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View Full Version : Senator wants pre-K for all 4-year-olds

05-21-2007, 11:05 AM
Associated Press - May 21, 2007 9:33 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton is ready to propose a new federal plan that would offer high-quality preschool to every 4-year-old in America.

The Democratic presidential candidate says the universal Pre-K plan would cost about ten billion dollars. Speaking on NBC's "Today Show," she said evidence shows such preschool programs save money in the long run -- and that students have fewer behavioral problems and stay in school longer.

The New York senator says she'd pay for universal preschool by closing tax loopholes and eliminating Bush administration programs she disagrees with. The proposal would give federal funds to states that establish a plan for making voluntary pre-kindergarten services available for all.

She's presenting the proposal today at a Miami Beach elementary school.

05-21-2007, 11:08 AM
Cool ---free babysitting ! :cool:

05-21-2007, 11:09 AM
what a crock of horseshit.

05-21-2007, 11:12 AM
what a crock of horseshit.

That's almost as bad as that all day kindergarden BS.

05-21-2007, 11:34 AM
Associated Press - May 21, 2007 9:33 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton is ready to propose a new federal plan that would offer high-quality preschool to every 4-year-old in America.

The Democratic presidential candidate says the universal Pre-K plan would cost about ten billion dollars. Speaking on NBC's "Today Show," she said evidence shows such preschool programs save money in the long run -- and that students have fewer behavioral problems and stay in school longer.

The New York senator says she'd pay for universal preschool by closing tax loopholes and eliminating Bush administration programs she disagrees with. The proposal would give federal funds to states that establish a plan for making voluntary pre-kindergarten services available for all.

She's presenting the proposal today at a Miami Beach elementary school.

like defense!

05-21-2007, 12:44 PM
Associated Press - May 21, 2007 9:33 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton is ready to propose a new federal plan that would offer high-quality preschool to every 4-year-old in America.

The Democratic presidential candidate says the universal Pre-K plan would cost about ten billion dollars. Speaking on NBC's "Today Show," she said evidence shows such preschool programs save money in the long run -- and that students have fewer behavioral problems and stay in school longer.

The New York senator says she'd pay for universal preschool by closing tax loopholes and eliminating Bush administration programs she disagrees with. The proposal would give federal funds to states that establish a plan for making voluntary pre-kindergarten services available for all.

She's presenting the proposal today at a Miami Beach elementary school.

My ass.

What she wants is to get OUR most precious asset out of our hands and into government indoctrination centers a good 1 year sooner. The longer anybody's in a government school, the more open they are to socialism and big government, and that's the way she wants it.

Of course, what she doesn't mention is that the longer our children spend in government schools, the more poorly they perform against students from other countries and especially private schools. Sending your kids to government schools is child abuse.

05-21-2007, 01:09 PM

here look at the shiney and let us teach your kids about life!

Hagbard Celine
05-21-2007, 01:12 PM
My ass.

What she wants is to get OUR most precious asset out of our hands and into government indoctrination centers a good 1 year sooner. The longer anybody's in a government school, the more open they are to socialism and big government, and that's the way she wants it. :tinfoil:

Of course, what she doesn't mention is that the longer our children spend in government schools, the more poorly they perform against students from other countries and especially private schools. Sending your kids to government schools is child abuse.
:link: Child abuse? :wtf: You're way over the top man. :rolleyes:

05-21-2007, 01:41 PM

:link: Child abuse? :wtf: You're way over the top man. :rolleyes:

Say what you want, but government schools teach pacifism, reward mediocrity, and suppress individualism. A diploma is merely an attendance award, and those who graduate from government school are ill-prepared to face the real world, a world in which effort won't get you an 'A.'

As for socialism and big government, just look at how the first day of kindergarten goes now. In preparation for school, the kid goes out and gathers together all kinds of school supplies, carefully selecting them and making sure he has exactly the kind of crayons, watercolors, pencils, etc. he wants. Then, on the first day of class, the teacher takes EVERYTHING away and tells the students they'll get it back when they need it. Now, what do you think that teaches kids? It teaches them that nothing is theirs and that anything they think is theirs can be taken away if the government decides they don't need it.

You might also look into investigations, such as John Stossel's, into the government school system, and how teenagers who couldn't even read were doing trig. just a year after being given scholarships to private schools.

And in addition to that, it's not like you can pick a government school. Right now, a mother in Georgia is on trial and could go to prison, effectively for the rest of her life, for fraud because she lied about her kid's address to keep him out of a gang-infested dung heap Atlanta city school. Looks like breaking the law to make a better life for your family is only acceptable if you don't speak English.

05-21-2007, 02:08 PM
a new federal plan that would offer high-quality preschool

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Just look at the quality of current public education, and then try and tell me the federal government can supply high-quality preschool.

Abbey Marie
05-21-2007, 02:39 PM
Our district is hurting for funds, and is asking taxpayers to accept a large increase in real estate taxes to fund full day Kindergarten, free, for all kids. They stuck it in a referendum that included some nice programs, so we would be inclined to vote for it. It was voted down anyway, so they are trying again with increased propoganda and another vote very soon.

05-21-2007, 03:20 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton is ready to propose a new federal plan that would offer high-quality preschool to every 4-year-old in America.

The Democratic presidential candidate says the universal Pre-K plan would cost about ten billion dollars. Speaking on NBC's "Today Show," she said evidence shows such preschool programs save money in the long run -- and that students have fewer behavioral problems and stay in school longer.

Duh... Of COURSE they stay in school longer, since they begin a year earlier. :)

How could adding a HUGE program like this save money? Sounds like that fuzzy math they're teaching nowadays.

As for behavior problems, the kids need to be WITH THEIR PARENTS longer, and that does NOT include daycare. It means spending time and giving attention directly to the kids. Also, we need to stop making parents afraid to spank their little pink behinds. Then, I think we would see a dramatic drop in "behavior problems."

05-21-2007, 03:36 PM
Shrillary...is a very evil person..

05-21-2007, 06:51 PM
I don't know about 'most states' but I DO know Illinois is in no way a renegade state. Kindergarten is NOT required. Do I think most children should attend a high quality kindergarten and preschool? Yes. Because most that don't tend not to teach their children the basics of academics. However, for those with the time and patience, I'd skip both. Then again, those are the ones that should and probably do homeschool.

05-21-2007, 07:43 PM
She is way wrong about that silly accusation about pre-schoolers having less behavioral problems later in life. After my decade in prison, I am a model citizen, get with it hillary... :slap:

No, I don't think pre-school is necessary. Don't they pretty much nap half the day?

05-21-2007, 07:55 PM
She is way wrong about that silly accusation about pre-schoolers having less behavioral problems later in life. After my decade in prison, I am a model citizen, get with it hillary... :slap:

No, I don't think pre-school is necessary. Don't they pretty much nap half the day?

I think the only benefit of Preschool and Kindergarden is learning to socialize with other kids. You dont need to be there all day for that and this Preschool plan is absurd, it's just a way to spend un necessary money.

05-21-2007, 08:00 PM
We have that here, only it's jr-k. It's Optional, for the part, too.

05-21-2007, 08:43 PM
We have that here, only it's jr-k. It's Optional, for the part, too.

Does it make a difference?

Hugh Lincoln
05-21-2007, 09:07 PM
My ass.

What she wants is to get OUR most precious asset out of our hands and into government indoctrination centers a good 1 year sooner. The longer anybody's in a government school, the more open they are to socialism and big government, and that's the way she wants it.

Of course, what she doesn't mention is that the longer our children spend in government schools, the more poorly they perform against students from other countries and especially private schools. Sending your kids to government schools is child abuse.

Man, sometimes your posts are better than a shot of Jack Daniels for calming the nerves. I wouldn't add any soda to this one.

05-21-2007, 09:19 PM
Does it make a difference?

It did for my daughter, I think it does for most children as well - with the exception of daycare babies, they need less institutionalization. I would have put her in pre-school anyway. There's no harm in kids being with other kids, that's free here too - but it HAS to be one or the other in order to attend SK. The only reason I put her in JK was because there were other children I was babysitting who were going to be in the same class. She would have been devestated had she not been able to go.

05-21-2007, 10:46 PM
I think the only benefit of Preschool and Kindergarden is learning to socialize with other kids. You dont need to be there all day for that and this Preschool plan is absurd, it's just a way to spend un necessary money.

Good points

05-21-2007, 11:31 PM
Good points

I also think the majority of the people who support this idea are looking to get out of paying for childcare or trying to be cheap.

05-22-2007, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Hobbit
My ass.

What she wants is to get OUR most precious asset out of our hands and into government indoctrination centers a good 1 year sooner. The longer anybody's in a government school, the more open they are to socialism and big government

Maybe, but the main thrust of indoctrination is teaching the dominant culture paradigms, conditioning folks to authoritarianism and teaching them to accept the organization of society complacently rather than being oriented toward individualism.

They manufacture sheep in schools. Which is actually why many folks home school.

GW in Ohio
05-22-2007, 02:23 PM
My ass.

What she wants is to get OUR most precious asset out of our hands and into government indoctrination centers a good 1 year sooner. The longer anybody's in a government school, the more open they are to socialism and big government, and that's the way she wants it.

Of course, what she doesn't mention is that the longer our children spend in government schools, the more poorly they perform against students from other countries and especially private schools. Sending your kids to government schools is child abuse.

Ah, but think of the great literature those rugrats will be exposed to.......

Heather Has Two Mommies

When Daddy's "Special Friend" Came To Live With Us

Hugh Lincoln
05-23-2007, 06:46 PM
It's funny, there was something in the paper recently about some Americans who were trying to get China to adopt our education policies.

And the conclusion was, "that's one way to lessen the China threat!"