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03-12-2012, 11:43 AM
Mitt Romney - 458
Rick Santorum - 203
Newt Gingrich - 118
Ron Paul - 66

I know there's no requirement to do so, but I believe Gingrich and Paul should drop out after tomorrow, unless one of them pulls an Ace card and wins the day. The only thing really being accomplished by them staying in, is the spending of money and the length that the GOP stays in a fight as opposed to building up a game plan against Obama for November. Quite frankly, I might even be saying the same about Santorum of Romney's lead gets any larger.


03-12-2012, 01:37 PM
Maybe Romney could start throwing out some anti-BO ads out there. Start acting like he's already won the thing and campaign for the general election at the same time.

I also expected a Ron Paul "strategy" dig. :poke: :laugh:

03-12-2012, 02:07 PM
Maybe Romney could start throwing out some anti-BO ads out there. Start acting like he's already won the thing and campaign for the general election at the same time.

I also expected a Ron Paul "strategy" dig. :poke: :laugh:

From what I've read, he's been doing that at the same time. In his "victory" speeches after winning primaries he has mostly been laying into Obama and his policies. And yeah, I'd laugh at Ron Paul being a "great strategist" again, but his numbers thus far are even funnier and speak for themselves. Anything anti Paul mostly gets ignored anyway in the hopes it'll disappear and be untrue. But it's true, and just like I stated awhile back, the old fucker was done before he even started - unless of course he wants to run as leader of Facebook, where he has a lot of "likes". :laugh2:

03-12-2012, 08:58 PM
From what I've read, he's been doing that at the same time. In his "victory" speeches after winning primaries he has mostly been laying into Obama and his policies. And yeah, I'd laugh at Ron Paul being a "great strategist" again, but his numbers thus far are even funnier and speak for themselves. Anything anti Paul mostly gets ignored anyway in the hopes it'll disappear and be untrue. But it's true, and just like I stated awhile back, the old fucker was done before he even started - unless of course he wants to run as leader of Facebook, where he has a lot of "likes".

Tell me about it. I have a bunch of hardcore Paulites elsewhere who are convinced that the media has been lying and Ron Paul has won every single caucus so far.

I don't get it. Why are some people so willing to lie to themselves over Ron Paul? I can understand liking him. He does have some good policies (and of course some atrocious ones).

But he is just a man. They act like he is a god or a prophet. or something like that. He can literally do no wrong to them, which is what's really disturbing. like when I point out that he has put tons of earmarks into bills he knew would pass and voted against them so he could claim he didnt support earmarks while getting earmarks, they just dismiss it or say he really is against earmarks. It's dishonest. But it's not wrong for him to do it because unlike those other congressman who are spending our money he's just "returning" it through spending.

I seriously don't get it. The Constitution isn't going to be saved by a single person or a President. It's going to be saved by people living it's principles, getting off their butts and taking responsibility for their lives instead of pretending as if they are entitled to anything anyone else labors to earn. It's about restoring the people not empowering one person. Even if they say they want to do good things with that power.

As for the race, I dont think anyone is dropping out. Romney has no reason to. Santorum believes in what he's doing. Newt's ego won't let him. And Paul believe in what he's doing too.

Let the people have their vote. But let's start focusing on Obama leave the other candidates alone and start building bridges instead of destroying more. But dont be afraid if the race goes longer. It means more free media time for our nominee. It means he has the chance to become a more refined campaigner. He's going to need it against Obama.

03-12-2012, 09:12 PM
I seriously don't get it. The Constitution isn't going to be saved by a single person or a President. It's going to be saved by people living it's principles, getting off their butts and taking responsibility for their lives instead of pretending as if they are entitled to anything anyone else labors to earn. It's about restoring the people not empowering one person. Even if they say they want to do good things with that power.


03-12-2012, 09:19 PM

You're too kind. Im just speaking the truth. This isn't a problem that will be solved with a single leader. This is something each and every one of us has to accept responsibility doing. We need to be the leaders in our local communities. Easier said than done. I know i struggle with this because people dont follow me. I may be able to write well and communicate well online but ironically my social skills are not really that great. It's something I struggle with constantly. Not because I want a following or anything, But because I want to be a light to the world as the Savior asked us to be. I want to do my part.

03-15-2012, 05:31 PM
Tell me about it. I have a bunch of hardcore Paulites elsewhere who are convinced that the media has been lying and Ron Paul has won every single caucus so far.

I don't get it. Why are some people so willing to lie to themselves over Ron Paul? I can understand liking him. He does have some good policies (and of course some atrocious ones).

But he is just a man. They act like he is a god or a prophet. or something like that. He can literally do no wrong to them, which is what's really disturbing. like when I point out that he has put tons of earmarks into bills he knew would pass and voted against them so he could claim he didnt support earmarks while getting earmarks, they just dismiss it or say he really is against earmarks. It's dishonest. But it's not wrong for him to do it because unlike those other congressman who are spending our money he's just "returning" it through spending.

I seriously don't get it. The Constitution isn't going to be saved by a single person or a President. It's going to be saved by people living it's principles, getting off their butts and taking responsibility for their lives instead of pretending as if they are entitled to anything anyone else labors to earn. It's about restoring the people not empowering one person. Even if they say they want to do good things with that power.

As for the race, I dont think anyone is dropping out. Romney has no reason to. Santorum believes in what he's doing. Newt's ego won't let him. And Paul believe in what he's doing too.

Let the people have their vote. But let's start focusing on Obama leave the other candidates alone and start building bridges instead of destroying more. But dont be afraid if the race goes longer. It means more free media time for our nominee. It means he has the chance to become a more refined campaigner. He's going to need it against Obama.

Good stuff here, I appreciate the part about all of us diong our part as well. that's what's really going to make the final difference.

however I will say this. I've been a luke warm republicain for years the reason being most of the republicans have been half A55 in my opion. I voted for reagan with some enthusiuam but his rethoric didn't match his actions in many cases, the same down the line.
ONE of the reasons I'm so enthusiasic about Paul is Not becuase he perfect it's that he's does really seem to live his principals. you mention the ear marks thing, I don't ignore it. it's a wart to be sure, but his voting record against such things by far overshadows those vote. the man never let his kids take student loans, He doesn't accept medicare in his practice, he's not in the pocket of Goldman Sachs. The man , as far as i can tell comes across as an honest politicain.
As far as one man changing the nation goes, You said it yourself in a post above you wish you could have more influence in your community. your 1 man. the office of the president of the U.S. is a powerful position that allows one great influence. George Bush ,1 man, Changed many peoples opion so that they can't even think another way on one issue. the idea of preemptive war sometimes called "the Bush doctrine" 1 man. one man can make wrong seem right. 1 man can make peace and self reliance popular again.
I've mentioned before that i don't think he could everything he wanted done However he could if he had a chance, to change the complexion of the executive branch for years to come.
He is the ONLY candidate that is serious about reducing the size of the gov't.
It's not the most important thing on the agenda but name one modern president that's taken ANY step except to increase the size of the size and power of the executive branch and gov't in general.
None of the candidates running are even looking in that direction.

Avatar when I read what people say here and yourself saying you don't get it.
frankly I'm baffled. every time i make a contrasting point on this board about Paul no one can answer with a cogent rely me except to say "he can't win" or other fluff based on gaseous fears.

He's the best on the economy
the only candidate whos plan will shrink the deficet and the budget
The Only candidate that will stop spending billions overseas in useless wars.
the only candidate that will stop dead, as much of the growing surveillance state.
the only candidate that will repeal years of unconstitutional executive orders.
the only candidate that will try to make the federal reserve accountable. if not abolish it.
the only candidate that truly believes that the congress should declare wars not the UN or the president on a whim.
The Only one really takes the constitution seriously as law. Instead of window dressing or like the flag, something you take out and wave around but don't really follow becuase "it's not realistic".

I've ask several people on the board to show me a candidate who by their deeds and words that is really conservative. really believes the constitution, really isn't for more big gov't and more bailouts and more expensive wars.

no one wants to really back anyone. Bad candidates they say. But No ones even described what a good one would look like. Would they vote for Bush I, W Bush, Reagan, Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Who? They don't seem like anyone.
Based on the principal of the constitution and freedom i know who i unreservedly support.

IMO the countries is about ready to fall off the cliff financially and concerning our rights were guiding into fascism waving our flags.
On both of those fronts ron paul is the only 1 who seems serious about making turn toward liberty and an free entrepreneurial prosperity and a mindset of peace.

give me an alternative and i'll take.

You still may not "get it" but that's my poor shot at it, they say only 1/3 of the American's saw a need for the American revolution too.

03-15-2012, 05:44 PM
they say only 1/3 of the American's saw a need for the American revolution too.

Too bad only 10% or so would want Paul in office, and even that's declining quickly. A good thing Paul wasn't alive to lead the charge back then. :lol:

03-18-2012, 06:06 PM
Looks like Mitt will get another 17 delegates from Puerto Rico today, with Santorum far behind thus far. The dream candidate who would potentially save the world, as per the above post, has garnered about 1% of the vote so far. :laugh2:

03-18-2012, 11:23 PM
From what I've read, he's been doing that at the same time. In his "victory" speeches after winning primaries he has mostly been laying into Obama and his policies. And yeah, I'd laugh at Ron Paul being a "great strategist" again, but his numbers thus far are even funnier and speak for themselves. Anything anti Paul mostly gets ignored anyway in the hopes it'll disappear and be untrue. But it's true, and just like I stated awhile back, the old fucker was done before he even started - unless of course he wants to run as leader of Facebook, where he has a lot of "likes". :laugh2:

Everybody, including ron paul himself, knew he had zero chance of winning.
Gingrich, by staying in, is helping Santorum, I was pulling for Santorum since the first debates when you was on the far end of the stage withg about one percent of the poll numbers of people supporting him. I didnt think he had a chance, but something just told me to root for him.

03-19-2012, 10:08 AM
Everybody, including ron paul himself, knew he had zero chance of winning.
Gingrich, by staying in, is helping Santorum, I was pulling for Santorum since the first debates when you was on the far end of the stage withg about one percent of the poll numbers of people supporting him. I didnt think he had a chance, but something just told me to root for him.

I wonder if the RP fans are aware of this? I read a story about a month ago where they asked RP if he could picture himself in the white house and he laughed and outright said no. Yet if you read other forums and websites, there are some dolts who think if it were not for a few "fraudulent" primaries, RP could be in the lead right now!! :laugh2: That cracks me up.