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View Full Version : Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry her rapist

03-14-2012, 01:40 PM
Wouldn't it be nice to have any resemblance of Shariah law implemented here in the US? These people are seriously twisted in the head.

A 16-year-old Moroccan girl has committed suicide after a judge ordered her to marry her rapist, according to Moroccan media reports.

Last year Amina’s parents filed charges against their daughter’s rapist, a man 10 years older than her but it was only recently that a judge in the northern city of Tangier decided that instead of punishing him, the two must be married.

The court’s decision to forcibly marry Amina to her rapist was supposed to “resolve” the damage of sexual violation against her, but it led to more suffering in the unwelcoming home of her rapist/husband’s family.

Traumatized by the painful experience of rape, Amina decided to end her life by consuming rat poison in the house of her husband’s family, according to the Moroccan daily al-Massae.


03-14-2012, 02:03 PM
Wouldn't it be nice to have any resemblance of Shariah law implemented here in the US? These people are seriously twisted in the head.


How disgusting.

I can definitely see why women would flock to defend this "religion"

Why woo your bride to be when you can just rape her?
