTLY related to me from someone who has sat in a lot of bars. And has a slight problem with it.

I think it's time you replace that "Smarter than you are" with "I am DUMB as DIRT". Just sayin

03-02-2012, 11:33 PM
I think it's time you replace that "Smarter than you are" with "I am DUMB as DIRT". Just sayin

As soon as I see appropriate members change their tag line to "I am drunk as shit."

Mr. P
03-03-2012, 12:01 AM
As soon as I see appropriate members change their tag line to "I am drunk as shit."

But why would they lie to "Pacify" you?