View Full Version : Ignore Wing Song

05-03-2012, 11:22 AM
I'm throwing Wind Song on ignore. I've officially not only given up, as she has no repentance for this:

As much as I don't support abortion I could NEVER side with your extreme Taliban views. You're a fanatic.

But I am calling for as many board members as possible to put her on their ignore lists. This was over the line in a way that even RSR, Agna, or other never got to, and it may not be against the rules, but it shows one thing: There is no merit in her as a poster. When she got confronted with how horrible what she accused PMP of, she replied with the following:

I'm not in the slightest bit bothered by comparing fundamentalists in the US with fundies in Afghanistan. It's the fundies here that are using the Holocaust label in their anti-choice rhetoric.

The anti-choice crowd likes to demonize their opponents. I'm pointing out that when it comes back at them, the same tactic, they scream the way you're screaming.

To be clear, PMP did not cross a line with her, there was no true pre-cursor to this comment. PMP is simply against abortion, and maintains such. This means, in truth, she accused every pro-life person of being for the legalized brutalizing of women, punishing women for getting raped while allowing the man to walk away, and having it legal to set a woman on fire if she so much as talks back to you. I know even a few guys who are pro-choice who would be horrified with her tactics.

I'm sorry, I tried, really and truly I did, but there is no redemption in her. There just isn't, cause that would mean truly admitting to herself that she's wrong in way she argues, and she just doesn't have the spine for that.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:27 AM
OK hon.

I've been saying for a very long time that I do not stay where I'm not welcome.

Good bye one and all.

05-03-2012, 11:28 AM
I also decided to ignore her after reading her last post. I believe she crossed the line also. I read every post from PMP and he was very respectful, debated her points without personal attacks and she couldn't back up her points and decided to indulge herself in a display of histrionics by slandering him .

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:35 AM

This thread is over the top hostile.

It completely makes my point about Judeo Christianity being moral absolutists. This is an attempt to punish me for my views.

Thanks to all the posters here who have welcomed me.

Unfortunately, you can see that my presence is no longer an option.


05-03-2012, 11:36 AM
OK hon.

I've been saying for a very long time that I do not stay where I'm not welcome.

Good bye one and all.
Anyone want to start a pool on how many posts WS will make before she does ask her wife to lock her out of this forum too.

05-03-2012, 11:39 AM
if Windsong is truly going to leave because of the discussion I had with her last night, all I can honestly says is.......you guys can thank me later.....

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:40 AM
You just revealed some PM information, Ms Sassy.

That's against the rules. You brought my family. That's also against the rules. You can't walk your own talk.

I've decided to sit this out and not let you two win.

Bye girls,

Knock yourselves out trying to get rid of me.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:41 AM
if Windsong is truly going to leave because of the discussion I had with her last night, all I can honestly says is.......you guys can thank me later.....
I'm not going anywhere.

You are sore because you lost the debate last night. You folks can't debate so you resort to such childhish nonsense. What a bunch of babies you are.

05-03-2012, 11:43 AM
You are sore because you lost the debate last night.


Wind Song
05-03-2012, 11:45 AM

Join the Ignoramuses. You can't debate woman's right to choose so you may as well join their club.

Frankly, I think Sassy is so pissed that I ignored her all day yesterday she's trying to get back at me. It's amusing.

05-03-2012, 12:01 PM
Those that don't want to deal are free to put other members on ignore. I've also advised WS of the same over the past few days. But no matter how bad she is, or perceived to be by some, I'd really not give the impression that we want to run people away from posting here, even if we do find them unreasonable at times. I'd much rather users utilize the ignore function and everyone stays as opposed to driving off those we dislike.

I like to run off spammers and those who perpetually violate the rules. I prefer to discuss/debate and even fight with someone like WS as opposed to running her off. She has EXTREME positions, IMO, and I think others would agree. We WANT differing opinions here, both moderate and the extreme if necessary.

But I DO acknowledge the effort DS has placed in discussing things with WS. He wrote quite a few VERY long posts trying to help, and was shoved away. Others have had similar happen.

I don't know, I think she's nuttier than a jar of extra crunchy Skippy, but I wouldn't want to 'make' her leave.

WS - I don't think anyone IS making you leave, even though that's what you perceive. A few want to place you on ignore because they find you nearly impossible to post with. You may want to look into that and reflect VERY deeply into what DS has stated in his post here. While I'm defending your right to stay and post here, it goes both ways. And with the many people trying to befriend you and discuss things rationally with you, you either bite their fingers off or accuse them of things that they never said.

05-03-2012, 12:02 PM

This thread is over the top hostile.

Look at the entire page of threads here in the cage. You have started many, and they generally call people out and bitch about them. Don't be upset when people return the favor.

05-03-2012, 01:02 PM
Good bye one and all.

14 minutes later...

I'm not going anywhere.

A schizophrenic has fewer mood swings.

Anton Chigurh
05-03-2012, 01:16 PM
If she were Native American her Indian name would be "Spreading Bull."

05-03-2012, 01:58 PM
Those that don't want to deal are free to put other members on ignore. I've also advised WS of the same over the past few days. But no matter how bad she is, or perceived to be by some, I'd really not give the impression that we want to run people away from posting here, even if we do find them unreasonable at times. I'd much rather users utilize the ignore function and everyone stays as opposed to driving off those we dislike.

I like to run off spammers and those who perpetually violate the rules. I prefer to discuss/debate and even fight with someone like WS as opposed to running her off. She has EXTREME positions, IMO, and I think others would agree. We WANT differing opinions here, both moderate and the extreme if necessary.

But I DO acknowledge the effort DS has placed in discussing things with WS. He wrote quite a few VERY long posts trying to help, and was shoved away. Others have had similar happen.

I don't know, I think she's nuttier than a jar of extra crunchy Skippy, but I wouldn't want to 'make' her leave.

WS - I don't think anyone IS making you leave, even though that's what you perceive. A few want to place you on ignore because they find you nearly impossible to post with. You may want to look into that and reflect VERY deeply into what DS has stated in his post here. While I'm defending your right to stay and post here, it goes both ways. And with the many people trying to befriend you and discuss things rationally with you, you either bite their fingers off or accuse them of things that they never said.

You don't have to make her leave. She's made every choice along the way toward that end. That's the whole problem, is that she sees no issue with saying the most hurtful, horrible things because someone disagreed with her on the internet, on a site that is specifically about debate. It's like storming the mound cause the pitcher keeps throwing the ball in your general direction while you're at bat.

05-03-2012, 03:07 PM
You don't have to make her leave. She's made every choice along the way toward that end. That's the whole problem, is that she sees no issue with saying the most hurtful, horrible things because someone disagreed with her on the internet, on a site that is specifically about debate. It's like storming the mound cause the pitcher keeps throwing the ball in your general direction while you're at bat.

I can't personally condemn, I was pretty mean to her at times. But yep, I'm not blind either. I wish she would have seen that others were legitimately trying to discuss things with her, to befriend her or at least not trying to hurt her. I'm honestly of the belief that we didn't have a shot with her from the beginning. I think she came here thinking we were right wing jerks who all hate gays and women. Simply remaining reasonable in some threads would have shown her that this isn't the case, and especially so for the majority of the community. I liked the opposing voice, when it was a debate involving facts. That's what gets me posting, when I'm passionate about a subject and have someone else who is passionate about the other side of the coin. Problem is, her passion allows her to have issues with members instead of threads/topics/subjects.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:11 PM
I can't personally condemn, I was pretty mean to her at times. But yep, I'm not blind either. I wish she would have seen that others were legitimately trying to discuss things with her, to befriend her or at least not trying to hurt her. I'm honestly of the belief that we didn't have a shot with her from the beginning. I think she came here thinking we were right wing jerks who all hate gays and women. Simply remaining reasonable in some threads would have shown her that this isn't the case, and especially so for the majority of the community. I liked the opposing voice, when it was a debate involving facts. That's what gets me posting, when I'm passionate about a subject and have someone else who is passionate about the other side of the coin. Problem is, her passion allows her to have issues with members instead of threads/topics/subjects.

I have seen that some people have been trying to befriend me or not hurt me. I've seen that and it's been quite wonderful.

05-03-2012, 03:13 PM
I have seen that some people have been trying to befriend me or not hurt me. I've seen that and it's been quite wonderful.

Then concentrate on those "friendships" and have fun with those who are less nice than you - just don't have a coronary over your interaction with them, it's a message board!

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:14 PM
14 minutes later...

A schizophrenic has fewer mood swings.
First of all, you know very little about schizophrenia which you appear to have confused with bipolar disorder.

I know about this disorder because my mother had it. It is characterized by a flat affect and usually comes with hallucinations, auditory and visual, a form of psychosis.

I own that I have a quick temper, I'm fond of using hyperbole and exaggeration, and I'm very passionate.

I'm not schizophrenia, nor bipolar.

I know what causes me to be combative, and I'm working on it more than anyone realizes. I could explain what happens but that would leave me feeling too vulnerable, and some would see it as an excuse.

05-03-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm fond of using hyperbole and exaggeration, and I'm very *passionate.

* - passionate to an extreme, very extreme, to the point I do weird things.

Don't feel bad, an asterisk isn't so bad, the New England Patriots have them for a few Super Bowl wins! :coffee:

05-03-2012, 03:18 PM
Then concentrate on those "friendships" and have fun with those who are less nice than you - just don't have a coronary over your interaction with them, it's a message board!

What I've been telling her from the start.

I honestly don't know why she can't understand that if you put 10 people in a room, those 10 people are not all going to get along. No matter what. So this board is no different. Just gotta stay away from those who truly bother you, or return their shit and not worry about it so much.

Now if this were like that OTHER piece of shit board, yes then different rules apply; but she just has it stuck in her mind that all boards are a like or something.

05-03-2012, 03:19 PM
First of all, you know very little about schizophrenia which you appear to have confused with bipolar disorder.

I'm sure that you are very correct about that. I was trying to be more specific than wackadoodle. :)

05-03-2012, 03:19 PM
I'm throwing Wind Song on ignore. I've officially not only given up, as she has no repentance for this:

But I am calling for as many board members as possible to put her on their ignore lists. This was over the line in a way that even RSR, Agna, or other never got to, and it may not be against the rules, but it shows one thing: There is no merit in her as a poster. When she got confronted with how horrible what she accused PMP of, she replied with the following:

To be clear, PMP did not cross a line with her, there was no true pre-cursor to this comment. PMP is simply against abortion, and maintains such. This means, in truth, she accused every pro-life person of being for the legalized brutalizing of women, punishing women for getting raped while allowing the man to walk away, and having it legal to set a woman on fire if she so much as talks back to you. I know even a few guys who are pro-choice who would be horrified with her tactics.

I'm sorry, I tried, really and truly I did, but there is no redemption in her. There just isn't, cause that would mean truly admitting to herself that she's wrong in way she argues, and she just doesn't have the spine for that.

Announcing that you're putting someone on ignore? Come on man.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:26 PM
Announcing that you're putting someone on ignore? Come on man.

How about making it a "movement"?

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:27 PM
I'm sure that you are very correct about that. I was trying to be more specific than wackadoodle. :)

"Wackadoodle" is more accurate in my case than schizophrenia.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:28 PM
What I've been telling her from the start.

I honestly don't know why she can't understand that if you put 10 people in a room, those 10 people are not all going to get along. No matter what. So this board is no different. Just gotta stay away from those who truly bother you, or return their shit and not worry about it so much.

Now if this were like that OTHER piece of shit board, yes then different rules apply; but she just has it stuck in her mind that all boards are a like or something.
I hear you.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:28 PM
* - passionate to an extreme, very extreme, to the point I do weird things.

Don't feel bad, an asterisk isn't so bad, the New England Patriots have them for a few Super Bowl wins! :coffee:

I get carried away sometimes, true.

05-03-2012, 03:29 PM
"Wackadoodle" is more accurate in my case than schizophrenia.

:laugh: That's the spirit. Good on 'ya. :laugh:

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 03:29 PM
Then concentrate on those "friendships" and have fun with those who are less nice than you - just don't have a coronary over your interaction with them, it's a message board!
I will.

Life's too short. Fuck 'm if they can't take a joke.

Gator Monroe
05-03-2012, 03:35 PM
I have seen that some people have been trying to befriend me or not hurt me. I've seen that and it's been quite wonderful.

I would never "Hurt" you in that way ...

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 03:59 PM
* - passionate to an extreme, very extreme, to the point I do weird things.

Don't feel bad, an asterisk isn't so bad, the New England Patriots have them for a few Super Bowl wins! :coffee:

AMEN to that! Asterisks all over their record. :2up:

05-03-2012, 04:27 PM
I can't personally condemn, I was pretty mean to her at times. But yep, I'm not blind either. I wish she would have seen that others were legitimately trying to discuss things with her, to befriend her or at least not trying to hurt her. I'm honestly of the belief that we didn't have a shot with her from the beginning. I think she came here thinking we were right wing jerks who all hate gays and women. Simply remaining reasonable in some threads would have shown her that this isn't the case, and especially so for the majority of the community. I liked the opposing voice, when it was a debate involving facts. That's what gets me posting, when I'm passionate about a subject and have someone else who is passionate about the other side of the coin. Problem is, her passion allows her to have issues with members instead of threads/topics/subjects.

That, and you can't actually have a debate with her, only an agreement, which is still no guarantee she won't attack you, a dismissal when she doesn't have anything she can take offense at, or getting ripped a new one. There's no debate to be had on any subject, and even if you agree with her, you're still not safe.

Announcing that you're putting someone on ignore? Come on man.

Actually, It's because of the call for ignore, not the ignore itself. I'm sorry if you disagree with me on that note, but I'm sorry, I'm no longer willing to condone the troll.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 06:20 PM
This thread reminds me of Survivor. Vote Wind off the island.:laugh:

05-03-2012, 06:31 PM
This thread reminds me of Survivor. Vote Wind off the island.:laugh:

and you notice, of course, who hadn't posted up until this point?

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 06:37 PM
and you notice, of course, who hadn't posted up until this point?

Not until you pointed it out. It's hard for me to differentiate when I'm taking multiple hits.

Why didn't you participate until now?

05-03-2012, 06:38 PM
I also decided to ignore her after reading her last post. I believe she crossed the line also. I read every post from PMP and he was very respectful, debated her points without personal attacks and she couldn't back up her points and decided to indulge herself in a display of histrionics by slandering him .

I must admit I am weak .... I lasted less than eight hours. In my defense, when the majority of the posts are 90% Windsong it's hard to not respond because her quotes show up in everyone's else's posts and I end up reading them anyway.

I need to practice my tolerance of passive/aggressive posters anyway.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 06:41 PM
I must admit I am weak .... I lasted less than eight hours. In my defense, when the majority of the posts are 90% Windsong it's hard to not respond because her quotes show up in everyone's else's posts and I end up reading them anyway.

I need to practice my tolerance of passive/aggressive posters anyway.

I get the message. I post too much. 90% windsong? No wonder you're irritated. I offer to come here less often and people take that as passive aggressive. I wonder myself sometimes how many posts I can make without being too obnoxious. I'm willing to try any and all strategies. Maybe I should set a goal. Ten posts a day. Something like that.

It's OK with me if you want to post answers or just post to yourself so I can read it, LOL.:slap:

Mr. P
05-03-2012, 06:43 PM
This thread reminds me of Survivor. Vote Wind off the island.:laugh:

Why vote someone off who leaves on their own every 15 minutes?

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 06:49 PM
Why vote someone off who leaves on their own every 15 minutes?

You should talk to my wife. In the beginning I was so scared that I threatened to leave all the time. I don't do that with her anymore.

05-03-2012, 06:52 PM
I get the message. I post too much. 90% windsong? No wonder you're irritated. I offer to come here less often and people take that as passive aggressive. I wonder myself sometimes how many posts I can make without being too obnoxious. I'm willing to try any and all strategies. Maybe I should set a goal. Ten posts a day. Something like that.

It's OK with me if you want to post answers or just post to yourself so I can read it, LOL.:slap:

You've already stated a goal of slowing down and reading through an entire post before reacting and posting the first thing that jumps up for you. Perhaps that would be a goal that will determine if it's only 10 posts a day or 20. But a good place to start ...... after all, you said you wanted to practice NVC and listening is a very important step.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 06:57 PM
You've already stated a goal of slowing down and reading through an entire post before reacting and posting the first thing that jumps up for you. Perhaps that would be a goal that will determine if it's only 10 posts a day or 20. But a good place to start ...... after all, you said you wanted to practice NVC and listening is a very important step.

Yes, my intial goal should take care of it. I can tell all of you how it happens that I'm not always able to meet my goal, but I don't want it to sound like an excuse.

I will do my best. Please understand it's impossible for me to be at my best at all times.

It sounds like what people are saying is if I'm not at my best, don't post. I could be wrong. Naw--that never happens.:slap:

05-03-2012, 06:59 PM
Yes, my intial goal should take care of it. I can tell all of you how it happens that I'm not always able to meet my goal, but I don't want it to sound like an excuse.

I will do my best. Please understand it's impossible for me to be at my best at all times.

It sounds like what people are saying is if I'm not at my best, don't post. I could be wrong. Naw--that never happens.:slap:

I am not at my best right now either. I just don't refer to it in every post.

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 07:02 PM
I am not at my best right now either. I just don't refer to it in every post.

I can't take any more criticism today. I've reached my limit. If you can't find anything neutral or kind to say to me lets not talk any more today.

05-03-2012, 07:06 PM
I can't take any more criticism today. I've reached my limit. If you can't find anything neutral or kind to say to me lets not talk any more today.

This post was about me and how I post here...it was about what works for me. I cannot imagine how sad you must be to be able to take a benign statement and make it all about yourself.


Wind Song
05-03-2012, 07:09 PM
This post was about me and how I post here...it was about what works for me. I cannot imagine how sad you must be to be able to take a benign statement and make it all about yourself.


You said you don't refer to not being at your best in every post, which implied that I do.

You didn't say "this is what works for me". You made a value judgment that you are superior.

I know you're painting me as an extremely selfish person but I'm really not.
I'm sorry that I misunderstood your post. Let's not talk to each other any more today.

05-03-2012, 07:11 PM
You said you don't refer to not being at your best in every post, which implied that I do.

Let's not talk to each other any more today. You didn't say "this is what works for me". You made a value judgment that you are superior.

No, you chose to take it that way so you could make it about you. I get it WS ... that is just who you are ... you want to be the center of the universe which is the most arrogant thing a person can do to another.

You suck the energy out of the air around you.

Anton Chigurh
05-03-2012, 07:12 PM
You should talk to my wife.You're the bull in the marriage?

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 07:13 PM
No, you chose to take it that way so you could make it about you. I get it WS ... that is just who you are ... you want to be the center of the universe which is the most arrogant thing a person can do to another.

You suck the energy out of the air around you.

No, it's a misunderstanding. You're angry. I'm sorry about that. I just can't take any more criticism. Please stop.

05-03-2012, 07:21 PM
Not until you pointed it out. It's hard for me to differentiate when I'm taking multiple hits.

Why didn't you participate until now?

The OP, not my style.

05-03-2012, 07:22 PM
Not until you pointed it out. It's hard for me to differentiate when I'm taking multiple hits.

Why didn't you participate until now?

I've taken worse and still been observant.

05-03-2012, 07:25 PM
I am not at my best right now either. I just don't refer to it in every post.

You DO realize SL's been going through major hell the past few days, right? Empathy? MIA.

05-03-2012, 07:28 PM
You said you don't refer to not being at your best in every post, which implied that I do.

You didn't say "this is what works for me". You made a value judgment that you are superior.

I know you're painting me as an extremely selfish person but I'm really not.
I'm sorry that I misunderstood your post. Let's not talk to each other any more today.

Actually, you come off as what you claim she meant. She's made it clear she's been going through more than 'a rough spot', but you've not noticed. Reminds me of this:


Wind Song
05-03-2012, 07:31 PM
I'm sorry you're going through a tough time now, Sassy. I'll do my best to not add to it any further.

05-03-2012, 07:58 PM
Actually, you come off as what you claim she meant. She's made it clear she's been going through more than 'a rough spot', but you've not noticed. Reminds me of this:


I HARDLY think that Sassy needs your help in "fighting off" Sky. Or are you just trying to start a mean girl's club over here at DP because they won't let you join the one at USMB.......

05-03-2012, 08:05 PM
I HARDLY think that Sassy needs your help in "fighting off" Sky. Or are you just trying to start a mean girl's club over here at DP because they won't let you join the one at USMB.......

Are you implying that I'm a mean person, ConHog?

05-03-2012, 08:08 PM
Are you implying that I'm a mean person, ConHog?

Nothing of the kind , in fact quite the opposite Sassy. NOTHING I have seen from you makes me think you're either a mean person or wish to be part of some mean girl's club. I was talking about Kath whom I believe IS a mean person.

I have nothing but respect for you though. I apologize if it read differently. I was only saying you don't need help dealing with Sky.

05-03-2012, 08:09 PM
Are you implying that I'm a mean person, ConHog?

I doubt it. My guess it's his lame attempt to say that you don't need 'defending.' He's right there, however I think Sky missed some posts. She doesn't need CH either, she made that clear, but I guess he doesn't get it.

05-03-2012, 08:13 PM
I doubt it. My guess it's his lame attempt to say that you don't need 'defending.' He's right there, however I think Sky missed some posts. She doesn't need CH either, she made that clear, but I guess he doesn't get it.

I pick my battles for my own reason you miserable bitch. Yes , I'm "defending " Sky here because I'm sick of everyone jumping her fucking ass and then blasting her into pieces when she overreacts. She can't help over reacting, but your CONSTANT hammering on her doesn't help shit.

The fact that I just don't fucking like you is a bonus.

BOO HOO ConHog is being mean to you............

05-03-2012, 08:18 PM
Most of the time I am perfectly capable of holding my own, but more recently I've not been able to deal with things with my usual confidence and tolerance.

I do appreciate all the support from everyone here ... Kath, Abbey, ConHog, Jim, DMP, Dragon, Gaffer, Log, FJ, Noir and Shadow .... and everyone else I might have missed, who have stepped up and given their support.

I am a strong woman, but I am not adverse to accepting help when it's offered.

Thanks everyone for caring and for all your positive thoughts.

05-03-2012, 08:19 PM
I pick my battles for my own reason you miserable bitch. Yes , I'm "defending " Sky here because I'm sick of everyone jumping her fucking ass and then blasting her into pieces when she overreacts. She can't help over reacting, but your CONSTANT hammering on her doesn't help shit.

The fact that I just don't fucking like you is a bonus.

BOO HOO ConHog is being mean to you............

Yeah, crystal. To. All.

05-03-2012, 08:20 PM
Most of the time I am perfectly capable of holding my own, but more recently I've not been able to deal with things with my usual confidence and tolerance.

I do appreciate all the support from everyone here ... Kath, Abbey, ConHog, Jim, DMP, Dragon, Gaffer, Log, FJ, Noir and Shadow .... and everyone else I might have missed, who have stepped up and given their support.

I am a strong woman, but I am not adverse to accepting help when it's offered.

Thanks everyone for caring and for all your positive thoughts.

Been there and found the same support. We're with you!

05-03-2012, 08:21 PM
Most of the time I am perfectly capable of holding my own, but more recently I've not been able to deal with things with my usual confidence and tolerance.

I do appreciate all the support from everyone here ... Kath, Abbey, ConHog, Jim, DMP, Dragon, Gaffer, Log, FJ, Noir and Shadow .... and everyone else I might have missed, who have stepped up and given their support.

I am a strong woman, but I am not adverse to accepting help when it's offered.

Thanks everyone for caring and for all your positive thoughts.

Sassy I didnt even realize what personal problems you were going through until a few moments ago. I'm sorry to hear about them.

But you'll be better off in the long run, just remember that.

05-03-2012, 08:24 PM
Yeah, crystal. To. All.

Yes, meanwhile I'm sure there are some here who think you adore me.
Eat a Dannable and change your Depends and call it a night. Maybe one last rerun of Murder, She wrote...........

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 08:24 PM
Most of the time I am perfectly capable of holding my own, but more recently I've not been able to deal with things with my usual confidence and tolerance.

I do appreciate all the support from everyone here ... Kath, Abbey, ConHog, Jim, DMP, Dragon, Gaffer, Log, FJ, Noir and Shadow .... and everyone else I might have missed, who have stepped up and given their support.

I am a strong woman, but I am not adverse to accepting help when it's offered.

Thanks everyone for caring and for all your positive thoughts.

We all love you, baby! :thumb:

05-03-2012, 08:26 PM
Yes, meanwhile I'm sure there are some here who think you adore me.
Eat a Dannable and change your Depends and call it a night. Maybe one last rerun of Murder, She wrote...........

Oh crap! I was hoping for a response I could wail off of. Should have known. So has Gabby sent you a used tissue? Abbey?

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 08:31 PM
You deserve all the love and support your friends can offer, SL.

05-03-2012, 08:34 PM
Oh crap! I was hoping for a response I could wail off of. Should have known. So has Gabby sent you a used tissue? Abbey?

What ? Why are you trying to drag either Abbey or Gabby into this.

Oh, and I'm kinda drunk at the moment. Tomorrow I'll be sober; but you'll still be a miserable bitch....

Why don't you get all mad again and run off to USMB after calling everyone here names for not "defending" you. Oh, thought we forgot about that did you grandma?

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 08:39 PM
Oh crap! I was hoping for a response I could wail off of. Should have known. So has Gabby sent you a used tissue? Abbey?


05-03-2012, 08:40 PM

I know right............

05-03-2012, 08:55 PM

Hey, just those that agreed with me being a bitch, etc. No problems, I know we are intimate friends.

05-03-2012, 08:58 PM
Hey, just those that agreed with me being a bitch, etc. No problems, I know we are intimate friends.

Actually I believe not having anyone to be intimate with is EXACTLY why you are such a bitch........

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 09:02 PM
Hey, just those that agreed with me being a bitch, etc. No problems, I know we are intimate friends.

Now you're saying I said you are a bitch?! Will the imagined slights never end?

05-03-2012, 09:03 PM
Actually I believe not having anyone to be intimate with is EXACTLY why you are such a bitch........

Sky already tried that, days ago. Failed then, fails now. You lose!

05-03-2012, 09:04 PM
Now you're saying I said you are a bitch?! Will the imagined slights never end?

Just your posts to her, days ago. Not a problem. I'm feeling the love.

05-03-2012, 09:07 PM
Sky already tried that, days ago. Failed then, fails now. You lose!

Actually I said it MONTHS ago , back when your name was red. I remember you crying like a bitch , almost as bad as you cried in that thread over me calling you Kath............

And it was just as true then as it is now. Go get laid you miserable bitch.

05-03-2012, 09:08 PM
Actually I said it MONTHS ago , back when your name was red. I remember you crying like a bitch , almost as bad as you cried in t hat thread over me calling you Kath............

And it was just as true then as it is now. Go get laid you miserable bitch.

Yeah, I cry a lot. I name call a lot too.

Gator Monroe
05-03-2012, 09:08 PM
I can Help with that ...:coffee:

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 09:10 PM
Just your posts to her, days ago. Not a problem. I'm feeling the love.

Yeah, I accepted WS as a new poster and treated her accordingly. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
And yeah, I never like to see a pile-on.
And yeah, I really hate when people bring their crap from other boards with them.

If any of that fits what ever it is you are referring to, then great. It's too bad that my ways bother you so much that you felt the need to include me in your drama. The thing is, I will always treat people that way, and if that means it makes others upset, so be it.

05-03-2012, 09:11 PM
Yeah, I accepted WS as a new poster and treated her accordingly. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
And yeah, I never like to see a pile-on.
And yeah, I really hate when people bring their crap from other boards with them.

If any of that fits what ever it is you are referring to, then great. It's too bad that my ways bother you so much that you felt the need to include me in your drama. The thing is, I will always treat people that way, and if that means it makes others upset, so be it.

You really are my favorite admin, and it's not JUST the boobies. :laugh2:

Gator Monroe
05-03-2012, 09:11 PM
Uh , I resemble that remark ...

05-03-2012, 09:12 PM
Yeah, I accepted WS as a new poster and treated her accordingly. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
And yeah, I never like to see a pile-on.
And yeah, I really hate when people bring their crap from other boards with them.

If any of that fits what ever it is you are referring to, then great. It's too bad that my ways bother you so much that you felt the need to include me in your drama. The thing is, I will always treat people that way, and if that means it makes others upset, so be it.

Right. Just like the board shouldn't go dirty. Right. Actually, I really haven't a problem with you as you are, just not who you pretended to be.

If that's cool, we're fine.

You show titties and all that.

05-03-2012, 09:16 PM
Right. Just like the board shouldn't go dirty. Right. Actually, I really haven't a problem with you as you are, just not who you pretended to be.

If that's cool, we're fine.

You show titties and all that.

Abbey shows boobies. DAMMIT Why am I always on the outside looking in?

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 09:17 PM
Abbey shows boobies. DAMMIT Why am I always on the outside looking in?

I REALLY know what you mean.

05-03-2012, 09:18 PM
I REALLY know what you mean.

Yes I imagine you WOULD want in on seeing Abbye's boobs. LOL

Wind Song
05-03-2012, 09:23 PM
Yes I imagine you WOULD want in on seeing Abbye's boobs. LOL

Well, I'm a bit shy about that and besides I'm looking more at cute butts!

05-03-2012, 09:35 PM
Likewise dragonstrike, she's the first person i've ever set to ignore on any board ever, at least most trolls are funny, WS is just annoying, but that's enough of that ^,^

05-03-2012, 09:40 PM
Likewise dragonstrike, she's the first person i've ever set to ignore on any board ever, at least most trolls are funny, WS is just annoying, but that's enough of that ^,^

I can wholeheartedly understand that. I'm giving her tonight to prove she's trying to turn it around. Not expecting miracles, just baby steps. She's trying so far, IMO.

05-03-2012, 10:15 PM
I can wholeheartedly understand that. I'm giving her tonight to prove she's trying to turn it around. Not expecting miracles, just baby steps. She's trying so far, IMO.

shut the fuck up. You have NO intentions of cutting Sky ANY slack . You fucking well know she will NEVER post the way you want and so no matter what adjustments she makes you can and will sit back and say "she's just not trying"

WHy? Because you're mean bitch, a bully, and a fucking drama queen. Worse still, you're a lying hypocrite.

Have a good night bitch.

05-03-2012, 10:29 PM
shut the fuck up. You have NO intentions of cutting Sky ANY slack . You fucking well know she will NEVER post the way you want and so no matter what adjustments she makes you can and will sit back and say "she's just not trying"

WHy? Because you're mean bitch, a bully, and a fucking drama queen. Worse still, you're a lying hypocrite.

Have a good night bitch.

Some may disagree. If Sky chooses to be swayed by your post, I can't help that. It was so articulate.

05-03-2012, 10:34 PM
Some may disagree. If Sky chooses to be swayed by your post, I can't help that. It was so articulate.

I'm not trying to be articulate with you skank. Why don't you bring some more of your drama from SideKicks on over here...................

Stupid old hag.

Abbey Marie
05-03-2012, 11:47 PM
Right. Just like the board shouldn't go dirty. Right. Actually, I really haven't a problem with you as you are, just not who you pretended to be.

If that's cool, we're fine.

You show titties and all that.

Again you say ridiculous stuff about me that is 100% untrue. If people only knew the half of it.

I've had enough. Find someone else to lie about on one of your other boards, because you aren't going to continue to take your bitterness out on me here.

05-04-2012, 12:01 AM
Again you say ridiculous stuff about me that is 100% untrue. If people only knew the half of it.

I've had enough. Find someone else to lie about on one of your on boards, because you aren't going to continue to take your bitterness out on me here.

I'm not alone in noticing your sex posts. Not by a long shot. Eyes were raised, but I guess none thaut moved you along like your comrades.

No problem there, just with you little innocent garbage.

Looking down your nose at others, shame.

05-04-2012, 12:02 AM
Again you say ridiculous stuff about me that is 100% untrue. If people only knew the half of it.

I've had enough. Find someone else to lie about on one of your other boards, because you aren't going to continue to take your bitterness out on me here.

You mean the 1/2 you and your friends *cough* made up? Spare me.

Abbey Marie
05-04-2012, 12:11 AM
I'm not alone in noticing your sex posts. Not by a long shot. Eyes were raised, but I guess none thaut moved you along like your comrades.

No problem there, just with you little innocent garbage.

Looking down your nose at others, shame.

Wow, you are even more bitter and weird than I thought.
Please, by all means, move on to a place that is up to your high standards. l wouldn't want to corrupt your delicate sensibilities.

05-04-2012, 12:24 AM
Wow, you are even more bitter and weird than I thought.
Please, by all means, move on to a place that is up to your high standards. l wouldn't want to corrupt your delicate sensibilities.

How quaint, after all the posts on how raunchy the posts were getting. Then you joined.

I've not broken any rules, I don't think, "Calling out Abbey" is one. Not leaving.

05-04-2012, 02:38 AM
I pick my battles for my own reason you miserable bitch. Yes , I'm "defending " Sky here because I'm sick of everyone jumping her fucking ass and then blasting her into pieces when she overreacts. She can't help over reacting, but your CONSTANT hammering on her doesn't help shit.

And it doesn't help when we talk calmly and reasonably to her, it doesn't help when she admits fault cause she just goes back to the same shit, it doesn't help when we agree with her. She literally takes offense at everything until we spend three pages into getting her to snap out of it, and it start again on the very next thread.

Pick your battles all you want, but she's the biggest thing working against you in it, and the second you start disagreeing with her again, she'll be right back on ripping into you again.

05-04-2012, 02:45 AM
Likewise dragonstrike, she's the first person i've ever set to ignore on any board ever, at least most trolls are funny, WS is just annoying, but that's enough of that ^,^

Yeah, for me, that line was when she tried to flat out call someone a Taliban-supporter for the simple act of respectfully disagreeing with her.

05-04-2012, 05:48 AM
Oh crap! I was hoping for a response I could wail off of. Should have known. So has Gabby sent you a used tissue? Abbey?


Hey, just those that agreed with me being a bitch, etc. No problems, I know we are intimate friends.

Now you're saying I said you are a bitch?! Will the imagined slights never end?

Just your posts to her, days ago. Not a problem. I'm feeling the love.

Yeah, I accepted WS as a new poster and treated her accordingly. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
And yeah, I never like to see a pile-on.
And yeah, I really hate when people bring their crap from other boards with them.

If any of that fits what ever it is you are referring to, then great. It's too bad that my ways bother you so much that you felt the need to include me in your drama. The thing is, I will always treat people that way, and if that means it makes others upset, so be it.

Right. Just like the board shouldn't go dirty. Right. Actually, I really haven't a problem with you as you are, just not who you pretended to be.

If that's cool, we're fine.

You show titties and all that.

Again you say ridiculous stuff about me that is 100% untrue. If people only knew the half of it.

I've had enough. Find someone else to lie about on one of your other boards, because you aren't going to continue to take your bitterness out on me here.

I'm not alone in noticing your sex posts. Not by a long shot. Eyes were raised, but I guess none thaut moved you along like your comrades.

No problem there, just with you little innocent garbage.

Looking down your nose at others, shame.

You mean the 1/2 you and your friends *cough* made up? Spare me.

Wow, you are even more bitter and weird than I thought.
Please, by all means, move on to a place that is up to your high standards. l wouldn't want to corrupt your delicate sensibilities.

How quaint, after all the posts on how raunchy the posts were getting. Then you joined.

I've not broken any rules, I don't think, "Calling out Abbey" is one. Not leaving.

I am going to respond to this particular exchange and then zip up this thread.

1 - I would really rather not staff stuff/drama/baggage be brought on to the public side of the board, even if perceptions

2 - The both of you are MUCH MUCH better than this, to air dirty laundry
3 - Two of our longest members and board favorites
4 - The both of you are MUCH MUCH better than this, and I hope you'll rethink how you communicate with one another, maybe talk via PM?
5 - Even if you two can't bring your friendship back, the both of you are MUCH MUCH better than this!

05-04-2012, 10:16 AM
I am going to respond to this particular exchange and then zip up this thread.

1 - I would really rather not staff stuff/drama/baggage be brought on to the public side of the board, even if perceptions

2 - The both of you are MUCH MUCH better than this, to air dirty laundry
3 - Two of our longest members and board favorites
4 - The both of you are MUCH MUCH better than this, and I hope you'll rethink how you communicate with one another, maybe talk via PM?
5 - Even if you two can't bring your friendship back, the both of you are MUCH MUCH better than this!

I just wanted to clarify my own statement, as reading back through the exchange and then reading my response, I can see where it may have given off a different vibe. Abbey has NEVER shared any "personal" pictures of herself. She's NEVER done anything at all other than remain professional and act as a lady. Hell, even when she's "angry", she expresses herself in a professional manner and has been nothing short of a role model for how people should post.

05-04-2012, 10:33 AM
Right. Just like the board shouldn't go dirty. Right. Actually, I really haven't a problem with you as you are, just not who you pretended to be.

If that's cool, we're fine.

You show titties and all that.

What the fuck are you talking about? Abbey does no such thing. At MOST she what, posts a couple pics of hot chicks, maybe? Is that what you're talking about?

Despicable if you're insinuating Abbey sends photos of herself to people. Beyond the pale.