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View Full Version : What is it with Massachusetts Republicans ?

04-24-2012, 09:12 AM
Scott Brown, now Ann Romney is raffling off one-on-one time. When I lived elsewhere, just volunteering for a campaign was enough to get a visit from the candidate. I rode in the campaign van with John Ashcroft when he was running for Senate and had a group dinner with Bob Dole. They did it just to build and check on the morale of the team. Putting up some yard signs and spending time on a phone bank was enough to meet the candidate. What is this raffling business all about? It's annoying.

04-24-2012, 09:31 AM
I see more of this from both parties across the country. Anything to raise more campaign money. Although if Ann Romney is raffling off one-on-one time, that doesn't appear to be good for PR at least from my perspective. You have a wealthy wife of a presidential candidate who has "never worked a day in her life" offering some face time after you pay her :p
Somebody on the left has to be working on that angle somewhere.

04-27-2012, 07:31 PM
It takes hundreds of millions these days.........................