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View Full Version : black shoots hispanic no arrests

04-10-2012, 11:52 AM
Here is a mentally handicaped man walking a dog and a black man shoots him FROM HIS CAR.

I don't see self defence since the man with the dog had no weapon. Where's the national media condemning this crime??

The black man has NOT been charged.

They got into an altercation and Adkins was shot once by the driver. He died at the scene.
The driver, a 22-year-old black male, called police but has not been arrested.
At first, the couple claimed that Adkins had a metal pipe that he swung at them -- but it turns out he was holding a dog leash with his yellow lab on the other end.


04-10-2012, 12:13 PM
Executed for walking his dog. I can't believe this man was stalked and hunted down like his dog. Killed for simply wanting a taco.

With my sarcasm out of the way - let's take bets on how long before we never hear about this story again.

04-10-2012, 12:17 PM
Executed for walking his dog. I can't believe this man was stalked and hunted down like his dog. Killed for simply wanting a taco.

With my sarcasm out of the way - let's take bets on how long before we never hear about this story again.

An animal lover ? Executed ? OMG

04-10-2012, 12:19 PM
Executed for walking his dog. I can't believe this man was stalked and hunted down like his dog. Killed for simply wanting a taco.

With my sarcasm out of the way - let's take bets on how long before we never hear about this story again.

Its different though; as this man was mentally disabled, I'll bet he didn't get A's and B's in school-- thus, it's not as much of a loss.

04-10-2012, 12:43 PM
A remarkably similar case to Zimmerman's. We have a witness that corroborates the shooter's story that an altercation took place with Adkins taking a swing at the driver and driver shot back in self defense. The shooter has yet to be arrested.
But yeah, won't be much media hoopla with this one because the shooter doesn't have a drop of white blood in him and the victim doesn't have a drop of black blood in him.
Oh, and the shooter wasn't a cop.

04-10-2012, 01:17 PM
A case of two minorities and a shooting, although if the hispanic was the shooter he could have been seen as "white hispanic", but he wasn't so no one cares.

Jessy and Al won't be running off to Phoenix yelling about hispanics being hunted down like dogs by aggressive, vigilante black men.

If there was ever a case where the shooter needed arrested here it is. The black guy could have simply rolled up his windows and driven away. I doubt the mentally handicaped, hispanic guys yellow lab was trained as an attack dog.

04-10-2012, 03:52 PM
Here is a mentally handicaped man walking a dog and a black man shoots him FROM HIS CAR.

This (and the reverse) happens in South Central LA every day.

04-10-2012, 06:55 PM
This (and the reverse) happens in South Central LA every day.I believe thats the point gabs... Where is all the outcry when this is a daily occurence, where is Jesse jackson, Al sharpton, liberal media, or hell even Wind Song????:poke:

everyone goes apeshit nuts when a white person kills someone of color yet they kill each other every day and kill whites everyday and yet NOTHING is said... just pathetic.....

04-10-2012, 09:51 PM
there are 2 points here it seems to me.
one, everyone so far here seems to think the guy in THIS story should be arrested. i agree.
seems there's no need to 2nd and 3rd 4th guess the story here as was done for a few pages now with the T.M. shooting giving the shooter ever benny of the doubt and assuming the worse about Travon with every tibit that could be had ,by some.

But Based on what's been said in this thread so far BOTH this Guy AND Zimmerman should have been arrested correct? Are we're agreed with the liberal media and Al Sharpton etc. etc..

If it's the same. right?

Now as far as media/left/politico outcry and fairness
well can i talk about Ron Paul for a minute... :)

04-11-2012, 06:56 AM
there are 2 points here it seems to me.
one, everyone so far here seems to think the guy in THIS story should be arrested. i agree.
seems there's no need to 2nd and 3rd 4th guess the story here as was done for a few pages now with the T.M. shooting giving the shooter ever benny of the doubt and assuming the worse about Travon with every tibit that could be had ,by some.

But Based on what's been said in this thread so far BOTH this Guy AND Zimmerman should have been arrested correct? Are we're agreed with the liberal media and Al Sharpton etc. etc..

If it's the same. right?

Now as far as media/left/politico outcry and fairness
well can i talk about Ron Paul for a minute... :)Rev,

NO ONE has said that zimmerman shouldn't be arrested, what has been said is that the media has all but tried and convicted him, yet when a story like this pops up about two minorities or a minority killing a white its brushed under the rug or somehow acceptable, the question that has been posed time and again.. "why the double standard". we here all about racism yet it seems to any rational thinking person that the only racism going on is the fact that blacks are "ALLOWED" to murder other blacks, minorities, and white without the same scrutiny as whites.. Why is that??

04-11-2012, 11:04 AM
Jackson, Sharpton, et al are more concerned with drawing attention to themselves than achieving civil rights. Which is why you never see them address black on black or black on brown violence.
To gain attention, you need to create or step into a polarizing event. Gang violence and inner city turmoil is a daily event. It doesn't create news. The Florida event is tailor made for "activists" to stick their noses into.

04-11-2012, 11:30 AM
Jackson, Sharpton, et al are more concerned with drawing attention to themselves than achieving civil rights. Which is why you never see them address black on black or black on brown violence.
To gain attention, you need to create or step into a polarizing event. Gang violence and inner city turmoil is a daily event. It doesn't create news. The Florida event is tailor made for "activists" to stick their noses into.

You could not be anymore right IMHO.

The sad part is that our "journalists" play up their victimhood, going as far as chaning 911 tapes and editing out violence on the part of Trayvon.

04-11-2012, 11:36 AM
there are 2 points here it seems to me.
one, everyone so far here seems to think the guy in THIS story should be arrested. i agree.
seems there's no need to 2nd and 3rd 4th guess the story here as was done for a few pages now with the T.M. shooting giving the shooter ever benny of the doubt and assuming the worse about Travon with every tibit that could be had ,by some.

But Based on what's been said in this thread so far BOTH this Guy AND Zimmerman should have been arrested correct? Are we're agreed with the liberal media and Al Sharpton etc. etc..

If it's the same. right?

Now as far as media/left/politico outcry and fairness
well can i talk about Ron Paul for a minute... :)

Actually their is one BIG difference between these two events.

Zimmerman has witnesses that back up his claim of being beaten, he also displayed injuries on the back of his head.

The guy in the CAR has no such evidence to back up his excessive use of force, so in this case I think he definitally should have been arrested.

04-16-2012, 11:31 PM

NO ONE has said that zimmerman shouldn't be arrested, what has been said is that the media has all but tried and convicted him, yet when a story like this pops up about two minorities or a minority killing a white its brushed under the rug or somehow acceptable, the question that has been posed time and again.. "why the double standard". we here all about racism yet it seems to any rational thinking person that the only racism going on is the fact that blacks are "ALLOWED" to murder other blacks, minorities, and white without the same scrutiny as whites.. Why is that??

I really don't want to get back into this but the thing you mentioned stands out here as one of the main points that keep coming up.

somehow Blacks "get away with" or are allowed to shot blacks others and whites.

it's another double standard. blacks can't win.

over in the other threads other were trying to tell me that prisons are full of blacks because they murder and steal to much.

so which is it, are blacks ALLOWED to get away with it or are they filling the prisons because they are arrested for shooting people (no matter if the motive is racist or not). But I'm not sure what to believe. either way it's head whites win tails blacks lose.

that seems to me to be a POV problem.

the main point with Zimmerman was he wasn't arrested and the black kid appears innocent. I've posted videos of cops arresting and beating people for absolutely nothing, and folks given a ride downtown for mouthing off. When someone is killed by a gun and the other person is unarmed an arrested seems in order. a story by the shooter should not be enough. The race of the people involved inflamed the situation for sure. to say the least, there is a long history of this kind of thing. most don't like to talk about, most would rather everyone forget about it but a situation like this brings the memory vividly to mind. the memory of generations of whites literally getting away with murder. Murder condoned, allowed, promoted by the authorities against blacks and Indians. the last 1/2 of the20th century of inner city blacks slide into high rates of crime has never been condoned by anyone but criminals. Decent people of all races condemn racism and racism as a motive for murder. Even most black panthers and Malcom X finally only wanted to defend themselves. Not kill whitey.

the history won't make this type of thing go away anytime some. what you seem consider a fair look at the issue is only looking at it without the long history of injustice that we like to claim is all past but is still in question. the Jews say never forget and we stand by them but in the US we want to forget the native Americans and the blacks history and simply think of ourselves as a great and wonderful country. Sure we're a bless country but that's not the whole story.

i'm rambling sorry