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04-18-2012, 09:24 PM
Coulter nails it once again... and draws the inevitable conclusions that the media point to, but dare not name, themselves.

A pretty good summary, too, of the history of "gun control", which started with efforts to deprive black people and other minorities of their right to keep and bear arms.

Even back then, "Gun Control" was not about guns. It was about control.



Negroes with guns

by Ann Coulter

Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of "stand your ground" laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC'S Karen Finney blamed "the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.")

This would be like demanding more funding for the General Services Administration after seeing how its employees blew taxpayer money on a party weekend in Las Vegas.

We don't know the facts yet, but let's assume the conclusion MSNBC is leaping to is accurate: George Zimmerman stalked a small black child and murdered him in cold blood, just because he was black.

If that were true, every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association, America's oldest and most august civil rights organization.

Apparently this has occurred to no one because our excellent public education system ensures that no American under the age of 60 has the slightest notion of this country's history.

Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance.

(Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is an ACLU'er, but every ACLU'er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.)

In 1640, the very first gun control law ever enacted on these shores was passed in Virginia. It provided that blacks -- even freemen -- could not own guns.

Chief Justice Roger Taney's infamous opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford circularly argued that blacks could not be citizens because if they were citizens, they would have the right to own guns: "[I]t would give them the full liberty," he said, "to keep and carry arms wherever they went."

With logic like that, Republicans eventually had to fight a Civil War to get the Democrats to give up slavery.

Alas, they were Democrats, so they cheated.

After the war, Democratic legislatures enacted "Black Codes," denying black Americans the right of citizenship -- such as the rather crucial one of bearing arms -- while other Democrats (sometimes the same Democrats) founded the Ku Klux Klan.

For more than a hundred years, Republicans have aggressively supported arming blacks, so they could defend themselves against Democrats.

The original draft of the Anti-Klan Act of 1871 -- passed at the urging of Republican president Ulysses S. Grant -- made it a federal felony to "deprive any citizen of the United States of any arms or weapons he may have in his house or possession for the defense of his person, family, or property." This section was deleted from the final bill only because it was deemed both beyond Congress' authority and superfluous, inasmuch as the rights of citizenship included the right to bear arms.

Under authority of the Anti-Klan Act, President Grant deployed the U.S. military to destroy the Klan, and pretty nearly completed the job.

But the Klan had a few resurgences in the early and mid-20th century. Curiously, wherever the Klan became a political force, gun control laws would suddenly appear on the books.

This will give you an idea of how gun control laws worked. Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How's that "may issue" gun permit policy working for you?

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence -- including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high -- beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

But it was not until he got a charter from the NRA in 1957 and founded the Black Armed Guard that the Klan got their comeuppance in Monroe.

Williams' repeated thwarting of violent Klan attacks is described in his stirring book, "Negroes With Guns." In one crucial battle, the Klan sieged the home of a black physician and his wife, but Williams and his Black Armed Guard stood sentry and repelled the larger, cowardly force. And that was the end of it.

As the Klan found out, it's not so much fun when the rabbit's got the gun.

The NRA's proud history of fighting the Klan has been airbrushed out of the record by those who were complicit with the KKK, Jim Crow and racial terror, to wit: the Democrats.

In the preface to "Negroes With Guns," Williams writes: "I have asserted the right of Negroes to meet the violence of the Ku Klux Klan by armed self-defense -- and have acted on it. It has always been an accepted right of Americans, as the history of our Western states proves, that where the law is unable, or unwilling, to enforce order, the citizens can, and must act in self-defense against lawless violence."

Contrary to MSNBC hosts, I do not believe the shooting in Florida is evidence of a resurgent KKK. But wherever the truth lies in that case, gun control is always a scheme of the powerful to deprive the powerless of the right to self-defense.

04-18-2012, 10:40 PM
A: Ann Coulter has been nailed more often than she has nailed anything.

B: Ann Coulter is paid to piss people off, not to be factual or unbiased.

C: Gun nuts will believe anything.

04-18-2012, 11:47 PM
A: Ann Coulter has been nailed more often than she has nailed anything.

B: Ann Coulter is paid to piss people off, not to be factual or unbiased.

C: Gun nuts will believe anything.


Are you one of those Coulter-phobics?

Gator Monroe
04-19-2012, 12:27 AM
Democrats Have had Ties to Both The Klan & Gun Control since the beginning of Both:clap:

04-19-2012, 07:23 AM

Well since you've done nothing to debunk the easily debunkable, it must be true. Phew.

04-19-2012, 08:05 AM
A: Ann Coulter has been nailed more often than she has nailed anything.

B: Ann Coulter is paid to piss people off, not to be factual or unbiased.

C: Gun nuts will believe anything.Why do you always associate someone who wants to keep their constitutional rights to gun ownership a "nut"?? I don't understand why you always go down that path... :poke:

04-19-2012, 08:11 AM
A: Ann Coulter has been nailed more often than she has nailed anything.

B: Ann Coulter is paid to piss people off, not to be factual or unbiased.

C: Gun nuts will believe anything.

Are you referencing Ann Coulter's sex life here?

04-19-2012, 11:00 AM
Why do you always associate someone who wants to keep their constitutional rights to gun ownership a "nut"?? I don't understand why you always go down that path... :poke:
This is the nature of being a Liberal. Anyone who does not agree with them MUST be insane.

04-19-2012, 11:45 AM
As usual, people like little gabby can't refute Coulter's points. But they hate them anyway, so their response is instead to attack the messenger, smear her, lie about her, and throw in a few smears agains the American people for good measure.

Nothing new or unusual here. People of little gabby's ilk do this so often you can set your watch by it.

Back to the subject:
Coulter emphasizes mostly the tendency of "gun controllers" back then, to concentrate their efforts on restricting black people, and pays less attention to modern day, where the Democrats have shifted their attention to trying to restrict guns in EVERYBODY'S hands, not just black people. I wish she had pointed out this shift more starkly.

The Democrats and other big-govt pushers are far from finished. As I mentioned earlier, gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. The racism of the Democrats back in postbellum days provided them a handy excuse to exert illegal government control oover "some" people, whom they frequently referred to as "those people". But with the failure of their attempts to restrict and oppress blacks, they have expanded their efforts to encompass everybody. Nowadays you find the Democrats restricting everybody together, from owning guns, making their own choices on Health Care, negotiating their own wages and working conditions, and growing government bigger and bigger to enforce their decisions and provide the overarching control they want to impose on the entire populace.

Coulter points out the roots of the problem, but there's a lot more to this noxious weed than just the roots.

04-19-2012, 01:07 PM
This thread reminds me of the movie 24 Hours when Eddie Murphy told that redneck he was his worst nightmare, a nigger with a badge LOL I couldn't find a clip anywhere online.

04-19-2012, 01:13 PM
A: Ann Coulter has been nailed more often than she has nailed anything.

B: Ann Coulter is paid to piss people off, not to be factual or unbiased.

C: Gun nuts will believe anything.

Forget Coulter wrote the article. Forget your initial thoughts anout pissing people off. Can you look at the article objectively and specify to us what isn't factual? What it is that "gun nuts" will believe, but people like yourself will not? In other words, instead of blabbering, discuss the facts?

04-19-2012, 01:23 PM
Forget Coulter wrote the article. Forget your initial thoughts anout pissing people off. Can you look at the article objectively and specify to us what isn't factual? What it is that "gun nuts" will believe, but people like yourself will not? In other words, instead of blabbering, discuss the facts?

I think part of the issue is that there are REAL gun nuts out there. Just as there are REAL vegan nuts , or what have you out there to, and it seems to be human nature to lump everyone who shares ANY beliefs with the extreme in with the extreme and Gabby seems to be doing that here. But to be fair, I've seen you do it to on other topics; and I don't deny that I have also done it.

Gun "nuts" will believe that the government has a secret plan to sneak into your house in the middle of the night and steal all your guns. Gun owners, like myself, know that isn't going to happen, and no one is even going to try to do it.

All you have to do is read Rev's posts and extrapolate and realize that there are a lot of crazy conspiratists out there who believe a lot of crazy things. But that doesn't mean that that glove fits EVERYONE. Looks like Gabby forgot that in this thread.

04-19-2012, 01:33 PM
I think part of the issue is that there are REAL gun nuts out there. Just as there are REAL vegan nuts , or what have you out there to, and it seems to be human nature to lump everyone who shares ANY beliefs with the extreme in with the extreme and Gabby seems to be doing that here. But to be fair, I've seen you do it to on other topics; and I don't deny that I have also done it.

Gun "nuts" will believe that the government has a secret plan to sneak into your house in the middle of the night and steal all your guns. Gun owners, like myself, know that isn't going to happen, and no one is even going to try to do it.

All you have to do is read Rev's posts and extrapolate and realize that there are a lot of crazy conspiratists out there who believe a lot of crazy things. But that doesn't mean that that glove fits EVERYONE. Looks like Gabby forgot that in this thread.No they won't "sneak" into your house but right after registration of all guns will come the possible confiscation of said guns. If they know where they are they can go get them.. Nothing "nutty" or "conspiratorial" about it. Just look at history and how that has worked in other countries.....

Gun owners like ME are very wary of the govt having too much information on any of its law abiding citizens, you seem to forget the simple question of "WHY DO THEY NEED THAT INFORMATION"?? You're happy giving them (the govt and their designated entities) information that has no bearing for what you and people like you do.. You say there is "no way" the govt will do that.. I say you are flat out wrong!

I think that those people that feel the govt is somehow altruistic in everything it does are simple minded and misguided at best!!!

04-19-2012, 01:36 PM
No they won't "sneak" into your house but right after registration of all guns will come the possible confiscation of said guns. If they know where they are they can go get them.. Nothing "nutty" or "conspiratorial" about it. Just look at history and how that has worked in other countries.....

Gun owners like ME are very wary of the govt having too much information on any of its law abiding citizens, you seem to forget the simple question of "WHY DO THEY NEED THAT INFORMATION"?? You're happy giving them (the govt and their designated entities) information that has no bearing for what you and people like you do.. You say there is "no way" the govt will do that.. I say you are flat out wrong!

I think that those people that feel the govt is somehow altruistic in everything it does are simple minded and misguided at best!!!

WTF are you talking about ? I have well over 100 guns and I'm not one bit worried about them knowing I have them because quite simply I'm not a conspiracy nut who believes that after 250 years suddenly the US is going to nullify the 2nd Amendment. Oh and they better send the 82nd if they plan on confiscating any guns from Arkansas.

04-19-2012, 01:41 PM
WTF are you talking about ? I have well over 100 guns and I'm not one bit worried about them knowing I have them because quite simply I'm not a conspiracy nut who believes that after 250 years suddenly the US is going to nullify the 2nd Amendment. Oh and they better send the 82nd if they plan on confiscating any guns from Arkansas.WTF I'm talking about is that you and folks just like you give up little by little to the mandates of the govt based on the good of everyone or a small concession on this or that. You have proven that in your posts over the last few days, you have been all for govt intrusion into the private lives of "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS".

I am by no means a conspiracy nut or a doom and gloom person, however a small dose of paranoia goes a long way to keeping yourself safe and healthy, once again we come to the question of "why does the govt need all the information they gather"?? hmm????

04-19-2012, 01:42 PM
** off topic, and racist **

The name of this thread would make for a good title for a Horror movie. :afro::popcorn:

04-19-2012, 02:05 PM
WTF I'm talking about is that you and folks just like you give up little by little to the mandates of the govt based on the good of everyone or a small concession on this or that. You have proven that in your posts over the last few days, you have been all for govt intrusion into the private lives of "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS".

I am by no means a conspiracy nut or a doom and gloom person, however a small dose of paranoia goes a long way to keeping yourself safe and healthy, once again we come to the question of "why does the govt need all the information they gather"?? hmm????

And you for some reason believe that a country of 350M people , 300M of whom are certified idiots, can possibly truly have the same level of law enforcement that a country of a few thousand had over 250 years ago. That is NOT realistic. Yes, in Thomas Jefferson's day you could own all the flint locks you wanted and didn't have to tell the government anything; but a few key differences.

1. Obviously the level of firepower. I don't think anyone can compare the damage a .40 S&W can do to what one of those old ass flint locks could have done

2. People are just more willing now to shoot another person , hell even when I was in HS , I graduated in 1989, we had fights EVERY day , and we had pickups with guns hanging in the back window all over the parking lot, but no one EVER thought about going and getting one and shooting someone, let alone bringing one from home to shoot up the entire school. And that's not even mentioning domestic violence issues, I'm sure some assholes slapped their wives around and shit back then, but you don't read to many stories of men shooting their wives and or family.

Nowadays? Hell we have people who will kill over a fucking turkey leg.

3. Gun responsibility. Frankly, it just isn't taught today. Any idiot can go in and plop down a couple hundred bucks and buy an item capable of injuring or killing with little regard to being taught safe ownership.

4. People are stupid. As an example, I have a cousin who is about 5'0 tall and weighs maybe 110 lbs and the idiot is hauling around a nickel plated .45 in her purse, not because the moron needs it, just because she can; and that's okay but not when its a weapon you have no possible way of controlling even if you did have to use it. I guarantee she would be a danger to everyone but her intended target if she ever did have to draw it; and she's not alone.

In short, laws have to adapt to the population as a whole, and not everyone is a responsible person, so the laws are not aimed at responsible people and they can't be.

04-19-2012, 02:08 PM
WTF are you talking about ? I have well over 100 guns and I'm not one bit worried about them knowing I have them because quite simply I'm not a conspiracy nut who believes that after 250 years suddenly the US is going to nullify the 2nd Amendment. Oh and they better send the 82nd if they plan on confiscating any guns from Arkansas.

You have over 100 guns. I presume they are all registered, or at least most of them. So the govt already knows where to find your guns. And all it takes is one executive order to nullify the 2nd Amendment. The 82nd won't show up, but ATF will. And my guess is that at that point they won't be worrying about legalities and your rights. You'll just be one of many going down.

Right now we are still talking WHATIF, but we are a small step away from ACTUAL. It's always a good idea to prepare for WHATIF even if it seems far fetched at the moment.

04-19-2012, 02:12 PM
You have over 100 guns. I presume they are all registered, or at least most of them. So the govt already knows where to find your guns. And all it takes is one executive order to nullify the 2nd Amendment. The 82nd won't show up, but ATF will. And my guess is that at that point they won't be worrying about legalities and your rights. You'll just be one of many going down.

Right now we are still talking WHATIF, but we are a small step away from ACTUAL. It's always a good idea to prepare for WHATIF even if it seems far fetched at the moment.

I don't KNOW how many are registered, I don't keep track. I think that all of them that are supposed to be are.

And no my friend, it would take MUCH MUCH MUCH more than an executive order to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

04-19-2012, 03:53 PM
And you for some reason believe that a country of 350M people , 300M of whom are certified idiots, can possibly truly have the same level of law enforcement that a country of a few thousand had over 250 years ago. That is NOT realistic. Yes, in Thomas Jefferson's day you could own all the flint locks you wanted and didn't have to tell the government anything; but a few key differences.

1. Obviously the level of firepower. I don't think anyone can compare the damage a .40 S&W can do to what one of those old ass flint locks could have done

2. People are just more willing now to shoot another person , hell even when I was in HS , I graduated in 1989, we had fights EVERY day , and we had pickups with guns hanging in the back window all over the parking lot, but no one EVER thought about going and getting one and shooting someone, let alone bringing one from home to shoot up the entire school. And that's not even mentioning domestic violence issues, I'm sure some assholes slapped their wives around and shit back then, but you don't read to many stories of men shooting their wives and or family.

Nowadays? Hell we have people who will kill over a fucking turkey leg.

3. Gun responsibility. Frankly, it just isn't taught today. Any idiot can go in and plop down a couple hundred bucks and buy an item capable of injuring or killing with little regard to being taught safe ownership.

4. People are stupid. As an example, I have a cousin who is about 5'0 tall and weighs maybe 110 lbs and the idiot is hauling around a nickel plated .45 in her purse, not because the moron needs it, just because she can; and that's okay but not when its a weapon you have no possible way of controlling even if you did have to use it. I guarantee she would be a danger to everyone but her intended target if she ever did have to draw it; and she's not alone.

In short, laws have to adapt to the population as a whole, and not everyone is a responsible person, so the laws are not aimed at responsible people and they can't be.

The same laws that work for 1 million people can just as easily work for 350 million. Laws apply to everyone, not just the responsible or irresponsible. It's one of the problems with making laws, because a few need to be reigned in, everyone gets reigned in. Not to mention certain exemptions that get applied, usually to protect those that made the laws to begin with, and their cronies.

The dark lord is undermining the Constitution in every way he can. All he needs now is a good crisis. That's coming this summer. OWS, black panthers, hezbo, the hate the rich crowd, and unions. They are gearing up in every major city. Their job is to give him the excuse he needs to usurp the Constitution. And the media will support it all.

Might be a good idea to make some WHATIF contingency plans.

04-19-2012, 03:57 PM
This thread reminds me of the movie 24 Hours when Eddie Murphy told that redneck he was his worst nightmare, a nigger with a badge LOL I couldn't find a clip anywhere online.

No problem:


Lots of them, including Youtube.

04-19-2012, 04:54 PM
The same laws that work for 1 million people can just as easily work for 350 million. Laws apply to everyone, not just the responsible or irresponsible. It's one of the problems with making laws, because a few need to be reigned in, everyone gets reigned in. Not to mention certain exemptions that get applied, usually to protect those that made the laws to begin with, and their cronies.

The dark lord is undermining the Constitution in every way he can. All he needs now is a good crisis. That's coming this summer. OWS, black panthers, hezbo, the hate the rich crowd, and unions. They are gearing up in every major city. Their job is to give him the excuse he needs to usurp the Constitution. And the media will support it all.

Might be a good idea to make some WHATIF contingency plans.

I don't agree with you that the same laws can be used to govern both. It just seems to be common sense that the bigger the population the bigger the government .

I won't however disagree with you about Obama. Ultimately I believe nothing will happen, but that will be in spite of him, not because of him.

Gator Monroe
04-19-2012, 09:09 PM
I think part of the issue is that there are REAL gun nuts out there. Just as there are REAL vegan nuts , or what have you out there to, and it seems to be human nature to lump everyone who shares ANY beliefs with the extreme in with the extreme and Gabby seems to be doing that here. But to be fair, I've seen you do it to on other topics; and I don't deny that I have also done it.

Gun "nuts" will believe that the government has a secret plan to sneak into your house in the middle of the night and steal all your guns. Gun owners, like myself, know that isn't going to happen, and no one is even going to try to do it.

All you have to do is read Rev's posts and extrapolate and realize that there are a lot of crazy conspiratists out there who believe a lot of crazy things. But that doesn't mean that that glove fits EVERYONE. Looks like Gabby forgot that in this thread.

A"Real Gun Nut" could care less about UN troops in large numbers on American Soil or FEMA camps & Super Highways From Mexico thru Texas to Canada , a "Real Gun Nut" buys magazines ( Clips for you liberals) for guns he (Or She) does not even own or plan to own.

Mr. P
04-19-2012, 09:56 PM
Thinking that Cons long career with the Gov in law enforcement has skewed his view of freedom and what Gov can, could or may do if allowed to.

Ya sound like the frog in the hot water here, Con. When yer done they'll (the gov) eat ya. Just sayin.

04-19-2012, 11:10 PM
I read through Coulter's statement a couple of times and enjoyed how she split everything into good guys and bad guys. With all bad guys being Dems, of course.
I am not that well versed on Civil War history. I do know that the early GOP leaders endorsed high tariffs and liberal immigration laws. Two things they pretend to be opposed to now.

I do find it humorous that Coulter is outraged that blacks are being treated so poorly in regards to gun ownership. I recall earlier where both Coulter and Malkin blamed high crime rates on blacks and illegals have too easy access to guns. :eek:

Mr. P
04-19-2012, 11:22 PM
I read through Coulter's statement a couple of times and enjoyed how she split everything into good guys and bad guys. With all bad guys being Dems, of course.
I am not that well versed on Civil War history. I do know that the early GOP leaders endorsed high tariffs and liberal immigration laws. Two things they pretend to be opposed to now.

I do find it humorous that Coulter is outraged that blacks are being treated so poorly in regards to gun ownership. I recall earlier where both Coulter and Malkin blamed high crime rates on blacks and illegals have too easy access to guns. :eek:

I'd say her entire article went way over yer head then.

As for the "liberal immigration laws". I'm sure "Legal immigration" was required by the proponents then as it is now.