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View Full Version : Gas prices favor no party or president

04-14-2012, 08:58 PM
Interesting analysis of gas prices over the last two administrations:


A 95% spike in gas prices since Obama took office hasn't pleased many American drivers -- it's even worse when you consider the 116.3% peak spike -- but this isn't the worst since 1990.

In fact, George W. Bush's administration experienced a 179.6% spike in gasoline prices during two weeks of his presidency. A regular gallon of gas peaked at $4.11 on July 7, 2008, which was 14 cents higher than the most expensive week in Obama's first term.

04-16-2012, 09:19 PM
So what you're saying is that you admit that when the left was claiming that Bush was forcing the oil prices up to make his oil buddies rich, they were lying?

04-17-2012, 09:30 AM
Hey now, let's not go spiking the ball. She's actively admitting both parties haven't done shit about the gas prices.

As to the actual point of the gas prices, of course they haven't actually had any real effect. The only thing that ever seems to happen is that they remove the taxes or lower them a bit, but that's only mitigating the rise. If we want to see the gas prices actually go down, that requires real leadership, and we just don't have that right now, and I doubt we will even after this election.

As long as we continue to have leadership that is afraid to upset anyone, things will remain much the same.

04-17-2012, 12:02 PM
Gabby, read that article a little closer. The guy is trying really hard to spin the numbers to conclude gas prices will have no effect on Obama's re-election. He's wrong. Most of his examples he uses either took place during a second term or the numbers were just not significant enough to have an effect. The only exception is during Dubya's re-election when gas rose 38% BUT that happened during the week of his re-election. Not nearly enough time to sink in and have an effect on his numbers.

The Obama administration is a completely different animal. Unlike previous Presidents who saw gas rise and fall over the course of their terms, under Obama gas has steadily risen nearly 100% over the course of his first term. Anyone who thinks this will not have a detrimental effect on his re-election bid is hiding their head in the sand. Even if Presidents have little control over the price of gas, Americans will view this as part of the overall economic malaise of the country which is squarely in the hands of Obama now.

04-17-2012, 07:14 PM
Gabby, read that article a little closer. The guy is trying really hard to spin the numbers to conclude gas prices will have no effect on Obama's re-election. He's wrong. Most of his examples he uses either took place during a second term or the numbers were just not significant enough to have an effect. The only exception is during Dubya's re-election when gas rose 38% BUT that happened during the week of his re-election. Not nearly enough time to sink in and have an effect on his numbers.

The Obama administration is a completely different animal. Unlike previous Presidents who saw gas rise and fall over the course of their terms, under Obama gas has steadily risen nearly 100% over the course of his first term. Anyone who thinks this will not have a detrimental effect on his re-election bid is hiding their head in the sand. Even if Presidents have little control over the price of gas, Americans will view this as part of the overall economic malaise of the country which is squarely in the hands of Obama now.

But Gabby didn't say anything about that. She merely noted that NEITHER party affected gas prices.

Anton Chigurh
04-17-2012, 08:03 PM

Wildmon Wilder
04-20-2012, 07:20 PM
Gas prices are heading back down. Must be some strong leadership coming out of D.C.

04-20-2012, 07:49 PM

Or were you serious? Can't tell yet. :poke:

04-20-2012, 07:51 PM
Gas prices are heading back down. Must be some strong leadership coming out of D.C.so when it goes back up later this summer does that point to a lack of lradership. I find it funny that libs say if something is doing good it must be the leadership yet when it goes bad it's just the way thing are. YOU can't have it both ways..
So are you going to condemn when they shoot up this summer??? Or is it all Dubya fault again???

Mr. P
04-20-2012, 11:25 PM
Gas prices are heading back down. Must be some strong leadership coming out of D.C.

Would that be the same "strong" leadership that has added 5 TRILLION to the national debt?
Or the one that hasn't addressed the economy with a budget that his own party would promote?
Or the one who said "I'll reduce the debt by 1/2 or I'll be a one term.." loser?