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View Full Version : Sarah Palin demands apology from Afghan Army for slain U.S. soldiers

02-23-2012, 05:53 PM
Palin is being her usual silly self, eh? Imaging believing that the lives of two U.S. soldiers are worth more than a book that got burned.

What kind of connection to reality does she have?



Sarah Palin demands apology from Afghan Army for slain U.S. soldiers

The State Column
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin demanded an apology from the Afghan Army for the killing of two U.S. soldiers Thursday.

The former Alaska governor’s comments came following a series of protests by citizens of Afghanistan in reaction to the burning of the Koran at a U.S. military base this week.

Mr. Obama sent a letter to Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai Thursday, apologizing for the incident earlier this week where copies of the Koran were burned at the biggest U.S. military base in Afghanistan.

On Thursday, in reaction to the Koran burning, an Afghan soldier killed two U.S. soldiers who were actually his allies, as they monitored a protest by Afghan citizens, according to the Afghanistan International Security Assistance Force report.

Following the report of the deaths of the two soldiers, Ms. Palin used her Twitter and Facebook accounts to demand an apology from Afghanistan for the retaliation.

“Obama apologizes for the inadvertent Koran burning this week; now the U.S. trained and protected Afghan Army can apologize for killing two of our soldiers yesterday,” tweeted Ms. Palin Thursday.

President Obama has not commented on the two U.S. soldiers that were killed Thursday.

02-23-2012, 07:48 PM
And Newt Gingrich says the same. And they're both right. People should look at things in context. I understand the Quran is sacred to them, but all in all it's a book and every last one of them can be replaced. Meanwhile, 2 soldiers are dead. Irreplaceable. Never coming back. It can't be very uplifting if you're in Afghanistan, mourning a brother in arms, and you're leader is busy apologizing over the Quran.

02-23-2012, 07:49 PM
How dare she!!!!

02-26-2012, 02:10 PM
Good for Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich! This story has steam coming out of my ears! Those people are uncivilized loons who as of today have killed two more Americans and injured 7 more. Our service men have been living over there in this crap and they kill them over this?!!! Bullsh*t!

Abbey Marie
02-26-2012, 02:24 PM
With a President who apologizes for us at every turn, it's no wonder why the Middle East feels so free to attack us whenever they get their panties in a wad.

02-26-2012, 07:35 PM
I'm now reading that Santorum has joined the chorus booing Obama for his apology and has stated: "There was nothing deliberately done wrong here," Santorum said Sunday on ABC's "This Week". "This was something that happened as a mistake. Killing Americans in uniform is not a mistake. It was something that deliberate." Santorum says that rather than saying he was sorry, Obama should have only acknowledged that burning copies of Islam's holiest book in a trash pit was wrong and taken responsibility for the incident, "but to apologize, I think, lends credibility that somehow or another that it was more than that."

There is one presidential candidate that I cannot find condemning the apology, and wouldn't surprise me if RP also called and apologized.


Black Diamond
02-26-2012, 07:40 PM
Imagine if FDR had apologized to Japan for the oil embargo.

Black Diamond
02-26-2012, 07:47 PM
Imagine if FDR had apologized to Japan for the oil embargo.
after Japan bombed Pearl>