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05-11-2012, 07:08 AM
Obama says sometimes I forget about recession

Obama: 'Sometimes I Forget' Magnitude of the Recession7:37 PM, MAY 10, 2012 • BY DANIEL HALPER (http://www.weeklystandard.com/author/daniel-halper)

"It was a house of cards and it collapsed in the most destructive, worst crisis that we’ve seen since the Great Depression," Obama said. "And sometimes people forget the magnitude of it. You know, you saw some of that in the video that was shown. Sometimes I forget."
Mitt Romney's press secretary, Andrea Saul, responds: "It’s not surprising that a president who forgot to create jobs, forgot to cut the debt, and forgot to change Washington has now admitted that he’s forgotten about the recession. In fact, it seems that the President has forgotten that he’s been in office for the last three-and-a-half years. In November, the American people won’t forget."

05-11-2012, 07:22 AM
Never mind forgetting how big the recession is, I don't think I've ever known, I mean, it's impossible to quantify in any real sense what billions or trillions of dollars of spending is. Are little brains can't cope with that information

05-11-2012, 07:27 AM
Never mind forgetting how big the recession is, I don't think I've ever known, I mean, it's impossible to quantify in any real sense what billions or trillions of dollars of spending is. Are little brains can't cope with that information

I can comprehend one dollar being worth $.75 today as compared to 2007

05-11-2012, 07:32 AM
I can comprehend one dollar being worth $.75 today as compared to 2007

Yeah but the recession is much bigger than one country and one currency. Comprehending it at a local or national level does nothing to comprehend the entirety of the recession.

05-11-2012, 07:43 AM
Never mind forgetting how big the recession is, I don't think I've ever known, I mean, it's impossible to quantify in any real sense what billions or trillions of dollars of spending is. Are little brains can't cope with that information

Signing up for this online course will put you a step in the right direction: http://www.online.colostate.edu/courses/ECON/ECON335.dot

05-11-2012, 07:45 AM
Yeah but the recession is much bigger than one country and one currency. Comprehending it at a local or national level does nothing to comprehend the entirety of the recession.
That is all true!! So how does one "forget" about a global issue of this magnitude?? Is it because he is insulated from it or that he jsut doesn't care??? I am will to bet its the latter due to the fact he is NOT insulated from it, it is related to him EVERY DAY!!!!

05-11-2012, 08:02 AM
That is all true!! So how does one "forget" about a global issue of this magnitude?? Is it because he is insulated from it or that he jsut doesn't care??? I am will to bet its the latter due to the fact he is NOT insulated from it, it is related to him EVERY DAY!!!!

Sometimes he forgets the magnitude of something that all but incomprehensible? I'd say thats only human, god forbid the president suggest they are human, he's not allowed to be human after all.

05-11-2012, 08:36 AM
Sometimes he forgets the magnitude of something that all but incomprehensible? I'd say thats only human, god forbid the president suggest they are human, he's not allowed to be human after all.
Noir, I'm only human and I can grasp the magnitude of this grave situation.

I would think that the man who campainged to become the president of the United States of America could keep track of the biggest danger to our way of life and the lively hoods of his people, don't you. For him to make a comment like that is disengenius at best and stupid at its worste.... This should be at the front fo his mind every day, or do you think otherwise?

05-11-2012, 08:44 AM
Sometimes he forgets the magnitude of something that all but incomprehensible? I'd say thats only human, god forbid the president suggest they are human, he's not allowed to be human after all.

A hurricane is of a magnitude that is all but incomprehensible. However, I have sense enough to evacuate when one is coming. Obama showed no such sense on the economy.

05-11-2012, 08:46 AM
Noir, I'm only human and I can grasp the magnitude of this grace situation.

I would think that the man who campainged to become the president of the United States of America could keep track of the biggest danger to our way of life and the lively hoods of his people, don't you. For him to make a comment like that is disengenius at best and stupid at its worste.... This should be at the front fo his mind every day, or do you think otherwise?

Really? You understand in really terms what hundreds of billions in secured bonds to keep the Euro afloat means?

I'm more of the Penn school of thought on numbers and their contexts...
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y0Z0raWIHXk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-11-2012, 08:52 AM
Really? You understand in really terms what hundreds of billions in secured bonds to keep the Euro afloat means?

I'm more of the Penn school of thought on numbers and their contexts...
<IFRAME src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y0Z0raWIHXk" frameBorder=0 width=420 height=315 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

No Noir I do NOT understand the full ramifications but I GRASP the undelying issues and fallout, I understand how grave it can be and how one country can put the entire world into a tailspin that will be all but impossible to get out of. Just as our president should be able to grasp the concept even though he supposedly has some of the best minds in the world telling him how to work on it, yet he "FORGETS" about this sometimes or how serious it is!!!!! NOPE should never forget one fo the most important issues facing not only Americans but the whole world... What does that say about the kind of leader he is???

05-11-2012, 10:52 AM
Really? You understand in really terms what hundreds of billions in secured bonds to keep the Euro afloat means?

yes I do. It means the euro zone countries pledge their credit, backed by their anticipated revenue, to secure monetary loans from investors. That's what bond means, sorta like the saying one's word is one's bond. Not that hard to grasp really...of course, you need to understand the concept of faith; perhaps that's your issue.

05-11-2012, 11:04 AM
yes I do. It means the euro zone countries pledge their credit, backed by their anticipated revenue, to secure monetary loans from investors. That's what bond means, sorta like the saying one's word is one's bond. Not that hard to grasp really...of course, you need to understand the concept of faith; perhaps that's your issue.

Youre clearly not understanding my question never mind the offered answer, probably my fault in how it's been asked idk.

Anyways, as far as I can see Obama made a reasonable comment, and said 'hey, even me sometimes' and those that want can read as much as they like initial hiw that means he doesn't care or doesn't want to care etc.

05-11-2012, 11:10 AM
Here is a nice little graphic showing exactly what "one trillion dollars" looks like. Now - Obama has "spent" or put us in debt for FIVE of these.


05-11-2012, 11:14 AM
Obama says sometimes I forget about recession

Would you remember that the nation was in a recession if you were living in the White House, snacking on pate in between vacations ?

I really expect that monkey wife of his to any day now say "let them eat cake"

Fuck the Obamas.

05-11-2012, 11:17 AM
Would you remember that the nation was in a recession if you were living in the White House, snacking on pate in between vacations ?

I really expect that monkey wife of his to any day now say "let them eat cake"

Fuck the Obamas.

Racist!!! :lol:

05-11-2012, 12:10 PM
Sometimes he forgets the magnitude of something that all but incomprehensible? I'd say thats only human, god forbid the president suggest they are human, he's not allowed to be human after all.

putting aside the vast amounts of money and all the countries involved in the recession.

MOST of us can't forget about it because we see older people working at McD's, we see our friends and families laid off and struggling to pay their bills.

We see people at the grocery standing infront of the items looking very carefully at all the prices.

bambam forgot because it doesn't really affect anything he does. He still goes on vacation, as does wifey and the kids. Up there in the ivory tower it's easy to forget the hardships of the little people.

05-11-2012, 12:31 PM
Racist!!! :lol:

monkey isn't a race.:lol:

Abbey Marie
05-11-2012, 12:34 PM
This is the same man who claimed during his campaign that he forgot 20 years of preaching by Reverend Wrong. It's been hard to believe anything he's said for the last 4 years.

05-11-2012, 12:36 PM
This is the same man who claimed during his campaign that he forgot 20 years of preaching by Reverend Wrong. It's been hard to believe anything he's said for the last 4 years.

no no no, you have it all wrong. he didn't forget about the hateful sermons, Wright tricked him and never preached like that when he was around. Somehow the guy new his schedule ahead of time and prepared his sermons accordingly.

Oh either that or Obama is a liar.

05-11-2012, 12:48 PM
monkey isn't a race.:lol:

Tru dat! I call him "McChimpy" because he does in fact resemble a chimp AND because I had to hear it for 8 years about GWB. If a white man can be told he resembles an animal, so can a black man. That's equality for ya!

05-11-2012, 12:56 PM
Youre clearly not understanding my question never mind the offered answer, probably my fault in how it's been asked idk.

Anyways, as far as I can see Obama made a reasonable comment, and said 'hey, even me sometimes' and those that want can read as much as they like initial hiw that means he doesn't care or doesn't want to care etc.

If you're referring to the impact of centralized control of monetary systems, it is a complex beast; but it has been studied for a century now. I'd think Obama has been briefed on the implications and status of our economic well-being. Him trying to play that off as negligable doesn't win him any support from myself.

05-11-2012, 12:58 PM
Obama is just the Fresh Prince of Bel Air , he doesn't concern himself with the little people.

05-11-2012, 01:19 PM
putting aside the vast amounts of money and all the countries involved in the recession.

MOST of us can't forget about it because we see older people working at McD's, we see our friends and families laid off and struggling to pay their bills.

We see people at the grocery standing infront of the items looking very carefully at all the prices.

bambam forgot because it doesn't really affect anything he does. He still goes on vacation, as does wifey and the kids. Up there in the ivory tower it's easy to forget the hardships of the little people.

True, unlike man of the people Romney.

Gator Monroe
05-11-2012, 01:21 PM
Radical Statists & Marxists !

05-11-2012, 02:00 PM
Radical Statists & Marxists !

Do you have Tourette's syndrome?

Gator Monroe
05-11-2012, 02:06 PM
Do you have another Forum/Board you slum at you could recomend ?:link:

05-11-2012, 02:16 PM
Do you have another Forum/Board you slum at you could recomend ?:link:

Not a forum, but link here (http://edhelper.com/language/sentences.htm)

05-11-2012, 02:48 PM
True, unlike man of the people Romney.

I find it amusing that you would start criticizing him and his policies BEFORE HE IS EVEN PRESIDENT.

Let's wait, shall we, until he shows us what kind of a President he can be.

bambam has shown us he doesn't care by going on vacation to Spain, South Africa, Hawaii and a dozen other countries while this county is in a recession. I already KNOW he doesn't give a shit about perception.

05-11-2012, 03:25 PM
I find it amusing that you would start criticizing him and his policies BEFORE HE IS EVEN PRESIDENT.

Let's wait, shall we, until he shows us what kind of a President he can be.

bambam has shown us he doesn't care by going on vacation to Spain, South Africa, Hawaii and a dozen other countries while this county is in a recession. I already KNOW he doesn't give a shit about perception.

If you find that amusing, you must of been in hysterics when reading through this board a few years ago with all the criticism of Obama and his polices before he became president...

Howard Roark
05-11-2012, 06:49 PM
I find it amusing that you would start criticizing him and his policies BEFORE HE IS EVEN PRESIDENT.

Let's wait, shall we, until he shows us what kind of a President he can be.

bambam has shown us he doesn't care by going on vacation to Spain, South Africa, Hawaii and a dozen other countries while this county is in a recession. I already KNOW he doesn't give a shit about perception.

Can you reverse a recession via perception alone?

Someone ought to email the White House.

05-11-2012, 06:56 PM
If you find that amusing, you must of been in hysterics when reading through this board a few years ago with all the criticism of Obama and his polices before he became president...

I'd be surprised if anyone was criticizing Obama's policies before he was elected POTUS since no one actually knew anything about his policies.

05-11-2012, 06:57 PM
Can you reverse a recession via perception alone?

Someone ought to email the White House.
Why bother....the president is never there.

05-11-2012, 07:06 PM
I'd be surprised if anyone was criticizing Obama's policies before he was elected POTUS since no one actually knew anything about his policies.

One can't develop a history of policy when their resume consisted of 143 days in Congress voting "present" before making a bid for the WH.

05-11-2012, 07:06 PM
Can you reverse a recession via perception alone?

Someone ought to email the White House.

Can a sitting president who's party completely controls congress reverse a recession?

05-11-2012, 07:18 PM
Can you reverse a recession via perception alone?

Someone ought to email the White House.
I don't believe that was the topic of the thread. Lets try to stay on topic shall we!?!?!? I would think that with the recession still in swing the sitting president would at least be able to REMEMBER the damn thing don't you??? Or are willing to give him a pass because he forgot about one of the BIGGEST issues affecting the US?

05-11-2012, 07:19 PM
Can a sitting president who's party completely controls congress reverse a recession?
sure they can just add 5 trillion dollars of dept in 2 and a half years!!!! :lol:

05-11-2012, 07:22 PM
sure they can just add 5 trillion dollars of dept in 2 and a half years!!!! :lol:

It's simple if you're a Democrat though, spend 5 trillion and blame it on GWB!! Hell, we all acknowledge here that we aren't happy with the spending that was done by GWB, but he was a damn miser compared to this fool who increased our debt exponentially and we don't seem to have much to show for it.

05-11-2012, 11:18 PM
One can't develop a history of policy when their resume consisted of 143 days in Congress voting "present" before making a bid for the WH.

However those of us with some experience with him in IL, shared what we knew. The present votes, the vast number of no shows. The Chicago style of campaigns. There was Rev. Wright, another whom many were familiar with in these parts.

Some of us knew of his voting record on abortions, including live birth and after birth in closets.

05-12-2012, 06:21 AM
Can you reverse a recession via perception alone?

Someone ought to email the White House.

Actually to some extent you can. If company decision makers are convinced it's no longer risky to hire, it lowers the unemployment rate. Companies need contingency funds to deal with the surprise regulations the Obama regime may thrust upon them.

05-12-2012, 06:31 AM
However those of us with some experience with him in IL, shared what we knew. The present votes, the vast number of no shows. The Chicago style of campaigns. There was Rev. Wright, another whom many were familiar with in these parts.

Some of us knew of his voting record on abortions, including live birth and after birth in closets.

Whereas no on knows anything about Romney, his policies and past voting decisions/personal life. I guess that's why Trigg finds it so amusing.

05-12-2012, 08:04 AM
Whereas no on knows anything about Romney, his policies and past voting decisions/personal life. I guess that's why Trigg finds it so amusing.

His record as a businessman is out, as is his record for saving the Olympics, as is his record as governor. While each record is very good, taken together we have a much different executive than currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., and believe it or not, Noir, that's what's going to win this for Romney.

Obama was the one without a record that could be nailed down, not true today. He's had the last 3+ years and its a failure.

05-12-2012, 09:27 AM
However those of us with some experience with him in IL, shared what we knew. The present votes, the vast number of no shows. The Chicago style of campaigns. There was Rev. Wright, another whom many were familiar with in these parts.

Some of us knew of his voting record on abortions, including live birth and after birth in closets.

I listened back then!! :)

Whereas no on knows anything about Romney, his policies and past voting decisions/personal life. I guess that's why Trigg finds it so amusing.

While yourself and others may not like Romney's stances on some issues - he has a long track record and a successful track record - which Obama had neither of.

05-12-2012, 09:28 AM
Whereas no on knows anything about Romney, his policies and past voting decisions/personal life. I guess that's why Trigg finds it so amusing.

Noir, he had control of the Senate, The house of Representatives, and the Oval Office for two years, and blew it. He did nothing in that time, and could have passed anything he really wanted passed without so much as having to have a real discussion on the matter. Not one Bush policy got removed, not a single one, even the ones that the Republicans wanted gone as well.

05-12-2012, 02:09 PM
If you find that amusing, you must of been in hysterics when reading through this board a few years ago with all the criticism of Obama and his polices before he became president...

He has ideas I disagreed with. Your stated problem with Romney is his wealth.

If, when Romney is elected, he continues bambam's habit of going on vacation every other month. Then I will say he's out of touch and doesn't care either.

05-12-2012, 02:11 PM
Can you reverse a recession via perception alone?

Someone ought to email the White House.

Where in my post did I claim it could???

Perception is a powerfull thing though. He goes on million dollar vacations and sends his wife and kids all over the globe while the rest of us are counting our pennies. The PERCEPTION is that he is out of touch with the problems that the public is dealing with.

05-12-2012, 02:33 PM
He has ideas I disagreed with. Your stated problem with Romney is his wealth.

If, when Romney is elected, he continues bambam's habit of going on vacation every other month. Then I will say he's out of touch and doesn't care either.

I don't know if it was here or some other location, but a poster said that Romney lacked 'the common man's experience.' My reply then and now, 'At what moment in time has Barack Obama ever demonstrated a 'common man's experience?' Not in his youth, whether Hawaii or some other exotic locale. Not college, most of us didn't go to Ivies and certainly couldn't suppress our grades and such. Not as an adult, writing two autobiographies before 45 years of age. Two! Even he knows he's not common. Giving one good speech at national convention, catapulting to the presidency, yeah his opponent and previous office holder added to the catapult, but just in amount of victory.

05-12-2012, 03:26 PM
Where in my post did I claim it could???

Perception is a powerfull thing though. He goes on million dollar vacations and sends his wife and kids all over the globe while the rest of us are counting our pennies. The PERCEPTION is that he is out of touch with the problems that the public is dealing with.

Or worse , that he doesn't care.