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View Full Version : Obama Admin's Chu Says They Want Gas Prices To Go Up....

03-02-2012, 11:46 AM
I saw this on the news last night.

The official posistion of the dept of enery, led by a guy named CHU, blatantly stated they want gas prices to soar so that it will force everyday Americans to seek and use alternative fuel.

Maybe part of the reason is to get more of the failing Chevy Volt's sold. They were subsidized by the OBAMA admin.

And yet, HERR OBAMA says that he is doing everything he can to lower prices.

So,which onoe is lying, or both?

If they are both being truthful, then they are activelly working against each other.

Not to mention that the completely inept OBAMA ADMIN. actively worked to get Santorum votes in MIchagan, yet previously many DEMOCRAT leaders said that Obama would easily defeat MITT ROMNEY, so why are they actually scared of Romney.

Fast and Furious ,,the top dog of that dept. said he didnt know it was going on. Uh, is this just another ex of inept leadership by Obama.

Obama apologizes to the same people who just murdered two AMERICAN SOLDIERS.
AFghan troops (THE GUYS WE ARE ARMING AND TRAINING.) have turned on their NATO AND US SOLDIER allies 61 times, killing 70, wounding over 100, in the last 4 years.

20% of allied deaths in Afghanastan are from the same Afghan soldiers.

OBAMA admin denies oil pipeline to save the endangered natural wildlife area of Nebraska so they can save the fruit billed honey sucker firefly. (actually its about the FEAR of water contamination_) IT is costing both jobs in a time where unemployment is unprecedentally bad, and help keep the price of gas to continue skyrocketing.
But it sounds like FEAR is the driving factor of the OBAMA administration. HE is playing a very dangerous political game, hoping to keep the vote of the radical enviormentalists.

03-03-2012, 11:29 AM
The question is:how many Americans will wise up,educate themselves and vote this fool out of office?

The gas prices are really hurting people.My husband and brother are drywall finishers,and the boss just made them all subcontracters and took them off payroll.They now have to pay for their own gas and it is costing us an extra $80-100 a week. This week he was able to fill his work truck up for $47 only because of gas points we had on a Kroger card.

The reason the boss had to do this is because he is not being paid for the work the company is doing.The man has 3 paid off houses with excellent credit,and no bank would give him a loan for the business.

03-03-2012, 12:07 PM
This is a country that successfully declared independence from human history's greatest superpower at the time, built the panama canal, won two world wars, sent a man to the moon, and delivered countless technological innovations that changed the world yet we refuse to produce the energy needed to fuel our expansion. It's a known fact we have enough oil and gas in this country to rival the Middle East but we refuse to go after it. Gingrich was correct a few debates ago when he said we could collapse the price of oil world wide if we were serious about. What happened to the true spirit of "yes we can" in this country? We are so mired in the attitude of "no, we can't". We drum up a myriad of excuses for why we can't do something. American Exceptionalism is now a dirty word. It's a damn sad sight.

03-03-2012, 12:39 PM
This is a country that successfully declared independence from human history's greatest superpower at the time, built the panama canal, won two world wars, sent a man to the moon, and delivered countless technological innovations that changed the world yet we refuse to produce the energy needed to fuel our expansion. It's a known fact we have enough oil and gas in this country to rival the Middle East but we refuse to go after it. Gingrich was correct a few debates ago when he said we could collapse the price of oil world wide if we were serious about. What happened to the true spirit of "yes we can" in this country? We are so mired in the attitude of "no, we can't". We drum up a myriad of excuses for why we can't do something. American Exceptionalism is now a dirty word. It's a damn sad sight.

Why won't we drill here? I don't get it!

03-03-2012, 01:47 PM
Why won't we drill here? I don't get it!

Thunder man forgot to mention we were the first to split the atom and create a nuclear bomb. and nuclear energy.

One of the main, if not THE MAIN reason is because of the
continued power grab by the fed govt, they have that snobbishg, ellitist attitude thaat they dont answer to us, and they know whats best for us.

So that leads to them wanting the price of gas to go up and up and up, this will FORCE americans to seek alternative fuels, just what the enviormentalists want.

I believe north dakota alone has more oil than saudi arabia.

Its just sick and evil. I understand now what the enevitable direction and destination of our country is, and I refuse to bow to those bastards and bitches. I do alot to make sure I dont fund them, and in the near future I have some plans to get hopefully a tremendous amount of others involved. Plus we are going to soon purchase some property, probably a resort, in the philippines.

03-04-2012, 12:56 AM
They should at least be honest and propose a hike in the gas tax.