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03-07-2012, 05:24 PM
Obama wins relelection is my bet.

03-07-2012, 05:24 PM
Obama wins relelection is my bet.

Tell me WHY you think this, LN.... I'm curious to hear your reasoning.

03-07-2012, 05:26 PM
He's more popular than Mitt Romney. More states are blue this year. The person in office usually stays in office. Economys looking better.

03-07-2012, 05:32 PM
He's more popular than Mitt Romney. More states are blue this year. The person in office usually stays in office. Economys looking better.

Most polls show Romney having the advantage. The economy is still in the shitter. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Libya, Afghanistan, perhaps Iran and now potential talks about Syria.

03-07-2012, 05:37 PM
Obama wins relelection is my bet.

People are tired of eating a crap sandwich on the job market and gas prices. Romney's primary struggles will make him a more seasoned candidate, preparing him to run a good general election campaign. I predict Mitt Romney will be inaugurated President in 2013.

03-07-2012, 05:46 PM
If Romney wins the GOP nomination, then I think the general election is up for grabs. Romney is a moderate Republican who does not alienate liberal voters. I would consider voting for Romney.

If it's Gingrich or Santorum, neither of them has a chance against Obama. Because no matter how bad Obama has done in office, he is a better choice than an extreme right wing candidate. There is no way that Gingrich or Santorum pulls more than 20 percent of the vote.

03-08-2012, 12:53 AM
He's more popular than Mitt Romney. More states are blue this year. The person in office usually stays in office. Economys looking better.

How are more states blue this year? And apparently Carter was looking pretty good against Reagan around this time in 1980.

03-08-2012, 03:13 AM
If Romney is the GOP nominee, Obama is going to have a hard time against him. The economy hasnt recovered. Romney has an advantage on him there.

The census redistributed EC votes toward traditionally Red States. So Obama is starting at a disadvantage there as well.

Obama isn't an unknown quantity any more. In 2008, he could run as the hope and change candidate. No one truly understood what that meant except those on the right who opposed him. They would naturally look at him in the best light possible. Now that he has had 3+ years to show what he would do in office, he isn't an unknown. He can't play himself off as a candidate of change. People are going to have an opinion of the job he has done. The question are you better off than you were 4 years ago is applicable.

We have inflation in food and energy costs. Those are Obamas. No avoiding that whatsoever. Unemployment is still high.

Not to mention I think Iran is going to start a way sometime during the summer. The violence we will see from that and from the OWS movement in their attempt to recreate the violence of 1968 is going to reflect badly on Obama.

Obama likely will have a money advantage. But I think it's too early to know that for sure.

Romney also needs to act to unite the base around him. I think he can do this, but as of right now, that's an unknown too.

There is finally the Mormon issue. Many think this is a liability for Romney, but I disagree. I think if the left goes full anti-mormon on Romney to try to discredit and tear him down, it's going to backfire dramatically. It sure didn't help Stephen Douglas in his Presidential campaign.

03-08-2012, 04:25 AM
I'm in LN's camp in this one. I have no faith 'stupid people' no longer are in the minority.

03-08-2012, 08:46 AM
I'm in LN's camp in this one. I have no faith 'stupid people' no longer are in the minority.

But the stupid people connect what's going wrong in their life with whose picture they see on TV.

03-08-2012, 09:28 AM
But the stupid people connect what's going wrong in their life with whose picture they see on TV.

Which, if Rush is to be believed...is the target audience for most politicians. Hence the "image" games and fake PR.

I'm going to hold out a smidge of hope (but only a smidge) that a lot of the true morons will stay home on election day...and Obama will be out.

03-08-2012, 11:44 AM
so many parallels with Carter.....unemployment up, economy down, gas prices and food up, trouble with Iran.....this is the type of situation that made me a Republican in the first place.......

unemployed 9%, in part time jobs but want full time 12%, underemployed 19%, have just stopped looking 11%......I'm sure they'll all stand in line to vote for four more years of Obama......

03-09-2012, 11:30 AM
I don't understand how anyone can say the economy is looking better. Gas is high, and unemployment is 9%. Those two things alone mean people are financially struggling. The price of food is also too much.The small businesses that my husband and I work for are both struggling badly.

There obviously isn't much hiring going on either. Many companies in this area like Walgreens and even Children's Hospital have hiring freezes on.

I think Mitt has a chance in this environment,even Santorum.

03-09-2012, 11:51 AM
I don't understand how anyone can say the economy is looking better. Gas is high, and unemployment is 9%. Those two things alone mean people are financially struggling. The price of food is also too much.The small businesses that my husband and I work for are both struggling badly.

There obviously isn't much hiring going on either. Many companies in this area like Walgreens and even Children's Hospital have hiring freezes on.

I think Mitt has a chance in this environment,even Santorum.

Obama just came out with his official numbers telling us unemployment is holding steady at only 8.3%. We are just a fraction away from his promise to get unemployment down to 8%.

Barack Obama: Promises made. Promises kept.

03-09-2012, 03:53 PM
If Romney wins the GOP nomination, then I think the general election is up for grabs. Romney is a moderate Republican who does not alienate liberal voters. I would consider voting for Romney.

If it's Gingrich or Santorum, neither of them has a chance against Obama. Because no matter how bad Obama has done in office, he is a better choice than an extreme right wing candidate. There is no way that Gingrich or Santorum pulls more than 20 percent of the vote.

I completely agree with you on this.

Romney is a strong candidate, who I personally like more than the other two.

Not only is the economy still shit, but gas prices are going to work against obama as well.

Not only that the youth vote just isn't going to be energized like it was. There are to many in that age demographic that are unemployed/underemployed with massive loans. I don't see them out in force. Ditto for black voters, they came out in droves for obama and I really see them going back to their usual low voter turnout.

03-09-2012, 03:58 PM
Obama just came out with his official numbers telling us unemployment is holding steady at only 8.3%. We are just a fraction away from his promise to get unemployment down to 8%.

Barack Obama: Promises made. Promises kept.

I hope you're being sarcastic here. The promise made was that if he got his stimulus the unemployment rate WOULD NOT GO ABOVE 8%.


03-11-2012, 01:15 AM
Its the economy stupid
r u better off than u were 4 years ago,

obama is out, no doubt.
the economyis the number one issue, and it dont matter what the statistics say

word on the street is that the economy still sucks, obama sucks, gas prices are skyrocketing, and the economy is the only important issue
most people couldnt giv e a rats ass about freedom of speech, supreme court appointees, immigration, cap and trade, the wars, the deficit,
more goods coming in than going out, our credit rating sucks, counties are declaring bankruptcy, solara, the bailouts,

HMMMMM, but those also are strikes against him,. he doesnt stand a chance

03-11-2012, 01:56 AM
Its the economy stupid
r u better off than u were 4 years ago,

obama is out, no doubt.
the economyis the number one issue, and it dont matter what the statistics say

word on the street is that the economy still sucks, obama sucks, gas prices are skyrocketing, and the economy is the only important issue
most people couldnt giv e a rats ass about freedom of speech, supreme court appointees, immigration, cap and trade, the wars, the deficit,
more goods coming in than going out, our credit rating sucks, counties are declaring bankruptcy, solara, the bailouts,

HMMMMM, but those also are strikes against him,. he doesnt stand a chance

Better off than 2004, no, but 2008-- Yea, I think I am. I'm hopeful, and financially sound, stressed, but sound. Get back to me after my tuesday interview with Chevron though-- I might change my tune:coffee:

03-11-2012, 09:00 AM
Better off than 2004, no, but 2008-- Yea, I think I am. I'm hopeful, and financially sound, stressed, but sound. Get back to me after my tuesday interview with Chevron though-- I might change my tune:coffee:

Interviews are so exhausting. i have done two in the last week with the same company. Good luck on yours!! Stay cool :2up:

03-12-2012, 09:11 AM
I hope you're being sarcastic here. The promise made was that if he got his stimulus the unemployment rate WOULD NOT GO ABOVE 8%.


Dimwit Wasserman-Schultz hijacked my account!