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View Full Version : New Black Panther Party ups Zimmerman Bounty to 1 Mil$

Gator Monroe
03-27-2012, 01:28 PM
Holder still silent .:link:

03-27-2012, 01:48 PM
Holder still silent .:link:

Limbaugh just mentioned this a few minutes ago.

Gator Monroe
03-27-2012, 01:51 PM
Limbaugh just mentioned this a few minutes ago.

Is that as good as a Link ?:lol:

03-27-2012, 04:11 PM
I think Joe Oliver, 53, and a friend of Zimmerman, stated the current state of affairs well.

"I'm a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color...All these people who are threatening George, what makes them any better than the person they think he is...You've got all these people wanting to lynch the man and they don't know the whole story. There are huge gaps that are being filled in and interpreted without evidence...I understand how they're able to leap to the conclusion. You have a dead teenager. This guy is white so it must be a hate crime. There's going to be evidence to come out that basically will justify George's concern," Oliver said...http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/25/us-usa-florida-shooting-friend-idUSBRE82O0FE20120325

03-27-2012, 08:51 PM
Who the hell ever really knows for sure about someone? How many times have we heard about someone doing a grievous act and people close just shocked because this is the last person in the world you would expect to do such a thing. Then again we hear a lot of criminal lifestyle victims who died that were all saints to those that knew them? Truth lies when the investigation is complete and accurate, the facts instead of hearsay and emotion are then presented.

03-28-2012, 02:09 AM
Who the hell ever really knows for sure about someone? How many times have we heard about someone doing a grievous act and people close just shocked because this is the last person in the world you would expect to do such a thing. Then again we hear a lot of criminal lifestyle victims who died that were all saints to those that knew them? Truth lies when the investigation is complete and accurate, the facts instead of hearsay and emotion are then presented.

Hopefully......but when the people want an excuse to riot and create chaos and mayhem, facts are irrelevant.

03-28-2012, 02:59 AM
Whether Zimmerman is charged or not, convicted or not matters little in the grand scheme of what is expected of our authorities. I think there is a perception by many that justice has been in short supply for people of color, and facts support that perception. I certainly don't confuse vengeance for justice, but there is a great deal of racial bias in our justice system; when demands for justice go unheeded, events like the one in Florida invite many to be satisficed by vengeance. The parents I grant a great deal of leeway; as were I in a similar situation, I can't say what I'd do, feel or demand. There's no easy fix here; even if Zimmerman is guilty as hell, charged and convicted, the issue of racial bias in the justice system will still continue. I suspect the New Black Panther Party understands this, and though a bounty may be purposed as seeking justice for Martin, they see this a focusing event-- its an opportunity to garner political and monetary support for their organization and cause. In so doing, they treat Trayvon Martin as a means to an end; not an end in himself. Many in the black community understand this for what it is, and a few brave the prevailing current of furor and speak out.

Here's a great oped by LZ Granderson.

I know many people think of Martin as a modern-day Emmett Till, the 14-year-old black kid from Chicago who was kidnapped and killed by a pair of racist white men in Mississippi in 1955. I tend to see Martin as the new Ryan White, the young man who was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 at the age of 13. Before White's story, the disease was in the public's peripheral vision, truly discussed only by people who experienced its impact. But once a young, innocent face became associated with AIDS, the country's attitude changed and we began addressing it more effectively.

Similarly, racial profiling was something only those directly affected would talk about. But the Martin tragedy has the potential to change that -- if we let it... I'd quote the whole article if I could. http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/27/opinion/granderson-black-panthers-trayvon/index.html

03-28-2012, 04:28 AM
^^^ I appreciate that point of view, but it's a crock of shit. :(

The 'facts' don't support racial bias in the justice system. The facts show racial inequity in terms of who faces the justice system. Those are apples, not to be compared with oranges.

With regard to the 'bounty' for his "arrest"...

If I'm zimmerman, I go down to the local sheriff's office and turn myself in, collect the bounty on myself, then go home because the fact don't support arrest. :)

03-28-2012, 05:26 AM
^^^ I appreciate that point of view, but it's a crock of shit. :(

The 'facts' don't support racial bias in the justice system. The facts show racial inequity in terms of who faces the justice system. Those are apples, not to be compared with oranges.

With regard to the 'bounty' for his "arrest"...

If I'm zimmerman, I go down to the local sheriff's office and turn myself in, collect the bounty on myself, then go home because the fact don't support arrest. :)

Maybe I misunderstand what you mean; but are you saying that its just because more blacks are charged? Even so, I checked the criminal statistics, cross-referenced by race of the victim and convicted; far greater chance for a black to be convicted to a greater sentence if a white was victimized than if a black was victimized by a black, and more than if a white victimized a black; even greater if the victim is a white woman. You wanna see the facts? Link here, page 446,450 (http://pun.sagepub.com/content/12/4/438.full.pdf+html). Below is the conclusion,

...the results of the present research provide fairly strong support for the integration of conflict and focal concerns/ blameworthiness attribution theories used here regarding the greater value placed on White homicide victims, and that such value will be further enhanced when the victim is female or when the offender is non-White. However, this pattern is not replicated for sexual assault and robbery cases.
Feel free to show contradictory evidence; but you shouldn't be so dismissive. If it is a problem, it should be addressed.

03-28-2012, 05:45 AM
Maybe I misunderstand what you mean; but are you saying that its just because more blacks are charged? Even so, I checked the criminal statistics, cross-referenced by race of the victim and convicted; far greater chance for a black to be convicted to a greater sentence if a white was victimized than if a black was victimized by a black, and more than if a white victimized a black; even greater if the victim is a white woman. You wanna see the facts? Link here, page 446,450 (http://pun.sagepub.com/content/12/4/438.full.pdf+html). Below is the conclusion,

Feel free to show contradictory evidence; but you shouldn't be so dismissive. If it is a problem, it should be addressed.

Until you develop a mind-reading machine, there's no way to PROVE racism. You can only show evidence of action, not of motivation.

03-28-2012, 09:36 AM
^^^ I appreciate that point of view, but it's a crock of shit. :(

The 'facts' don't support racial bias in the justice system. The facts show racial inequity in terms of who faces the justice system. Those are apples, not to be compared with oranges.

With regard to the 'bounty' for his "arrest"...

If I'm zimmerman, I go down to the local sheriff's office and turn myself in, collect the bounty on myself, then go home because the fact don't support arrest. :)

If unacceptable problems in the justice system are addressed for everybody, then bias become irrelevant. It seems liberals only want problems solved for certain groups of people, almost accepting if something such as incarceration conditions are unacceptable for white males for example. You are attributing too much cleverness to Zimmerman. He is after all a registered Democrat.

03-28-2012, 10:33 AM
Until you develop a mind-reading machine, there's no way to PROVE racism. You can only show evidence of action, not of motivation.

There's an app for that...:laugh2:.

03-31-2012, 02:37 PM
Hopefully......but when the people want an excuse to riot and create chaos and mayhem, facts are irrelevant.

Im surprised there hasnt been any rioting
jessie jackson, sharpton, etc are not doing anything good to quell any possible rioting, in fact they are calling for it

black panthers are a bunch of angry idiots

Until you develop a mind-reading machine, there's no way to PROVE racism. You can only show evidence of action, not of motivation.

depends of what the definition of is, is.
but serioiusly, you would have to define prove in a more narrow fashion, as there are varying levels of proof, behind a reasonable doubt, etc etc

on another note, anyone who has objectively studied history of the us, the south, and blacks, it would be extremely hard to not think, just by your common sense, that the police7 DA ETC. , would be biased against blacks.

03-31-2012, 02:48 PM
Florida IS NOT 'The South'.

Also - prejudice against today's cops based on Southern history is immoral, IMO

03-31-2012, 06:03 PM
Florida IS NOT 'The South'.

Also - prejudice against today's cops based on Southern history is immoral, IMO

florida is part of the south, and as for prejudice against the cops,,,hey, just profilin;)

03-31-2012, 07:38 PM
lol - tell Floridians they are 'Southerners'. No way. :)

Gator Monroe
03-31-2012, 08:55 PM
lol - tell Floridians they are 'Southerners'. No way. :)

You can find the thickest Southern Accents in the Florida Panhandle ( Thicker than Kentucky but with the NorthEast Texas Drawl)

03-31-2012, 09:57 PM
Florida IS NOT 'The South'.

Also - prejudice against today's cops based on Southern history is immoral, IMO

North Florida is South while South Florida is North. More specifically, Southwest Florida is Midwest while Southeast Florida is Northeast.

That should just about clear it up. :2up:

04-01-2012, 05:49 AM
You can find the thickest Southern Accents in the Florida Panhandle ( Thicker than Kentucky but with the NorthEast Texas Drawl)

I used to live 30 miles north of the pan handle. I agree...very hill-billy.

04-01-2012, 10:54 AM
This morning I placed a bounty of $50 out there for the capture of the leader of the black mans panther party. I want justice from idiots inciting violence. I want this leader brought in safely, so that I can make a citizens arrest.

Can someone make me a wanted poster with the leader of the BMPP on it? DP will pay $50 for the capture of the animal - safely. We don't condone violence, but certain animals need to be behind cages, errr bars.

04-01-2012, 06:39 PM
^ which one is he again...they all look alike:laugh2:

04-01-2012, 06:47 PM
^ which one is he again...they all look alike:laugh2:

That sounds racist. Are you trying to pull a fast one on me? I smell your up to something! :slap:

(tis a true comment, to an extent...)

04-01-2012, 07:48 PM
That sounds racist. Are you trying to pull a fast one on me? I smell your up to something! :slap:

(tis a true comment, to an extent...)

You know me too well Jimmy; as I meant they look alike because of the uniform, complete with a beret. That's the point of uniforms right?