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View Full Version : Interview with candidate?

04-11-2012, 12:00 AM
I think we need an interview with Logroller ... especially if he's running as VP on ticket with FJ!!

04-11-2012, 01:38 AM
I was hoping t be interviewed pending my victory in the debate with luvRP. However, at the current posting rate, I fear it might not happen before the general election, let alone the primary;) If you want to interview me, I'd be honored.

04-11-2012, 02:35 AM
I was hoping t be interviewed pending my victory in the debate with luvRP. However, at the current posting rate, I fear it might not happen before the general election, let alone the primary;) If you want to interview me, I'd be honored.

First question:

How do you plan to get the female vote?

Feel free to post pics ... you know us females are swayed by a candidate's looks.

04-11-2012, 05:19 AM
First question:

How do you plan to get the female vote?

Feel free to post pics ... you know us females are swayed by a candidate's looks.

Females can vote; since when? That was gonna be one of my campaign promises.
Sure enough; Article 19, ratified in 1920

Looks like repealing prohibition is off the agenda too; there goes my appeal to college crowd :scratcheshead:...
Alright, pics it is.


I'm a good listener, have strong family values and a good sense of humor. I've been both a working parent and stay-at-home dad; so i know what its like to have the shoe on the other foot. With hard work, commitment and love, I've managed to keep my wife around for 10+ years, 11 in July. I'm good at math too; crunching some numbers I found that, given my experience keeping one woman happy for 10.8 years, I should be able to keep 150 million American women happy for 2.8 seconds each. Coincidentally,(perhaps not so), that's about how long it takes to punch the FJ/LR chad out of your ballot. You deserve to be happy-- Vote FJ/LR 2012!