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View Full Version : NBC news alters Zimmerman 911

04-01-2012, 09:10 AM
I hope people loose their jobs over this. Talk about inciting racist views. The MSM is forever calling FOX news liers and a manipulative voice of the conservative right.

Now we have a "news" organization deliberately changing a 911 tape to make it look like racial profilling.

As exposed by Fox News and media watchdog site NewsBusters (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/randy-hall/2012/03/30/msnbc-fixes-false-report-which-made-zimmerman-look-racist-doesnt-acknowl), the “Today” segment took this approach to a key part of the dispatcher call:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.Here’s how the actual conversation went down:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.


04-01-2012, 10:08 AM
Great job to Fox news and Newsbusters:clap:

This is more proof that the media can't be trusted and will manipulate anything. They have proven over and over that they stink at what they do.Disgusting.

I wonder how many other news organizatons will report on this story?

04-01-2012, 10:49 AM
I wonder how many other news organizatons will report on this story?

Fox News, Newsbusters - and now DP. My money is on not much more than that. In fact, I'd bet that if someone were to do an in-depth search, they would find a handful of nitwits defending this action. People underestimate the power of the media, how many people tune in, and how much they can affect how the nation reacts. This SHOULD be on EVERY station to inform those who may have seen the original broadcast. And whoever is responsible for editing the video should be on the unemployment line. But I'm guessing it was done so at a high level, and some poor schmuck will be blamed and take the fall.

Gator Monroe
04-01-2012, 12:00 PM
The Far Left sees the "Reset" button as a viable option, and they have duped the MSM into carrying water for this goal.

04-01-2012, 05:10 PM
If Fox had any sense they would run this non-stop, but they never seem to do that.

The MSM is really good at playing things up and making news where their is none. Fox tends to point things out, and then drop it.

Who ever is the GOP candidate should run the clip of bambam talking to the Russian's in the open mic incident, but I doubt if they do.

04-01-2012, 07:46 PM
As I was growing up hundreds of years ago I distinctly remember my elementary school teachers telling us how Russia lied to it's people in the media. We all thought that was a pretty bad thing to do.

04-04-2012, 02:23 PM
Wanted to bump this thread because I see that windsong is back and I have a question for her.

What do you think of NBC altering the 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a profilling racist???

You were very insistent that Zimmerman was the aggressor, have you changed your mind in light of the abrasions on the back of Zimm's head?

04-04-2012, 02:30 PM
Wanted to bump this thread because I see that windsong is back and I have a question for her.

What do you think of NBC altering the 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a profilling racist???

You were very insistent that Zimmerman was the aggressor, have you changed your mind in light of the abrasions on the back of Zimm's head?

Some people will be insistent about what they "think" happened no matter how much evidence and how many facts are presented.

Did you also read that NBC made a lame ass tiny apology in reference to this altering and blamed it on a nobody in the editing department. I'm baffled as to why other MSM agencies aren't on this night after night until everyone knows. And also, if people are after the TRUTH, I'm wondering why so many that were initially all over Zimmerman, have backed off even a little as a result of more and more facts coming out. Shouldn't the desire for justice be the same, regardless of who may be guilty? Some only care for justice and the truth if they're able to easily portray it as a racial issue. The more that aspect gets removed, the less some people care.

04-04-2012, 02:38 PM
Some people will be insistent about what they "think" happened no matter how much evidence and how many facts are presented.

Did you also read that NBC made a lame ass tiny apology in reference to this altering and blamed it on a nobody in the editing department. I'm baffled as to why other MSM agencies aren't on this night after night until everyone knows. And also, if people are after the TRUTH, I'm wondering why so many that were initially all over Zimmerman, have backed off even a little as a result of more and more facts coming out. Shouldn't the desire for justice be the same, regardless of who may be guilty? Some only care for justice and the truth if they're able to easily portray it as a racial issue. The more that aspect gets removed, the less some people care.

Oh, I completely agree. This story was manufactured for the MSM to push white guilt and racism.

They tried to paint Zimm as white and when that didn't work (because of his photo), well then they just made him white hispanic.

Changing the 911 tapes, posting pictures of a 14 yr old Trayvon and ignoring the lacerations on the back of Zimm's head, were necessary in order to paint the picture of racist white people targeting poor innocent black youths.

You'd think they'd have learned their lesson after the Duke Lacross fiasco, but no, they didn't bother to check the facts before pushing their agenda.

Meanwhile the poor guy who was beated into a coma with a hammer by 2 black youths (probably college bound basketball players) 6 miles from where Trayvon is shot is completely ignored because the race of the victim is wrong.

04-04-2012, 10:26 PM
Oh, I completely agree. This story was manufactured for the MSM to push white guilt and racism.

They tried to paint Zimm as white and when that didn't work (because of his photo), well then they just made him white hispanic.

Changing the 911 tapes, posting pictures of a 14 yr old Trayvon and ignoring the lacerations on the back of Zimm's head, were necessary in order to paint the picture of racist white people targeting poor innocent black youths.

You'd think they'd have learned their lesson after the Duke Lacross fiasco, but no, they didn't bother to check the facts before pushing their agenda.

Meanwhile the poor guy who was beated into a coma with a hammer by 2 black youths (probably college bound basketball players) 6 miles from where Trayvon is shot is completely ignored because the race of the victim is wrong.

I don't know if I'd say there's some media conspiracy to promote racial issues; in so far as its a just a ploy for market share=$$$.

Which story garners more viewers: man kills unarmed man during fight; or white man murders kid because 'he looks black'. I'm not saying its ethical, but I've little doubt media will play up or kill a story based on the bottom-line.

04-05-2012, 11:05 AM
I don't know if I'd say there's some media conspiracy to promote racial issues; in so far as its a just a ploy for market share=$$$.

Which story garners more viewers: man kills unarmed man during fight; or white man murders kid because 'he looks black'. I'm not saying its ethical, but I've little doubt media will play up or kill a story based on the bottom-line.

Many liberals have white guilt, so yes I think they push stories like this and ignor crimes when it's black on white.

They deliberately ramp them up in order to attract the race baiters

04-05-2012, 03:10 PM
Of course they did. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

04-05-2012, 03:16 PM
Of course they did. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Do you read before you post? Ever? You do realize you're rolling your eyes at the thought of them doing such a thing - and they've already acknowledged it and apologized?