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View Full Version : New Black Panther Party - I don't obey the white-man's law

03-30-2012, 04:40 AM
Vid at the bottom:


During an odd and fiery interview on CNN Monday night, Anderson Cooper (http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/26/bounty-put-on-trayvon-martin-shooter/?hpt=ac_t1) tussled with Mikhail Muhammad of The New Black Panther Party over the group’s reaction to the death of Florida Teen Trayvon Martin. The New Black Panther Party has offered a reward for the capture of Martin’s shooter (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/new-black-panther-party-leader-arrested-on-charges-of-gun-possession/)George Zimmerman, and cited “street people law” during the interview Monday night as justification for charging murder against George Zimmerman while calling for a citizen’s arrest.
“He committed murder, he committed a hate crime,” Muhammad told Cooper of Zimmerman, explaining, “we decided to take it upon ourselves and coalition with other groups, with other black people who have had enough.”
Anderson continued to remind Muhammad that Martin’s father has explicitly rejected the “eye for an eye” rhetoric that some members of The New Black Panther Party have used, but the spokesman appeared to ignore the father’s request.
“We are military, we are here to support Trayvon’s family,” Muhammad argued, adding that the government wasn’t really there for Trayvon Martin and that “they have killed millions of black men and women.”

Wow. This guy is equal to most-any KKK Grand Wizard. Shameful. As a black man, I apologize for this goof's idiocy. Anderson Cooper? GOOD for him. He did a great job with this.


03-30-2012, 05:30 AM
I don't obey the white-man's law = Special Housing Unit (SHU) That's easy!


The Federal Bureau of Prisons' solitary confinement units are known as Special Housing Units (SHU)

03-30-2012, 08:38 AM
I'm so happy only white people can be racist...

these freaking morons... I wish i could smack every one of them.

03-30-2012, 10:32 AM
Vid at the bottom:


Wow. This guy is equal to most-any KKK Grand Wizard. Shameful. As a black man, I apologize for this goof's idiocy. Anderson Cooper? GOOD for him. He did a great job with this.


I could see why you'd be embarrassed, ashamed, or even angered, but there's no need to apologize for another black man's idiocy. Stupid is as stupid does-- its not a racial attribute IMHO.

Gator Monroe
03-30-2012, 12:05 PM
Knuckleheads are gonna sink Zero (Obama ) in 12 Election Cycle .:clap:

03-30-2012, 12:48 PM
Watching the news today they pointed out the idiocy of these groups when they scream that whites killing blacks is out of control.

All you have to do is go to the FBI crime reports, they will set anyone strait on exactly who is killing other blacks.

Chicago recently had their 100th homicide of the year, the VAST majority are black murders commited by other black people. The race baiters don't want to talk about that though. They'd rather ignore that, and march and jump up and down about the Duke Lacross team or Zimmerman. Instead of actually fixing the problems within the black community.

The "civil rights" leaders could really make a difference if they put the spotlight on the 70% out of wedlock birthrate that the population enjoys and the out of control homicide rate. These people don't care about that though, they're out for the media coverage.

03-30-2012, 12:48 PM
Shameful. As a black man, I apologize for this goof's idiocy.

:lol: :lol: :afro:

03-30-2012, 03:08 PM
These fools fuel racism.

There was recently a 4 year old black boy killed in a hit and run here in Cincinnati. The driver and passenger of the car were black men as described by the black witnesses. Where are the Black Panthers when it comes to justice for that 4 year old?!!

Why haven't charges been pressed for their bounty? Where is Holder?

03-30-2012, 03:40 PM
These fools fuel racism.

There was recently a 4 year old black boy killed in a hit and run here in Cincinnati. The driver and passenger of the car were black men as described by the black witnesses. Where are the Black Panthers when it comes to justice for that 4 year old?!!

Why haven't charges been pressed for their bounty? Where is Holder?

The same as - where are Sharpton and Jackson when white kids get burned by black kids, or shot by blacks... Those stats references will also show that the ratio of black on white crime, to white on black, is extremely out of whack. I'm all for justice if a white person kills a black person, but this is garbage talking about how whites are killing blacks all over. It's simply not true, in the sense they want you to believe. The percentage of blacks committing crimes, or narrowed further to race, is SO much higher than the percentage of whites.

Even if you cut out 50% of the crimes committed by blacks, the percentage of blacks killing whites and crimes against whites would still be higher. And we don't have Sharpton, Jackson or the Black Panthers on our side.

I find it saddening that these guys can talk about "An eye for an eye and a life for a life" and get away with it. In theory, no crime was committed, but when offering a bounty I'm sure they can make a case for conspiracy.

Then they should press charges against Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr for furthering the opportunity of another tragedy happening.

03-30-2012, 05:05 PM
The left and especially these weenies want a race war. It's the crisis they want in order to to institute martial law and control the elections if they are even allowed to take place. It's all being carefully orchestrated from the white house.

Gator Monroe
03-30-2012, 05:08 PM
The left and especially these weenies want a race war. It's the crisis they want in order to to institute martial law and control the elections if they are even allowed to take place. It's all being carefully orchestrated from the white house.

The Far Left & Socialists see the Reset Button as a viable option .

03-31-2012, 12:07 AM
Watching the news today they pointed out the idiocy of these groups when they scream that whites killing blacks is out of control.

All you have to do is go to the FBI crime reports, they will set anyone strait on exactly who is killing other blacks.

Chicago recently had their 100th homicide of the year, the VAST majority are black murders commited by other black people. The race baiters don't want to talk about that though. They'd rather ignore that, and march and jump up and down about the Duke Lacross team or Zimmerman. Instead of actually fixing the problems within the black community.

The "civil rights" leaders could really make a difference if they put the spotlight on the 70% out of wedlock birthrate that the population enjoys and the out of control homicide rate. These people don't care about that though, they're out for the media coverage.

Hi! :bye1:

I disagrre with only one thing....it ain't the media coverage per say, that they're after, it's extortion dollars that they seek. .

The same as - where are Sharpton and Jackson when white kids get burned by black kids, or shot by blacks... Those stats references will also show that the ratio of black on white crime, to white on black, is extremely out of whack. I'm all for justice if a white person kills a black person, but this is garbage talking about how whites are killing blacks all over. It's simply not true, in the sense they want you to believe. The percentage of blacks committing crimes, or narrowed further to race, is SO much higher than the percentage of whites.

Even if you cut out 50% of the crimes committed by blacks, the percentage of blacks killing whites and crimes against whites would still be higher. And we don't have Sharpton, Jackson or the Black Panthers on our side.

I find it saddening that these guys can talk about "An eye for an eye and a life for a life" and get away with it. In theory, no crime was committed, but when offering a bounty I'm sure they can make a case for conspiracy.

Then they should press charges against Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr for furthering the opportunity of another tragedy happening.

BRAVO! WELL SAID!:yourock:

I could see why you'd be embarrassed, ashamed, or even angered, but there's no need to apologize for another black man's idiocy. Stupid is as stupid does-- its not a racial attribute IMHO.

I totally agree, an apology is NOT necessary nor warranted. I sure as hell don't apologise for the stupidity of my fellow Hispanics. Lets face it, a pinhead is a pinhead is a pinhead.

You Sir, are a patriot and a great American! :clap::salute: