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View Full Version : Compare Romney and Obama's Stands on the The Issues

Wind Song
05-01-2012, 10:45 AM

Obama: Supports abortion rights. Health care law requires contraceptives to be available for free for women enrolled in workplace health plans.

Romney: Opposes abortion rights. Previously supported them. Says state law should guide abortion rights, and Roe v. Wade should be reversed by a future Supreme Court. Said he would end federal aid to Planned Parenthood.


Obama: Fourth-straight year of trillion-dollar deficits is projected. Won approval to raise debt limit to avoid default. Calls for tackling the debt with a mix of spending cuts and revenue increases. Central to Obama's plan is to let Bush-era tax cuts expire for couples making more than $250,000

Romney: Defended 2008 bailout of financial institutions as a necessary step to avoid the system's collapse, opposed the auto bailout. Would cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product by end of first term, down from 23.5 percent now, with largely unspecified spending cuts. Favors constitutional balanced budget amendment.


Obama: ts to raise taxes on the wealthy and ensure they pay 30 percent of their income at minimum. Supports extending Bush-era tax cuts for everyone making under $200,000, or $250,000 for couples. But in 2010, agreed to a two-year extension of the lower rates for all. Health care law provides for tax on highest-value health insurance plans. Together with Congress, built a first-term record of significant tax cuts, some temporary.

Romney: Drop all tax rates by 20 percent, bringing the top rate, for example, down to 28 percent from 35 percent and the lowest rate to 8 percent instead of 10 percent. Curtail deductions, credits and exemptions for the wealthiest. Eliminate capital gains tax for families making below $200,000 and cut corporate tax to 25 percent from 35 percent.


Wind Song
05-01-2012, 10:56 AM

05-01-2012, 12:58 PM

Obama: Fourth-straight year of trillion-dollar deficits is projected. Won approval to raise debt limit to avoid default. Calls for tackling the debt with a mix of spending cuts and revenue increases. Central to Obama's plan is to let Bush-era tax cuts expire for couples making more than $250,000

Romney: Defended 2008 bailout of financial institutions as a necessary step to avoid the system's collapse, opposed the auto bailout. Would cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product by end of first term, down from 23.5 percent now, with largely unspecified spending cuts. Favors constitutional balanced budget amendment.


Obama: ts to raise taxes on the wealthy and ensure they pay 30 percent of their income at minimum. Supports extending Bush-era tax cuts for everyone making under $200,000, or $250,000 for couples. But in 2010, agreed to a two-year extension of the lower rates for all. Health care law provides for tax on highest-value health insurance plans. Together with Congress, built a first-term record of significant tax cuts, some temporary.

Romney: Drop all tax rates by 20 percent, bringing the top rate, for example, down to 28 percent from 35 percent and the lowest rate to 8 percent instead of 10 percent. Curtail deductions, credits and exemptions for the wealthiest. Eliminate capital gains tax for families making below $200,000 and cut corporate tax to 25 percent from 35 percent.

Debt: BO has the same record that he criticized Bush for and has pushed through huge spending increases. Obama also voted for the same package that Romney has defended.

Taxes: What no one understands is that tax RATE increases do not compute to tax REVENUE increases. I think much of the public actually favors tax simplification which Romney's plan moves us toward.


Polls are almost useless at this point given that they are largely based on name recognition. More telling is that BO is below 50% in all but one and his approval rating is historically low for an incumbent who goes on to win.

05-01-2012, 02:06 PM

Obama: Supports abortion rights. Health care law requires contraceptives to be available for free for women enrolled in workplace health plans.
why should contraceptives be free under bambam's health law? No other medications would be.
Romney: Opposes abortion rights. Previously supported them. Says state law should guide abortion rights, and Roe v. Wade should be reversed by a future Supreme Court. Said he would end federal aid to Planned Parenthood. saying states should be able to decide for themselves is not the same as opposing abortion rights.


Obama: Fourth-straight year of trillion-dollar deficits is projected. Won approval to raise debt limit to avoid default. Calls for tackling the debt with a mix of spending cuts and revenue increases. Central to Obama's plan is to let Bush-era tax cuts expire for couples making more than $250,000.

Romney: Defended 2008 bailout of financial institutions as a necessary step to avoid the system's collapse, opposed the auto bailout. Would cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product by end of first term, down from 23.5 percent now, with largely unspecified spending cuts. Favors constitutional balanced budget amendment.
at some point hard choices are going to have to be made. Spending is going to have to come down. Why would you disagree with a consitutional balanced buget amendment?

Obama: ts to raise taxes on the wealthy and ensure they pay 30 percent of their income at minimum. Supports extending Bush-era tax cuts for everyone making under $200,000, or $250,000 for couples. But in 2010, agreed to a two-year extension of the lower rates for all. Health care law provides for tax on highest-value health insurance plans. Together with Congress, built a first-term record of significant tax cuts, some temporary.

Romney: Drop all tax rates by 20 percent, bringing the top rate, for example, down to 28 percent from 35 percent and the lowest rate to 8 percent instead of 10 percent. Curtail deductions, credits and exemptions for the wealthiest. Eliminate capital gains tax for families making below $200,000 and cut corporate tax to 25 percent from 35 percent.


now it's your turn

05-01-2012, 02:07 PM
now it's your turn

Dont hold your breath. She'll change the subject.

05-01-2012, 06:55 PM
No, she'll be upset that no one here understands the premise of the post is to prove that Obama is better than Romney. She does not like it when we all refuse to drink the kook-aid.

Gator Monroe
05-01-2012, 11:22 PM
The Kook Aid that even Pagan Wiccan San Fran Psycho/Marin/Mount Shasta Lesbians would rather eat Barbara Boxers Round one than Sarah Palins ................................................

05-01-2012, 11:45 PM
The Kook Aid that even Pagan Wiccan San Fran Psycho/Marin/Mount Shasta Lesbians would rather eat Barbara Boxers Round one than Sarah Palins ................................................

How in the hell did you leave Pelosi out of this?

Gator Monroe
05-01-2012, 11:47 PM
How in the hell did you leave Pelosi out of this?


05-01-2012, 11:50 PM


05-01-2012, 11:57 PM

Obama: Supports abortion rights. Health care law requires contraceptives to be available for free for women enrolled in workplace health plans.

Has existed for more than twenty years now. so he plans to do nothing?

Romney: Opposes abortion rights. Previously supported them. Says state law should guide abortion rights, and Roe v. Wade should be reversed by a future Supreme Court. Said he would end federal aid to Planned Parenthood.

He does not oppose the rights, he states that the states should have decision over it, not the federal government. As for Planned Parenthood, you mean to tell me he doesn't want to fund abortion at a federal level, especially to a group that continually breaks the rules laid out to them, leaves rapes and even incestual rapes, sometimes of underage women, unreported (This is directly against their mandate.)?


Obama: Fourth-straight year of trillion-dollar deficits is projected. Won approval to raise debt limit to avoid default. Calls for tackling the debt with a mix of spending cuts and revenue increases. Central to Obama's plan is to let Bush-era tax cuts expire for couples making more than $250,000

So instead of lower the debt by getting rid of incredibly wasteful spending, he instead decided to let us max out even further?

Romney: Defended 2008 bailout of financial institutions as a necessary step to avoid the system's collapse, opposed the auto bailout. Would cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product by end of first term, down from 23.5 percent now, with largely unspecified spending cuts. Favors constitutional balanced budget amendment.

As did Obama, Bush, and the majority of both House and Senate. Hence why it got passed.


Obama: ts to raise taxes on the wealthy and ensure they pay 30 percent of their income at minimum. Supports extending Bush-era tax cuts for everyone making under $200,000, or $250,000 for couples. But in 2010, agreed to a two-year extension of the lower rates for all. Health care law provides for tax on highest-value health insurance plans. Together with Congress, built a first-term record of significant tax cuts, some temporary.

Wow, so he's going to lower it to 30%?! That's big of him, since over 40% of tax revenue comes from the top 1%. I'm certain those incredibly rich business owners won't lay anyone off, reduce hours, and other take it out of us poor workers, now would they?

Romney: Drop all tax rates by 20 percent, bringing the top rate, for example, down to 28 percent from 35 percent and the lowest rate to 8 percent instead of 10 percent. Curtail deductions, credits and exemptions for the wealthiest. Eliminate capital gains tax for families making below $200,000 and cut corporate tax to 25 percent from 35 percent.

You mean, we get to hold on to more of our money, and maybe climb out of debt on our own? That businesses would have more money for hours, training, raises, and new employees/business expansions?


Again, Think I'll wait for something better to come along. Now the real question: Will you actually debate this, or will those who actually showed up to debate be getting dismissed again?

05-02-2012, 01:42 AM
The Kook Aid that even Pagan Wiccan San Fran Psycho/Marin/Mount Shasta Lesbians would rather eat Barbara Boxers Round one than Sarah Palins ................................................

I can't have both? Humbug.

I always love how Presidential candidates take positions on things they merely have veto power over, if that. I mean, abortion rights and Constitutional amendments, planned parenthood funding, structural tax changes...pretty sure that's all under the auspices of Congress/SCOTUS and/or the states.

Obama killed Osama, but he also injected guns into illegal markets...kind of a wash there. He did finagle healthcare reforms, but I suspect that's gonna be stricken down by SCOTUS. ZEROES OUT IMO.
I really don't know what Romney's done. Has he done anything; I mean, besides his job? I hate it when people think, well, he didn't get impeached, recalled or become a total embarrassment as public servant; thus, he's deserving of some distinction or merit.
In related news, I drove my car today without careening into any flocks of pedestrians; put that in your pipe and smoke it Obama and Romney. Well, maybe not Romney...square.:poke::laugh:

05-02-2012, 04:46 AM
Romney has experience at something more than community organizing. Imagine electing a President that has private and public sector experience. Also, I didn't know this about him until today. He has two degrees from Harvard.

Thus Romney became one of only fifteen students to enroll at the recently created joint (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JD/MBA)Juris Doctor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juris_Doctor)/Master of Business Administration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_of_Business_Administration) four-year program coordinated between Harvard Law School (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_Law_School) andHarvard Business School (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_Business_School).


05-02-2012, 07:51 AM
Obama: Fourth-straight year of trillion-dollar deficits is projected. Won approval to raise debt limit to avoid default. Calls for tackling the debt with a mix of spending cuts and revenue increases.

and yet he has not ever submitted a budget that cut spending, at best he's offered to reduce the amount of increase from "oh my gosh" down to "you want to spend HOW much?".........

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 07:54 AM

05-02-2012, 05:56 PM
This election does need to be all about Pres Obama's accomplishments and record in office

The huge number of college grads that are unemployed

Gas prices have doubled since Pres Obama took office

The $5 trillion plus that has been added to the debt since 1/20/09

The 30% increase in the amount of time people are on unemployment before they find work

Housing values continue to sink

Record number of Americans on food stamps

and these are the accomplishments I can think off off the top of my head. Yes, Pres Obama deserves all the credit for these highlights of time in office

05-02-2012, 06:33 PM
I will assume you simply posted that to admit I was right, since you added no comment....