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03-03-2012, 10:04 AM
Women pay 65% more for contraception than men do. Why shouldn't insurance cover it? It covers YOU getting your balls checked for VD.

Actually it covers all the queers getting checked for AIDS and various other STD that run at an astronomically higher pace in the queer choice community.

03-03-2012, 10:07 AM
How many of you selfish pigs even wear a rubber, let alone buy them?

You want your women to use other contraception and that's expensive.

I did every now and then but mostly i'm a bareback rider, much more smoother.

I'll bet you I could make you switch back to the light.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:07 AM
Actually it covers all the queers getting checked for AIDS and various other STD that run at an astronomically higher pace in the queer choice community.

There are more hets getting insurance and checked for STD's than gays.

I get your point though. You'd like to see gays be even more second class citizens and not have health insurance.

03-03-2012, 10:08 AM
Not me, just finish on her face!! :lol:

In college I considered that contraception.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:09 AM
In college I considered that contraception.

I'll bet you did.

03-03-2012, 10:10 AM
MSNBC Host Calls Laura Ingraham ‘Slut’


So you first, condemn Rush then we'll condemn Laura.

Personally don't give a damn about Laura just care about the junkie Rush.

03-03-2012, 10:10 AM
As opposed to those who let the talking heads on MSNBC think for them.:rolleyes:

As opposed to to those who never turn off Fox.

03-03-2012, 10:13 AM
Talk to me. I'm a member of that community. I don't care if you think homosexuality cause penises to fall off. Just don't think you should have more rights as a citizen than I do.

Take your hate of the gay community and shove it up your ass.

Marriage equality is a civil rights issue.

Every American is born with the same inalienable rights.

Queer marriage rights are "special rights".

03-03-2012, 10:15 AM
No, it is NOT a religious issue. Churches have every right to marry who they choose. I'm talking getting a license. You don't get them from your church.

Marriage law is a civil concern. It is a civil rights issue. There are 1,049 federal rights, protections and benefits provided with legal marriage.

Oops that figure was incorrect. According to the General Accounting Office report, 89 new provisions have been added since 1996, making it 1,138 not 1,049 rights.

And you have access to every single one of those rights if you do it within the confines of the laws of man, biology and nature. You should not be given "special rights" to break those laws based upon a personal lifestyle choice.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:16 AM
Every American is born with the same inalienable rights.

Queer marriage rights are "special rights".

Marriage conveys 1,138 Federal rights, protections and benefits. Those are special heterosexual rights. We want the same.

You want us to have less. You want us to be second class citizens.

03-03-2012, 10:18 AM
Marriage conveys 1,138 Federal rights, protections and benefits. Those are special heterosexual rights. We want the same.

Show me ONE place where they are listed as "heterosexual rights", or even "special".

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:19 AM
Show me ONE place where they are listed as "heterosexual rights", or even "special".

They are listed only as marriage rights. If gays and lesbians can't marry and hets can then it's obvious these rights are "special" for hets only.

03-03-2012, 10:19 AM
You want us to have less. You want us to be second class citizens.

Deviancy, abnormalcy & abhorrence doesn't get "rewarded". No one is trying to take anything away from you, just resisting giving something to those who choose to engage in such lifestyles.

03-03-2012, 10:20 AM
They are listed only as marriage rights. If gays and lesbians can't marry and hets can then it's obvious these rights are "special" for hets only.

Nope, they are simply rights extended to married couples. It's queers who are trying to re-define things and demand rights for their lifestyle.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:21 AM
The lifestyle I choose has been a married one, for 27 years. I want to protect my wife just as much as you want to take care of your.

1, 138 federal rights, benefits and protection come with a legal marriage. We want the same that you have.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:22 AM
Nope, they are simply rights extended to married couples. It's queers who are trying to re-define things and demand rights for their lifestyle.

Truth is that we live married lifestyles. We want marriage rights.

03-03-2012, 10:23 AM
My parents are deceased. They were never ashamed of me. I am legally married. "Lama" is equivalent to priest in Buddhism.

Oh no, they loved their daughter but dammit when the lights were out and the dorrs were closed they cried.

03-03-2012, 10:23 AM

Doubtful. See...you would have to "stand" somewhere first. You are just anon words on a message board to me.

03-03-2012, 10:24 AM
The lifestyle I choose has been a married one, for 27 years. I want to protect my wife just as much as you want to take care of your.

1, 138 federal rights, benefits and protection come with a legal marriage. We want the same that you have.

Then seek out a lawyer and draw up the paperwork and get those protections. That's the way you need to do so if you want to engage in such a deviant lifestyle. You just want to DEMAND to be treated like those not being deviant and DEMAND these rights be given to you.


03-03-2012, 10:24 AM
Truth is that we live married lifestyles. We want marriage rights.

So do those involved in polygamy. Should that be legalized next?

03-03-2012, 10:24 AM
A "queer" gene hasn't been identified yet.

So you admit its a personal lifestyle choice.........cool.

If so why should we change law based upon a personal lifestyle choice? Should pedophiles, or bigamists have laws changed based upon their lifestyle choices?

03-03-2012, 10:25 AM
I didn't say that.

Yes you did. Go back and read your own postings.

03-03-2012, 10:29 AM
As opposed to to those who never turn off Fox.

Kind of my whole point. There are sheep that just follow the herd in all parties.

03-03-2012, 10:29 AM
There are more hets getting insurance and checked for STD's than gays.

I get your point though. You'd like to see gays be even more second class citizens and not have health insurance.

Nope........there are probably more "normal" people getting checked just because of sheer numbers. I can give you a CIC link that shows that queer choicers far and away lead the nation in new AIDS cases even though they are only roughly 1-2% of the population.

Its so easy to dismiss facts and just say were are bigoted and haters, isn't it? I understand though, when you are literally getting the fucking piss beaten out of you you grab for anything you can.

03-03-2012, 10:31 AM
Marriage conveys 1,138 Federal rights, protections and benefits. Those are special heterosexual rights. We want the same.

You want us to have less. You want us to be second class citizens.

Nope, with your lifestyle choice, a choice YOU made I just want you to accept the consequences of that choice. You knew beforehand that there would be certain restrictions placed upon that lifestyle choice and now you want society to change laws just because you want acceptance of your perversion of choice.

Admit it.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:32 AM
Nope........there are probably more "normal" people getting checked just because of sheer numbers. I can give you a CIC link that shows that queer choicers far and away lead the nation in new AIDS cases even though they are only roughly 1-2% of the population.

Its so easy to dismiss facts and just say were are bigoted and haters, isn't it? I understand though, when you are literally getting the fucking piss beaten out of you you grab for anything you can.

You aren't looking at the facts. You aren't looking at the 1138 federal rights, protections and benefits offered to het marriages.

BTW, I'm a lesbian. Lesbians have the LEAST incidence of AIDS of any group.

03-03-2012, 10:33 AM
They are listed only as marriage rights. If gays and lesbians can't marry and hets can then it's obvious these rights are "special" for hets only.

But you aren't born that way......you are a "het" who made the personal decision to go down the path you are on, laws shouldn't be changed because you fucked up.

03-03-2012, 10:34 AM
You aren't looking at the facts. You aren't looking at the 1138 federal rights, protections and benefits offered to het marriages.

BTW, I'm a lesbian. Lesbians have the LEAST incidence of AIDS of any group.

Offered to normal people who don't choose to lead a deviant lifestyle.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:35 AM
Nope, with your lifestyle choice, a choice YOU made I just want you to accept the consequences of that choice. You knew beforehand that there would be certain restrictions placed upon that lifestyle choice and now you want society to change laws just because you want acceptance of your perversion of choice.

Admit it.

I'm married. Legally married. I want the laws changed so that I can travel in the US and still have marriage rights. I want my gay brothers and lesbian sisters to be able to honor their committments through marriage too.

It makes a difference in how we are treated in hospitals. I know because my wife had cancer after we were married.

03-03-2012, 10:35 AM
The lifestyle I choose has been a married one, for 27 years. I want to protect my wife just as much as you want to take care of your.

1, 138 federal rights, benefits and protection come with a legal marriage. We want the same that you have.

Naturally you can't possibly have a wife, you understand that, correct? I mean hell, my daughter has two barbies and she can say they are married but the square peg never fits in the round hole...............ever.

03-03-2012, 10:35 AM
WS - should polygamy also be legalized, and allow them "all" to marry one another? EVERYTHING the queers argue would apply to them too...

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:36 AM
Offered to normal people who don't choose to lead a deviant lifestyle.

Is marriage a deviant lifestyle?

03-03-2012, 10:36 AM
You aren't looking at the facts. You aren't looking at the 1138 federal rights, protections and benefits offered to het marriages.

BTW, I'm a lesbian. Lesbians have the LEAST incidence of AIDS of any group.

True that but you guys sure do beat the fuck out of each other and drink like fishes.

03-03-2012, 10:37 AM
Is marriage a deviant lifestyle?

Homosexuality is, and being married or not doesn't make it less deviant.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:37 AM
Naturally you can't possibly have a wife, you understand that, correct? I mean hell, my daughter has two barbies and she can say they are married but the square peg never fits in the round hole...............ever.

I have a wife. That's what my friends call her. That's why my employers call her. That's what she is. We have the license to prove it.

03-03-2012, 10:39 AM
I'm married. Legally married. I want the laws changed so that I can travel in the US and still have marriage rights. I want my gay brothers and lesbian sisters to be able to honor their committments through marriage too.

It makes a difference in how we are treated in hospitals. I know because my wife had cancer after we were married.

Not in the eyes of the populace.

Your "significant:laugh2: other" would have received care either way only a "normal person" would have been the caregiver or decision maker. How can you be trusted to do that shit when you have made such a wreck of your own life?

03-03-2012, 10:41 AM
How about answering my question when you have a chance, WS, about polygamy...

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:44 AM
Not in the eyes of the populace.

Your "significant:laugh2: other" would have received care either way only a "normal person" would have been the caregiver or decision maker. How can you be trusted to do that shit when you have made such a wreck of your own life?

My life isn't a wreck, darlin'. Ask my wife. We have stood by each other through sickness and health, loss and gain, and all the same kinds of life situations any two married people experience.

03-03-2012, 10:46 AM
My life isn't a wreck, darlin'. Ask my wife. We have stood by each other through sickness and health, loss and gain, and all the same kinds of life situations any two married people experience.

You can't possibly have a wife, please quit referring to it as such.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:49 AM
You can't possibly have a wife, please quit referring to it as such.

LOL. I have a wife. Ask everyone in my community.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:50 AM
How about answering my question when you have a chance, WS, about polygamy...

Polygamy isn't a part of marriage equality, except maybe in Utah.

03-03-2012, 10:51 AM
Polygamy isn't a part of marriage equality, except maybe in Utah.

But they all want to get married, they want marriage equality and the thousand+ rights you speak of - why should YOU get this equality and not them?

03-03-2012, 10:56 AM
Polygamy isn't a part of marriage equality, except maybe in Utah.

Why should you be afforded "special" rights and not polygamists?

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:56 AM
But they all want to get married, they want marriage equality and the thousand+ rights you speak of - why should YOU get this equality and not them?

Because I am living a traditional married life with one woman.

03-03-2012, 10:56 AM
LOL. I have a wife. Ask everyone in my community.

No you don't unless you are a man, are you a man?

Because I am living a traditional married life with one woman.


Oh my.........lol.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:57 AM
No you don't unless you are a man, are you a man?

I am a woman and my wife is a woman. We refer to each other as wife.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 10:58 AM

Oh my.........lol.

Very traditional. Very old fashioned. Very close and loving with each other. We are truly family. Her family is my family and my family is hers.

03-03-2012, 11:00 AM
Because I am living a traditional married life with one woman.

You've GOT to be shitting me? You want to change the definition of marriage so that queers can get married. But the definition is set in stone when discussing polygamists? They are loving couples, just multiple of them, harming no one, and simply want the protections afforded to other loving couples. EVERY argument you give to state queers should be part of a "traditional marriage" would support polygamists deserving the same. Demand rights and changes to suit YOUR lifestyle, but DENY it to others - which is what you bitch about to people like me - that we're close minded and just want to treat them like 2nd class citizens.


03-03-2012, 11:02 AM
I am a woman and my wife is a woman. We refer to each other as wife.

I have pet names for people too.

Two women cannot be wives.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:02 AM
You've GOT to be shitting me? You want to change the definition of marriage so that queers can get married. But the definition is set in stone when discussing polygamists? They are loving couples, just multiple of them, harming no one, and simply want the protections afforded to other loving couples. EVERY argument you give to state queers should be part of a "traditional marriage" would support polygamists deserving the same. Demand rights and changes to suit YOUR lifestyle, but DENY it to others - which is what you bitch about to people like me - that we're close minded and just want to treat them like 2nd class citizens.


If you want to advocate for pologamy, have at it. Nice flame post.

03-03-2012, 11:02 AM
Very traditional. Very old fashioned. Very close and loving with each other. We are truly family. Her family is my family and my family is hers.

You are lying to yourself.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:03 AM
I have pet names for people too.

Two women cannot be wives.

Well, in my state, we can call each other wife.

03-03-2012, 11:04 AM
If you want to advocate for pologamy, have at it. Nice flame post.

You avoid stuff when it flys in your face, don't you?

03-03-2012, 11:05 AM
Well, in my state, we can call each other wife.

Did the people vote for it? Or did a legislature pass it? IOW is your state forcing the tyrrany of the minority on the majority?

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:06 AM
You are lying to yourself.

No, you are sticking your head in the sand and are unwilling to look at reality. I am legally married. My wife and I have been together for 27 years. Our families accept us as we are. My spiritual community loves and accepts us. I am openly lesbian in my neighborhood, in my job, and in the greater community.

You can't stand it that we're happy. I feel for you.

03-03-2012, 11:06 AM
If you want to advocate for pologamy, have at it. Nice flame post.

Not a flame at all. The very reasons you advocate equality for homosexuals, apply 100% to polygamists. But you want to receive these rights, but deny them to others. I'm sure they feel their relationships are "loving" and "normal" and deserving of the same as traditional married couples as well. But you're a hypocrite, and only apply standards to yourself, and ignore them when it pertains to others.

03-03-2012, 11:06 AM
If you want to advocate for pologamy, have at it. Nice flame post.
I didn't see a flame in that post. He called you out for holding a hypocritical view with regards to marriage.
Frankly, I was confused about Jim's post until I scrolled up and saw where you stood on polygamy. I was a bit surprised.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:08 AM
I didn't see a flame in that post. He called you out for holding a hypocritical view with regards to marriage.
Frankly, I was confused about Jim's post until I scrolled up and saw where you stood on polygamy. I was a bit surprised.

He's deliberately trying to provoke me. He and "Paulie".

03-03-2012, 11:08 AM
I didn't see a flame in that post. He called you out for holding a hypocritical view with regards to marriage.
Frankly, I was confused about Jim's post until I scrolled up and saw where you stood on polygamy. I was a bit surprised.

If she can't answer appropriately, it means my questioning was "flaming".

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:09 AM
Not a flame at all. The very reasons you advocate equality for homosexuals, apply 100% to polygamists. But you want to receive these rights, but deny them to others. I'm sure they feel their relationships are "loving" and "normal" and deserving of the same as traditional married couples as well. But you're a hypocrite, and only apply standards to yourself, and ignore them when it pertains to others.

You know as well as I do that this bs about polygamy is a low life strategy to discredit gay and lesbian marriage.

This is the "slippery slope" fallacy. It slips to absurdity. I'm smart enough to not fall for the trap.

You are intellectually dishonest in using it. Its a frivolous argument.

People who want plural marriage already have the right to marry one person. Gays and lesbians do not. We want the right to marry one person, just like you do.

03-03-2012, 11:09 AM
No, you are sticking your head in the sand and are unwilling to look at reality. I am legally married. My wife and I have been together for 27 years. Our families accept us as we are. My spiritual community loves and accepts us. I am openly lesbian in my neighborhood, in my job, and in the greater community.

You can't stand it that we're happy. I feel for you.

No, I feel sorry for you. The "normal" women at your job are selfconscious around you and uncomfortable while the men crack jokes behind your back.

How many pairs of motorcycle boots do you own? Do you use a #1 on the sides or a #2?

03-03-2012, 11:09 AM
He's deliberately trying to provoke me. He and "Paulie".

Provoke? HArdly. I just want to know why your line of reasoning is good enough for homosexuals, but you outright deny polygamists the very same rights you demand - when they fall under almost the same criteria. Hypocrite.

03-03-2012, 11:10 AM
You know as well as I do that this bs about polygamy is a low life strategy to discredit gay and lesbian marriage.

Umm, no, polygamists want to be married, recognized and receive benefits as well. With YOUR OWN REASONING, I don't see why they should be denied.

03-03-2012, 11:11 AM
He's deliberately trying to provoke me. He and "Paulie".

No, you are being hypocritical.

You see you queer choicers don't want to really get married you just want legitimization of your perversion of choice and marriage is just the vehicle you are driving to get there.

03-03-2012, 11:16 AM
No, I feel sorry for you. The "normal" women at your job are selfconscious around you and uncomfortable while the men crack jokes behind your back.

How many pairs of motorcycle boots do you own? Do you use a #1 on the sides or a #2?
Man, you crack me up!

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:18 AM
Umm, no, polygamists want to be married, recognized and receive benefits as well. With YOUR OWN REASONING, I don't see why they should be denied.

Slippery slope argument.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:20 AM
No, I feel sorry for you. The "normal" women at your job are selfconscious around you and uncomfortable while the men crack jokes behind your back.

How many pairs of motorcycle boots do you own? Do you use a #1 on the sides or a #2?

I'm a lipstick lesbian. No one knows I'm a lesbian unless I disclose it. No one feels self conscious and uncomfortable around me.

03-03-2012, 11:20 AM
Slippery slope argument.

Stop with the common avoidance one liners.

You KNOW that admitting that the two are equal will blow a hole wide open in your argument.

03-03-2012, 11:21 AM
I'm a lipstick lesbian. No one knows I'm a lesbian unless I disclose it. No one feels self conscious and uncomfortable around me.

Yeah right, post a pic.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:21 AM
Yeah right, post a pic.

I don't post pictures for men.

03-03-2012, 11:22 AM
Slippery slope argument.

Stop with the common avoidance one liners.

You KNOW that admitting that the two are equal will blow a hole wide open in your argument.

I'm just toying with her at this point. She knows damn well that the reasoning given as to why queers should have "equality" would also then apply to polygamists. If she denies such, then she's denying her own reasoning. One liners help her avoid looking wrong, but the rest of the world sees it.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:24 AM
I love it when you talk about me as if I wasn't here.

03-03-2012, 11:26 AM
I love it when you talk about me as if I wasn't here.

You're a 2nd class citizen, so you ARE really only partly here. :coffee:

03-03-2012, 11:26 AM
I don't post pictures for men.

Then you are not to believed, but here I found one of you, i'm pretty sure its dead on you.:


Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:28 AM
Following the death of Eileen, her partner of fifteen years, Holly discovered that she did not have the legal authority to carry out Eileen’s wishes to be cremated. In fact, she came to discover that doctors could even have barred her from seeing her dying spouse in the hospital. At work, Holly was not permitted to take bereavement leave. Then she was forced to pay taxes on Eileen’s property without any benefit of a marital tax deduction, and to make matters worse, even though Holly inherited most of Eileen’s estate, Eileen’s family refused to permit her to be the administrator of the estate.

03-03-2012, 11:28 AM
You're killing me, Mike, killing me!! It wouldn't be so funny if it weren't true in SO many instances!

03-03-2012, 11:29 AM
Following the death of Eileen, her partner of fifteen years, Holly discovered that she did not have the legal authority to carry out Eileen’s wishes to be cremated. In fact, she came to discover that doctors could even have barred her from seeing her dying spouse in the hospital. At work, Holly was not permitted to take bereavement leave. Then she was forced to pay taxes on Eileen’s property without any benefit of a marital tax deduction, and to make matters worse, even though Holly inherited most of Eileen’s estate, Eileen’s family refused to permit her to be the administrator of the estate.

Shit sucks when you make bad lifestyle choices.

03-03-2012, 11:30 AM
Following the death of Eileen, her partner of fifteen years, Holly discovered that she did not have the legal authority to carry out Eileen’s wishes to be cremated. In fact, she came to discover that doctors could even have barred her from seeing her dying spouse in the hospital. At work, Holly was not permitted to take bereavement leave. Then she was forced to pay taxes on Eileen’s property without any benefit of a marital tax deduction, and to make matters worse, even though Holly inherited most of Eileen’s estate, Eileen’s family refused to permit her to be the administrator of the estate.

They should have prepared better for these things. No different than someone failing to get life insurance. Dem's da breaks when you lead an abnormal lifestyle. Should have paid a few lawyers a visit and prepared better.

03-03-2012, 11:30 AM
You're killing me, Mike, killing me!! It wouldn't be so funny if it weren't true in SO many instances!

Lipstick lesbian my balls! Who does she think she is, Bree Olson?

03-03-2012, 11:34 AM
Lipstick lesbian my balls! Who does she think she is, Bree Olson?

Isn't that the "Goddess" that was with Charlie Sheen? She's a lesbian too?

03-03-2012, 11:37 AM
Isn't that the "Goddess" that was with Charlie Sheen? She's a lesbian too?

Well they play the part in the movies and those are the only "lipstick dykes" i've seen, you never, ever get a hot broad in real life who says "i'm queer", its always some butch smoking marlboro reds with a "Larry The Cable Guy" sleeveless flannel on.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:40 AM
You have a stereotype of lesbians. Some are athletes, mechanics, ride motorcycles, are soldiers. They would appear to act in the way you think we all do.

My wife and I aren't like that. It's been a standing joke between us, "who's the butch?" because neither of us are.

Maybe we're soft because we're both Buddhists.

They should have prepared better for these things. No different than someone failing to get life insurance. Dem's da breaks when you lead an abnormal lifestyle. Should have paid a few lawyers a visit and prepared better.

They lived a normal married lifetstyle, faithful to each other, treating each other like family. No lawyer could have fixed this. that's why we need marriage equality law.

03-03-2012, 11:44 AM
You have a stereotype of lesbians. Some are athletes, mechanics, ride motorcycles, are soldiers. They would appear to act in the way you think we all do.

My wife and I aren't like that. It's been a standing joke between us, "who's the butch?" because neither of us are.

Maybe we're soft because we're both Buddhists.

You know its not a stereotype.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:45 AM
You know its not a stereotype.

Butch/femme is a stereotype. The idea that one woman plays the man's role in the relationship with another woman is a stereotype.

03-03-2012, 11:55 AM
Butch/femme is a stereotype. The idea that one woman plays the man's role in the relationship with another woman is a stereotype.

Actually no its not, i'll take you to the local Wal-Mart and prove it............lol.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 11:59 AM
Actually no its not, i'll take you to the local Wal-Mart and prove it............lol.

Butch looking women exist. Watch any kind of women's sports. The athletes look muscular. Some of them turn out to be straight.

You don't recognize the feminine looking women who happen to be lesbian. We're invisible to you.

03-03-2012, 12:05 PM
Butch looking women exist. Watch any kind of women's sports. The athletes look muscular. Some of them turn out to be straight.

You don't recognize the feminine looking women who happen to be lesbian. We're invisible to you.

Its because you don't exist except in miniscule numbers.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 12:09 PM
Its because you don't exist except in miniscule numbers.

We exist in much greater numbers than you know because you don't look for us out of your stereotype.

03-03-2012, 12:10 PM
But you aren't born that way......you are a "het" who made the personal decision to go down the path you are on, laws shouldn't be changed because you fucked up.
Is there a straight gene...cause than you just look for that, and if its not there, then theyre gay!

Besides, i dont believ heteros are " born that way" anyways-- we are born asexual. Curious about opposite-sex body parts maybe; but curiosity doesn't imply sexuality.

03-03-2012, 12:29 PM
Is there a straight gene...cause than you just look for that, and if its not there, then theyre gay!

Besides, i dont believ heteros are " born that way" anyways-- we are born asexual. Curious about opposite-sex body parts maybe; but curiosity doesn't imply sexuality.

Nope, nor a gay gene, it's all learned behavior.

03-03-2012, 12:34 PM
WS - no one liners, and no rhetoric - can you be serious, and explain to me why the definition of marriage should be changed to include homosexuals, but not polygamists? I was under the belief this whole time that the argument was that homosexuals were engaged in loving relationships, weren't hurting anyone, and are tax paying Americans just like everyone else, and that absent hurting others, there was no valid reason to deny them this "equality". Going by years of reasoning from pro-queers, all of those reasons, I can't find any reason to deny polygamists and their loving couples the same "rights" as others. Can you explain why they should be treated differently than homosexuals? Is there love for one another not good enough?

03-03-2012, 12:47 PM
Is there a straight gene...cause than you just look for that, and if its not there, then theyre gay!

Besides, i dont believ heteros are " born that way" anyways-- we are born asexual. Curious about opposite-sex body parts maybe; but curiosity doesn't imply sexuality.

I believe that all humans are born instilled with a natural attraction to the opposite sex for the reason of procreation.

03-03-2012, 02:54 PM
Women pay 65% more for contraception than men do. Why shouldn't insurance cover it? It covers YOU getting your balls checked for VD.

Then their rates should be higher to compensate.

Men are selfish. They take very little responsibility for contraception. IMO, they should equally pay for contraception. It's appropriate for insurance to cover this.

So if a man did make a contribution to cover the cost of contraception that would make the woman a???

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 02:59 PM
So if a man did make a contribution to cover the cost of contraception that would make the woman a???

An equal sexual partner.

03-03-2012, 03:00 PM
Marriage equality is a civil rights issue.

No it's not but do you think the government should respect the rights to life, liberty, and property of its citizens?

03-03-2012, 03:01 PM
WS - no one liners, and no rhetoric - can you be serious, and explain to me why the definition of marriage should be changed to include homosexuals, but not polygamists? I was under the belief this whole time that the argument was that homosexuals were engaged in loving relationships, weren't hurting anyone, and are tax paying Americans just like everyone else, and that absent hurting others, there was no valid reason to deny them this "equality". Going by years of reasoning from pro-queers, all of those reasons, I can't find any reason to deny polygamists and their loving couples the same "rights" as others. Can you explain why they should be treated differently than homosexuals? Is there love for one another not good enough?

Not WS, but I can't think of a single reaoson why not. IF 12 people want to say they are married and some church is dumb enough to make it happen, they SHOULD have that right.

Now when it comes to welfare and such, then of course there needs to be limits and such. No 6 wives, one man, 17 kids collecting $10K a month is welfare etc etc. But that's really another topic.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:02 PM
No it's not but do you think the government should respect the rights to life, liberty, and property of its citizens?

1138 federal rights connected to marriage. It damn well is a civil rights issue.

03-03-2012, 03:02 PM
An equal sexual partner.

I can tell you this, when I was single I NEVER asked a woman to pitch in on the purchase of condoms. Which of us did that make less equal?

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:03 PM
I can tell you this, when I was single I NEVER asked a woman to pitch in on the purchase of condoms. Which of us did that make less equal?

What about the women you wanted to fuck without condoms? Didn't you expect her to pay for the IUD, or pills?

03-03-2012, 03:05 PM
1138 federal rights connected to marriage. It damn well is a civil rights issue.

You don't get it do you. It's not a civil rights issue, it's a RELIGIOUS issue, and if your dumb ass would argue that point they would have to concede. They will NEVER concede that you didn't CHOOSE to be gay, so they will never accept that you are being denied a civil right because of something you can't help. BUT if you argue that your RELIGION has the right to define marriage however they like that voids the entire issue of gene vs choice.

Even the most ardently anti gay would have to admit that the government can NOT pass laws infringing on religion.

Why you can't see that is beyond me.

What about the women you wanted to fuck without condoms? Didn't you expect her to pay for the IUD, or pills?

I already told you, I protected myself EVERY time. I worked too hard since I was 17 years old to let some bitch trick me into paying her child support. It's called being responsible for MYSELF. You should try it.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:08 PM
I already told you, I protected myself EVERY time. I worked too hard since I was 17 years old to let some bitch trick me into paying her child support. It's called being responsible for MYSELF. You should try it.

I use natural birth control. When I had a male lover, I took complete responsibility for contraception. Steretype fail, once again.

03-03-2012, 03:10 PM
I use natural birth control. When I had a male lover, I took complete responsibility for contraception. Steretype fail, once again.

LOL @ natural contraceptive

Question. if you were born lesbian, why did you at one time have a male lover?


Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:12 PM
LOL @ natural contraceptive

Question. if you were born lesbian, why did you at one time have a male lover?


I didn't say I was born lesbian. I was more than likely born bisexual.

What I said was that homosexuality runs in my family. Once I had sex with a woman there was NO going back. I have a definite preference.

I think my father was born gay. He reported knowing at a very young age.

03-03-2012, 03:16 PM
1138 federal rights connected to marriage. It damn well is a civil rights issue.

No it's not. What government grants you is not a right it's a benefit. You didn't answer my question.

An equal sexual partner.

And all of the other citizens, or policyholders, that you now wish to be responsible for the cost of those benefits?

03-03-2012, 03:20 PM
Once I had sex with a woman there was NO going back. I have a definite preference.

I'm not trying to be pornographic, or pull a Bill Clinton, but how do 2 women have "sex". I assumed they did sexual things, but sex was only possible between a man and a woman. I'm baffled as to what it is that a woman did for you that a man couldn't, sexually anyway. To each their own. Very odd is all.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:21 PM
No it's not. What government grants you is not a right it's a benefit. You didn't answer my question.

When they are federal rights, they are civil rights.

I'm not trying to be pornographic, or pull a Bill Clinton, but how do 2 women have "sex". I assumed they did sexual things, but sex was only possible between a man and a woman. I'm baffled as to what it is that a woman did for you that a man couldn't, sexually anyway. To each their own. Very odd is all.

You can stay baffled.

03-03-2012, 03:23 PM
When there are federal rights, they are civil rights.

No. I would prefer that government not be in the business of ratifying relationships, nor determining who is entitled to benefits, but to claim that they are rights is ridiculous when they can be taken away as easily as they are given.

And the answer to my question?

03-03-2012, 03:24 PM
You can stay baffled.

As with baffled as to why polygamists shouldn't be granted the same rights you yourself demand. I guess you think you're "better" than them.

In other words, you don't want to discuss things that you can explain away. You're wrong and you know it. As well as deviancy, abnormalness & abhorrentness - embrace your idiocy too! :laugh2:

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:24 PM
No. I would prefer that government not be in the business of ratifying relationships, nor determining who is entitled to benefits, but to claim that they are rights is ridiculous when they can be taken away as easily as they are given.

You only gave a shit about the government in the business of marrying people when gays and lesbians sought to marry.

03-03-2012, 03:26 PM
You only gave a shit about the government in the business of marrying people when gays and lesbians sought to marry.

Not really, but presume to know me all you want.

And the answer to my question?

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:28 PM
Not really, but presume to know me all you want.

And the answer to my question?

Look toots, I don't have to answer your every question.

Not really? Prove it. My bet is you didn't give a shit about people having to get marriage licenses until gays turned up at the courthouse.

Do I wish to be responsible for the cost of my insurance premiums? Yes, I will pay my fair share.

03-03-2012, 03:30 PM
Look toots, I don't have to answer your every question.

Not really? Prove it. My bet is you didn't give a shit about people having to get marriage licenses until gays turned up at the courthouse.

I shall prove a negative? Hmm.

I thought we were having a conversation and questions are part of that.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:34 PM
I shall prove a negative? Hmm.

I thought we were having a conversation and questions are part of that.

Do you answer every question someone asks you? I bet you don't. I bet there are questions I could ask you that you would answer.

What year did you develop this "government should stay out of marriage" view? Before or after gays started advocating for the right to marry.

03-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Do you answer every question someone asks you? I bet you don't. I bet there are questions I could ask you that you would answer.

What year did you develop this "government should stay out of marriage" view? Before or after gays started advocating for the right to marry.

You seem to be making a habit of deciding not to answer questions as soon as things get difficult.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:38 PM
You seem to be making a habit of deciding not to answer questions as soon as things get difficult.

I can spot a trap a mile away.

03-03-2012, 03:40 PM
I can spot a trap a mile away.

I don't think that's the case, the questions I've asked have all been legit. Besides, if you stick by your own stances and mean what you say, how is it even possible to fall into a trap?

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 03:42 PM
I don't think that's the case, the questions I've asked have all been legit. Besides, if you stick by your own stances and mean what you say, how is it even possible to fall into a trap?

It's easy. People often try and get you to say what you don't mean on forums. Then it takes a TON of explanation. Saves time for me to answer straightforward and relevant questions.

Some questions are too personal and not related to the topic. Your question about my sex life is none of your business.

03-03-2012, 03:45 PM
It's easy. People often try and get you to say what you don't mean on forums. Then it takes a TON of explanation. Saves time for me to answer straightforward and relevant questions.

Some questions are too personal and not related to the topic. Your question about my sex life is none of your business.

I've asked you the same question about polygamy many times and you refuse to expand on your answers. That's no trap there. I'm simply basing their legitimacy, the polygamists, on your own reasoning. With your reasoning, and that of many others in the LGBT community, polygamists should also be able to enjoy marriage and have rights extended to them. You've yet to give a single reason as to why those loving couples should be denied what you demand about homo loving couples.

It's easy. People often try and get you to say what you don't mean on forums. Then it takes a TON of explanation. Saves time for me to answer straightforward and relevant questions.

Some questions are too personal and not related to the topic. Your question about my sex life is none of your business.

And trust me, your sex life is disgusting to me, so I'm not interested. Just pointing out the fact that you and your "wife" have not had sex. You might have enjoyed all kinds of foreplay and deviant activities though.

03-03-2012, 04:24 PM
Do I wish to be responsible for the cost of my insurance premiums? Yes, I will pay my fair share.

We all should but then it should be acceptable that those who wish for BC coverage as part of their benefits should pay additional as part of their premiums, no? I don't believe a 60-year old couple should have their premiums raised to cover the cost of BC for the younger set; their premiums are probably high enough.

Do you answer every question someone asks you? I bet you don't. I bet there are questions I could ask you that you would answer.

Try me. I make every effort not to avoid comments/questions that are directed toward me.

What year did you develop this "government should stay out of marriage" view? Before or after gays started advocating for the right to marry.

What year did gays start advocating for the "right" to marry?

I can spot a trap a mile away.

Why would a question regarding your beliefs or positions be a trap?

03-03-2012, 05:27 PM
1138 federal rights connected to marriage. It damn well is a civil rights issue.

Hey what porn flick is your avatar from? Chicks that look like that don't munch quiff unless they are getting paid.

When I had a male lover


I didn't say I was born lesbian. I was more than likely born bisexual.

What I said was that homosexuality runs in my family. Once I had sex with a woman there was NO going back. I have a definite preference.

I think my father was born gay. He reported knowing at a very young age.

OMG......where to start..........I can't...too many thoughts..........overload.


I'm not trying to be pornographic, or pull a Bill Clinton, but how do 2 women have "sex". I assumed they did sexual things, but sex was only possible between a man and a woman. I'm baffled as to what it is that a woman did for you that a man couldn't, sexually anyway. To each their own. Very odd is all.

Strap on Jimmy, strap on.

When they are federal rights, they are civil rights.

No.....they aren't.

I can spot a trap a mile away.

No, you can spot when your position is weakening.

03-03-2012, 05:40 PM
I know a few militant lesbians. They aren't a lot of fun to be around, because they are really loud. Gay men are a lot more quiet.
I met a "couple" once that was a bull dyke female and a gay male. She had a marine cut hair, numerous tattoos and spoke in a loud, gruff voice. He had wonderful designer clothes, nicely styled long hair, spoke very softly and wore cosmetics. I will leave you to guess who carried the purse. :rolleyes:

03-03-2012, 05:43 PM
You only gave a shit about the government in the business of marrying people when gays and lesbians sought to marry.

Actually fool FJ is in agreeance with my stance on this, government OUT of ALL marriage.

You just are too stupid to realize when someone is actually on your side.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 05:46 PM
Actually fool FJ is in agreeance with my stance on this, government OUT of ALL marriage.

You just are too stupid to realize when someone is actually on your side.

You are not on my side.

03-03-2012, 05:49 PM
I know a few militant lesbians. They aren't a lot of fun to be around, because they are really loud. Gay men are a lot more quiet.
I met a "couple" once that was a bull dyke female and a gay male. She had a marine cut hair, numerous tattoos and spoke in a loud, gruff voice. He had wonderful designer clothes, nicely styled long hair, spoke very softly and wore cosmetics. I will leave you to guess who carried the purse. :rolleyes:

That's something I never understood, the gays who take on the characteristics of the opposite sex. If you're trying to attract someone from the same sex why act like someone of the opposite sex?

My gay buddy and his SO are just two guys. Both are alpha male all the way. I'd disavow him if he started actin like a bitch. But then again, I don't want to hang out with a straight guy that acts like a bitch either.

03-03-2012, 05:49 PM
And trust me, your sex life is disgusting to me, so I'm not interested. Just pointing out the fact that you and your "wife" have not had sex. You might have enjoyed all kinds of foreplay and deviant activities though.

Let me remind you that nothing should be considered "deviant" when shared between two consenting adults.
And your sex life might be considered "disgusting" if it existed. :eek:

03-03-2012, 05:52 PM
You are not on my side.

I am when it comes to gay marriage. Doesn't mean I approve of your lifestyle . Just means I recognize that is your business not mine nor the governments.

I've made that abundantly clear both in general and in this thread. Actually, I had a one on one debate with OCA about it on this very board. So you're a liar or stupid if you try to claim otherwise.

Let me remind you that nothing should be considered "deviant" when shared between two consenting adults.
And your sex life might be considered "disgusting" if it existed. :eek:

Ask Jim if he's ever had anal sex with a woman. :laugh:

Sorry Jim, had to do it.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 05:54 PM
That's something I never understood, the gays who take on the characteristics of the opposite sex. If you're trying to attract someone from the same sex why act like someone of the opposite sex?

My gay buddy and his SO are just two guys. Both are alpha male all the way. I'd disavow him if he started actin like a bitch. But then again, I don't want to hang out with a straight guy that acts like a bitch either.

I never understood it either. I've never wanted my woman to look like a man.

03-03-2012, 05:54 PM
I am when it comes to gay marriage. Doesn't mean I approve of your lifestyle . Just means I recognize that is your business not mine nor the governments.

I've made that abundantly clear both in general and in this thread. Actually, I had a one on one debate with OCA about it on this very board. So you're a liar or stupid if you try to claim otherwise.

Connie the militant dykes like WS only consider you on their side if you approve and embrace their lifestyle choice.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 05:54 PM
I am when it comes to gay marriage. Doesn't mean I approve of your lifestyle . Just means I recognize that is your business not mine nor the governments.

I've made that abundantly clear both in general and in this thread. Actually, I had a one on one debate with OCA about it on this very board. So you're a liar or stupid if you try to claim otherwise.

You are not on my side.

03-03-2012, 05:55 PM
I never understood it either. I've never wanted my woman to look like a man.

Thats cool because i'm sure you both look like men.

You are not on my side.

Neither is God just so you know.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 05:57 PM
Neither is God just so you know.

I'm a Buddhist. I don't believe in God. God is irrelevant to me.

03-03-2012, 05:59 PM
I'm a Buddhist. I don't believe in God. God is irrelevant to me.

Then Buddah isn't on your side.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 06:01 PM
Then Buddah isn't on your side.

You can't even spell Buddha, let alone know what Buddha is. Buddha means "awake". It is the state of enlightenment. It's not a person or a god.

I have my entire Buddhist community on my side, my family, my wife's family, our employers and friends.

You are just some ugly troll who hangs out on forums. Your opinion of my life is worthless.

03-03-2012, 06:04 PM
You can't even spell Buddha, let alone know what Buddha is. Buddha means "awake". It is the state of enlightenment. It's not a person or a god.

Oh my bad, i'm not into whacky, far east gook religions, sorry. That shit is for people grasping at straws.

My gues is you have a big hole in your heart and are trying to fill it with anything possible.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 06:05 PM
Oh my bad, i'm not into whacky, far east gook religions, sorry. That shit is for people grasping at straws.

My gues is you have a big hole in your heart and are trying to fill it with anything possible.

You lose, Paulie.

03-03-2012, 06:05 PM
You can't even spell Buddha, let alone know what Buddha is. Buddha means "awake". It is the state of enlightenment. It's not a person or a god.

I have my entire Buddhist community on my side, my family, my wife's family, our employers and friends.

You are just some ugly troll who hangs out on forums. Your opinion of my life is worthless.

LMFAO! Way to add some stupid shit, I guess name calling is all you have left.

03-03-2012, 06:06 PM
You are not on my side.

You're a sad , paranoid, insecure person Sky.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 06:10 PM
You're a sad , paranoid, insecure person Sky.

Your position and my position on marriage equality are miles apart. You are not on my side.

03-03-2012, 06:33 PM
Your position and my position on marriage equality are miles apart. You are not on my side.

That's because you're stupid and don't realize that you have NO right to demand that Jim , for example, views your marriage as equal to his. You're cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 06:38 PM
That's because you're stupid and don't realize that you have NO right to demand that Jim , for example, views your marriage as equal to his. You're cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I don't care that Jim has his view and is against marriage equality. I'm stating that your position and my position on marriage equality are MILES apart.

You are NOT on my side. You can't even communicate respectfully.

03-03-2012, 07:00 PM
I don't care that Jim has his view and is against marriage equality. I'm stating that your position and my position on marriage equality are MILES apart.

You are NOT on my side. You can't even communicate respectfully.

Sky, I've been respectful to you until you just absolutely proved that you are not interested in communication. You're interested in forcing others to accede to your demands.

I know it's possible to be gay and not be militant about it. You should try it.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 07:01 PM
Sky, I've been respectful to you until you just absolutely proved that you are not interested in communication. You're interested in forcing others to accede to your demands.

I know it's possible to be gay and not be militant about it. You should try it.

I NEVER talk about being gay in RL. I just live my life. There is nothing militant about me. I favor marriage equality. I happen to be lesbian and married and I'd love for the rest of my gay brothers and lesbians sisters to have that choice too.

03-03-2012, 07:07 PM
I NEVER talk about being gay in RL. I just live my life. There is nothing militant about me. I favor marriage equality. I happen to be lesbian and married and I'd love for the rest of my gay brothers and lesbians sisters to have that choice too.

Yeah, you're not militant, that's why you bring it up in threads where it isn't even relevant.

Wind Song
03-03-2012, 07:08 PM
Yeah, you're not militant, that's why you bring it up in threads where it isn't even relevant.

If you check, you will see that I have responded to other people who have brought it up.

03-03-2012, 08:20 PM
Yeah, you're not militant, that's why you bring it up in threads where it isn't even relevant.

Seriously dude. I am as liberal and feminazi as anyone. But I don't bring it up in every thread. And I have no point to prove.
There is no use arguing your beliefs in every thread. It's like mud wrestling with a pig. Pretty soon, you realize that the pig enjoys it.
Not to be confused with lipstick on a pig. :cool:

03-03-2012, 09:36 PM
...oh no, wait, he didn't, he actually said this

"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

Well there's an upstanding gentleman if ever there were.

puts a smile on my face, she is a slut. Most women in america today are.

03-03-2012, 09:39 PM
Seriously dude. I am as liberal and feminazi as anyone. But I don't bring it up in every thread. And I have no point to prove.
There is no use arguing your beliefs in every thread. It's like mud wrestling with a pig. Pretty soon, you realize that the pig enjoys it.
Not to be confused with lipstick on a pig. :cool:

Exactly my point. I'm glad we agree. Sky is a nut.

03-03-2012, 09:47 PM
My marriage is the envy of most of my straight friends. I could care less what YOU think of me.

So you are a lesbo eh? You know, one night in the sack with me and you would be cured.


03-03-2012, 09:50 PM
I NEVER talk about being gay in RL. I just live my life. There is nothing militant about me. I favor marriage equality. I happen to be lesbian and married and I'd love for the rest of my gay brothers and lesbians sisters to have that choice too.

If there isn't a male involved in your marriage then you aren't married.

03-03-2012, 09:59 PM
So you are a lesbo eh? You know, one night in the sack with me and you would be cured.


If there isn't a male involved in your marriage then you aren't married.

I bet WS has a bigger penis than either of you. :laugh2:

03-03-2012, 10:00 PM
I bet WS has a bigger penis than either of you. :laugh2:

Well sure, ever been to a shop? They have some things in there that even Rosie O'Donnell couldn't take.

03-03-2012, 10:06 PM
Well sure, ever been to a shop? They have some things in there that even Rosie O'Donnell couldn't take.

But I think maybe WS's might be natural.

03-03-2012, 10:10 PM
But I think maybe WS's might be natural.

Nice, probably fills out the Levi boot cuts that butch dykes like her prefer nowadays.

03-03-2012, 11:06 PM
Actually fool FJ is in agreeance with my stance on this, government OUT of ALL marriage.

You just are too stupid to realize when someone is actually on your side.

That reminds me of another online lesbian acquaintance that stated that Dick Cheney did not favor gay marriage. I pointed out her error and was informed that his position didn't count because he also favors the state's ability to decide the issue. Apparently you not only have to agree with their position, you need to agree with all of their positions.

And so he does...

What?? Rush Limbaugh actually apologized!! (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Elections/Vox-News/2012/0303/What-Rush-Limbaugh-actually-apologized)

03-04-2012, 12:23 AM
so I suppose howard stern has been asked to apologize quite a few times.

Rush is an asshole. You said it. He's also stupid. He fails to connect the dots. Advocating for insurance to pay for birth control=slut?

Yea, stupid like a fox, that millionaire

Now you're having a temper tantrum. Did I say EVERYTHING should be covered by insurance? EVERYTHING should be free?

You're not interested in talking to me, you are talking FOR me. Go ahead and make up my parts then.

Well then, WHO decides what should and shouldnt be covered?

And talk about an ungrateful elitist ****, she is getting a law degree, but nooooooooooooooooooo, thats not enough.
Insurance doesnt pay for my condoms,
but I think it should pay for her cell phone, I mean, she does have to call her doctor sometimes, right?

She can CHOOSE to attend a different college. She is CHOOSING to make a stink over nothing, in order to get her name in the paper.

There is no reason she has to accept the college insurance either, she can take out private insurance. What exactly is stopping her from doing that?

There is no reason for birth control to be covered by insurance at a christian college. She could obtain FREE condoms or the pill from planned parenthood. She is choosing to have sex during college while not married.

The cost of birth control pills has NOTHING to do with their agenda. They simply want to excercise as much power and control over conservatives, their organizations and churches, as possible.
They will not rest until they have total control,

You could ask that about every item on a health plan. I'm female. Why should I have to pay for testicular cancer screening?

Because your a BIG DICK !

Black Diamond
03-04-2012, 01:24 PM
Rush shouldn't have apologized. I'm sure it's not genuine. I get tired of companies forcing their employees to issue statements the employee clearly doesn't believe.

03-04-2012, 01:29 PM
Rush shouldn't have apologized. I'm sure it's not genuine. I get tired of companies forcing their employees to issue statements the employee clearly doesn't believe.

Basically brought on by liberal groups campaigns to target his sponsors to pressure them into dropping his show. Libs hate free speech.

Black Diamond
03-04-2012, 01:32 PM
Basically brought on by liberal groups campaigns to target his sponsors to pressure them into dropping his show. Libs hate free speech.
Ok that makes sense. But it's still lame. Do the libs really think his apology is sincere?

03-04-2012, 01:39 PM
Ok that makes sense. But it's still lame. Do the libs really think his apology is sincere?

They probably don't care,it's all about the control...bending people to their will. I'm like you though...I don't like it when people or companies give in to bullies and thugs.

03-04-2012, 02:08 PM
He basically apologized to the sponsors, while it may have been directed at her. It all boils down to $$, and it made sense financially for him to apologize. She's still a 30yr old looking for a free handout though, and looking for someone to help her be more responsible. Just think of all the unwanted pregnancies we are avoiding, since these women can't be personally responsible for themselves, unless it's handed to them, and it's free.

Fuck that. I'm tired of the gimme gimme crowd. Everywhere I turn someone has their hand out. I have more respect for the homeless on skid row, who are trying to make lives for themselves under bridges, and collecting cans/bottles for money. At least they're being responsible for themselves.

03-04-2012, 02:21 PM
He basically apologized to the sponsors, while it may have been directed at her. It all boils down to $$, and it made sense financially for him to apologize. She's still a 30yr old looking for a free handout though, and looking for someone to help her be more responsible. Just think of all the unwanted pregnancies we are avoiding, since these women can't be personally responsible for themselves, unless it's handed to them, and it's free.

Fuck that. I'm tired of the gimme gimme crowd. Everywhere I turn someone has their hand out. I have more respect for the homeless on skid row, who are trying to make lives for themselves under bridges, and collecting cans/bottles for money. At least they're being responsible for themselves.

She is basically a woman's rights activist pretending to take on this cause for the poor college age crowd. It would be one thing if she was legit...the fact that she is trying to pawn herself off as something she is not makes me have even less respect for her and the people going after Rush's sponsors on her behalf.

03-04-2012, 02:48 PM
He basically apologized to the sponsors, while it may have been directed at her. It all boils down to $$, and it made sense financially for him to apologize. She's still a 30yr old looking for a free handout though, and looking for someone to help her be more responsible. Just think of all the unwanted pregnancies we are avoiding, since these women can't be personally responsible for themselves, unless it's handed to them, and it's free.

Fuck that. I'm tired of the gimme gimme crowd. Everywhere I turn someone has their hand out. I have more respect for the homeless on skid row, who are trying to make lives for themselves under bridges, and collecting cans/bottles for money. At least they're being responsible for themselves.

What you say is true, but you don't call a woman a slut on a nationally syndicated show. He fucked up there, and the apology was warranted. He did so, and now it's over.

Funny though that the very people who want him hung from his balls over this have no problem calling those they disagree with names, and or wishing for their deaths.

Fucking hypocrites.

Wind Song
03-04-2012, 03:42 PM
Well then, WHO decides what should and shouldnt be covered?

And talk about an ungrateful elitist ****, she is getting a law degree, but nooooooooooooooooooo, thats not enough.
Insurance doesnt pay for my condoms,
but I think it should pay for her cell phone, I mean, she does have to call her doctor sometimes, right?

She's studying to be a lawyer. This is a cause she has chosen to take on. No big deal.

Yea, stupid like a fox, that millionaire

Millionaire? Who cares. He's still an asshole.

I bet WS has a bigger penis than either of you. :laugh2:

Women don't have penises. If you're talking about dildos, I have never used one in my life.

03-04-2012, 03:59 PM
She's studying to be a lawyer. This is a cause she has chosen to take on. No big deal.

Interesting question. Third year law at 30 years old?

Millionaire? Who cares. He's still an asshole.

Big deal, we have a right to be assholes in this country. Do you disagree with that?

Wind Song
03-04-2012, 04:01 PM
Interesting question. Third year law at 30 years old?

Big deal, we have a right to be assholes in this country. Do you disagree with that?

Sure, Rush has the right to be an asshole and I have the right to say he is.

03-04-2012, 04:03 PM
Sure, Rush has the right to be an asshole and I have the right to say he is.

Then why the fake outrage?

Wind Song
03-04-2012, 04:04 PM
Then why the fake outrage?

Calling Rush an asshole is pretty tame. I'm not "outraged". This is the kind of crap he's been pulling for years. You haven't seen me do "outraged" here.

03-04-2012, 11:59 PM
What you say is true, but you don't call a woman a slut on a nationally syndicated show. He fucked up there, and the apology was warranted. He did so, and now it's over.

Funny though that the very people who want him hung from his balls over this have no problem calling those they disagree with names, and or wishing for their deaths.

Fucking hypocrites.

why not?

I think the only reason he apologized is because its an election year and it would hurt the repubs

03-05-2012, 03:10 AM
why not?

It upsets people, a lot of people. and when people get upset, it is difficult to get them to act in accordance with rational agendas. and getting people to act in accordance with rational agendas is the driving force behind national news syndication. Politics are different; irrational sentiments (fear of terrorists, hope for change etc) can motivate people to action in politics, but not news-- which is driven by advertising dollars. Rush obviously forgot about the agenda he was working to promote; and that is why he apologized.

03-05-2012, 04:29 AM
As well he should for using that word rather than focusing on the issue.

Now when is Ms. Fluke going to apologize for demanding that someone else pay for her birth control? As distasteful as I find Mr. Limbaugh's name calling, I find calling upon the government to rob people much worse.

03-05-2012, 06:11 AM
As well he should for using that word rather than focusing on the issue.

Now when is Ms. Fluke going to apologize for demanding that someone else pay for her birth control? As distasteful as I find Mr. Limbaugh's name calling, I find calling upon the government to rob people much worse.
BAM! I think you nailed it there.

Wind Song
03-05-2012, 08:57 AM
Ms Fluke has nothing to apologize for. She fairly puts forth her views, which she is entitled to, and doesn't use slurs.

03-05-2012, 10:25 AM
Ms Fluke has nothing to apologize for. She fairly puts forth her views, which she is entitled to, and doesn't use slurs.

She's an activist. She's a troublemaker. She purposely went to a school looking to FORCE change and start trouble. She tried to pull the wool over America's eyes by acting like a student in need. She needs to spend less time pulling this crap, and more time at a real job, then she could afford to pay to have her own sex, instead of others paying for her.

03-05-2012, 04:21 PM
Ms Fluke has nothing to apologize for. She fairly puts forth her views, which she is entitled to, and doesn't use slurs.

SHE is a slut and a liar.
RUSH should have known though, that for him to smear her, no good could come from it.

03-05-2012, 04:24 PM
SHE is a slut and a liar.
RUSH should have known though, that for him to smear her, no good could come from it.

How exactly is she a slut?

03-05-2012, 04:50 PM
Ms Fluke has nothing to apologize for. She fairly puts forth her views, which she is entitled to, and doesn't use slurs.

I tend to think demanding others to provide for her wants instead of being grateful for what she has is something she does need to apologize for.

I also think that robbing people and encouraging that behavior is worse than using a slur.

03-05-2012, 04:58 PM
How exactly is she a slut?

She's a slut AND a prostitute - for her cause. I don't have a single ounce of respect for her remaining once I found it this whole thing was a setup, just so she could forge ahead with her activist ideas. Trying to "trick" people into listening to her, and trying to get attention as a "poor college student"... At the very least, she is a liar. But her level of deception obviously goes much further.

03-05-2012, 05:25 PM
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/430621_10151358034985608_782145607_23347580_200478 6211_n.jpg

03-05-2012, 06:23 PM
How exactly is she a slut?

cuz she sleeps around with more than one man

03-05-2012, 06:33 PM
cuz she sleeps around with more than one man

Please define further - the time period between 'sleeping around', how well she's has known each man, and any other factors that have lead you to conclude that she is a slut?

03-05-2012, 06:36 PM
Please define further - the time period between 'sleeping around', how well she's has known each man, and any other factors that have lead you to conclude that she is a slut?

Pay LUV no attention, he's just mad cuz not even sluts ever wanted him. :laugh:

This chick is a bozo, but there is NO evidence to suggest she is slutty.

03-05-2012, 06:37 PM
Please define further - the time period between 'sleeping around', how well she's has known each man, and any other factors that have lead you to conclude that she is a slut?

she never denied being a slut.
she uses birth control, indicating she has sex
how often, how well they know each other doesnt matter, if they arent married.

03-05-2012, 06:41 PM
Pay LUV no attention, he's just mad cuz not even sluts ever wanted him. :laugh:

This chick is a bozo, but there is NO evidence to suggest she is slutty.

well you are certainly one who turned me down.
There is plenty of evidence, and common sense, but todays definition isnt acurate, by todays def, you cant classify any girl as a slut

03-05-2012, 06:46 PM
well you are certainly one who turned me down.
There is plenty of evidence, and common sense, but todays definition isnt acurate, by todays def, you cant classify any girl as a slut

So you admit to propositioning me? :laugh2::lol:

03-05-2012, 06:46 PM
she never denied being a slut.
she uses birth control, indicating she has sex
how often, how well they know each other doesnt matter, if they arent married.

Glen beck has never denied raping and murdering a teenage girl in 1990, I guess the police should be rushing to his door, right?
also I've known girls who are on birth control to regulate their extreme period cramps, nothing to do with having sex.
and you're just guessing she has multiple partners, not one, is a woman who has sex with just one man a slut too if she's not married?

Youve made a guess, an assumption and a prediction and ended up with an "is" statement of fact. Silly, very silly, you must try and do better.

03-05-2012, 06:58 PM
So you admit to propositioning me? :laugh2::lol:

hmmmm, no

03-05-2012, 07:08 PM
Glen beck has never denied raping and murdering a teenage girl in 1990, I guess the police should be rushing to his door, right?
also I've known girls who are on birth control to regulate their extreme period cramps, nothing to do with having sex.
and you're just guessing she has multiple partners, not one, is a woman who has sex with just one man a slut too if she's not married?

Youve made a guess, an assumption and a prediction and ended up with an "is" statement of fact. Silly, very silly, you must try and do better.

NOT SILLY at all. I made the comment, so its MY DEFINTION that Im going to use.

I know nothing of glen beck, who is he?

Birth control for regulating the menstrual cycle ONLY is very rate. I know cuz I have asked alot of women, do you use birth control to reg.l your menstrual cycle, and if so, is it the only reason you use it, ;not a one said it was the only reason.
common sense tells you that in our society if a young woman like her is a liberal, then she most certainly is not a virgin. If she was, she should have said so.
Go ahead and anybody who wants to get on me about this, I could care less, its the truth, women today just dont want to admit to themselves that they are sluts.

is a woman who has sex with just one man a slut too if she's not married?
Why wouldnt it?

03-05-2012, 07:11 PM
hmmmm, no

How could I have turned you down UNLESS you propositioned me you silly old man

NOT SILLY at all. I made the comment, so its MY DEFINTION that Im going to use.

I know nothing of glen beck, who is he?

Birth control for regulating the menstrual cycle ONLY is very rate. I know cuz I have asked alot of women, do you use birth control to reg.l your menstrual cycle, and if so, is it the only reason you use it, ;not a one said it was the only reason.
common sense tells you that in our society if a young woman like her is a liberal, then she most certainly is not a virgin. If she was, she should have said so.
Go ahead and anybody who wants to get on me about this, I could care less, its the truth, women today just dont want to admit to themselves that they are sluts.

is a woman who has sex with just one man a slut too if she's not married?
Why wouldnt it?

Words have meanings old feller. We don't just assign our own meaning to them as we see fit.

03-05-2012, 07:11 PM
Glen beck has never denied raping and murdering a teenage girl in 1990, I guess the police should be rushing to his door, right?
also I've known girls who are on birth control to regulate their extreme period cramps, nothing to do with having sex.
and you're just guessing she has multiple partners, not one, is a woman who has sex with just one man a slut too if she's not married?

Youve made a guess, an assumption and a prediction and ended up with an "is" statement of fact. Silly, very silly, you must try and do better.

Well according to DMP, pre-marital sex is a necessity. Otherwise, either of the couple may find out on their wedding night that they actually hit for the other team. :laugh2:

03-05-2012, 07:12 PM
NOT SILLY at all. I made the comment, so its MY DEFINTION that Im going to use.

I didn't read a word beyond this, nor will I, for i have decided that you are a banana, and i don't have discussions with bananas, or any other fruit or vegetables for that matter. Good day, Sir. ^,^

03-05-2012, 07:14 PM
I didn't read a word beyond this, nor will I, for i have decided that you are a banana, and i don't have discussions with bananas, or any other fruit or vegetables for that matter. Good day, Sir. ^,^

I'm going to have to neg rep you on this insult to bananas everywhere.:laugh:

03-05-2012, 07:22 PM
I didn't read a word beyond this, nor will I, for i have decided that you are a banana, and i don't have discussions with bananas, or any other fruit or vegetables for that matter. Good day, Sir. ^,^

Oh my Im so hurt,,,

How about this;slut

  <NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> /slʌt/ Show Spelled[sluht] Show IPA
noun 1. a dirty, slovenly woman.

2. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.

But hey, I know its easier to duck out than admit you might be wrong.

Im a banana? Do you have any evidence,?

03-05-2012, 07:29 PM
[QUOTE=Noir;531451]I"Actually, after further consideration, i've decided it is indeed possible to righty govern a nation without God & the Bible" QUOTE]

I dont think GW ever said that, please cite your source.

03-05-2012, 07:38 PM
NOT SILLY at all. I made the comment, so its MY DEFINTION that Im going to use.

I know nothing of glen beck, who is he?

Birth control for regulating the menstrual cycle ONLY is very rate. I know cuz I have asked alot of women, do you use birth control to reg.l your menstrual cycle, and if so, is it the only reason you use it, ;not a one said it was the only reason.
common sense tells you that in our society if a young woman like her is a liberal, then she most certainly is not a virgin. If she was, she should have said so.
Go ahead and anybody who wants to get on me about this, I could care less, its the truth, women today just dont want to admit to themselves that they are sluts.

is a woman who has sex with just one man a slut too if she's not married?
Why wouldnt it?
A slut is someone I've had sex with; a bitch is someone I haven't.
I'm saying you're a bitch...and its my comment, so I can use my definition.

As for the rarity of menses regulation; by your definition, I'm guessing you just talk to sluts-- your non-scientific poll holds no weight in the discussion.

Common sense (and mark twain) tell me that all generalizations are false, including this one. :laugh2:

03-05-2012, 07:46 PM
I"Actually, after further consideration, i've decided it is indeed possible to righty govern a nation without God & the Bible"

I dont think GW ever said that, please cite your source.

I will state my source as soon as Abbey states her's, so you may get to asking her (:

03-05-2012, 08:08 PM
A slut is someone I've had sex with; a bitch is someone I haven't.
I'm saying you're a bitch...and its my comment, so I can use my definition.

As for the rarity of menses regulation; by your definition, I'm guessing you just talk to sluts-- your non-scientific poll holds no weight in the discussion.

Common sense (and mark twain) tell me that all generalizations are false, including this one. :laugh2:

Fine, Im a bitch. But I know you dont really believe that even though its a non-scientific poll
I DIDNT comment

at all on the rarity of menses regulation, in relation to this topic.
generalizations, by definition will be wrong, SOMETIMES.:laugh2:

I will state my source as soon as Abbey states her's, so you may get to asking her (:

THANKS for cleaning up my quotes.

03-05-2012, 08:20 PM
Noir, my daughter and I have both taken birth control to control our periods.....the women in our family are cursed with heavy bleeding. The pills kept the bleeding down to less than a week and regulated it so that it only came every fourth week instead of every 5-6 days.

Being on the pill did not change our sexual activity one iota....we still had to use condoms for safe sex.

03-05-2012, 08:43 PM
Noir, my daughter and I have both taken birth control to control our periods.....the women in our family are cursed with heavy bleeding. The pills kept the bleeding down to less than a week and regulated it so that it only came every fourth week instead of every 5-6 days.

Being on the pill did not change our sexual activity one iota....we still had to use condoms for safe sex.
Well, perhaps not; but having menses for 1/4 of the month vs 3/4 of the month certainly improves your chances... did you have any trouble conceiving?

03-05-2012, 08:55 PM
Well, perhaps not; but having menses for 1/4 of the month vs 3/4 of the month certainly improves your chances... did you have any trouble conceiving?

No, once I went off pill it took less than 60 days.

03-05-2012, 09:03 PM
No, once I went off pill it took less than 60 days.
That's good. My cousin had irregular periods and had trouble carrying to full-term; I forget the condition, but thank God for the Children's Hospital of Orange County-- her kids were in the NICU for months, and thankfully without developmental issues.

03-05-2012, 09:10 PM
Just wanted to add the latest on the poor college stu.... I mean activist.

Sandra Fluke is being sold by the left as something she's not. Namely a random co-ed from Georgetown law who found herself mixed up in the latest front of the culture war who was simply looking to make sure needy women had access to birth control. That, of course, is not the case.

As many have already uncovered Sandra Fluke she is, in reality, a 30 year old long time liberal activist who enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students' birth control. She has been pushing for mandated coverage of contraceptives at Georgetown for at least three years according to the Washington Post.

However, as I discovered today, birth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if "gender reassignment" surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.

The title of the article, which can be purchased in full here, is Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons and was published in the Journal's 2011 Annual Review. I have posted a transcript of the section I will be quoting from here. In a subsection of the article entitled "Employment Discrimination in Provision of Employment Benefits" starting on page 635 of the review Sandra Fluke and her co-editor describe two forms of discrimination in benefits they believe LGBTQ individuals face in the work place:

"Discrimination typically takes two forms: first, direct discrimination limiting access to benefits specifically needed by LGBTQ persons, and secondly, the unavailability of family-related benefits to LGBTQ families."

Their "prime example" of the first form of discrimination? Not covering sex change operations:

"A prime example of direct discrimination is denying insurance coverage for medical needs of transgender persons physically transitioning to the other gender."

This so called "prime example" of discrimination is expounded on in a subsection titled "Gender Reassignment Medical Services" starting on page 636:

"Transgender persons wishing to undergo the gender reassignment process frequently face heterosexist employer health insurance policies that label the surgery as cosmetic or medically unnecessary and therefore uncovered."

To be clear, the argument here is that employers are engaging in discrimination against their employees who want them to pay for their sex changes because their "heterosexist" health insurance policies don't believe sex changes are medically necessary.
