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View Full Version : Hate is NOT a Family Value

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 08:50 AM
"Family Values" proponents are anti-gay.

05-02-2012, 08:53 AM
"Family Values" proponents are anti-gay.

And yet you have told at least 2 people on this board that you hate their guts. Hypocrite.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 08:54 AM
A friend of mine told me this true story. She teaches at an elite private school, and her kids attend it as students. One day she and all the other parents received an unsigned letter in the mail. The letter "outted" two longtime faculty members;their names were not omitted. The anonymous parent wrote that these two teachers should be removed from their posts because they were setting a bad example for the kids.

Here's how the principal handled the situation. First, she submitted the letter to the FBI Hate Crimes Division. Then, she wrote a letter to all the parents. She made several emphatic points:

The two faculty members attacked in the unsigned letter are exceptional educators, among the best in the city. They are exactly the kind of role models our children need and deserve.
Discrimination is illegal. Therefore, this letter has been turned over to the FBI.
The author of the letter and any family who sympathizes with its contents should remove their children from the school immediately. We do not condone intolerance.
Diversity strengthens our community. Love opens us to new people, new ideas, and new experiences.

05-02-2012, 09:01 AM
"Family Values" proponents are anti-gay.

Dorothy, you truly are your own worst enemy. You make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to defend you.

Just based on your stupid post alone, let me explain this real slow.

Being anti gay is NOT hate. I mean sure there are SOME idiots that hate people simply because they are gay. But that is just a small number of jerks who well are jerks.

The vast majority of people who are "anti gay" simply believe it's a sin and or don't want it shoved in our faces.

Let me use Jim and you and my friend as examples.

If I had a SuperBowl party at my house and invited you and Jim along with my friend who's gay to attend, and everyone attended. I'm POSITIVE this would be the result.

Jim would punch you in the face after you lectured him and badgered him for hours about "hating" gays. Then he would go sit down next to my buddy and his SO and enjoy a beer and watch the game with them never giving a shit that he just sat right next to my two gay friends.

If you can't grasp the reasons for the disparate treatment, well nothing can help you.

05-02-2012, 09:03 AM
Hey, Con, glad to see you back.

Now how about going back to this thread and finally retracting the absolute false crap you posted?


05-02-2012, 09:04 AM
^^Discrimination is not always illegal and how was that a "hate" crime or even a crime at all?

05-02-2012, 09:05 AM
^^Discrimination is not always illegal and how was that a "hate" crime or even a crime at all?

Very little discrimination is illegal, VERY little.

05-02-2012, 09:05 AM
Hey, Con, glad to see you back.

Now how about going back to this thread and finally retracting the absolute false crap you posted?


oops, not a problem I thought I actually had already.

thanks for the welcome back, family emergency took me away. I want it clear that it had nothing to do with the board. Just so no one thinks you and I had it out and I left or anything like that.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:07 AM
And yet you have told at least 2 people on this board that you hate their guts. Hypocrite.

So what? It lasts for about five minutes with me. I'm usually feeling about five years old when I say that.

Your kind of hate, the kind that denies rights to others, lasts our whole lifetimes. Live with that. Live with your narrow minded pettiness.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:09 AM
Dorothy, you truly are your own worst enemy. You make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to defend you.

Just based on your stupid post alone, let me explain this real slow.

Being anti gay is NOT hate. I mean sure there are SOME idiots that hate people simply because they are gay. But that is just a small number of jerks who well are jerks.

The vast majority of people who are "anti gay" simply believe it's a sin and or don't want it shoved in our faces.

Let me use Jim and you and my friend as examples.

If I had a SuperBowl party at my house and invited you and Jim along with my friend who's gay to attend, and everyone attended. I'm POSITIVE this would be the result.

Jim would punch you in the face after you lectured him and badgered him for hours about "hating" gays. Then he would go sit down next to my buddy and his SO and enjoy a beer and watch the game with them never giving a shit that he just sat right next to my two gay friends.

If you can't grasp the reasons for the disparate treatment, well nothing can help you.

1. I don't need defending. I do a great job on my own.

2. Institutional hatred occurs when you deliberately deny rights to people and you in effect say, YOU FOLKS ARE LESS THAN.

05-02-2012, 09:10 AM
So what? It lasts for about five minutes with me. I'm usually feeling about five years old when I say that.

Your kind of hate, the kind that denies rights to others, lasts our whole lifetimes. Live with that. Live with your narrow minded pettiness.

What are you blabbering about? Did you miss last week when Jim actually agreed that gays should have the exact same privileges extended to married people?

State Marriage is NOT a right; but I believe Jim said he would even be okay with NO government marriage at all, and churches can do whatever they want. I don't want to swear to that, but I'm pretty sure that he did say that.

05-02-2012, 09:10 AM
So what? It lasts for about five minutes with me. I'm usually feeling about five years old when I say that.

Your kind of hate, the kind that denies rights to others, lasts our whole lifetimes. Live with that. Live with your narrow minded pettiness.

You over estimate any negativity I have. I don't hate, I smirk in disgust, laugh, and then move along my merry way. You're still not the same as a married MAN AND WOMAN. Never will be. Sorry!

05-02-2012, 09:12 AM
What are you blabbering about? Did you miss last week when Jim actually agreed that gays should have the exact same privileges extended to married people?

State Marriage is NOT a right; but I believe Jim said he would even be okay with NO government marriage at all, and churches can do whatever they want. I don't want to swear to that, but I'm pretty sure that he did say that.

My stance has changed. A pushy lesbian showed me the light that it's impossible to discuss things rationally & impossible to come to agreements.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:13 AM
What are you blabbering about? Did you miss last week when Jim actually agreed that gays should have the exact same privileges extended to married people?

State Marriage is NOT a right; but I believe Jim said he would even be okay with NO government marriage at all, and churches can do whatever they want. I don't want to swear to that, but I'm pretty sure that he did say that.

Jim would rather do away with marriage altogether than see gays have equal rights.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:14 AM
My stance has changed. A pushy lesbian showed me the light that it's impossible to discuss things rationally & impossible to come to agreements.

That's right. I'm an uppity woman. God forbid I should want equal rights. You don't want to talk to me? Get in line.

05-02-2012, 09:19 AM
Jim would rather do away with marriage altogether than see gays have equal rights.

Nope, marriage will always be a religious institution to me. I'd rather just see gays use a different term/method to call their relationship/bond. But it isn't and never will be the "same" as a man and a woman.

05-02-2012, 09:21 AM
"Family Values" proponents are anti-gay.

A few responses:


2)Do you not value family?

3)Stop painting in broad strokes.

4)This isn't a debate topic. There's nothing to actually discuss, it's just flame bait.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:25 AM
Nope, marriage will always be a religious institution to me. I'd rather just see gays use a different term/method to call their relationship/bond. But it isn't and never will be the "same" as a man and a woman.

Well, too bad, Jim. We're already married and other states are following suit. Marriage completely defines the kind of relationship we share with each other.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:27 AM
A few responses:


2)Do you not value family?

3)Stop painting in broad strokes.

4)This isn't a debate topic. There's nothing to actually discuss, it's just flame bait.

People who claim to be "family values" proponents, don't include diverse families. They aren't realistic. These days, with so much divorce, kids have two moms, two dads, or one dad or one mom, or a mom and two dads, etc etc etc.

They'd like to eliminate any deviation from a norm that no longer even exists.

05-02-2012, 09:38 AM
My stance has changed. A pushy lesbian showed me the light that it's impossible to discuss things rationally & impossible to come to agreements.

that's not fair Jim. Walnut brain no more represents all homosexuals than she claims some represent all anti gays. You should re rethink your position.

05-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Well, too bad, Jim. We're already married and other states are following suit. Marriage completely defines the kind of relationship we share with each other.

What's the score where the people have voted on the subject? Oh, that's right 32-0. And others will be following suit. You'll be cornered, like a mouse. LOL

05-02-2012, 09:40 AM
Nope, marriage will always be a religious institution to me. I'd rather just see gays use a different term/method to call their relationship/bond. But it isn't and never will be the "same" as a man and a woman.

Why do you care what term they use? I mean to me this is would be like Catholics being upset that Baptists call a complete dunking baptism when in THEIR religion you only get sprinkled for baptism.

Up to each religion to define it however they want. That's what the first amendment is about.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:43 AM
that's not fair Jim. Walnut brain no more represents all homosexuals than she claims some represent all anti gays. You should re rethink your position.

If I have a walnut brain then your's is the size of a mustard seed.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:44 AM
Why do you care what term they use? I mean to me this is would be like Catholics being upset that Baptists call a complete dunking baptism when in THEIR religion you only get sprinkled for baptism.

Up to each religion to define it however they want. That's what the first amendment is about.

Jim thinks he owns the word "marriage".

05-02-2012, 09:45 AM
Why do you care what term they use? I mean to me this is would be like Catholics being upset that Baptists call a complete dunking baptism when in THEIR religion you only get sprinkled for baptism.

Up to each religion to define it however they want. That's what the first amendment is about.

And my religion defines it as one man and one woman. That won't be changing. I don't want to be labeled the same, simple as that.

05-02-2012, 09:46 AM
Jim thinks he owns the word "marriage".

Nope, I just know that a man and a woman fit within the word - queers don't. Why not call yourself drug addicts? It's only a term to label people, and they don't own it.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:47 AM
And my religion defines it as one man and one woman. That won't be changing. I don't want to be labeled the same, simple as that.

God forbid you could see yourself and gay people as equal to God as his children. God forbid you could see the beauty and equality of my marriage to yours.

05-02-2012, 09:50 AM
If I have a walnut brain then your's is the size of a mustard seed.

You choose the subject and I'll even let you choose which side I have to defend and I'll bury you in ANY debate.

05-02-2012, 09:51 AM
And my religion defines it as one man and one woman. That won't be changing. I don't want to be labeled the same, simple as that.

The beauty is that YOUR religion wouldn't have to recognize her marriage. And she would just have to live with that.

NO ONE is forced to do anything.

05-02-2012, 09:52 AM
God forbid you could see yourself and gay people as equal to God as his children. God forbid you could see the beauty and equality of my marriage to yours.

I do see us as equal, as human beings, but not on marriage terms. Just like I see everyone equal, but not all are fit to be football players. Or we're all equal but not everyone is "name your poison". Everyone can still be equal while marriage is between one man and one woman. Give gays all the benefits and rights you clamor for, just not the term marriage.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:54 AM
You choose the subject and I'll even let you choose which side I have to defend and I'll bury you in ANY debate.

Yeah, well, I'm not interested. Go dig a grave for someone else.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:54 AM
I do see us as equal, as human beings, but not on marriage terms. Just like I see everyone equal, but not all are fit to be football players. Or we're all equal but not everyone is "name your poison". Everyone can still be equal while marriage is between one man and one woman. Give gays all the benefits and rights you clamor for, just not the term marriage.

Fine. We're done talking about this. You know my position and I know yours.

05-02-2012, 09:55 AM
Fine. We're done talking about this. You know my position and I know yours.

Fair enough.

05-02-2012, 09:55 AM
People who claim to be "family values" proponents, don't include diverse families. They aren't realistic. These days, with so much divorce, kids have two moms, two dads, or one dad or one mom, or a mom and two dads, etc etc etc.

They'd like to eliminate any deviation from a norm that no longer even exists.

Again, where is the debate? And again with the broad strokes. You know nothing about these people, so why is it you are an expert on their lives? Most of these people you mention do understand divorce happens, along with singe parents. They may not see either status as ideal, but then they aren't. I'm pretty sure most single moms and dads out there would be thrilled to death to have a loving partner helping to shoulder the weight, just as the majority of divorced couples wish their marriage had been able to work out.

Also, again, I'm in favor of gay marriage, but manage not to attack Jim or anyone else on it. My dad, who has been openly gay since 2000, also manages, somehow, not to alienate people over it.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 09:58 AM
Again, where is the debate? And again with the broad strokes. You know nothing about these people, so why is it you are an expert on their lives? Most of these people you mention do understand divorce happens, along with singe parents. They may not see either status as ideal, but then they aren't. I'm pretty sure most single moms and dads out there would be thrilled to death to have a loving partner helping to shoulder the weight, just as the majority of divorced couples wish their marriage had been able to work out.

Also, again, I'm in favor of gay marriage, but manage not to attack Jim or anyone else on it. My dad, who has been openly gay since 2000, also manages, somehow, not to alienate people over it.

Good for him. I lost my father. He was completely broken by hate.

05-02-2012, 10:03 AM
"Family Values" proponents are anti-gay.

And gay agitators are religious bigots, so what. As somebody with extensive experience in the Fundamentalist community, I have even seen efforts to read, re-read and read a third time scriptures on the matter to get just the right angle on the issue. The conclusion often is to condemn the behavior, not the people. And what effort has been made on the side of the gay community to be decent to Fundamentalists? NONE. Expecting Fundamentalists to condone gay behavior is like expecting an Orthodox Jew to eat a pork sandwich with cheese. It's downright abusive from the gay community.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:07 AM
And gay agitators are religious bigots, so what. As somebody with extensive experience in the Fundamentalist community, I have even seen efforts to read, re-read and read a third time scriptures on the matter to get just the right angle on the issue. The conclusion often is to condemn the behavior, not the people. And what effort has been made on the side of the gay community to be decent to Fundamentalists? NONE. Expecting Fundamentalists to condone gay behavior is like expecting an Orthodox Jew to eat a pork sandwich with cheese. It's downright abusive of the gay community.

I could care less if Fundamentalists don't want my kind getting married in their churches. I object to them fighting our civil marriage equality. They are abusive of us, of our rights.

The whole hate the sin, love the sinner is a bunch of garbage. They hate gay people.

I will NEVER get over what "Christians" did to my dad.

05-02-2012, 10:12 AM
Wind Song you are either guilty of the same level of hyperbole from the left that I mentioned in a previous thread or you make the same mistake as all bleeding hearts do which is this:
You equate someone disagreeing with a homosexual lifestyle with hate.
Let's bring it a little closer to home. I disagree with your politics. Does that mean I hate you?

05-02-2012, 10:16 AM
I could care less if Fundamentalists don't want my kind getting married in their churches. I object to them fighting our civil marriage equality. They are abusive of us, of our rights.

The whole hate the sin, love the sinner is a bunch of garbage. They hate gay people.

I will NEVER get over what "Christians" did to my dad.

What you are speaking of is a cultural thing. In the South, Fundamentalist churches treat the unemployed about on the same level as homosexuals. The urban, city mission style and perhaps some Northern suburban Fundamentalist churches don't display the mentality you speak of. I DO pay attention, not walk around with blinders on.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:19 AM
Wind Song you are either guilty of the same level of hyperbole from the left that I mentioned in a previous thread or you make the same mistake as all bleeding hearts do which is this:
You equate someone disagreeing with a homosexual lifestyle with hate.
Let's bring it a little closer to home. I disagree with your politics. Does that mean I hate you?

No, I don't think you or Jim hate me. I think Red Neckerson hates me. I think kathianne hates me. I don't think everyone hates me. I wouldn't stay here if I thought that.

I think most people here are decent folks.

What you guys seem to want me to do is retire from advocating for marriage equality. That isn't going to happen. I hold the memory of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyons. Del died three weeks after they were legally married. They had been together for 5O years.

I hold the memory of my father and his partner, John, who was a second father to me. I stand for them.

05-02-2012, 10:20 AM
I will NEVER get over what "Christians" did to my dad.

Are you insinuating that Christians or Catholics should allow gay marriage? Or approve of it? Unless they are physically going around abusing gay people, they have the right to not accept gay people into their fold.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:23 AM
Are you insinuating that Christians or Catholics should allow gay marriage? Or approve of it? Unless they are physically going around abusing gay people, they have the right to not accept gay people into their fold.

I could care less that your Church discriminates against gay people. I want a civil marriage. Your church can stay the fuck out of my marriage, thank you very much.

You don't know what hell my father went through from judgmental, hateful "Christians". He died in agony.

05-02-2012, 10:24 AM
Are you insinuating that Christians or Catholics should allow gay marriage? Or approve of it? Unless they are physically going around abusing gay people, they have the right to not accept gay people into their fold.

It seems that you are saying non-Baptist Christians and Catholics are more hard core than King James Only Baptist Fundamentalists. The Baptist Fundamentalist stance accepts non-practicing homosexuals.

05-02-2012, 10:26 AM
It seems that you are saying non-Baptist Christians and Catholics are more hard core than King James Only Baptist Fundamentalists. The Baptist Fundamentalist stance accepts non-practicing homosexuals.

Nope, what I said is what you read. What you would like to make out of it is your business. If a church doesn't want to "marry" someone, they sure as fuck shouldn't have to. If the religion down the road, or "church" down the road does, bravo for them. But that doesn't mean the Catholicism I am a part of, and the Catholic church I am a part of, should also be "accepting" of something they don't believe in.

05-02-2012, 10:28 AM
I could care less that your Church discriminates against gay people. I want a civil marriage. Your church can stay the fuck out of my marriage, thank you very much.

You don't know what hell my father went through from judgmental, hateful "Christians". He died in agony.

Interesting. I stated elsewhere that you should be entitled to a civil union with all the same benefits that a married couple would get - and you hammered me about owning the word, how I think I'm superior and all that other garbage. Now suddenly you change course and state that is in fact what you want? LOL

05-02-2012, 10:28 AM
What you guys seem to want me to do is retire from advocating for marriage equality.
Not me. I support your right to continue advocating for anything you feel passionate about, just don't expect others to agree with that advocacy. In fact, expect some to be passionate in the disagreement. Just don't confuse that with hate.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:28 AM

No one wants to marry in your Church. We want a civil marriage license.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:29 AM
Not me. I support your right to continue advocating for anything you feel passionate about, just don't expect others to agree with that advocacy. If fact, expect some to be passionate in the disagreement. Just don't confuse that with hate.

I won't confuse disagreement with hate. I know the difference.

05-02-2012, 10:33 AM

No one wants to marry in your Church. We want a civil marriage license.

You reach a point of redefining marriage where it isn't marriage anymore.

05-02-2012, 10:34 AM

No one wants to marry in your Church. We want a civil marriage license.

Good, issue settled then. Gays get civil unions with all the benefits, and the "marriage" term remains the same. You get a civil union license with the same benefits. Everyone is happy. At least until you'll come back now and demand something else, or claim I'm thinking I'm superior..

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:36 AM
Interesting. I stated elsewhere that you should be entitled to a civil union with all the same benefits that a married couple would get - and you hammered me about owning the word, how I think I'm superior and all that other garbage. Now suddenly you change course and state that is in fact what you want? LOL

I want a civil marriage license. I don't need your narrow minded church support. I am married, Jim. Just because you don't recognize it, or object to me using the term doesn't mean it isn't a reality.

A Buddhist Lama married us. So I have both, civil and spiritual marriage. Tough on you.

05-02-2012, 10:37 AM
Good, issue settled then. Gays get civil unions with all the benefits, and the "marriage" term remains the same. You get a civil union license with the same benefits. Everyone is happy. At least until you'll come back now and demand something else, or claim I'm thinking I'm superior..

Not all the benefits. Florida has it right in prohibiting gay adoption.

05-02-2012, 10:39 AM
Not all the benefits. Florida has it right in prohibiting gay adoption.

I said they get, as in they should get... If we hammered out an agreement right now, ensure that gay folk get the same benefits and rights going forward. Give them a civil union license and allow them to go on their merry way with their benefits. Just don't demand to call it a marriage.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 10:53 AM
Not all the benefits. Florida has it right in prohibiting gay adoption.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I spent a lot of time in foster homes. I would have loved to have been adopted by a gay family.

05-02-2012, 12:58 PM
No, I don't think you or Jim hate me. I think Red Neckerson hates me. I think kathianne hates me. I don't think everyone hates me. I wouldn't stay here if I thought that.

I think most people here are decent folks.

What you guys seem to want me to do is retire from advocating for marriage equality. That isn't going to happen. I hold the memory of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyons. Del died three weeks after they were legally married. They had been together for 5O years.

I hold the memory of my father and his partner, John, who was a second father to me. I stand for them.

Dorothy, do you not notice that every time this subject comes up I argue FOR gay marriage (and FJ does also, and a few others I don't mean to leave anyone out ) and yet no one is running around screaming at us or calling us names because of it?

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 01:10 PM
Dorothy, do you not notice that every time this subject comes up I argue FOR gay marriage (and FJ does also, and a few others I don't mean to leave anyone out ) and yet no one is running around screaming at us or calling us names because of it?

Stop calling me by my real name. You're not entitled. Please refer to me by my screenname only. You have told me many times we are not friends.

You don't really argue for gay marriage, you argue for the elimination of any licensed marriage.

That's completely different than my position.

You can have any opinion you choose. I don't have to like it or agree with it.

05-02-2012, 01:23 PM
Stop calling me by my real name. You're not entitled. Please refer to me by my screenname only.

Okey-dokey, Dottie. This is too easy. :lol:

Abbey Marie
05-02-2012, 01:40 PM
I want a civil marriage license. I don't need your narrow minded church support. I am married, Jim. Just because you don't recognize it, or object to me using the term doesn't mean it isn't a reality.

A Buddhist Lama married us. So I have both, civil and spiritual marriage. Tough on you.

WS, if you truly felt "married", you would be more settled about it, and wouldn't feel the need to start umpteen threads on gay marriage. Methinks you don't feel "really married" at all, despite your Buddhist ceremony.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 01:43 PM
Okey-dokey, Dottie. This is too easy. :lol:

I give up.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 01:47 PM
WS, if you truly felt "married", you would be more settled about it, and wouldn't feel the need to start umpteen threads on gay marriage. Methinks you don't feel "really married" at all, despite your Buddhist ceremony.

You can think whatever you like. I don't start upteen threads about marriage equality. Jim usually baits me on gay rights every chance he gets. I don't suppose you saw me try and resist getting into any gay topic with him.

The unsettleness as you call it, comes from the pain I have about my dad, not from any lack of feeling really married.

I've been with my wife for 27 years. I felt married before we had the ceremony, but it really was different to be with the entire community and have them hold us and our relationship in love.

You can take your rights for granted. I can't. Gays and lesbians have to work for them.

I'm sorry you don't understand that.

05-02-2012, 01:49 PM
Stop calling me by my real name. You're not entitled. Please refer to me by my screenname only. You have told me many times we are not friends.

You don't really argue for gay marriage, you argue for the elimination of any licensed marriage.

That's completely different than my position.

You can have any opinion you choose. I don't have to like it or agree with it.

I'll address you however I wish. And calling you by your given name is hardly an affront.

And I am FOR allowing gays to marry DOROTHY. You might be the only person on this board who would claim differently. Are you saying that unless I FORCE Jim to accept your marriage as equal to his that I am not pro gay enough for you? Sorry I won't do that. Jim has every right to say "no I don't accept their marriage as a marriage" which is EXACTLY why I endorse getting the government out of marriage. It's a religeous matter, not a governmental matter. And if you weren't so stupid you would realize that the ONLY way you will win is to give up on the state marriage for gays. You don't have enough gays to force the issue. You do however have enough people like me who are willing to do away with state licenses altogether.

And to further break it down, you have ALWAYS claimed that what you want is the same rights and benefits as straight married couples. IF that is TRULY your main concern then what do you care where the license comes from as long as the state is required to accept it as valid; and why do you care what Jim thinks? He doesn't provide me and my wife any benefits so therefor you aren't missing out on anything ....

Here's the truth Dorothy, so far I've been nice to you. That ends NOW. This is going to hurt your feelings, and I'm truly sorry but you need to hear it.

STOP being such a fucking stupid bitch about gay issues. NO ONE hates you because you're gay. We are ALL starting to hate you because you annoy the fuck out of us.

No one on this board had anything to do with what happened to your father, I'm confident that none of us would have participated in it; and several of us swore an oath to protect EVERYONE and you really have no idea how serious that oath is if you've never taken it.

No one even expects you to get over what happened to your father, but to blame CHRISTIANS is unbelievable. Do you not understand that there are assholes out there, and some of those assholes claim to be Christians, I'm sorry but that's the way it is, we can't control them all; but by and large CHristians are good , loving people. Stop acting like Christians = Muslisms, a religion that truly does hate gays.

Same with your dog Dorothy. You got mad about nothing. People were sympathetic to you. How much sympathy did you want? A week? A month? I mean you tell me.

You call people names and then start a thread about how hateful it is to call names. What the hell? That's annoying Dorothy. If you want to call names, do it. no one is stopping you. If you want to tell Jim he's a fucking tattood no pussy getting loser , DO IT. If you want to call me an egotistical jack ass do it. Who cares? But then don't get your panties all up in a wad when someone calls you a flaming queer or whatever, and don't go run and start a thread about how we all hate you and want you to stop posting. It's not fucking true. NO ONE wants you to stop posting here. All we want is for you to stop posting like a LOON.

Further, we all understand you're gay. You don't have to bring it up EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time you post something. I mean everyone here knows that I am the smartest, best looking , most bad ass dude on this site, but I don't go around reminding them of it every time I post. Why? Because it would irritate the fuck out of them (seriously imagine being reminded just much superior I am every time I post)

Have you ever seen a shrink Dorothy? Now, I'm being serious. You need help; real mental care. Someone to talk about your anger issues with. You actually worry me that one day you're going to explode and harm someone.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 01:55 PM
I'll address you however I wish. And calling you by your given name is hardly an affront.

And I am FOR allowing gays to marry DOROTHY. You might be the only person on this board who would claim differently. Are you saying that unless I FORCE Jim to accept your marriage as equal to his that I am not pro gay enough for you? Sorry I won't do that. Jim has every right to say "no I don't accept their marriage as a marriage" which is EXACTLY why I endorse getting the government out of marriage. It's a religeous matter, not a governmental matter. And if you weren't so stupid you would realize that the ONLY way you will win is to give up on the state marriage for gays. You don't have enough gays to force the issue. You do however have enough people like me who are willing to do away with state licenses altogether.

And to further break it down, you have ALWAYS claimed that what you want is the same rights and benefits as straight married couples. IF that is TRULY your main concern then what do you care where the license comes from as long as the state is required to accept it as valid; and why do you care what Jim thinks? He doesn't provide me and my wife any benefits so therefor you aren't missing out on anything ....

Here's the truth Dorothy, so far I've been nice to you. That ends NOW. This is going to hurt your feelings, and I'm truly sorry but you need to hear it.

STOP being such a fucking stupid bitch about gay issues. NO ONE hates you because you're gay. We are ALL starting to hate you because you annoy the fuck out of us.

No one on this board had anything to do with what happened to your father, I'm confident that none of us would have participated in it; and several of us swore an oath to protect EVERYONE and you really have no idea how serious that oath is if you've never taken it.

No one even expects you to get over what happened to your father, but to blame CHRISTIANS is unbelievable. Do you not understand that there are assholes out there, and some of those assholes claim to be Christians, I'm sorry but that's the way it is, we can't control them all; but by and large CHristians are good , loving people. Stop acting like Christians = Muslisms, a religion that truly does hate gays.

Same with your dog Dorothy. You got mad about nothing. People were sympathetic to you. How much sympathy did you want? A week? A month? I mean you tell me.

You call people names and then start a thread about how hateful it is to call names. What the hell? That's annoying Dorothy. If you want to call names, do it. no one is stopping you. If you want to tell Jim he's a fucking tattood no pussy getting loser , DO IT. If you want to call me an egotistical jack ass do it. Who cares? But then don't get your panties all up in a wad when someone calls you a flaming queer or whatever, and don't go run and start a thread about how we all hate you and want you to stop posting. It's not fucking true. NO ONE wants you to stop posting here. All we want is for you to stop posting like a LOON.

Further, we all understand you're gay. You don't have to bring it up EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time you post something. I mean everyone here knows that I am the smartest, best looking , most bad ass dude on this site, but I don't go around reminding them of it every time I post. Why? Because it would irritate the fuck out of them (seriously imagine being reminded just much superior I am every time I post)

Have you ever seen a shrink Dorothy? Now, I'm being serious. You need help; real mental care. Someone to talk about your anger issues with. You actually worry me that one day you're going to explode and harm someone.

I asked you to refer to me by my screenname. As you recall, I didn't give my permission for my real name to be used.

You've told me we are not friends and you don't want to be friends. You think you're entitled to some special priveleges.

I have no choice in the matter. I cannot even request you to refer to me by the name I prefer. That's how little power you want me to have. You are correct. I can't make you respect my wishes. I can only ask.

AS I recall, kathianne attacked me the DAY my dog died.

As for the rest of the post. I have read it once, I will read it a second time and put it under advisement. That's the best I can offer.

As for Jim. Jim has the most open and honest position on marriage equality of ANYONE on this forum. I completely accept his position. Some of the other folks seem like posers to me.

05-02-2012, 01:57 PM
I'll address you however I wish. And calling you by your given name is hardly an affront.

And I am FOR allowing gays to marry DOROTHY. You might be the only person on this board who would claim differently. Are you saying that unless I FORCE Jim to accept your marriage as equal to his that I am not pro gay enough for you? Sorry I won't do that. Jim has every right to say "no I don't accept their marriage as a marriage" which is EXACTLY why I endorse getting the government out of marriage. It's a religeous matter, not a governmental matter. And if you weren't so stupid you would realize that the ONLY way you will win is to give up on the state marriage for gays. You don't have enough gays to force the issue. You do however have enough people like me who are willing to do away with state licenses altogether.

And to further break it down, you have ALWAYS claimed that what you want is the same rights and benefits as straight married couples. IF that is TRULY your main concern then what do you care where the license comes from as long as the state is required to accept it as valid; and why do you care what Jim thinks? He doesn't provide me and my wife any benefits so therefor you aren't missing out on anything ....

Here's the truth Dorothy, so far I've been nice to you. That ends NOW. This is going to hurt your feelings, and I'm truly sorry but you need to hear it.

STOP being such a fucking stupid bitch about gay issues. NO ONE hates you because you're gay. We are ALL starting to hate you because you annoy the fuck out of us.

No one on this board had anything to do with what happened to your father, I'm confident that none of us would have participated in it; and several of us swore an oath to protect EVERYONE and you really have no idea how serious that oath is if you've never taken it.

No one even expects you to get over what happened to your father, but to blame CHRISTIANS is unbelievable. Do you not understand that there are assholes out there, and some of those assholes claim to be Christians, I'm sorry but that's the way it is, we can't control them all; but by and large CHristians are good , loving people. Stop acting like Christians = Muslisms, a religion that truly does hate gays.

Same with your dog Dorothy. You got mad about nothing. People were sympathetic to you. How much sympathy did you want? A week? A month? I mean you tell me.

You call people names and then start a thread about how hateful it is to call names. What the hell? That's annoying Dorothy. If you want to call names, do it. no one is stopping you. If you want to tell Jim he's a fucking tattood no pussy getting loser , DO IT. If you want to call me an egotistical jack ass do it. Who cares? But then don't get your panties all up in a wad when someone calls you a flaming queer or whatever, and don't go run and start a thread about how we all hate you and want you to stop posting. It's not fucking true. NO ONE wants you to stop posting here. All we want is for you to stop posting like a LOON.

Further, we all understand you're gay. You don't have to bring it up EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time you post something. I mean everyone here knows that I am the smartest, best looking , most bad ass dude on this site, but I don't go around reminding them of it every time I post. Why? Because it would irritate the fuck out of them (seriously imagine being reminded just much superior I am every time I post)

Have you ever seen a shrink Dorothy? Now, I'm being serious. You need help; real mental care. Someone to talk about your anger issues with. You actually worry me that one day you're going to explode and harm someone.

I still think you're a big douche, but that was an excellent, excellent post!!! :)

Abbey Marie
05-02-2012, 01:58 PM
You can think whatever you like. I don't start upteen threads about marriage equality. Jim usually baits me on gay rights every chance he gets. I don't suppose you saw me try and resist getting into any gay topic with him.

The unsettleness as you call it, comes from the pain I have about my dad, not from any lack of feeling really married.

I've been with my wife for 27 years. I felt married before we had the ceremony, but it really was different to be with the entire community and have them hold us and our relationship in love.

You can take your rights for granted. I can't. Gays and lesbians have to work for them.

I'm sorry you don't understand that.

Sorry, I don't know your Dad's story. It looked to me like you primarily discuss gay subjects, along with some Buddhism. Perhaps I am wrong.
I do believe that it is acceptance as "normal" that gays want, and no piece of paper, from Church or State, can bestow that.

05-02-2012, 01:58 PM
I asked you to refer to me by my screenname. As you recall, I didn't give my permission for my real name to be used.

You've told me we are not friends and you don't want to be friends. You think you're entitled to some special priveleges.

I have no choice in the matter. I cannot even request you to refer to me by the name I prefer. That's how little power you want me to have. You are correct. I can't make you respect my wishes. I can only ask.

AS I recall, kathianne attacked me the DAY my dog died.

As for the rest of the post. I have read it once, I will read it a second time and put it under advisement. That's the best I can offer.

You have signed several of your public posts here with your real name. Are people supposed to forget your name whenever you're angry?

Abbey Marie
05-02-2012, 01:59 PM
I think it is the decent thing to do, to address someone by the name they request.

05-02-2012, 02:04 PM
I think it is the decent thing to do, to address someone by the name they request.

Abbey, here's the truth, I refer to her as Dorothy to try to show her that we can reach out as people not as inanimate pixels. She just can't seem to get it, I mean how can I possibly convince her that I am on her side , but that doesn't mean I HAVE to approve of everything she does?

I honestly pray she seeks mental help. For her OWN sake.

05-02-2012, 02:06 PM
I still think you're a big douche, but that was an excellent, excellent post!!! :)

Ahhh, a compliment from Jim, now my life is complete.:fu: LOL

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:07 PM
Sorry, I don't know your Dad's story. It looked to me like you primarily discuss gay subjects, along with some Buddhism. Perhaps I am wrong.
I do believe that it is acceptance as "normal" that gays want, and no piece of paper, from Church or State, can bestow that.

No. You don't understand and I am completely weary and ready to cry. It's not "acceptance" we want. It's the legal rights and priveleges we are denied. We've had acceptance a long time.

It's the rights we want, not your acceptance or anyone elses.

I am so tired of being unable to get this basic point across. It's lonely being the "only" one of my community posting here.

05-02-2012, 02:09 PM
No. You don't understand and I am completely weary and ready to cry. It's not "acceptance" we want. It's the legal rights and priveleges we are denied. We've had acceptance a long time.

It's the rights we want, not your acceptance or anyone elses.

I am so tired of being unable to get this basic point across. It's lonely being the "only" one of my community posting here.

Then if that's the case - why can't you accept civil unions WITH all the same rights afforded to other married couples?

Abbey Marie
05-02-2012, 02:09 PM
Abbey, here's the truth, I refer to her as Dorothy to try to show her that we can reach out as people not as inanimate pixels. She just can't seem to get it, I mean how can I possibly convince her that I am on her side , but that doesn't mean I HAVE to approve of everything she does?

I honestly pray she seeks mental help. For her OWN sake.

If you want her to listen to what you are saying, my advice is to refer to her by her screen name.
Otherwise, she will only concentrate on the name and get no further. An she certainly won't feel like you are on her side.

Abbey Marie
05-02-2012, 02:11 PM
No. You don't understand and I am completely weary and ready to cry. It's not "acceptance" we want. It's the legal rights and priveleges we are denied. We've had acceptance a long time.

It's the rights we want, not your acceptance or anyone elses.

I am so tired of being unable to get this basic point across. It's lonely being the "only" one of my community posting here.

But if it's the equal rights, and not acceptance, you desire, then why are you so against FJ1200's "No gov't license for anyone" idea?

We would all be on the exact footing, then, no?

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:15 PM
But if it's the equal rights, and not acceptance, you desire, then why are you so against FJ1200's "No gov't license for anyone" idea?

We would all be on the exact footing, then, no?

No, you don't understand. I'm too tired to go over it with you. Marriage privatization isn't the answer. State endorsement of civil unions for both gay and straight couples is the answer.

Abbey Marie
05-02-2012, 02:16 PM
No, you don't understand. I'm too tired to go over it with you.

Okay, I'll let it go.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:20 PM
Okay, I'll let it go.Thank you.

05-02-2012, 02:21 PM
No, you don't understand. I'm too tired to go over it with you. Marriage privatization isn't the answer. State endorsement of civil unions for both gay and straight couples is the answer.

I stated as much earlier and you went apeshit on me that the civil unions weren't good enough.

05-02-2012, 02:22 PM
You have signed several of your public posts here with your real name. Are people supposed to forget your name whenever you're angry?

Is that what the "My Mood" object is for? Let me help:

string strWSName;
switch (MyMood.Value)
case Angry:
strWSName = "Nutcase";
case Cheeky:
strWSName = "Dottie";
case Aggressive:
strWSName = "Dippy";

and so on.

05-02-2012, 02:24 PM
Is that what the "My Mood" object is for? Let me help:

string strWSName;
switch (MyMood.Value)
case Angry:
strWSName = "Nutcase";
case Cheeky:
strWSName = "Dottie";
case Aggressive:
strWSName = "Dippy";

and so on.

You know code will get lost on most here, and most definitely on WS!!

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:24 PM
I stated as much earlier and you went apeshit on me that the civil unions weren't good enough.

If both straight and gay couples have civil union licenses from the state, with THE SAME EXACT RIGHTS AND PRIVELEGES, then I'm good with that. I will still consider myself married whether you like it or not.

I'm more married than you are from the sounds of things.

05-02-2012, 02:27 PM
If both straight and gay couples have civil union licenses from the state, with THE SAME EXACT RIGHTS AND PRIVELEGES, then I'm good with that. I will still consider myself married whether you like it or not.

So it's NOT just about the rights then, you also want the term marriage. You can consider yourself married, but don't expect others to do so, especially those of faiths that are against it.

05-02-2012, 02:28 PM
I'm more married than you are from the sounds of things.

I've not went into your marriage or condemned it directly. I speak generally about gay marriage. I prefer you don't discuss my marriage directly, unless it's a 2 way street.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:29 PM
Please call me by my screenname only. EVERYONE.

Please Call me by My True Names

I am the 12 year old girl, refugee on a boat, who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea pirate.
And I am the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and loving.

I am member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my hands, and I am the man who has to pay his ”debt of blood” to my people, dying slowly in a forced labor camp.

My joy is like spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom in all walks of life.
My pain is like a river of tears, so full it fills up the four oceans.

Please call me by my true names, so I can hear all my cries and my laughs at once, so I can see that my joy and pain are one.

Please call me by my true names so I can wake up, and so the door of my heart can be open the door of compassion.

Thich Nhat Hahn

05-02-2012, 02:31 PM
I've not went into your marriage or condemned it directly. I speak generally about gay marriage. I prefer you don't discuss my marriage directly, unless it's a 2 way street.

Just how drunk DID you get that poor girl before she said yes?

Oh, and before you ask.. My wife wasn't drunk when I proposed. I just got super lucky. :dance:

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:32 PM
I've not went into your marriage or condemned it directly. I speak generally about gay marriage. I prefer you don't discuss my marriage directly, unless it's a 2 way street.

OK. You got it.

05-02-2012, 02:36 PM
No, you don't understand. I'm too tired to go over it with you. Marriage privatization isn't the answer. State endorsement of civil unions for both gay and straight couples is the answer.

I proposed this to you months ago and you rejected it. There is no reason to even call it a state civil union though. It's simply the state acknowledging a contract. PERIOD.

Mr. P
05-02-2012, 02:40 PM
A friend of mine told me this true story. She teaches at an elite private school, and her kids attend it as students. One day she and all the other parents received an unsigned letter in the mail. The letter "outted" two longtime faculty members;their names were not omitted. The anonymous parent wrote that these two teachers should be removed from their posts because they were setting a bad example for the kids.

Here's how the principal handled the situation. First, she submitted the letter to the FBI Hate Crimes Division. Then, she wrote a letter to all the parents. She made several emphatic points:

The two faculty members attacked in the unsigned letter are exceptional educators, among the best in the city. They are exactly the kind of role models our children need and deserve.
Discrimination is illegal. Therefore, this letter has been turned over to the FBI.
The author of the letter and any family who sympathizes with its contents should remove their children from the school immediately. We do not condone intolerance.
Diversity strengthens our community. Love opens us to new people, new ideas, and new experiences.

I haven't read the whole thread so someone may have already said: "Sounds like the principal should go too"! Just sayin

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 02:43 PM
I haven't read the whole thread so someone may have already said: "Sounds like the principal should go too"! Just sayin

Yeah, let's just fire every gay educator on earth.

Mr. P
05-02-2012, 02:49 PM
Yeah, let's just fire every gay educator on earth.

Works for me, cept the earth part. I'm only concerned about the USA and the "supposed" role modals our children are exposed to. If we have a DADT policy, fine. Good educators are good educators period but, If they parade the life style as the "societal" norm, BS.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:11 PM
Works for me, cept the earth part. I'm only concerned about the USA and the "supposed" role modals our children are exposed to. If we have a DADT policy, fine. Good educators are good educators period but, If they parade the life style as the "societal" norm, BS.

I see. You prefer to educate our children that gay people are "monsters" instead of the truth, that their favorite teacher in elementary school is gay or lesbian. Gotcha, bigot. Make all gays stay in the closet so that we seem really monstrous instead of ordinary or boring.

What's completely fucked about your attitude is this. No gay or lesbian teacher is FLAUNTING IT in school. I worked for two years in an elementary school program and the staff and children loved me. I also got a dear friend of mine a job there.

She is ex-military and more closeted than you believe.

My father was a closeted gay man and it killed him.

Here's the sad truth Mr Bigot. Plenty of gay and lesbian kids struggle with no healthy adult role models. I would be terrified to befriend a lesbian teenager, even though I'm in a great position to counsel someone about how to get through that tough time if you're gay.

Why because bigots like you would fire me for being compassionate. You'd accuse me or someone like me of "turning" the kid lesbian or gay. That is really messed up.

I'm sorry you can't see that.

05-02-2012, 03:27 PM
I see. You prefer to educate our children that gay people are "monsters" instead of the truth, that their favorite teacher in elementary school is gay or lesbian. Gotcha, bigot. Make all gays stay in the closet so that we seem really monstrous instead of ordinary or boring.

What's completely fucked about your attitude is this. No gay or lesbian teacher is FLAUNTING IT in school. I worked for two years in an elementary school program and the staff and children loved me. I also got a dear friend of mine a job there.

She is ex-military and more closeted than you believe.

My father was a closeted gay man and it killed him.

Here's the sad truth Mr Bigot. Plenty of gay and lesbian kids struggle with no healthy adult role models. I would be terrified to befriend a lesbian teenager, even though I'm in a great position to counsel someone about how to get through that tough time if you're gay.

Why because bigots like you would fire me for being compassionate. You'd accuse me or someone like me of "turning" the kid lesbian or gay. That is really messed up.

I'm sorry you can't see that.

Will you fucking stop? NO ONE said "let's educate our children to see that gays are monsters" we just prefer that our teachers not teach our children ANYTHING about gay or straight for that matter. Sexual courses need to be limited to two things. Safe sex , and reproduction. BOTH of those things can be addressed without mention sexual orientation.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:31 PM
Will you fucking stop? NO ONE said "let's educate our children to see that gays are monsters" we just prefer that our teachers not teach our children ANYTHING about gay or straight for that matter. Sexual courses need to be limited to two things. Safe sex , and reproduction. BOTH of those things can be addressed without mention sexual orientation.

No, I won't stop telling the truth. That asshole thinks ALL gays and lesbians are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. I worked for two years in the elementary schools and I know I made a positive impact on the children there.

Your fucking "friend" would have fired me for BEING lesbian.

You can tell Mr P. (oop) I'm his worst nightmare. A kind, loving role model to children and I just happen to be a monstrous lesbian.

05-02-2012, 03:34 PM
No, I won't stop telling the truth. That asshole thinks ALL gays and lesbians are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. I worked for two years in the elementary schools and I know I made a positive impact on the children there.

Your fucking "friend" would have fired me for BEING lesbian.

You do realize that the ENTIRE board sees you inventing things that just weren't said? And then when pointed out, you still stand your ground that this is what people think. You are MAKING drama and you WANT the drama.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:35 PM
You do realize that the ENTIRE board sees you inventing things that just weren't said? And then when pointed out, you still stand your ground that this is what people think. You are MAKING drama and you WANT the drama.

That guy indicated he didn't want gays or lesbians teaching in schools. There is no such thing as "parading the lifestyle". WTF does he mean? I don't act sexually when I'm around children.

I know TONS of lesbian educators and we act as professional as anyone else.

05-02-2012, 03:35 PM
No, I won't stop telling the truth. That a$$4ole thinks ALL gays and lesbians are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. I worked for two years in the elementary schools and I know I made a positive impact on the children there.

Your ****ing "friend" would have fired me for BEING lesbian.

I wouldn't go as far as firing, but I do think schools should read gay teachers the "riot act" regarding revealing your lifestyle to students.

05-02-2012, 03:36 PM
Well, too bad, Jim. We're already married and other states are following suit. Marriage completely defines the kind of relationship we share with each other.

hang on, you just claimed in another thread that you weren't after the word marriage, only the civil rights that were granted.

Now which is it?

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:40 PM
I wouldn't go as far as firing, but I do think schools should read gay teachers the "riot act" regarding revealing your lifestyle to students.

I rest my case. This post is bigoted. Gay teachers should abide by the same rules as hetero teachers, NOT be read the riot act.

05-02-2012, 03:41 PM
That asshole thinks ALL gays and lesbians are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us.

Your fucking "friend" would have fired me for BEING lesbian.

That guy indicated he didn't want gays or lesbians teaching in schools.

2 consecutive posts from you and 2 totally different things he supposedly said. You invent things and then get mad at people for those things.

But humor me - please show me specifically where he stated that ALL gays an lesbians (which is the same thing)are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. <--- Pls address this request, I am asking you politely. ANd don't give me excuses, rhetoric or your lame answers- just PLEASE show me where he stated that stuff.

05-02-2012, 03:42 PM
I asked you to refer to me by my screenname. As you recall, I didn't give my permission for my real name to be used.

You've told me we are not friends and you don't want to be friends. You think you're entitled to some special priveleges.

I have no choice in the matter. I cannot even request you to refer to me by the name I prefer. That's how little power you want me to have. You are correct. I can't make you respect my wishes. I can only ask.

AS I recall, kathianne attacked me the DAY my dog died.

As for the rest of the post. I have read it once, I will read it a second time and put it under advisement. That's the best I can offer.

As for Jim. Jim has the most open and honest position on marriage equality of ANYONE on this forum. I completely accept his position. Some of the other folks seem like posers to me.

I do not hate you, you amuse me. As for the nonsense with your dog dying, I said you were using the event-over the course of days-to post in a nasty manner, who'd have thunk? Hell, you still are. Probably did it more to let others know they didn't have to kowtow to you. Seems most everyone now gets that. My fuse and prior knowledge of you just made my fuse shorter. As for being an angry bitch, I can't hold a candle to you.

05-02-2012, 03:43 PM
hang on, you just claimed in another thread that you weren't after the word marriage, only the civil rights that were granted.

Now which is it?

Yep, that's what I've been saying. She was ALL over the "marriage" and then now it's simply civil unions so long as the rights come with it.

I have a guess - :alcoholic:

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:43 PM
2 consecutive posts from you and 2 totally different things he supposedly said. You invent things and then get mad at people for those things.

But humor me - please show me specifically where he stated that ALL gays an lesbians (which is the same thing)are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. <--- Pls address this request, I am asking you politely. ANd don't give me excuses, rhetoric or your lame answers- just PLEASE show me where he stated that stuff.

He implied it.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:44 PM
Yep, that's what I've been saying. She was ALL over the "marriage" and then now it's simply civil unions so long as the rights come with it.

I have a guess - :alcoholic:

That's right. I want the same civil rights you have and the freedom to consider myself married whether you approve or not.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:46 PM
hang on, you just claimed in another thread that you weren't after the word marriage, only the civil rights that were granted.

Now which is it?

We want the same civil rights that married hets have. We want to consider ourselves married, (which is the "lifestyle" I'm leading, a married lifestyle) regardless of how the law is worded.

05-02-2012, 03:49 PM
He implied it.

He implied shit about monsters and how he wanted the kids to fear and hate gays? PLEASE quote his post for me where that happened?

05-02-2012, 03:50 PM
That's right. I want the same civil rights you have and the freedom to consider myself married whether you approve or not.

Well, so long as the term doesn't truly apply to homosexuals, I'm cool with that, and you can continue to use your imagination. :lol:

05-02-2012, 03:53 PM
We want the same civil rights that married hets have. We want to consider ourselves married, (which is the "lifestyle" I'm leading, a married lifestyle) regardless of how the law is worded.

you're free to 'consider" yourself just about any way you want regarding just about anything.

Now back to the topic.

I would suggest than the GLBT leadership stop pushing for "gay marriage" and start pushing for civil unions with all of the perks and benefits that any heterosexual married couple gets.

I will vote against gay marriage every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

However I completely support civil unions/legal partnerships with all of the rights that I currently enjoy as a married woman.

The GLBT leadership wants to change the meaning of marriage and THAT, not civil rights, is the problem MOST people (including the ones here) have with them.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:53 PM
He implied shit about monsters and how he wanted the kids to fear and hate gays? PLEASE quote his post for me where that happened?

Yes, he implied it.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:56 PM
you're free to 'consider" yourself just about any way you want regarding just about anything.

Now back to the topic.

I would suggest than the GLBT leadership stop pushing for "gay marriage" and start pushing for civil unions with all of the perks and benefits that any heterosexual married couple gets.

I will vote against gay marriage every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

However I completely support civil unions/legal partnerships with all of the rights that I currently enjoy as a married woman.

The GLBT leadership wants to change the meaning of marriage and THAT, not civil rights, is the problem MOST people (including the ones here) have with them.

Who do you think you are? You want to tell the GLBTQ community what we should push for?

I'm married, I call myself married, my friends and co-workers call me that and you hate that. You would vote against us. I got it.

05-02-2012, 03:57 PM
Yes, he implied it.

And THIS is exactly why you have so many problems here. You continually make things up, see things that aren't there and are telling people "You think..." when they never said such things. You make yourself a victim of things that were never said, and then cry foul.

He implied no such thing. He didn't even state anything REMOTELY to that, and that's why you won't quote what he said that made you think as much. In some circles, what you're doing is called dishonest, or lying.

05-02-2012, 03:58 PM
Who do you think you are? You want to tell the GLBTQ community what we should push for?

I'm married, I call myself married, my friends and co-workers call me that and you hate that. You would vote against us. I got it.

You can call yourself the quarterback of the 49ers or call yourself CEO of Microsoft - none of which is true or within reality. But have fun calling yourself whatever you like.

05-02-2012, 03:59 PM
Will you fucking stop? NO ONE said "let's educate our children to see that gays are monsters" we just prefer that our teachers not teach our children ANYTHING about gay or straight for that matter. Sexual courses need to be limited to two things. Safe sex , and reproduction. BOTH of those things can be addressed without mention sexual orientation.

No, I won't stop telling the truth. That asshole thinks ALL gays and lesbians are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. I worked for two years in the elementary schools and I know I made a positive impact on the children there.

Your fucking "friend" would have fired me for BEING lesbian.

You can tell Mr P. (oop) I'm his worst nightmare. A kind, loving role model to children and I just happen to be a monstrous lesbian.

You do realize that the ENTIRE board sees you inventing things that just weren't said? And then when pointed out, you still stand your ground that this is what people think. You are MAKING drama and you WANT the drama.

2 consecutive posts from you and 2 totally different things he supposedly said. You invent things and then get mad at people for those things.

But humor me - please show me specifically where he stated that ALL gays an lesbians (which is the same thing)are monsters and he wants children to fear and hate us. <--- Pls address this request, I am asking you politely. ANd don't give me excuses, rhetoric or your lame answers- just PLEASE show me where he stated that stuff.

He implied it.

He implied shit about monsters and how he wanted the kids to fear and hate gays? PLEASE quote his post for me where that happened?

And THIS is exactly why you have so many problems here. You continually make things up, see things that aren't there and are telling people "You think..." when they never said such things. You make yourself a victim of things that were never said, and then cry foul.

He implied no such thing. He didn't even state anything REMOTELY to that, and that's why you won't quote what he said that made you think as much. In some circles, what you're doing is called dishonest, or lying.

One tidy recap.

The only one 'making things up' or implying anything is Sky. Everyone else was quite direct.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 03:59 PM
And THIS is exactly why you have so many problems here. You continually make things up, see things that aren't there and are telling people "You think..." when they never said such things. You make yourself a victim of things that were never said, and then cry foul.

He implied no such thing. He didn't even state anything REMOTELY to that, and that's why you won't quote what he said that made you think as much. In some circles, what you're doing is called dishonest, or lying.
I knew what he meant the second he posted it.

05-02-2012, 04:01 PM
I knew what he meant the second he posted it.

Well ok then! Since I'm not allowed to call you by your real name, can I call you Einstein? Or maybe Houdini? :poke:

05-02-2012, 04:04 PM
Who do you think you are? You want to tell the GLBTQ community what we should push for?

I'm married, I call myself married, my friends and co-workers call me that and you hate that. You would vote against us. I got it.

come on you are not this stupid.

I suggested that if the GLBT wants to advance civil unions with all the rights associated with marriage they should stop going after the word marriage.

You've already admitted that you don't care about the word only the civil rights. So what is your problem???

I'd vote against changing the meaning of marriage, not gay couples getting the same rights.

What about that are you pretending to not understand.

05-02-2012, 04:04 PM
He implied it.
You assumed it; as you always do. Cuz you're an ASS.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:06 PM
You can call yourself the quarterback of the 49ers or call yourself CEO of Microsoft - none of which is true or within reality. But have fun calling yourself whatever you like.

I've been married twice now. One to the woman I love and one to the man we both married.

05-02-2012, 04:07 PM
Well ok then! Since I'm not allowed to call you by your real name, can I call you Einstein? Or maybe Houdini? :poke:
I'm gonna call her twister, because she blows in all directions, makes a lot of noise and leaves nothing but heartbreak, destruction and a public sentiment of 'why me' everywhere she goes.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:08 PM
You assumed it; as you always do. Cuz you're an ASS.

True. I assumed it because that's EXACTLY what he meant. He wants all queers in the closet so they are dark and monstrous.

We are your worst nightmare.

05-02-2012, 04:08 PM
I've been married twice now. One to the woman I love and one to the man we both married.

Sounds wholesome and logical...:rolleyes:

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:08 PM
I'm gonna call her twister, because she blows in all directions, makes a lot of noise and leaves nothing but heartbreak, destruction and a public sentiment of 'why me' everywhere she goes.

True. I'm irritating as shit. Get used to it.

The best you can hope for is that I take long vacations.

05-02-2012, 04:09 PM
True. I assumed it because that's EXACTLY what he meant. He wants all queers in the closet so they are dark and monstrous.

We are your worst nightmare.

Don't forget vile and disgusting, and abnormal.

05-02-2012, 04:10 PM
True. I assumed it because that's EXACTLY what he meant. He wants all queers in the closet so they are dark and monstrous.

We are your worst nightmare.

I want to out from the closet of ignorance...but some people just can't accept who they actually are--you're one of them! Enjoy your self-deprecating bliss.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:11 PM
Sounds wholesome and logical...:rolleyes:

Sounds like a true story, but I won't tell it.

05-02-2012, 04:12 PM
I've been married twice now. One to the woman I love and one to the man we both married.


No wonder you can't think straight.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:13 PM
I want to out from the closet of ignorance...but some people just can't accept who they actually are--you're one of them! Enjoy your self-deprecating bliss.

Too bad for you. I'm happy with who I am. You're NOT happy with who I am. YOU want me to be different than I am.

05-02-2012, 04:15 PM
True. I'm irritating as shit. Get used to it.

The best you can hope for is that I take long vacations.

I'm in hope you return from your nigh permanent vacation from rationality; but hope is dwindling. I'm pretty sure I could get you declared intellectually dead.

05-02-2012, 04:17 PM
Don't forget vile and disgusting, and abnormal.

:2up: and that's not because she is gay.

05-02-2012, 04:17 PM
Too bad for you. I'm happy with who I am. You're NOT happy with who I am. YOU want me to be different than I am.
That's just it; you're not happy with who are. I want you to accept who are, so that I can too.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:17 PM
I'm in hope you return from your nigh permanent vacation from rationality; but hope is dwindling. I'm pretty sure I could get you declared intellectually dead.

You can declare me whatever you choose. I've had a pretty odd life, if I don't say so myself. It's all true.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:19 PM
That's just it; you're not happy with who are. I want you to accept who are, so that I can too.

I accept you as you are. I accept myself, warts and all.

05-02-2012, 04:19 PM
Sounds like a true story, but I won't tell it.
I didn't ask.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:20 PM
I didn't ask.


05-02-2012, 04:21 PM
I accept you as you are. I accept myself, warts and all.

Write that on your mirror as a daily affirmation; that and, 'Remember to take lithium'.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:23 PM
Write that on your mirror as a daily affirmation; that and, 'Remember to take lithium'.

Whatever you say. You'd rather we not get to know each other.

05-02-2012, 04:34 PM
I've been married twice now. One to the woman I love and one to the man we both married.

You and your current partner are together and you also married the same man? Kinky!! :lol:

05-02-2012, 04:34 PM
Whatever you say. You'd rather we not get to know each other.
Wrong. I'd rather 'we', the scattered realm of your multiple personalities, become intimately connected. As for you and I, there is no 'we' about it; not by my preference, but rather your behavior. You need to own up to how your behavior affects how others treat you. Take heed, or don't, it matters less to me than it should you.

05-02-2012, 04:35 PM
I accept you as you are. I accept myself, warts and all.

I have a pretty strong stomach, not much scares me. However there are several things I won't tolerate.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:35 PM
You and your current partner are together and you also married the same man? Kinky!! :lol:

Not at the same time.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:35 PM
I have a pretty strong stomach, not much scares me. However there are several things I won't tolerate.

By all means, tell us what you can't tolerate.

05-02-2012, 04:38 PM
Not at the same time.

So the woman you are married to now - you were both married to the same man at one point?

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:39 PM
So the woman you are married to now - you were both married to the same man at one point?

Yes. Not at the same time. We both loved him dearly.

05-02-2012, 04:41 PM
Yes. Not at the same time.

So one of you married this man. Then divorced him. Then the other married him. Then divorced him. And now you 2 are married? Did you bury the body when you were done with him? :laugh:

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:42 PM
So one of you married this man. Then divorced him. Then the other married him. Then divorced him. And now you 2 are married? Did you bury the body when you were done with him? :laugh:

No, he was cremated.

05-02-2012, 04:45 PM
No, he was cremated.

My condolences. And I want you to understand the amount of respect I have for you - right now I'm biting my lip to the point that it's bleeding a little.

Please Lord, allow me to keep my mouth shut!

05-02-2012, 04:46 PM
You and your current partner are together and you also married the same man? Kinky!! :lol:

Since we are using foreign words, I would have to describe that man as a cornô. (don't forget the circumflex symbol above the o)

This cat made a list of good synonyms: This is my favorite

Socialista - aquele que não se importa em dividir com os outros.

Salário - Baixinho e só comparece uma vez por mês.

OUCH! He's a salary: Tiny and only makes an appearance once a month!

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:46 PM
My condolences. And I want you to understand the amount of respect I have for you - right now I'm biting my lip to the point that it's bleeding a little.

Please Lord, allow me to keep my mouth shut!

LOL. I'll bet. Don't let me stop you. You're on a roll.

05-02-2012, 04:50 PM
LOL. I'll bet. Don't let me stop you. You're on a roll.

Ok, since you said so - I KNOW YOU KILLED THAT POOR BASTARD!!!! :laugh2: May he rest in peace, of course, no disrespect.

I can't stop fucking laughing. It's bad enough when your lover turns gay and leaves you for another person - but it's a whole new level when your lover turns gay and marries your EX! I can't even say no more.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:52 PM
Ok, since you said so - I KNOW YOU KILLED THAT POOR BASTARD!!!! :laugh2: May he rest in peace, of course, no disrespect.

I can't stop fucking laughing. It's bad enough when your lover turns gay and leaves you for another person - but it's a whole new level when your lover turns gay and marries your EX! I can't even say no more.


I'll keep the story for some other time. The one thing Tom had was a great sense of humor. He died laughing.

I miss the hell out of him.

05-02-2012, 04:55 PM

I'll keep the story for some other time. The one thing Tom had was a great sense of humor. He died laughing.

I honestly don't mean any disrespect, WS. Not towards you or your ex or your current gal.

But I just KNEW you liked wieners too!! :laugh2:

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:57 PM
I honestly don't mean any disrespect, WS. Not towards you or your ex or your current gal.

But I just KNEW you liked wieners too!! :laugh2:

You're hopeless.

If any other lesbian is brave enough to post here, we can start a coming out stories thread.

05-02-2012, 04:57 PM
Ok, since you said so - I KNOW YOU KILLED THAT POOR BASTARD!!!! :laugh2: May he rest in peace, of course, no disrespect.

I can't stop fucking laughing. It's bad enough when your lover turns gay and leaves you for another person - but it's a whole new level when your lover turns gay and marries your EX! I can't even say no more.
His dick was like a dyke witching stick. It's like oldschool gaydar

05-02-2012, 04:57 PM
Since we are using foreign words, I would have to describe that man as a cornô. (don't forget the circumflex symbol above the o)

This cat made a list of good synonyms: This is my favorite

OUCH! He's a salary: Tiny and only makes an appearance once a month!

Oh wow, it gets even better!

Pescador - Aquele que prefere sergurar a vara.
Fisherman: He who would rather hold his own pole. :laugh:

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 04:59 PM
His dick was like a dyke witching stick. It's like oldschool gaydar

That is very funny. You don't know the half of it!

I've led an unconventional life.

05-02-2012, 05:16 PM
I've led an unconventional life.
No level of sarcasm could express my surprise; or rather, lack of.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 05:20 PM
No level of sarcasm could express my surprise; or rather, lack of.

And you wonder why I think I don't fit in here.

05-02-2012, 05:27 PM
And you wonder why I think I don't fit in here.
You fit in fine; stop saying otherwise. Loosen up, take your licks (no pun intended) like the rest of us and enjoy the banter. Truth be told I like you here, just wish you'd accept what happens to you isn't your fault; how you respond however... You picking up whatim putting down. Its a debate site; there are rules. You've got your ethos down pat; need to work on your logos and pathos.

05-02-2012, 05:29 PM
You fit in fine; stop saying otherwise. Loosen up, take your licks (no pun intended) like the rest of us and enjoy the banter. Truth be told I like you here, just wish you'd accept what happens to you isn't your fault; how you respond however... You picking up whatim putting down. Its a debate site; there are rules. You've got your ethos down pat; need to work on your logos and pathos.

She's been told these things ad nauseum. It is a waste of time. Very sad.

05-02-2012, 05:32 PM
You and your current partner are together and you also married the same man? Kinky!! :lol:

Sounds like one of those cults where everyone has to marry the leader. Yup.

05-02-2012, 05:34 PM
She's been told these things ad nauseum. It is a waste of time. Very sad.
I've a strong stomach; hope springs eternal. In a world of horseshit there's bound to be a pony! :thumb:

05-02-2012, 05:36 PM
Sounds like one of those cults where everyone has to marry the leader. Yup.
Thats the apex of marriage as a cultural phenom.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 05:37 PM
I've a strong stomach; hope springs eternal. In a world of horseshit there's bound to be a pony! :thumb:

Hahaha. You sure know how to give a "left handed" compliment.:fighting0040:

05-02-2012, 05:44 PM
Hahaha. You sure know how to give a "left handed" compliment.:fighting0040:
Well, my right hand is in a cast right now from punching some guy who disrespected my wife; so that leaves only my left hand to dispense both compliments and punishments; guess the message gets mixed up sometimes.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 05:55 PM
Well, my right hand is in a cast right now from punching some guy who disrespected my wife; so that leaves only my left hand to dispense both compliments and punishments; guess the message gets mixed up sometimes.

Ouch. What does the other guy look like?

05-02-2012, 06:10 PM
Ouch. What does the other guy look like?
It was a kidney shot and I dropped him with it--so I'm guessing he pissed blood for atleast a day or two. Security was called and he was taken away; absent evidence of me hitting him, i stayed. :lol: I abhor violence; but if needed, there's no substitute. The most valuable thing I gained from the experience was the wife's confidence in me as a protector.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 06:16 PM
It was a kidney shot and I dropped him with it--so I'm guessing he pissed blood for atleast a day or two. Security was called and he was taken away; absent evidence of me hitting him, i stayed. :lol: I abhor violence; but if needed, there's no substitute. The most valuable thing I gained from the experience was the wife's confidence in me as a protector.


05-02-2012, 06:29 PM
It was a kidney shot and I dropped him with it--so I'm guessing he pissed blood for atleast a day or two. Security was called and he was taken away; absent evidence of me hitting him, i stayed. :lol: I abhor violence; but if needed, there's no substitute. The most valuable thing I gained from the experience was the wife's confidence in me as a protector.

Your wife should also notice your astuteness for not getting arrested. Well done.

Gator Monroe
05-02-2012, 07:40 PM
Unless it's about Zionists

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 07:55 PM
Unless it's about Zionists

Sometime, it would be good to talk about Israel. I could sure use help with understanding Zionism better than I do.

05-02-2012, 07:58 PM
He implied it.

He didn't imply it, you inferred it.

I leave it to you to figure out the difference.

Gator Monroe
05-02-2012, 07:59 PM
Israel & Israeli Jews = The Man in the eyes of the Far Left & Left here in America and to be "Down with the Struggle" you have to have issues with Americans who Support Israel (Zionists) and the Actuial Zionist Occupiers (Israeli Jews).

05-02-2012, 08:04 PM
It was a kidney shot and I dropped him with it--so I'm guessing he pissed blood for atleast a day or two. Security was called and he was taken away; absent evidence of me hitting him, i stayed. :lol: I abhor violence; but if needed, there's no substitute. The most valuable thing I gained from the experience was the wife's confidence in me as a protector.

Did this guy lay hands on her? Man lays his hands on my wife I'll be making future posts from Tuckers Maximum Security. I promise you that.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 08:05 PM
He didn't imply it, you inferred it.

I leave it to you to figure out the difference.

Yes, I inferred it. I thought it was implied in his language.

05-02-2012, 08:35 PM
Yes, I inferred it. I thought it was implied in his language.

That in a nut shell is why you aggravate people Sky, you think EVERYONE is implying they hate you in EVERY post they make.

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 08:42 PM
That in a nut shell is why you aggravate people Sky, you think EVERYONE is implying they hate you in EVERY post they make.

Too bad.

05-02-2012, 08:47 PM
Too bad.

So are you in fact conceding that you just don't want to get along with people? If so, I am changing my vote to ban Sky. There is a difference between wanting to get along with others and having issues which prevent it and just not giving a fuck........

Wind Song
05-02-2012, 08:56 PM
So are you in fact conceding that you just don't want to get along with people? If so, I am changing my vote to ban Sky. There is a difference between wanting to get along with others and having issues which prevent it and just not giving a fuck........

No, I'm not conceding that at all. Go ahead and "change your vote". It was pretty shallow all along.

05-02-2012, 09:15 PM
No, I'm not conceding that at all. Go ahead and "change your vote". It was pretty shallow all along.

What the fuck does a person have to do, what can they possibly do to prove to you that they don't want you to leave?

05-02-2012, 09:22 PM
Did this guy lay hands on her? Man lays his hands on my wife I'll be making future posts from Tuckers Maximum Security. I promise you that.
He did. Kind of a long and complicated story; it was a wedding party, he was the bride's dad... Discretion was warranted. But not getting caught is the number one rule. I evaded legal consequences, just not the broken wrist thing.

05-02-2012, 09:25 PM
He did. Kind of a long and complicated story; it was a wedding party, he was the bride's dad... Discretion was warranted. But not getting caught is the number one rule. I evaded legal consequences, just not the broken wrist thing.

So the bride's dad grabbed your wife's ass? That wasn't quite was I had in mind when I said I'd kill someone over.

05-02-2012, 09:25 PM
That in a nut shell is why you aggravate people Sky, you think EVERYONE is implying they hate you in EVERY post they make.

It's an acquired skill. Dottie is an interesting source of entertainment. I do admire her ability to drive people nuts and drooling all over themselves.

05-02-2012, 09:28 PM
It's an acquired skill. Dottie is an interesting source of entertainment. I do admire her ability to drive people nuts and drooling all over themselves.

It's ridiculous and totally not entertaining. She needs mental help.

05-02-2012, 09:30 PM
So the bride's dad grabbed your wife's ass? That wasn't quite was I had in mind when I said I'd kill someone over.
Tit. It was in a bar; one of those things where had she not been bothered, nor would I. I just talked to him about it; thought we had an understanding until he starts running his mouth 5 minutes later about how she wanted it. It was just disrespectful; insult to injury, if you will.

05-02-2012, 09:33 PM
Tit. It was in a bar; one of those things where had she not been bothered, nor would I. I just talked to him about it; thought we had an understanding until he starts running his mouth 5 minutes later about how she wanted it. It was just disrespectful; insult to injury, if you will.

I can't imagine a man ever being dumb enough to grab my wife in front of me, They teach a mean stare at Fort Benning :lol:

05-02-2012, 09:57 PM
I've never really been possessive; just not the alpha male kinda guy. Some people consider me passive; But when youre in a jam, I'm the guy who you can call. I embody strict confidence.

05-03-2012, 12:10 AM
What the fuck does a person have to do, what can they possibly do to prove to you that they don't want you to leave?

She wants all of us to be the rats to her Pied Piper.

05-03-2012, 12:15 AM
It's an acquired skill. Dottie is an interesting source of entertainment. I do admire her ability to drive people nuts and drooling all over themselves.

Yep, even me. I've been able to keep my cool with people like OCA, Beanerboy, Agna, Psycho and yet it was this little twit that tipped the scales.

However, being totally stressed by divorce may have made me more susceptible. Oooopppss....hope that didn't come across as playing the victim.

05-03-2012, 01:26 AM
"Family Values" proponents are anti-gay.

Being anti-gay doesnt have anything to do with hate. Im anti murder too, but I dont hate murderers. I pity them.

05-03-2012, 07:41 AM
It's an acquired skill. Dottie is an interesting source of entertainment. I do admire her ability to drive people nuts and drooling all over themselves.

I can imagine all SORTS of 'entertainment' with Dottie.



05-03-2012, 08:01 AM
It's an acquired skill. Dottie is an interesting source of entertainment. I do admire her ability to drive people nuts and drooling all over themselves.

No kidding...she even gets them to come from other boards and land on her head. That's quite a feat. Especially since it has been established that she is nothing but troll bait. :laugh:

05-03-2012, 08:02 AM
She wants all of us to be the rats to her Pied Piper.

Seems to be working unfortunately.

05-03-2012, 08:05 AM
Seems to be working unfortunately.

You must be confusing Pied Piper with Court Jester. Just because everyone is watching doesn't mean you're leading.

05-03-2012, 08:09 AM
You must be confusing Pied Piper with Court Jester. Just because everyone is watching doesn't mean you're leading.

That might be true if people were just watching. Don't misunderstand...I don't think she is a good leader by any stretch of the imagination. But... she seems to attract people anyway. Kind of like a train wreck

05-03-2012, 09:41 AM
There is no such thing as "parading the lifestyle".

Haven't you ever seen a "pride parade"?

05-03-2012, 09:53 AM
....hope that didn't come across as playing the victim.
Nothing wrong with a little role play; you just need a safe word..."windsong", I'm guessing, would have the opposite effect.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:28 AM
Haven't you ever seen a "pride parade"?
How many teachers would attend a "pride parade"? Probably very few. I've walked in one in my entire life and I did that during the height of the AIDS epidemic to support people dying of AIDS.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:29 AM
Being anti-gay doesnt have anything to do with hate. Im anti murder too, but I dont hate murderers. I pity them.

You can take your "pity" and shove it. Congratulations on being a father. I hope your child doesn't grow up to be gay.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:46 AM
What the fuck does a person have to do, what can they possibly do to prove to you that they don't want you to leave?

Hey hon,

I get it and it warms my heart. Seriously, this is the most welcome I've ever felt at any forum.

90% of the clashes I get into with people are my fault.

You have been very generous with me.

Thank you,


Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:48 AM
Nothing wrong with a little role play; you just need a safe word..."windsong", I'm guessing, would have the opposite effect.
I think most of the forum needs a safe word when posting with me. PM me if you need one.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:48 AM
That might be true if people were just watching. Don't misunderstand...I don't think she is a good leader by any stretch of the imagination. But... she seems to attract people anyway. Kind of like a train wreck
I love you too.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:49 AM
Yep, even me. I've been able to keep my cool with people like OCA, Beanerboy, Agna, Psycho and yet it was this little twit that tipped the scales.

However, being totally stressed by divorce may have made me more susceptible. Oooopppss....hope that didn't come across as playing the victim.

God forbid you should come across as a "victim".

I work with victims all the time and I don't consider it a dirty word.

BTW I'm posting to you today, but if you'd rather I didn't I'll put you back on ignore.

05-03-2012, 10:52 AM
You can take your "pity" and shove it. Congratulations on being a father. I hope your child doesn't grow up to be gay.

Zsa Zsa Gabor strikes again! Green Acres is the place to be. He said he has pity for murderers. :laugh:

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 10:53 AM
Zsa Zsa Gabor strikes again! Green Acres is the place to be. He said he has pity for murderers. :laugh:

That's right. Who is HE to pity anyone? Pity is not compassion. I have compassion, not "pity" for murderers.

Pity implies that he thinks himself superior.

05-03-2012, 10:57 AM
That's right. Who is HE to pity anyone? Pity is not compassion. I have compassion, not "pity" for murderers.

Pity implies that he thinks himself superior.

Would you prefer steel-hard judgement? I don't have pity for murderers. In spite of any help offered, they owe the victim's relatives a debt. Some people are poison and I treat them as such.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:00 AM
She wants all of us to be the rats to her Pied Piper.

You walked right into that one, but I'll keep my lips sealed.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:02 AM
Would you prefer steel-hard judgement? I don't have pity for murderers. In spite of any help offered, they owe the victim's relatives a debt. Some people are poison and I treat them as such.

Pity is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Like it or not, even people who are evil are still people.

All beings have Buddha nature, the potential for enlightenment. It's true that murderers owe debt to their victims and victim's relatives.

What we don't understand is that we owe debts to ALL sentient beings. We've all had countless lifetimes and we've all been murderers and saints.

05-03-2012, 11:17 AM
Pity is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Like it or not, even people who are evil are still people.

All beings have Buddha nature, the potential for enlightenment. It's true that murderers owe debt to their victims and victim's relatives.

What we don't understand is that we owe debts to ALL sentient beings. We've all had countless lifetimes and we've all been murderers and saints.

The author of reincarnation:


Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:25 AM
You just stepped out there into wacko land. "Satan" is the author of reincarnation?

We'd better not talk about religion, you and I.

05-03-2012, 11:47 AM
You just stepped out there into wacko land. "Satan" is the author of reincarnation?

We'd better not talk about religion, you and I.

Logical fallacy - you can't debate his point so you pull out ridicule.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:48 AM
Logical fallacy - you can't debate his point so you pull out ridicule.
What's his point? Nothing. He's calling any teachings of the Buddha satanic. I'm not going there with him.

05-03-2012, 11:54 AM
What's his point? Nothing. He's calling any teachings of the Buddha satanic. I'm not going there with him.

No point in spending the day in a sand trap. I say what I think, you're free to take it or leave.

05-03-2012, 12:32 PM
How many teachers would attend a "pride parade"? Probably very few. I've walked in one in my entire life and I did that during the height of the AIDS epidemic to support people dying of AIDS.

So you agree that some people can "parade the lifestyle"?

05-03-2012, 12:37 PM
What's his point? Nothing. He's calling any teachings of the Buddha satanic. I'm not going there with him.

More logical fallacy. You're saying "He doesn't have a point" then you state the supposed point he's making with "He's calling..."

If he had NO point, then you'd not be able to (incorrectly) describe his position/point.

Worst. Debater. Ever. I really CAN help you, ya know. Plus, since you wanna do me hard, you might enjoy the lessons :)

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 01:54 PM
I honestly don't mean any disrespect, WS. Not towards you or your ex or your current gal.

But I just KNEW you liked wieners too!! :laugh2:

Everyone likes wieners!


05-03-2012, 02:17 PM
Everyone likes wieners!


Mine's bigger.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:01 PM
So you agree that some people can "parade the lifestyle"?
No one is doing a gay pride parade in a classroom. What a ridiculous notion.

05-03-2012, 03:05 PM
No one is doing a gay pride parade in a classroom. What a ridiculous notion.

True, I didn't say that they were.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:06 PM
More logical fallacy. You're saying "He doesn't have a point" then you state the supposed point he's making with "He's calling..."

If he had NO point, then you'd not be able to (incorrectly) describe his position/point.

Worst. Debater. Ever. I really CAN help you, ya know. Plus, since you wanna do me hard, you might enjoy the lessons :)
No, it's not. He is saying that "reincarnation" is a devil's teaching. First of all, we talk about "rebirth" NOT reincarnation in Buddhism. They are completely different.

Reincarnation implies that there is something permanent, like a "soul" or "personality" that moves from one human life to another. That is mixing up Judeo Christian concept with Buddhism.

Key point in Buddhism are the teachings on emptiness. That means that nothing is permanent, unchanging, solid, fixed. What goes from lifetime to lifetime, (and in Buddhism there are six realms of existence) are qualities, (which aren't solid) and karma.

05-03-2012, 04:39 PM
Mine's bigger.

but people keep stepping on it, so you're not happier....

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 04:45 PM
but people keep stepping on it, so you're not happier....

Doesn't Martha look happy? :laugh2:

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 05:01 PM
True, I didn't say that they were.

Then why are you bringing gay pride parades into a discussion about gay and lesbian teachers?

More logical fallacy. You're saying "He doesn't have a point" then you state the supposed point he's making with "He's calling..."

If he had NO point, then you'd not be able to (incorrectly) describe his position/point.

Worst. Debater. Ever. I really CAN help you, ya know. Plus, since you wanna do me hard, you might enjoy the lessons :)

Stop pretending to hit on me.

The author of reincarnation is Lucifer?

I'm waiting for you to elaborate on that ridiculous statement. It seems an intended putdown of Buddhism. Why not address the statements in my post?

05-04-2012, 08:37 AM
Then why are you bringing gay pride parades into a discussion about gay and lesbian teachers?

You stated that they never parade their sexuality, it's not true. I hope teachers, hets too, never do that.

05-04-2012, 08:49 AM
Stop pretending to hit on me.

Your obsession with me runs deep - are you ever going to use facts, logic in debating or discussing? Are you going to rely upon parroting "experts" who agree with you?