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05-21-2007, 06:09 PM
McCain's getting vicious... on Immigration of all things.


Republican John McCain accused presidential rival Mitt Romney of flip-flopping on immigration Monday and said with sarcasm: "Maybe his solution will be to get out his small varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his lawn."

Im not sure McCain should really be criticizing anyone on the Immigration issue.

He also turned around and criticized Fred Thompson as well. Although not so sharply it seems:

McCain also said he was disappointed in potential candidate Fred Thompson for opposing immigration legislation the Arizona senator is co-sponsoring.

McCain has committed political suicide. He has no chance of ever becoming the nominee. And so he is lashing out. Which is completely hypocrtical after the way he was whining in 2000.

Abbey Marie
05-21-2007, 06:42 PM
He's upset because post-debate polls left him in the dust.

05-21-2007, 07:28 PM
A totally agree with Abbey. A spanked dog often responds with angry barks.
McCain's candidacy is toast.

05-21-2007, 07:37 PM
A totally agree with Abbey. A spanked dog often responds with angry barks.
McCain's candidacy is toast.

I really like Mccain a lot and respect him, but with his actions over the last month if he got the nomination I honestly wouldn't vite, because I won't vote for him, and theres no way in hell that I would vote for a Democrat for a major office, they can do to much damage there.

05-21-2007, 07:51 PM
Republican John McCain accused presidential rival Mitt Romney of flip-flopping on immigration Monday and said with sarcasm: "Maybe his solution will be to get out his small varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his lawn."

Yeah, with this statement, he's lost it. All anyone has to do running against MccandyCane is simply replay this over and over... The special men in white coats will then come on their own and quietly take him to a special place...

05-21-2007, 08:03 PM
Yeah, with this statement, he's lost it. All anyone has to do running against MccandyCane is simply replay this over and over... The special men in white coats will then come on their own and quietly take him to a special place...

Even though he is making dumb choices and statements he is more of a man then a lot of us would ever be. He spent 5 years in a POW camp getting beat every day, and you never hear him complain or complain any of these mental disorders the a lot of soldiers are using to get out of the military when they stub their toes. You have to respct him for that.

I also think he is being mislead(not that it is an excuse, he should stand up to them) by the goon squad(Reid, Kennedy and Pelosi) and needs to not roll over for them, yes they are the majority but you can take a stand. All's the we need is 40 Senators and that bill can get squashed. I think if he stood up and fought this he would have had the Republican nomination in a heartbeat.

I encourage everyone to email him through his page at http://mccain.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm?ID=64 and tell him that he needs to change his stance. I did earlier today and several other people I know have, I think if we can get enough people writing him and letting him know that he is letting the people of the Nation down, the same people he wants to vote for him for president.:salute:

05-21-2007, 08:14 PM
Even though he is making dumb choices and statements he is more of a man then a lot of us would ever be. He spent 5 years in a POW camp getting beat every day, and you never hear him complain or complain any of these mental disorders the a lot of soldiers are using to get out of the military when they stub their toes. You have to respct him for that.

I also think he is being mislead(not that it is an excuse, he should stand up to them) by the goon squad(Reid, Kennedy and Pelosi) and needs to not roll over for them, yes they are the majority but you can take a stand. All's the we need is 40 Senators and that bill can get squashed. I think if he stood up and fought this he would have had the Republican nomination in a heartbeat.

I encourage everyone to email him through his page at http://mccain.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm?ID=64 and tell him that he needs to change his stance. I did earlier today and several other people I know have, I think if we can get enough people writing him and letting him know that he is letting the people of the Nation down, the same people he wants to vote for him for president.:salute:

If I emailed McCain it would only be to tell him to get over to the other side of the aisle where his heart is and quit trying to bullshit the voters.

05-21-2007, 08:18 PM
If I emailed McCain it would only be to tell him to get over to the other side of the aisle where his heart is and quit trying to bullshit the voters.

Well write him and tell him how you feel, he reads all email's he recieves, and has personally respended to two I have sent him in the last couple months. If we can flood him with emails, maybe we can make him consider doing the right thing.

05-21-2007, 08:42 PM
Well write him and tell him how you feel, he reads all email's he recieves, and has personally respended to two I have sent him in the last couple months. If we can flood him with emails, maybe we can make him consider doing the right thing.

I saw straight through that power hungry wannabe when he sucked up to Kerry. I suggest you find another hero. One with a chance.

Hugh Lincoln
05-21-2007, 08:46 PM
Once he sacrificed for his nation.

Now he offers his nation for sacrifice.

Pale Rider
05-21-2007, 09:09 PM
A totally agree with Abbey. A spanked dog often responds with angry barks.
McCain's candidacy is toast.

From a republicans point of view... "thank God."

From your point of view... "you should be sad."

05-21-2007, 09:25 PM
Like I said before, McCain's past behavior may be noble, but it doesnt excuse current behavior.

05-21-2007, 09:25 PM
Gingrich has a word or two:


An Immigration Shipwreck in Sight
by Newt Gingrich (more by this author)
Posted 05/21/2007 ET
Updated 05/21/2007 ET

The announcement last week that the White House and a group of senators have reached an agreement on "comprehensive immigration reform" should have the same effect that the word "iceberg" had on the passengers and crew of the Titanic.

This proposed agreement is a disaster of the first order, and it will severely cripple America for the foreseeable future.

You can tell how bad this bill is by the Senate Democratic leadership's announced goal of trying to pass it before the Memorial Day weekend.

Remember, this bill has not yet been finished. Senators and their staffs were still negotiating over the weekend and many key items were still in confusion. So here's what we have to do:



75 Reasons to Oppose the New Immigration Bill

When the FBI arrested six terrorists in New Jersey two weeks ago it turned out that three of them had been in the U.S. illegally for at least TWENTY years.

These three had crossed our unprotected border and had been living in New Jersey.

But here's the even more outrageous part: The police had filed 75 (SEVENTY-FIVE!) charges against them, including drug possession and possession of drug paraphernalia.

In 75 interactions, the police never once learned that these three people were here illegally.

The government failed twice: First, by failing to secure the border, and second, by failing to determine that these people were here illegally. The result was that more than five years after 9/11 we were saved from a mass killing at Fort Dix only because of the patriotism and courage of a clerk at an electronics store.

Compare the 75 charges made against the would-be Fort Dix terrorists with how we rounded up German spies in World War II. In June 1942, it took a total of 15 days to track down and arrest eight German spies who landed in Florida and New York from submarines. We executed six of them and gave one life in prison and the other thirty years. We were serious about winning that war). Go here for a more detailed comparison and a list of the 75 charges against the Fort Dix terrorists.

Faced with this level of failure of bureaucracy, how could anyone believe for a minute that this new immigration bill will work? The fact is it can't and it won't. It will rely on the same failed bureaucracy and produce more years of failure.

We Have Been Here Before

In 1986, I voted for the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill. We were promised that in return for amnesty for far fewer than three million illegal immigrants we would get:

* Control of the border;
* Enforcement of laws requiring employers to know someone is here legally before hiring them; and
* No more amnesty and no more tolerance of illegality

The government broke its word on every one of those provisions.

We eventually amnestied three million people who had broken the law, and we sent a signal to the world that it is okay to break the law and come to America.

Now, 20 years later, we are told to trust Washington while we amnesty 12 to 20 million more people who have broken the law.

A Tax Amnesty Too?

When its supporters refer to the new immigration bill as "comprehensive," they must mean comprehensively outrageous.

The Boston Globe reported this weekend that the new bill will not require illegal workers to pay back taxes.

If this is true, the bill is an assault on every law-abiding, patriotic American who has been obeying the law, working legally and paying his taxes.

Every taxpaying American should insist that any bill involving any condition for illegal workers having any future in America should require them to do three things when it comes to taxes: 1) Admit how long they've been here (under threat of immediate deportation if they lie); 2) admit whom they worked for (who, after all, had also been breaking the law and avoiding paying taxes); and 3) pay any back taxes and penalties they owe.

There Is a Way to Deal With Illegal Immigration -- This is Not It

I have written extensively about good solutions for our current immigration mess in Winning the Future and elsewhere. Click here for more information.

Dr. Jerry Falwell and Liberty University

It was a great honor to have been invited by Dr. Jerry Falwell to give the commencement address at Liberty University last weekend.

Like all his friends and admirers, I was shocked and deeply saddened last week by his death. I found myself facing a three-part challenge: Giving the 3,300 graduates at Liberty University a charge for their future while also bearing witness to the great work of Dr. Falwell and actually giving the message of "Rediscovering God in America" which he had personally asked me to address.

You can read my commencement address at newt.org.

On a personal note, let me add that being in the robing room putting on our graduation gowns and watching Dr. Falwell's younger son Jonathan (who will be the pastor at Thomas Road Baptist Church) drape the chancellor's medallion on his older brother Jerry, Jr., (who will be the new head of Liberty University) was a moment of passing the torch and seeing new lights emerge which I will always treasure.

Undermining America's Young Men and Women in Uniform

No one should doubt how much damage the Democrats are doing to America and to our young men and women in uniform with their political maneuvering in Congress.

In Atlanta Friday night, a doctor in the National Guard who had just come home from serving in Mosul briefed me on the damage he had seen to American morale and the confusion among young soldiers as the Democrats continue to play games with the supplemental appropriations and talk about legislating defeat in the war our troops are trying every day to win.

How would you like to be risking your life on the point in Iraq knowing some politician back home was undermining everything you are trying to do?

Call your House and Senate members and tell them to quit undermining our troops in the middle of a war and get the money to the troops without any more games or delays.

(I discussed Iraq with Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd on NBC's "Meet the Press" yesterday. You can watch it here.)

The Sixth of June and FDR's National Prayer for D-Day

I hope you will join me in a new project to get as many radio stations as possible to play President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's national prayer from D-Day, June 6, 1944, on its anniversary, June 6, 2007.

This prayer is a beautiful and powerful appeal to God on behalf of young Americans who were landing in Normandy to liberate Europe from the Nazi totalitarian evil that had overwhelmed it. It was truly a crusade for freedom and civilization.

In this prayer, on nationwide radio on June 6, 1944 -- as the Greatest Generation launched its mightiest battle of the Second World War -- Roosevelt demonstrated that he knew how our faith bound us together as a country and he urged the American people to a rededication of their faith, not through a "single day of special prayer" but that "our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer."

Given the efforts of the secular radicals to drive prayer and God out of public life, I believe creating an annual tradition of playing FDR's D-Day prayer will have a powerful effect:

1. It will remind people that it is correct to identify evil as evil and to seek to defeat it.
2. It will remind people that President Roosevelt saw Word War II in religious terms as a conflict between pagan tyranny and our "Christian civilization" (as he termed it).
3. It will remind people that the proper goal for America when facing evil and confronting enemies is to win.
4. It might help liberal Democrats to learn that their favorite 20th Century President was proudly in favor of helping Americans in uniform and praying publicly.

If you have never heard the FDR D-Day prayer, listen to it online at newt.org.

Call your favorite radio stations and shows and urge them to play this prayer on June 6. It will be good for all Americans to hear it, especially when we consider our own young Americans -- our sons and daughters, our neighbors -- in harm's way around the world today.

Pale Rider
05-21-2007, 09:31 PM
Gingrich has a word or two:


*Sitting shaking head in disbelief*....

Why can't they get it right? Why won't they do the will of the people? I'm at a total and absolute lose of words to describe what I feel for the writers and supporters of this bill.

05-21-2007, 09:36 PM
*Sitting shaking head in disbelief*....

Why can't they get it right? Why won't they do the will of the people? I'm at a total and absolute lose of words to describe what I feel for the writers and supporters of this bill.
Keep calling and writing.

05-21-2007, 09:39 PM
*Sitting shaking head in disbelief*....

Why can't they get it right? Why won't they do the will of the people? I'm at a total and absolute lose of words to describe what I feel for the writers and supporters of this bill.

Because they are salavating over new potential voters.

05-21-2007, 09:44 PM
Because they are salavating over new potential voters.

and worrying about who will fund their campaigns.

Pale Rider
05-21-2007, 09:46 PM
Because they are salavating over new potential voters.

and worrying about who will fund their campaigns.

Both. You guys nailed it. But throw in a measure of treason.

05-21-2007, 11:05 PM
Both. You guys nailed it. But throw in a measure of treason.

Try contacting Congressman Heller from our District. He is for getting tough on immigration and he's not scared of the Senate. He's a really good guy, actually he is my neighbor, so I know him pretty well.

05-21-2007, 11:16 PM
Even though he is making dumb choices and statements he is more of a man then a lot of us would ever be. He spent 5 years in a POW camp getting beat every day, and you never hear him complain or complain any of these mental disorders the a lot of soldiers are using to get out of the military when they stub their toes. You have to respct him for that.

I also think he is being mislead(not that it is an excuse, he should stand up to them) by the goon squad(Reid, Kennedy and Pelosi) and needs to not roll over for them, yes they are the majority but you can take a stand. All's the we need is 40 Senators and that bill can get squashed. I think if he stood up and fought this he would have had the Republican nomination in a heartbeat.

I encourage everyone to email him through his page at http://mccain.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm?ID=64 and tell him that he needs to change his stance. I did earlier today and several other people I know have, I think if we can get enough people writing him and letting him know that he is letting the people of the Nation down, the same people he wants to vote for him for president.:salute:

I don't think because someone spent time in POW camp makes their actions faultless. I never put down his service to this country, just his recent stance on things and his willingness to sell this country short. I just don't think he has a real platform and emailing him won't work. It is one thing to me moderate, but you need to have a solid platform.

05-21-2007, 11:19 PM
I don't think because someone spent time in POW camp makes their actions faultless. I never put down his service to this country, just his recent stance on things and his willingness to sell this country short. I just don't think he has a real platform and emailing him won't work. It is one thing to me moderate, but you need to have a solid platform.

No, he should be held accountable for his actions, not get a free pass because he was a POW. I said I respect him for giving 5 years of his life that he will never get back for our country, but I dont respect his current actions if that makes sense.

05-21-2007, 11:21 PM
No, he should be held accountable for his actions, not get a free pass because he was a POW. I said I respect him for giving 5 years of his life that he will never get back for our country, but I dont respect his current actions if that makes sense.

I unlike the Liberals in here dont have double standards, if a Republican screws up he should be held accountable just like I would expect a Democrat to be when they screw up.

05-21-2007, 11:23 PM
No, he should be held accountable for his actions, not get a free pass because he was a POW. I said I respect him for giving 5 years of his life that he will never get back for our country, but I dont respect his current actions if that makes sense.

I got ya, just wanted to clarify the:

he is more of a man then a lot of us would ever be

For it seemed that while you disagreed with him now, you were willing to forgive or try to change his ways based on his being a POW and more of a man than us. No problem if you truly believe in current leadership, not just that "he is more of a man" than a lot of us.

05-21-2007, 11:25 PM
I unlike the Liberals in here dont have double standards, if a Republican screws up he should be held accountable just like I would expect a Democrat to be when they screw up.

Libs have double standards... And they are known far and wide for owning up to their hypocrisy without insulting others... :laugh2:

05-21-2007, 11:29 PM
I got ya, just wanted to clarify the:

For it seemed that while you disagreed with him now, you were willing to forgive or try to change his ways based on his being a POW and more of a man than us. No problem if you truly believe in current leadership, not just that "he is more of a man" than a lot of us.

He is more of a man then a lot of ever will be. I am not pointing the finger at anyone, im just making a statement, he's done things I would never do.

05-22-2007, 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by nevadamedic

I also think he is being mislead(not that it is an excuse, he should stand up to them) by the goon squad(Reid, Kennedy and Pelosi) and needs to not roll over for them, yes they are the majority but you can take a stand. All's the we need is 40 Senators and that bill can get squashed. I think if he stood up and fought this he would have had the Republican nomination in a heartbeat.

That's called bi-partisanship, something that has been sorely lacking in the past years.......and about the only thing I can stand about the man.....but this leaves me curious. All the right here seem to want to stay in this war, but you don't support the one man who says he will not only stay, but win.

05-22-2007, 01:46 AM
Keep calling and writing.

It wont work if it is just one person doing it, it takes a group effort :)

05-22-2007, 09:22 AM
That's called bi-partisanship, something that has been sorely lacking in the past years.......and about the only thing I can stand about the man.....but this leaves me curious. All the right here seem to want to stay in this war, but you don't support the one man who says he will not only stay, but win.

The war(contrary to what the press tells us) is not the only major issue. Immigration is huge this election. It's a matter of safety,security.

McCain has flip flopped on a lot and hasn't shown to be the true conservative he says he is. I think the only thing he has been firm on is his pro life stance,but it doesn't mean that he is wonderful on other issues.

He lost me when he Bush got the noimination instead of him and he pouted like a baby for years. He really acted like a spoiled child,to the point that he crossed over to the other side.

05-22-2007, 09:27 AM
Keep calling and writing.

hey kat. Glad you came around on "nationalism". It's not really a dirty word. And sorry for some of my crappy behavior in the past.

05-22-2007, 09:37 AM
That's called bi-partisanship, something that has been sorely lacking in the past years.......and about the only thing I can stand about the man.....but this leaves me curious. All the right here seem to want to stay in this war, but you don't support the one man who says he will not only stay, but win.

There are more than 1 candidate who is not pro surrender and your hyper-partisanship has blinded you to the fact that all conservatives AREN'T "BUSHBOTS". I know it messes you up to have to admit that conservatives are independent thinkers but accepting the truth may help you understand things better.

05-22-2007, 12:40 PM
That's called bi-partisanship, something that has been sorely lacking in the past years.......and about the only thing I can stand about the man.....but this leaves me curious. All the right here seem to want to stay in this war, but you don't support the one man who says he will not only stay, but win.

He is far from the only man who has said he is going to stay and win the war. In fact, Id love you to find one Republican candidate, aside from Ron Paul, who has said he wouldnt.

05-22-2007, 12:52 PM
He is far from the only man who has said he is going to stay and win the war. In fact, Id love you to find one Republican candidate, aside from Ron Paul, who has said he wouldnt.

I'll tell you what......I'll bookmark this page and we'll see come next November where they all stand. Flip flopping on issues, doesn't seem to be a problem with Republicans so far, this early in the election cycle......also listening to the deebates I've noticed that not one of them have said that Bush is doing a "heck of a job".

05-22-2007, 01:35 PM
I'll tell you what......I'll bookmark this page and we'll see come next November where they all stand. Flip flopping on issues, doesn't seem to be a problem with Republicans so far, this early in the election cycle......also listening to the deebates I've noticed that not one of them have said that Bush is doing a "heck of a job".

Name one GOP candidate that wants to "cut and run" NOW.

05-22-2007, 02:21 PM
Name one GOP candidate that wants to "cut and run" NOW.

Right now, none........Hell they're not idiots, they want to at least make it to the primaries......but I don't see what it will have to do with when the chips are laid on the table.........but if it makes you happy to think that they are going to stand by their word come election time, I won't stand in your way.:salute:

05-22-2007, 02:29 PM
Right now, none........but I don't see what it will have to do with when the chips are laid on the table.........but if it makes you happy to think that they are going to stand by their word come election time, I won't stand in your way.:salute:

All the right here seem to want to stay in this war, but you don't support the one man who says he will not only stay, but win

This quote stated pretty clearly that you think only ONE GOP candidate plans on staying the course. Now YOU can't find another. You barely flipped before you flopped and now you intend confront candidates on ther integrity ? :laugh2:

05-22-2007, 03:22 PM
Name one GOP candidate that wants to "cut and run" NOW. name one democratic CANIDATE who say he or she wants to "Cut and RUn" now. and it's no fair putting words in their mouths.

05-22-2007, 03:36 PM
name one democratic CANIDATE who say he or she wants to "Cut and RUn" now. and it's no fair putting words in their mouths.

oh tricky---exact quotes :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
need a magnifying glass to split those hairs?

05-22-2007, 04:21 PM
oh tricky---exact quotes :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
need a magnifying glass to split those hairs?

Translation: He doesn't have an answer. :laugh2:

05-22-2007, 04:48 PM
Translation: He doesn't have an answer. :laugh2:

Of course not---anti-war folks are never gonna admit they plan to surrender

05-22-2007, 06:40 PM
name one democratic CANIDATE who say he or she wants to "Cut and RUn" now. and it's no fair putting words in their mouths.

all of them.

05-22-2007, 08:38 PM
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Republican presidential hopeful John McCain taunted rival Mitt Romney on immigration Monday, saying the former Massachusetts governor should "get out his small-varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his lawn."

Romney's campaign responded that McCain "is having a very difficult time" defending his support of a sweeping immigration bill, which Romney opposes.

McCain is a leading backer of the bill, which critics have denounced as "amnesty" for illegal immigrants. (Listen to McCain mock Romney's position on immigration )

On Monday afternoon, McCain made fun of Romney's evolving positions on other issues when asked about the immigration controversy during a conference call with bloggers.

"In the case of Gov. Romney, you know, maybe I should wait a couple of weeks and see if it changes, because it's changed in less than a year from his position before," McCain said. "And maybe his solution will be to get out his small-varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his lawn. I don't know."

The jab squeezed in references to two past controversies: Romney's backtrack on an April comment that he'd "been a hunter pretty much all my life" -- he later said he had shot "varmints," such as rabbits, as a child; and a 2006 report in The Boston Globe that a landscaping firm Romney hired to maintain his home for years had hired illegal immigrants.

McCain repeated the line to reporters Monday evening after a speech to state lawmakers in Oklahoma.

Romney has been criticized for previous support of abortion rights, which he now says he opposes, and for his support of gun control during his four years as Massachusetts governor.

But his spokesman, Kevin Madden, said that Romney "has been very clear that he opposes this immigration agreement, which clearly falls short of the American public's expectations."

"It seems that the candidate who brokered this flawed plan is having a very difficult time coming to terms with the political fallout that has ensued and cannot even muster up a substantive argument in favor of it," Madden said.

McCain's support for the immigration bill already has led to a sharp exchange last week between the senator from Arizona and his Texas GOP colleague, Sen. John Cornyn. (Watch the fallout over McCain's reported exchange with Cornyn )

Cornyn was speaking outside the Senate chamber with other senators and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff about concerns that the proposed legislation could lead to judicial appeals that would tie up the courts, as first reported Friday on Washingtonpost.com.

Another senator present called that concern "chicken----."

Sources contradict each other on which senator used the word. Cornyn became angry and said that while he had been present during the meetings held over the past few months by the bipartisan working group that crafted the bill, McCain had appeared only at the last minute.

Sources said that comment elicited a "F--- you!" from the gentleman from Arizona.

McCain admitted after the 2000 Republican primary campaign that his temper might have hurt his chances to be president.

"My anger did not help my campaign," he said seven years ago. "People don't like angry candidates very much."

Republican strategist Ed Rollins said Tuesday that incidents such as these diminish McCain's appeal to voters who don't know him.

"The bottom line is, I've known John for a long time and I admire him greatly," Rollins said. "But the critical thing is people who don't know him watch him and they don't know if he has the right temper to be president of the United States. Every time he makes a mistake in the campaign, this clip and every clip will be repeated so it's a whole reel of him going out of control.

"When the pressure gets on, he tends to get his back up a little bit," Rollins said. "He's 70 years old. People don't want a cantankerous president."


05-22-2007, 10:51 PM
This quote stated pretty clearly that you think only ONE GOP candidate plans on staying the course. Now YOU can't find another. You barely flipped before you flopped and now you intend confront candidates on ther integrity ? :laugh2:

Dill, I've never known you to have trouble reading my posts......so I don't understand what the problem is with the quote you posted.....are you reading ALL the words?

05-22-2007, 10:59 PM
Already posted this story, might want to merge it with my thread in the campaign forum.

05-22-2007, 11:09 PM
Already posted this story, might want to merge it with my thread in the campaign forum.


Abbey Marie
05-22-2007, 11:19 PM
Already posted this story, might want to merge it with my thread in the campaign forum.


05-22-2007, 11:24 PM
Of course not---anti-war folks are never gonna admit they plan to surrender

Harry Reid did.