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View Full Version : Everyone against cancer, unless you're a male over 11...

04-15-2012, 01:53 PM
So I've been thinking for a while about taking part in a charity run/trek etc of some sort. Spurred on by my gf and one of her friends signing up for a charity swim a few months ago.

Anyways I got talking to a friend who's signed up to do a cancer run for a nation-wide charity, so I looked them up an discovered that they're doing a 5K run in a city near me in 2 months, perfect!

Alas not, it turns out that even though the run is for general cancer funding, and that there slogan is 'All of us against cancer' it turns out that you can only run if you are a) a woman or b) a boy under 11 years old. Apparently they don't want men because it will create an 'atmosphere'

Anyways, three options;
A) Forget about it.
B) Send them an email about my displeasure at the apparent, needless sexism.
C) Fill in the online form as a Ms, get sponsorship, and deal with it when it comes to raceday?

I really wana do C, because looking around the net I've found a lot of people complaining about it, and by signing up and getting the sponspership I'm putting them into a corner as far as the sexist issue goes. *If* they refuse me on race day that's a big statement that shows them in a very negative light IMO. *if* they let me run that sets a precedence that would hopefully allow other men to run in the future.

Though Ofcourse if I'm denied the right to run ill just run the course on the pavement and donate the sponsored monies afterwards.


04-15-2012, 02:07 PM
Both men and women get cancer. Both can help raising money to find cures. I'm not sure of their reasoning, but I don't agree with leaving anyone out who is willing to help. If you join to protest in some manner, I would tread lightly and don't make a bigger scene than necessary. Remember, you're there to help, not to prove a point. (if that makes sense)

04-15-2012, 02:14 PM
Anyways, three options;
A) Forget about it.
B) Send them an email about my displeasure at the apparent, needless sexism.
C) Fill in the online form as a Ms, get sponsorship, and deal with it when it comes to raceday?

D) write them a big check and STFU?.........

04-15-2012, 02:38 PM
Both men and women get cancer. Both can help raising money to find cures. I'm not sure of their reasoning, but I don't agree with leaving anyone out who is willing to help. If you join to protest in some manner, I would tread lightly and don't make a bigger scene than necessary. Remember, you're there to help, not to prove a point. (if that makes sense)

Exactly, well, in a sense I am there to prove a point, but I don't want that point overshadowing the point if running (which is why i know I'd run a parallel course and put the money to the same cause if denied the official route.)

D) write them a big check and STFU?.........

Well that sounds just as boring as opinion A, but I guess if you don't care then you don't care, fair enough.

04-15-2012, 04:54 PM
Start up your own Breast Cancer Fund. You can make a living doing it.

04-15-2012, 08:31 PM
Anyways, three options;
C) Fill in the online form as a Ms, get sponsorship, and put on some lipstick.
D) Fill in the online form, adjust age as necessary.

I think if you were to shave you could pull off either option.

04-16-2012, 08:37 AM
Well that sounds just as boring as opinion A, but I guess if you don't care then you don't care, fair enough.

let's be honest......do you care about cancer or do you care about whether you get to run?.......you could write them a check and run 5k in the opposite direction.....

04-16-2012, 09:52 AM
But take half of your funds and alternative medicines info on Cancer treatment and pass that out to the families.

please watch the 1st 10 minutes of this film.


<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jMqwAwgI_Po?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="360" width="640"></object>

this ONE of many apparent cancer cures/improvements

the book Knockout documents several others.
the gersom miricle

Glen Beck ran a story about a possible cancer cure in Canada.
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DotT8L2ILFI?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="360" width="640"></object>

and theres' more ...

but give your money (if you like) and run to get out the word.

04-20-2012, 07:37 AM
let's be honest......do you care about cancer or do you care about whether you get to run?.......you could write them a check and run 5k in the opposite direction.....

Mkay, well if we're being honest, reading what you've written made me wana tell you to go fuck yourself, idk what exactly your thoughts of me (or others) are to think that's a reasonable thing to assume, never mind to say to someone. But in any case I doubt what I could say would make you think otherwise, so be on your way and assume whatever you like, and like I have said, regardless of if Im allow to run the officall route or not, I'd run a parallel course and send the money I'd been sponsored for.

04-20-2012, 07:39 AM
I think if you were to shave you could pull off either option.

Yeah they have the problem of defining who can run under sex, male/female. But make the applications gender based, so I need not wear lipstick ^,^