View Full Version : Just like clock work...

05-13-2012, 12:34 PM
Prince mealy mouth arrives to saves the day...WOOT! :superman::bop:

05-13-2012, 01:43 PM
I'm honestly lost... "prince" means male to me - we making fun of Conhog again, or who this time? It's Sunday, the Rangers won game 7, Jimmie Johnson won at Darlington - and I'm ready to have some fun! :coffee:

05-13-2012, 01:56 PM
I'm going to break the rules here and go against all protocol, and share with you all what Con has shared with me. He's a gender confused individual and a homosexual. So he thinks he is a woman and he is in love with Wind Song, hence him always trying to protect her. Sorry I couldn't keep a secret, Hog!! :laugh2:

just kidding!

05-13-2012, 02:32 PM
I'm honestly lost... "prince" means male to me - we making fun of Conhog again, or who this time? It's Sunday, the Rangers won game 7, Jimmie Johnson won at Darlington - and I'm ready to have some fun! :coffee:

I used to be friends with this guy...we will call him... Larry (cuz...well... that was his name). You know the type...tries to wow you with his sensitivity while talking in riddles (and out of both sides of his face). Really they just have no spine and don't want to take a stand (lest they change their mind later...and have to do some fast talking).

Yeah...I hate these weenies...yet, I seem to attract them. This new one takes the cake though...he is the mealy mouthed champion for sure!

05-13-2012, 02:34 PM
I'm going to break the rules here and go against all protocol, and share with you all what Con has shared with me. He's a gender confused individual and a homosexual. So he thinks he is a woman and he is in love with Wind Song, hence him always trying to protect her. Sorry I couldn't keep a secret, Hog!! :laugh2:

just kidding!

Yeah...you gotta watch out for the ones that like to brag about their sexual prowess. Either they are really fugly IRL...or they bat for the other team. LOL :laugh2:

05-13-2012, 08:01 PM
damn , I've never had a faggot call me a faggot for rejecting him before. That's a first Jim.