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View Full Version : Green company given stimulus funds lays off 125 workers, pay raise to executives

02-26-2012, 01:06 PM

I'm curious what liberals think of this because it fits exactly the business behavior they really dislike.

02-26-2012, 01:38 PM

I'm curious what liberals think of this because it fits exactly the business behavior they really dislike.

What do you THINK they think? On one hand, they're pro-union, but on the other hand are so Hell-bent on "preserving the Earth" they create all the laws that made it impossible for most industries that used union labor to stay in business. In other words, I'm quite sure they don't care, don't have an answer, and will just hide from the question until it goes away. Unless they can figure out a way to blame it on the right.

02-26-2012, 01:41 PM
Libs usually ignore facts they don't like...either that or they will attack the messenger to deflect away from them.

I'm just wondering how you figure a three quarter net loss of 172 billion dollars is somehow considered a "stimulus success story". Unless it is a ruse to keep the government money flowing.

02-27-2012, 08:12 AM
I continue to say, in lieu of giving corporations billions, give every tax payer $1,000,000. Would have been a lot cheaper.

02-27-2012, 08:41 AM
I continue to say, in lieu of giving corporations billions, give every tax payer $1,000,000. Would have been a lot cheaper.

I liked that idea.

But then...see...that would never happen. Giving the taxpayers large sums of money would make them more equal to their peers. You don't actually think they want folks to be "equal" do you? :laugh:

02-27-2012, 09:33 AM
I continue to say, in lieu of giving corporations billions, give every tax payer $1,000,000. Would have been a lot cheaper.

Are you kidding? I could pay off what little debt I have, buy a new car and house, invest the rest in some company smart enough to have moved its operations out of THIS country with all its stupid laws that change every time some knucklehead gets elected, and kick back on my deck for the rest of my life.

02-27-2012, 09:41 AM
I continue to say, in lieu of giving corporations billions, give every tax payer $1,000,000. Would have been a lot cheaper.

Trillions is cheaper than billions? No wonder we're F'ed. :slap:

02-27-2012, 10:30 AM
I continue to say, in lieu of giving corporations billions, give every tax payer $1,000,000. Would have been a lot cheaper.

and at the end of the week you'd have no ecomony due to hyper-inflation =D

02-27-2012, 10:51 AM
and at the end of the week you'd have no ecomony due to hyper-inflation =D

What's the difference? We have no economy NOW because of hyper-inflation because of Obama's spending habits.

02-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Trillions is cheaper than billions? No wonder we're F'ed. :slap:

I may have added a zero-too-many; but my point is: Giving the hundreds of billions we gave to corporations as payment as 'tax return' to those who paid federal taxes last year would have been a better investment - with a larger return than the 'stimulus' packages.

02-27-2012, 11:08 AM
What's the difference? We have no economy NOW because of hyper-inflation because of Obama's spending habits.

America is not in a state of hyper inflation, nor is it anywhere near, talk about melodramatic xD

02-27-2012, 11:20 AM
America is not in a state of hyper inflation, nor is it anywhere near, talk about melodramatic xD

Drama and *I* don't equate. Want to try again? Our economy is in ruins. Because of one man. Who spent more money in one year that his predecessor did in 8. Undisputed FACT. The economic collapse was because of policies Bill Clinton installed.

Try living here instead of sitting on the sidelines Monday-morning Quarterbacking.

02-27-2012, 12:34 PM
I may have added a zero-too-many; but my point is: Giving the hundreds of billions we gave to corporations as payment as 'tax return' to those who paid federal taxes last year would have been a better investment - with a larger return than the 'stimulus' packages.

Or three-too-many. ;) The point would have been to lower marginal rates across the board, or my personal favorite of eliminating the corporate income tax, to increase incentive to invest and create opportunities. Tax rebates are an economic loser.

02-27-2012, 01:19 PM
I'm curious.....would the 47% that paid no taxes get a million too?.....

02-27-2012, 01:32 PM
Drama and *I* don't equate. Want to try again? Our economy is in ruins. Because of one man. Who spent more money in one year that his predecessor did in 8. Undisputed FACT. The economic collapse was because of policies Bill Clinton installed.

Try living here instead of sitting on the sidelines Monday-morning Quarterbacking.

Another 'undisputed fact' is the fact that (despite your claims) America is *not* in a state of hyperinflation. Or anywhere near it. To pretend otherwise *is* as clear a example of mmelodrama as you are ever likey to read.

02-28-2012, 12:44 AM
Or three-too-many. ;) The point would have been to lower marginal rates across the board, or my personal favorite of eliminating the corporate income tax, to increase incentive to invest and create opportunities. Tax rebates are an economic loser.
Ah yes, but they're proven political winners. But speaking of the economy, I just checked here (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/committee.xpd)and there's no Congressional committee strictly dedicated to the economy; I can only assume economic considerations are carried out among many(commerce, finance, banking etc). Which, in light of the economic principle: division of labor, explains a lot about about our current state of affairs along with a healthy dose of irony. :stooges:

02-28-2012, 09:17 AM
^That just proves why Congress, as an institution, is stupid.