View Full Version : sky

04-24-2012, 11:29 PM
Ive defended you many times on this board, but you truly are a waste of bandwidth. You never learn anything from any encounter. And youre just ridicolous.

Take your starbucks thread as an example. I called out your hypocrisy and not only are tou too stupid to see the correlation to your oen position but you also didnt realize that jim gave you a perfect uppurtunity to bust his ass about gay marriage. All because youre too stubborn and or stupid to see outside your own narrow viewpoint.

You rubbd my last nerve. Go away if you cant at least occasionally post like wn adult

04-24-2012, 11:31 PM
:cough: ignore :cough:

04-24-2012, 11:38 PM
:cough: ignore :cough:

Where is the fun in that?

04-25-2012, 09:44 AM
Ive defended you many times on this board, but you truly are a waste of bandwidth. You never learn anything from any encounter. And youre just ridicolous.

Take your starbucks thread as an example. I called out your hypocrisy and not only are tou too stupid to see the correlation to your oen position but you also didnt realize that jim gave you a perfect uppurtunity to bust his ass about gay marriage. All because youre too stubborn and or stupid to see outside your own narrow viewpoint.

You rubbd my last nerve. Go away if you cant at least occasionally post like wn adult

Reread again my friend. I stated she WANTED rights based on the COTUS and wanted rights taken away from others already afforded by the COTUS. :)

Wind Song
04-25-2012, 12:17 PM
Reread again my friend. I stated she WANTED rights based on the COTUS and wanted rights taken away from others already afforded by the COTUS. :)

And you'd be wrong about that too.

04-25-2012, 01:09 PM
And you'd be wrong about that too.

You already stated you want rights retracted, and to have MORE testing, drunks can't have guns, or those who use drugs. You don't want them in coffee shops. You don't want them anywhere at all where you are, as they are "gun nuts". Sorry, spin it all you like, but you've done nothing more than espouse the removal of gun rights - which is protected to us by the constitution.