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View Full Version : Harvard Lecture on 9/11 research and government manipulations

03-15-2012, 06:39 PM
Harvard recently had a lecture on 9/11 research and government manipulations: March 2012

Some of the topics touched:

*Anthrax attack during 9/11 time frame

*Anthrax targeting U.S. Senate and Media

*The Governments story for 9/11 spoonfed to the American citizens is contradicted by much evidence

*9/11 was a multi-disciplinary effort to instill fear in Senate, Media, and American Citizens by a large group holding power in the Executive branch of Government, Military, Intelligence (CIA)

*Investigative Journalism does not exist and it is a taboo subject for investigative media to question anything sourounding the orchestrated event of 9/11

*9/11 was carried out from the Heart of the U.S.A. Military and Intelligence (CIA), to inflict a wound to the American people to
-Work the domestic population into a state of fear
-Strengthen Executive, Military, Intelligence Community
-Alow the occupation of strategic Muslim lands

http://image1.frequency.com/uri/w240_h140_ctrim_ll_b5,2/_/item/3/5/9/0/9_11_Veritas_Harvard_University_The_Fict_35906767_ thumbnail.jpg
9-11 Veritas @ Harvard University : "The Fictional Basis of the War on Terror" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0Bu-0-eKJI)

So basically 9/11 was simply the sacrificing of a pawn to gain a strategic square on the world's chessboard

Now let the O.J. Simpson defense attorneys begin their attacks...LOL

03-15-2012, 09:40 PM
Crack is a horrible drug; seek help.

03-16-2012, 04:02 AM
Crack is a horrible drug; seek help.
Nut allergies are more serious IMO-- its best to avoid them.:beer:

03-16-2012, 06:08 AM
Harvard? that is amazing, interesting at least. I'll take a look at that.
But have you looked at the details of the O. J. case, you might be surprised.

03-16-2012, 07:49 AM
Nut allergies are more serious IMO-- its best to avoid them.:beer:

You make a very interesting point. One arguably has no choice is developing a nut allergy but does have a choice in crack addiction. :beer:

03-16-2012, 10:19 AM
You make a very interesting point. One arguably has no choice is developing a nut allergy but does have a choice in crack addiction. :beer:

my daughter has a shellfish allergy which, like nut allergies, can be life-threatening. The allergic reactions grow in intensity with each exposure; luckily we have limited her exposure and her reactions have all been mild. We believe we can trace her allergy to an exposure where my other daughter was cracking crab and some of the juices got in the her eye; and it was that exposure to the foreign body that caused her immune system to develop antibodies. Not really on the OP topic, but it is a theory based solely on anecdotal and inconclusive evidence.:coffee:.

03-16-2012, 10:56 AM
... but it is a theory based solely on anecdotal and inconclusive evidence.:coffee:.

It's as good as any apparently. ;)