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View Full Version : Edwards charges $55,000 to speak to UC Davis students about poverty

05-21-2007, 11:47 PM
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, who as a Democratic presidential candidate recently proposed an educational policy that urged "every financial barrier" be removed for American kids who want to go to college, has been going to college himself -- as a high paid speaker, his financial records show.

The candidate charged a whopping $55,000 to speak at to a crowd of 1,787 the taxpayer-funded University of California at Davis on Jan. 9, 2006 last year, Joe Martin, the public relations officer for the campus' Mondavi Center confirmed Monday.

That amount -- which comes to about $31 a person in the audience -- included Edwards' travel and airfare, and was the highest speaking fee in the nine appearances he made before colleges and universities last year, according to his financial records.

The earnings -- though made before Edwards was a declared Democratic presidential candidate -- could hand ammunition to his competition for the Democratic presidential nomination. The candidate -- who was then the head of the Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina -- chose to speak on "Poverty, the great moral issue facing America," as his $55,000 topic at UC Davis.

That could cause both parents and students to note some irony here: UC Davis -- like the rest of the public University of California system -- will get hit this year by a 7 percent tuition increase that likely hits many of the kids his speeches are aimed at helping.

We wondered if this is Edwards' going speaking rate, and how come he didn't offer to do it gratis for a college, particularly a public institution.

But Martin of the Mondavi Center said that "as with any other performer, (the speaking fee) has to be negotiated, and there are a long list of considerations ... some of our speakers get more, and some get less."

He said UC Davis' Mondavi Center paid Edwards because at the time "he wasn't a (presidential) candidate and from our point of view, he was a speaker of interest that people in the community were clearly interested in ... we feel it's our mission to present those speakers."

Edwards spoke to at least two other California universities and colleges, both private.

He appeared at Stanford University, where he spoke on April 26, 2006; the Palo Alto institution paid him $40,000 to deliver his talks, according to financial records. And Edwards also headlined at the former University of Judaism -- today the American Jewish University -- in Los Angeles on Jan. 30, 2006, where he debated former Speaker Newt Gingrich before about 5,000 people. According to financial documents, the candidate received a fee of $40,000 at that appearance.

And the college and university gigs apparently added up on the bottom line for Edwards.

In 2006, records show Edwards made more than $285,000 speaking to nine colleges and universities, charging between $16,000 and Davis' $55,000 for his talks. They ranged from the $12,000 he got on Jan. 10, 2006 from Gonzaga University Law School in Seattle to the $40,000 he banked from the University of Texas Pan American Foundation on May 22, 2006. Other schools that have paid Edwards to speak before he was a declared presidential candidate: Hunter College in New York ($35,000), Mount Union College in Ohio ($16,00) and Vanderbilt University in Nashville ($40,000).


05-21-2007, 11:59 PM
John Edwards has a really big house
But I'm trying to figure out why that merited this news story:

Democrat John Edwards, who has made an anti-poverty message the theme of his 2008 presidential campaign, is taking heat for the lavish home he has built in Orange County, N.C.

In December, Edwards chose the backyard of a New Orleans woman who had lost her home to Hurricane Katrina as the image that best underscored his campaign theme.

Now voters are seeing another, sharply contrasting image of Edwards: his own home.

Sitting on 102 secluded acres -- surrounded by trees and defended by no-trespassing signs -- the 28,000-square-foot estate that Edwards and his family call home has presidential privacy.

A main home has five bedrooms and six-and-a-half baths. It's connected by a covered walkway to a bright red addition known as "The Barn," that includes its own living facilities along with a handball court, an indoor pool and an indoor basketball court with a stage at one end. Nearby, the family has cleared space for a soccer field.

With a current building value of $4.3 million, the unfinished Edwards estate is already about $1 million more expensive than any other house in the county, according to tax records. It sits on land worth about $1.1 million.

The implication seems to be that if you're rich - as John Edwards certainly is - you can't be sincere about wanting to fight poverty.

This makes no sense at all. I've yet to hear anybody complaining that Bill and Melinda Gates are hypocrites for the excellent work that their foundation does, for example.

It is, of course, the kind of non-story that political opponents - whether they're other Democrats seeking the 2008 presidential nominations, or Republicans who'll face him if he nabs it - like to see out there. I'm just surprised that the so-called "liberal media" is giving it play.

Generally anybody running for president is going to be wealthier than the average American - often considerably wealthier. Whether that's a good thing, a bad thing, or just how life works is sometime we could debate.

Why should his extravagant home make us think he doesn't care about poor people? Should we demand that everybody running for president give away their own wealth? Edwards has talked about how he came from a modest background and achieved success... and if anything, the house is a sign of that story, which seems to be true.

But what's the news here?


05-22-2007, 12:05 AM
Its different simply owning.

If you give me $55,000 I will tell you how to get out of poverty...

05-22-2007, 12:13 AM
Its different simply owning.

If you give me $55,000 I will tell you how to get out of poverty...

Up until recently I really liked Edwards and I feel bad for him because of his wife's medical condition. I think out of all the Democratic Candidates he would do the least amount of damage. But charging people at a state funded school? How low can you get, I could possibly see expenses liike travel and room and board, but $55,000 damn. Then the while double standards thing about his house, I just dont know anymore. I mean I should have expected it from a Liberal, but I guess im just dissapointed that's all.

05-22-2007, 12:40 AM
While I will admit that I do find it a tad hypocritical, like it or not they all get paid for giving speeches.

05-22-2007, 12:52 AM
Former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has continued to make paid speeches at a standard fee of $100,000 since forming his presidential exploratory committee last November, mixing personal business with campaigning in a way many of his rivals in the race cannot.

Edwards, "actually canceled a paid appearance that had been scheduled long before he became a candidate," spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said

The former New York mayor has made a profitable career of speaking at seminars around the world. Eric Money, a recent Oklahoma State University graduate, arranged to bring Giuliani to the school last March for $100,000 and, as is customary, agreed to fly the mayor to town on a corporate jet, for an additional $47,000.

"He cost a lot of money, obviously, and some people were surprised at that, and a little taken aback," Money said yesterday. "But he's a big name and was a possible presidential contender, and in the end, I thought his whole leadership message was very appealing."

Money said his only regret about the speech was that Giuliani did not shed any light on his presidential ambitions, or about his views of the 2008 campaign.


05-22-2007, 01:43 AM

I dont think ANY polititian Republican or Democrat should make money off of speaking at Universities, it makes me sick. I could see at maybe a fundraiser event or speaking at a national confrence or something but not anywhere in the Education System.

05-22-2007, 01:44 AM
While I will admit that I do find it a tad hypocritical, like it or not they all get paid for giving speeches.

I agree with them getting paid for giving speeches, except at schools or for educsational purposes.

Joe Steel
05-22-2007, 06:12 AM
What's the problem?

John Edwards received a fee but that doesn't mean anyone was denied admission because he couldn't pay it. Maybe no one was charged an admission fee because the University allowed free admission. Maybe students paid a reduced fee.

Everyone wants to get paid for working. Why shouldn't John Edwards?

05-22-2007, 09:49 AM
I dont think ANY polititian Republican or Democrat should make money off of speaking at Universities, it makes me sick. I could see at maybe a fundraiser event or speaking at a national confrence or something but not anywhere in the Education System.

I don't think Giuliani or Edwards were "current" politicians when they made their speech.

Unlike the example of Giuliani, Edwards was paid to talk about poverty. Whether you like it or not, the irony is there.

Like I said:

If you give me $55,000 I will show you how to get out of poverty...

05-22-2007, 09:51 AM
and this everyone, is why i am not poor...now where's that check? *yoink*

05-22-2007, 09:56 AM
What's the problem?

John Edwards received a fee but that doesn't mean anyone was denied admission because he couldn't pay it. Maybe no one was charged an admission fee because the University allowed free admission. Maybe students paid a reduced fee.

Everyone wants to get paid for working. Why shouldn't John Edwards?

The point is the IRONY of the HUGE fee and the TOPIC. Perhaps he should have spoken about "How to make a KILLING by spouting your opinion"


05-22-2007, 10:09 AM
The point is the IRONY of the HUGE fee and the TOPIC. Perhaps he should have spoken about "How to make a KILLING by spouting your opinion"


Well he charged about 1/3 of what Guilianni would have charged to proclaim that only he can keep us safe.

It is a sorta grotesque sampling of the kind of celebrity for profit status our representation has ascended to.

In real ways we are becoming sort of a joke as a nation and a democracy.

05-22-2007, 10:23 AM
Well he charged about 1/3 of what Guilianni would have charged to proclaim that only he can keep us safe.

It is a sorta grotesque sampling of the kind of celebrity for profit status our representation has ascended to.

In real ways we are becoming sort of a joke as a nation and a democracy.

Logical Fallacy - you're changing the topic to avoid answering my comments.

05-22-2007, 10:42 AM
Logical Fallacy - you're changing the topic to avoid answering my comments.

Sorry but the fallacy is yours.

You didn't ask any questions.

I did address your comments.

Whatever irony you may find in the subject vs the fee is mitigated quite a lot by the fact that Edwards charges about a third of Guilianni's fee.

05-22-2007, 10:59 AM
Sorry but the fallacy is yours.

You didn't ask any questions.

I did address your comments.

Whatever irony you may find in the subject vs the fee is mitigated quite a lot by the fact that Edwards charges about a third of Guilianni's fee.

MY Fallacy? I pointed out the IRONY of the "Charging $55000 to talk about POVERTY" and you started bringing up Guilianni. Rudy has NOTHING to do with this story - you're simply trying to divert the conversation. Get it?

05-22-2007, 11:08 AM
MY Fallacy? I pointed out the IRONY of the "Charging $55000 to talk about POVERTY" and you started bringing up Guilianni. Rudy has NOTHING to do with this story - you're simply trying to divert the conversation. Get it?

That Rudy charges even higher fees than Edwards is very relevant to this thread, which started out with the thread parent getting all bent out of shape over Edwards charging $55K plus expenses.

Maybe the thread parent could suggest what he/she considers a more reasonable fee.

05-22-2007, 11:17 AM
MY Fallacy? I pointed out the IRONY of the "Charging $55000 to talk about POVERTY" and you started bringing up Guilianni. Rudy has NOTHING to do with this story - you're simply trying to divert the conversation. Get it?

Bringing up the fact that Edwards charges (relative) bargain rates for his speaking engagments covering POVERTY seems fully on topic to me.

05-22-2007, 11:19 AM
Bringing up the fact that Edwards charges (relative) bargain rates for his speaking engagments covering POVERTY seems fully on topic to me.

Of COURSE it would, to you...why wouldn't it?

05-22-2007, 11:21 AM
Of COURSE it would, to you...why wouldn't it?

so why doesn't it to you DMP?

05-22-2007, 11:26 AM
so why doesn't it to you DMP?

Because it's absolutely BESIDE the point. The point is -

It's IRONIC somebody would charge FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to speak to a Public School about "POVERTY". See? See the irony there? That irony is the point. Not Rudi's fees...or Michael Moore's Fees....or the Fee to cross the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

05-22-2007, 11:28 AM
Because it's absolutely BESIDE the point. The point is -

It's IRONIC somebody would charge FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to speak to a Public School about "POVERTY". See? See the irony there? That irony is the point. Not Rudi's fees...or Michael Moore's Fees....or the Fee to cross the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

So what would you consider to be a reasonable fee?

05-22-2007, 11:44 AM
Because it's absolutely BESIDE the point. The point is -

It's IRONIC somebody would charge FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to speak to a Public School about "POVERTY". See? See the irony there? That irony is the point. Not Rudi's fees...or Michael Moore's Fees....or the Fee to cross the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

there is a new Tacoma Narrows bridge?

Well the irony of the fee for poverty speaking is much more ironic when you take it out of a context in which the fee is actually a relative bargain.

Does the context matter?

05-22-2007, 11:47 AM
So what would you consider to be a reasonable fee?

For being a guest speaker? $250.

05-22-2007, 11:48 AM
there is a new Tacoma Narrows bridge?

Yeah - Toll bridge...the toll will go up to about $5 per car, per trip (Just eastbound).

05-22-2007, 12:01 PM
Yeah - Toll bridge...the toll will go up to about $5 per car, per trip (Just eastbound).

what happened to the old bridge?

05-22-2007, 12:05 PM
what happened to the old bridge?

This is an "Additional" bridge.


05-22-2007, 12:06 PM
For being a guest speaker? $250.


My quilting guilds pay more than that to guest speakers at our meetings! (Plus travel expenses)

And our speakers aren't anywhere near as well known as Edwards!

05-22-2007, 12:11 PM
So what would you consider to be a reasonable fee?

If he's gonna preach about how horrible poverty is in this country and how it's all his fault, I think he should go ahead and charge the $55K, but then give it all away. After all, he can afford it, and how am I supposed to think he's genuine when he charges more than I make in a year to tell me how I need to vote to have more of my hard-earned money taken by force of law and given to a bunch of ingrates who think they're entitled to it?

05-22-2007, 12:14 PM

My quilting guilds pay more than that to guest speakers at our meetings! (Plus travel expenses)

And our speakers aren't anywhere near as well known as Edwards!

Heck - $250 + travel = MORE than enough. ESPECIALLY if the subject is 'poverty' ;)

05-22-2007, 12:15 PM
This is an "Additional" bridge.


Well done!

Didn't the old bridge sway/almost buckle in the wind or was that an even earlier bridge

05-22-2007, 12:16 PM
Heck - $250 + travel = MORE than enough. ESPECIALLY if the subject is 'poverty' ;)

Have you ever considered that he got the $55K because the intended audience thought it was worth it? If they hadn't, he wouldn't have been invited to speak there.

Where's your reverence for the free market now?

05-22-2007, 12:18 PM
If he's gonna preach about how horrible poverty is in this country and how it's all his fault, I think he should go ahead and charge the $55K, but then give it all away. After all, he can afford it, and how am I supposed to think he's genuine when he charges more than I make in a year to tell me how I need to vote to have more of my hard-earned money taken by force of law and given to a bunch of ingrates who think they're entitled to it?


05-22-2007, 12:19 PM
Have you ever considered that he got the $55K because the intended audience thought it was worth it? If they hadn't, he wouldn't have been invited to speak there.

Where's your reverence for the free market now?

Again with people having trouble following the point.


05-22-2007, 12:20 PM
Well done!

Didn't the old bridge sway/almost buckle in the wind or was that an even earlier bridge

The First bridge blew-apart. That disaster is what forced bridge designers to take aerodynamics into consideration when building large spans. :)

05-22-2007, 12:23 PM
MY Fallacy? I pointed out the IRONY of the "Charging $55000 to talk about POVERTY" and you started bringing up Guilianni. Rudy has NOTHING to do with this story - you're simply trying to divert the conversation. Get it?

Because it's absolutely BESIDE the point. The point is -

It's IRONIC somebody would charge FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to speak to a Public School about "POVERTY". See? See the irony there? That irony is the point. Not Rudi's fees...or Michael Moore's Fees....or the Fee to cross the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

Talk about irony and changing the topic.:laugh2: :laugh2:

05-22-2007, 12:24 PM
Again with people having trouble following the point.


And a perfectly valid and relevant point it was too. But I understand; it's inconvenient to the effort to demonize Edwards for accepting a speaker's fee even though there are plenty of others who receive even more (another perfectly relevant and inconvenient truth), so the only thing left is to try to dismiss all those inconvenient truths as somehow irrelevant.

05-22-2007, 12:24 PM
Talk about irony and changing the topic.:laugh2: :laugh2:

No shit, Sherlock. :laugh2: :laugh2:

05-22-2007, 12:28 PM
Talk about irony and changing the topic.:laugh2: :laugh2:

Talk about somebody who has no eff'ing clue what the TOPIC IS...

05-22-2007, 12:29 PM
And a perfectly valid and relevant point it was too. But I understand; it's inconvenient to the effort to demonize Edwards for accepting a speaker's fee even though there are plenty of others who receive even more (another perfectly relevant and inconvenient truth), so the only thing left is to try to dismiss all those inconvenient truths as somehow irrelevant.

Look - Imagine me speaking. Right now. Instead of reading, imagine this is my voice. I also included a couple links which may help you.

"I am speaking VERY SLOWLY now, to help you understand. It is IRONIC (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Ironic) that a guy would charge FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to speak to a publicly-funded School group about POVERTY (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/poverty)."

You and others are bringing up OTHER PEOPLE and THEIR FEES...and YOU have the gall to bring up CAPITALISM and say it's ON POINT? Double-You-tee-EFF?"

05-22-2007, 12:30 PM
Look - Imagine me speaking. Right now. Instead of reading, imagine this is my voice. I also included a couple links which may help you.

"I am speaking VERY SLOWLY now, to help you understand. It is IRONIC (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Ironic) that a guy would charge FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to speak to a publicly-funded School group about POVERTY (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/poverty)."

You and others are bringing up OTHER PEOPLE and THEIR FEES...and YOU have the gall to bring up CAPITALISM and say it's ON POINT? Double-You-tee-EFF?"

Sorry, but shouting and capitalizing words doesn't make your point valid.

05-22-2007, 12:32 PM
Sorry, but shouting and capitalizing words doesn't make your point valid.

I used Capitalization for EMPHASIS. You honestly are REFUSING to address the POINT of the thread, which is: "The IRONY of some guy charging $55,000 to make a speech about Poverty

05-22-2007, 12:37 PM
I used Capitalization for EMPHASIS. You honestly are REFUSING to address the POINT of the thread, which is: "The IRONY of some guy charging $55,000 to make a speech about Poverty

And large fonts don't add validity either.

05-22-2007, 12:42 PM
I used Capitalization for EMPHASIS. You honestly are REFUSING to address the POINT of the thread, which is: "The IRONY of some guy charging $55,000 to make a speech about Poverty

Is it as ironic if somebody offers to pay a person $55,000 to give a talk about poverty?

The point is that the money wasn't paid for the speech or the topic.

If I had given the same speech I woulda been paid $500.

The money was paid to a presidential candidates appearance. A celebrity thingy.

Now what is ironic is getting paid $15 million a year to chase a ball around a field.

05-22-2007, 01:07 PM
And large fonts don't add validity either.

The fact I am right is all the validity required.

05-22-2007, 01:13 PM
The fact I am right is all the validity required.

That you have to shout it out with large fonts doesn't make you're right (it doesn't ), nor does it impart any validity to your argument.

05-22-2007, 01:15 PM
And large fonts don't add validity either.

:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

Let me see if I can explain this in a way you can understand.

First off, let's start with the old adage, "Actions speak louder than words." Now that we have that out of the way, let's examine what Edwards is doing.

Edwards has taken it upon himself to cure poverty. Now, he could do like many churches and philothropists do and give away even small chunks of his MASSIVE fortune (which, by the way, he got by falsely accusing doctors of being the sole cause of cerebral palsey) to things like homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Instead, he spends his MASSIVE fortune on MASSIVE houses, MASSIVE cars, and MASSIVE investments. There's nothing wrong with that, but if he keeps all of his money, then how does he help the poor? Well, he goes around telling other people to help the poor. He asks people who have but a tiny fraction of what he has to give away more than he has to help the poor. Not only that, but he advocates that the government forcably take away what those people have and give it to the poor. Well, surely if he's truly advocating that those who make far less money than him give so much of it away, then he must surely be giving his time to help the poor, right? Wrong! He charges a MASSIVE fee for each of his appearances. If, instead of speaking, he told them to give that money away or if he gave the money away to the poor, like he's telling other people that they have a moral obligation to do, then the money he collects from a single appearance would accomodate a family of four in a lower-middle class lifestyle for an entire year. Instead, though Edwards just takes the money and spends it on MASSIVE haircuts and MASSIVE face lifts. It's a simply matter of "Do as I say, not as I do." If Edwards really believed what he was telling people, rather than just trying to get votes from the poor, then he would either not charge for his appearances or he would give them to the poor.........MASSIVE

05-22-2007, 01:24 PM
The fact I am right is all the validity required.

Well.....I don't know about anyone else, but that extremely informative and insightful reply convinced me!:cool:

05-22-2007, 01:24 PM
:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

Let me see if I can explain this in a way you can understand.

First off, let's start with the old adage, "Actions speak louder than words." Now that we have that out of the way, let's examine what Edwards is doing.

Edwards has taken it upon himself to cure poverty. Now, he could do like many churches and philothropists do and give away even small chunks of his MASSIVE fortune (which, by the way, he got by falsely accusing doctors of being the sole cause of cerebral palsey) to things like homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Instead, he spends his MASSIVE fortune on MASSIVE houses, MASSIVE cars, and MASSIVE investments. There's nothing wrong with that, but if he keeps all of his money, then how does he help the poor? Well, he goes around telling other people to help the poor. He asks people who have but a tiny fraction of what he has to give away more than he has to help the poor. Not only that, but he advocates that the government forcably take away what those people have and give it to the poor. Well, surely if he's truly advocating that those who make far less money than him give so much of it away, then he must surely be giving his time to help the poor, right? Wrong! He charges a MASSIVE fee for each of his appearances. If, instead of speaking, he told them to give that money away or if he gave the money away to the poor, like he's telling other people that they have a moral obligation to do, then the money he collects from a single appearance would accomodate a family of four in a lower-middle class lifestyle for an entire year. Instead, though Edwards just takes the money and spends it on MASSIVE haircuts and MASSIVE face lifts. It's a simply matter of "Do as I say, not as I do." If Edwards really believed what he was telling people, rather than just trying to get votes from the poor, then he would either not charge for his appearances or he would give them to the poor.........MASSIVE

You too, eh? Why don't you try making sense instead of abusing those large fonts?

05-22-2007, 02:21 PM
You too, eh? Why don't you try making sense instead of abusing those large fonts?

Try addressing his Very well-thought-out comments instead of nit-picking on his font. Substance, ya know? ;)

05-22-2007, 02:27 PM
You too, eh? Why don't you try making sense instead of abusing those large fonts?

It was a stab at adding humor to the post. If you'd care to read it instead of criticize the font, maybe you'd get the point.

05-22-2007, 02:28 PM
It was a stab at adding humor to the post. If you'd care to read it instead of criticize the font, maybe you'd get the point.

I don't think you're ready for the Comedy Club.

Abbey Marie
05-22-2007, 02:31 PM
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, who as a Democratic presidential candidate recently proposed an educational policy that urged "every financial barrier" be removed for American kids who want to go to college, has been going to college himself -- as a high paid speaker, his financial records show

If these fees were paid by the University, then Edwards took and pocketed $55,000 that could have been used for scholarships for the poor to attend- the very thing he was supposedly trying to achieve by his speech. It's always up to someone else (cough: taxpayers :cough) to help, though, isn't it? Johnny is damn sure getting his. Quintessentially hypocritical.

05-22-2007, 02:38 PM
I don't think you're ready for the Comedy Club.

If I change the font back to normal size on all words, will you read the post and address the points rather than critique the format, or do you realize that there's no defending this and you're just dodging the question?

05-22-2007, 02:43 PM
Try addressing his Very well-thought-out comments instead of nit-picking on his font. Substance, ya know? ;)

Prefaced with the snide "Let me see if I can explain this in a way you can understand."

When someone posts that crap, one has to question whether the poster has any interest in serious discussion.

05-22-2007, 02:43 PM
Johnny is damn sure getting his. Quintessentially hypocritical.

anybody who makes a million dollars in a year is damned sure getting theirs in an inherently unfair and socially irresponsible way.

But examining this thread one would think that only Edwards greed is objectionable.

Guilianni charges universities 3 times as much. No prob.

Guys make 200 times that ammount/year to chase a ball, no prob.

Lee raymond took a $400 million retirement package, no prob.

EVERY presidential candidate needs to be on a continual circuit making similarly profitable presentations to afford the campaign, no prob.

The school INVITED Edwards to speak at that price, no prob.

But Edwards is a problem, even at bargain rates, because he chooses to use that venue to discuss poverty, after he is invited to do so.

Could ya'll be any more shallow and self serving in your selective judgements?

05-22-2007, 02:44 PM
do you realize that there's no defending this and you're just dodging the question?

I think your position is indefensible. And hypocritical, and ironic.

05-22-2007, 02:45 PM
anybody who makes a million dollars in a year is damned sure getting theirs in an inherently unfair and socially irresponsible way.

But examining this thread one would think that only Edwards greed is objectionable.

Guilianni charges universities 3 times as much. No prob.

Guys make 200 times that ammount/year to chase a ball, no prob.

Lee raymond took a $400 million retirement package, no prob.

EVERY presidential candidate needs to be on a continual circuit making similarly profitable presentations to afford the campaign, no prob.

The school INVITED Edwards to speak at that price, no prob.

But Edwards is a problem, even at bargain rates, because he chooses to use that venue to discuss poverty, after he is invited to do so.

Could ya'll be any more shallow and self serving in your selective judgements?


05-22-2007, 02:45 PM
Prefaced with the snide "Let me see if I can explain this in a way you can understand."

When someone posts that crap, one has to question whether the poster has any interest in serious discussion.

Likewise, when I have to use snide remarks to focus your and others' attention 'on the point', I wonder if you guys have ANY real interest in anything but stirring the proverbial pot. :)

See how that works?

Abbey Marie
05-22-2007, 02:51 PM
anybody who makes a million dollars in a year is damned sure getting theirs in an inherently unfair and socially irresponsible way.

But examining this thread one would think that only Edwards greed is objectionable.

Guilianni charges universities 3 times as much. No prob.

Guys make 200 times that ammount/year to chase a ball, no prob.

Lee raymond took a $400 million retirement package, no prob.

EVERY presidential candidate needs to be on a continual circuit making similarly profitable presentations to afford the campaign, no prob.

The school INVITED Edwards to speak at that price, no prob.

But Edwards is a problem, even at bargain rates, because he chooses to use that venue to discuss poverty, after he is invited to do so.

Could ya'll be any more shallow and self serving in your selective judgements?

If anyone, including Giuliani, charged that much to discuss reducing poverty, I'd criticize him, too. The 'poverty' topic is what makes our "judgments" re: Edwards' hypocrisy far from selective, and actually right on target. The question is, why do you refuse to understand it?

How about addressing my point that he took money that could have been used for scholarships for the poor?

05-22-2007, 02:57 PM
Likewise, when I have to use snide remarks to focus your and others' attention 'on the point', I wonder if you guys have ANY real interest in anything but stirring the proverbial pot. :)

See how that works?

The trouble is, you haven't made a valid point yet. This whole brouhaha is nothing but a thinly disguised excuse to bash another liberal for no damned good reason.

05-22-2007, 03:03 PM
If anyone, including Giuliani, charged that much to discuss reducing poverty, I'd criticize him, too. The 'poverty' topic is what makes our "judgments" re: Edwards' hypocrisy far from selective, and actually right on target. The question is, why do you refuse to understand it?

How about addressing my point that he took money that could have been used for scholarships for the poor?

Maybe i can explain my POV like this.

If somebody is gonna be a celebrity, and make a million dollars a year,

would you rather that they choose to do that as:

a ball player?

a pornographer like Hefner?

a bimbo like Spears?

or a poverty educator?

Why is it more moral to make grandiose fortunes as an advocate for a good cause rather than simply a self serving cause?

Why should Edwards be held to the standard that he must donate his fee to a scholarship fund if Guilianni does the same thing, void ANY socially benefitial element, and can pocket the cash?

Don't you see the hypocrisy of holding the better man to a different standard than the ordinary hack who does the same thing?

05-22-2007, 04:05 PM
The trouble is, you haven't made a valid point yet. This whole brouhaha is nothing but a thinly disguised excuse to bash another liberal for no damned good reason.

What the hell are you talking about?

I'm NOT here making POINTS - I'm here to FOCUS wandering minds on the POINT OF THE ARTICLE, which was the IRONY of somebody getting 55000 to speak about POVERTY - which is 'the lack of money'....See??? GET IT? Holy Crap somebody HELP me here...

05-22-2007, 04:18 PM
What the hell are you talking about?

I'm NOT here making POINTS - I'm here to FOCUS wandering minds on the POINT OF THE ARTICLE, which was the IRONY of somebody getting 55000 to speak about POVERTY - which is 'the lack of money'....See??? GET IT? Holy Crap somebody HELP me here...

Then if you're not "making POINTS," then why did you say this earlier?

Likewise, when I have to use snide remarks to focus your and others' attention 'on the point', I wonder if you guys have ANY real interest in anything but stirring the proverbial pot. :)

See how that works?

Now, temper, temper. Getting nasty makes it look like you just don't have an argument, y'know?

05-22-2007, 04:24 PM
Then if you're not "making POINTS," then why did you say this earlier?

Now, temper, temper. Getting nasty makes it look like you just don't have an argument, y'know?

see? Now you're simply acting Insane. You make outlandish claims, such as "I invented the question mark" or "It's very much on-topic to start blabbering about Rudi Guilianni" and when CALLED on it - when I attempt, out of my good graces, to steer you back to the point of the article, you refuse. You stomp your feet. You remove ANY context from ANYTHING I write here. You play passive-aggressive. And through it all, you are not fooling ANYONE who possesses a modicum of Reason or Rational Thought. Getting Nasty? Nasty? Nasty is your never-ending desire - no - compulsion to thumb your nose in the face of VERY VERY VERY VERY Simple concepts of intellectual honesty.

How nice for you.

Misc Large Text Words:

professional bugger celiac lactonizing

05-22-2007, 04:29 PM
see? Now you're simply acting Insane. You make outlandish claims, such as "I invented the question mark" or "It's very much on-topic to start blabbering about Rudi Guilianni" and when CALLED on it - when I attempt, out of my good graces, to steer you back to the point of the article, you refuse. You stomp your feet. You remove ANY context from ANYTHING I write here. You play passive-aggressive. And through it all, you are not fooling ANYONE who possesses a modicum of Reason or Rational Thought. Getting Nasty? Nasty? Nasty is your never-ending desire - no - compulsion to thumb your nose in the face of VERY VERY VERY VERY Simple concepts of intellectual honesty.

How nice for you.

Too bad your fairy tale is not reality based. I haven't stomped my feet, but it sure looks like you have. If you see the point of the thread differently than I do, then that's your privilege, but you have no business trying to bully me into seeing things your way, and I won't passively tolerate any bullying from you.

05-22-2007, 04:32 PM
Too bad your fairy tale is not reality based. I haven't stomped my feet, but it sure looks like you have. If you see the point of the thread differently than I do, then that's your privilege, but you have no business trying to bully me into seeing things your way, and I won't passively tolerate any bullying from you.

Bullying? How the hell is YOU repeating, ad nauseam, that Rudi Guilianni has even a REMOTE chance of 'being the point of the OP', ME bullying YOU?

Your passive-aggressive bs stinks.

What's wrong with you? Really? You MUST be just yanking my chain.

05-22-2007, 04:32 PM
Edwards is a hypocrite as well as a faggot. :laugh2:

05-22-2007, 04:33 PM
Bullying? How the hell is YOU repeating, ad nauseam, that Rudi Guilianni has even a REMOTE chance of 'being the point of the OP', ME bullying YOU?

Your passive-aggressive bs stinks.

What's wrong with you? Really? You MUST be just yanking my chain.

Personal insults simply don't help whatever argument you may have.

05-22-2007, 04:35 PM
Edwards is a hypocrite as well as a faggot. :laugh2:

Dude - Please, Help me understand - I REALLY want to - Help me understand WTF Rudi Giuliani' has to do with "The Irony of Edwards Taking $55000 to talk about POVERTY". Please? Somebody?? I honestly think it ONLY relates in the Minds of LIBS who lack the "I know what is funny" and "I know what is Ironic" gene. There ARE a few libs around here who possess such a gene; however the sad part is, those who seem to be MISSING said gene possess the "Well, I can't defend my position, so I'll just keep re-stating it, and attacking anyone (dmp) who attempts to force-teach me how to stay on-topic" gene.

05-22-2007, 04:41 PM
Personal insults simply don't help whatever argument you may have.

When I start insulting you personally, you may have a case. Right now, your 'argument' that Rudi Giulianni has ANYTHING to do with "The Irony of Edwards taking $55K to speak about POVERTY" is severely lacking. You simply 'saying it does, and that's your opinion' means you are closed-minded and not worth my trouble of trying to teach you. Instead of "Ya know? dmp? You're right. While Rudi doesn't really have two shits to do with the "The Irony of Edwards taking $55K to speak about POVERTY", he does seem to charge a LOT of money - in fact, MOST politicians or notables charge a HUGE amount of money for organizations to hear them blabber..." you get defiant and play the victim. You create BS stories and accounts of being 'bullied' in an attempt to garner sympathy.

You know where you find SYMPATHY in the dictionary? Between Shit and Syphilis

05-22-2007, 04:46 PM
Help me understand WTF Rudi Giuliani' has to do with "The Irony of Edwards Taking $55000 to talk about POVERTY". Please? Somebody??

I dunno DMP, I have posted numerous posts that address that and basicly it all comes down to context.

Whatever irony exists in this particular speaking engagement IS mitigated by the relative discount price paid to Edwards for the presentation.

And the most ironic part of this thread appears to be the outlandish double standard being applied to Edwards by the political opposition.

Bill Gates for example is the richest man ever to live, greedy beyond any standard.

Yet he will die the greatest philanthropist in the history of the world.

Context is everything.

05-22-2007, 04:57 PM
I dunno DMP, I have posted numerous posts that address that and basically it all comes down to context.

Stop reading into it and just laugh, I suppose. Is it funny that, regardless of any discount, FIFTY-FIVE Thousand dollars is a LOT of money - FUNNY because the focus of his talk was about 'poverty'. That's it. It's hilarious that a guy who probably knows very little of poverty (from a personal standpoint) got paid more for a couple hours work, than a high-ranking soldier gets in ONE YEAR. To be fair, out of that $55k, He'd likely have to pay all his 'handlers' and what not; so his in-pocket amount could be substantially less.


05-22-2007, 05:08 PM
Stop reading into it and just laugh, I suppose. Is it funny that, regardless of any discount, FIFTY-FIVE Thousand dollars is a LOT of money - FUNNY because

It isn't funny to me.

A leading presidential candidate MUST raise $600,000/day every day for a whole year to pay for a presidential run.

A typical senator MUST raise $5500 every single day for a year in order to afford a run at the senate.

This is all obscene and outrageous.

The fact that this fundraising activity might actually have some redeeming value is a minute perk in contrast to the appalling nature of the dominant role money plays in buying political office.

It just isn't very funny to me, sorry.

05-22-2007, 05:14 PM
It isn't funny to me.

A leading presidential candidate MUST raise $600,000/day every day for a whole year to pay for a presidential run.

A typical senator MUST raise $5500 every single day for a year in order to afford a run at the senate.

This is all obscene and outrageous.

The fact that this fundraising activity might actually have some redeeming value is a minute perk in contrast to the appalling nature of the dominant role money plays in buying political office.

It just isn't very funny to me, sorry.

As you said - context, chap. It's FUNNY because of the CONTEXT surrounding how he 'earned' $55k...talking about 'poverty'. A good joke/Ironic joke? can only be SOO funny after having to essplayn it so many times.


05-22-2007, 07:05 PM
When I start insulting you personally, you may have a case. Right now, your 'argument' that Rudi Giulianni has ANYTHING to do with "The Irony of Edwards taking $55K to speak about POVERTY" is severely lacking. You simply 'saying it does, and that's your opinion' means you are closed-minded and not worth my trouble of trying to teach you. Instead of "Ya know? dmp? You're right. While Rudi doesn't really have two shits to do with the "The Irony of Edwards taking $55K to speak about POVERTY", he does seem to charge a LOT of money - in fact, MOST politicians or notables charge a HUGE amount of money for organizations to hear them blabber..." you get defiant and play the victim. You create BS stories and accounts of being 'bullied' in an attempt to garner sympathy.

Closed minded? Pot, meet kettle.

As for the bullying issue, you ARE behaving like a bully. I merely observed that and said so. I also don't believe in playing victim when confronted by bullying but to fight back. Bullies have a strange habit of getting even more belligerent when their would-be targets actually stand up to them, as you have just proven.

As for the relevance of commenting on Giuliani's higher speaking fees after Edwards has been denounced for accepting a $55K fee, well, some of us have tried to explain that to you, but you just don't get it.

05-22-2007, 07:12 PM
Any report of what John Edwards had to say about poverty?

05-22-2007, 07:16 PM
I have no idea.

05-22-2007, 07:19 PM
Must have been a rather relevant speech.

05-22-2007, 10:41 PM
That Rudy charges even higher fees than Edwards is very relevant to this thread, which started out with the thread parent getting all bent out of shape over Edwards charging $55K plus expenses.

Maybe the thread parent could suggest what he/she considers a more reasonable fee.

It is "highly" irrelevent.

I will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000???

05-22-2007, 10:45 PM
Any report of what John Edwards had to say about poverty?

Im sure it is on the net somewhere, maybe at the Universities home page where he gave the speech?

05-22-2007, 10:49 PM
anybody who makes a million dollars in a year is damned sure getting theirs in an inherently unfair and socially irresponsible way.

But examining this thread one would think that only Edwards greed is objectionable.

Guilianni charges universities 3 times as much. No prob.

Guys make 200 times that ammount/year to chase a ball, no prob.

Lee raymond took a $400 million retirement package, no prob.

EVERY presidential candidate needs to be on a continual circuit making similarly profitable presentations to afford the campaign, no prob.

The school INVITED Edwards to speak at that price, no prob.

But Edwards is a problem, even at bargain rates, because he chooses to use that venue to discuss poverty, after he is invited to do so.

Could ya'll be any more shallow and self serving in your selective judgements?

Off topic, and completely ignores the "topic" of what Edwards was speaking about. You are using false analogy. The "topics" underlying the fees paid are very different to the "topic" Edwards was talking about.

So, stick to the topic.

05-22-2007, 10:55 PM
Off topic, and completely ignores the "topic" of what Edwards was speaking about. You are using false analogy. The "topics" underlying the fees paid are very different to the "topic" Edwards was talking about.

So, stick to the topic.

go to hell

05-22-2007, 11:12 PM
go to hell

What was that for? I was polite in my post.

Anyways, what do you think about this:

It is "highly" irrelevent.

I will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


Joe Steel
05-23-2007, 06:46 AM
The point is the IRONY of the HUGE fee and the TOPIC. Perhaps he should have spoken about "How to make a KILLING by spouting your opinion"


Irony is an amusing topic for conversation but Edwards is focused on more important issues. Speaking to college students, presumably America's developing leaders, is an important part of what Edwards sees as his mission. He's trying to shape America's attitudes. Reaching young, soon-to-be influential, minds is a very helpful way to do that.

05-23-2007, 07:24 AM
What was that for? I was polite in my post.

Anyways, what do you think about this:

It is "highly" irrelevent.

I will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


Saying it's "irrelevant" over and over and over again doesn't make it so. I realize that those of you who are here just to bash Edwards need to make that argument because the fact that Giuliani charges higher speaking fees just shows how asinine your selective outrage over Edwards's fees is.

05-23-2007, 07:27 AM
Irony is an amusing topic for conversation but Edwards is focused on more important issues. Speaking to college students, presumably America's developing leaders, is an important part of what Edwards sees as his mission. He's trying to shape America's attitudes. Reaching young, soon-to-be influential, minds is a very helpful way to do that.


05-23-2007, 12:41 PM
Dude - Please, Help me understand - I REALLY want to - Help me understand WTF Rudi Giuliani' has to do with "The Irony of Edwards Taking $55000 to talk about POVERTY". Please? Somebody?? I honestly think it ONLY relates in the Minds of LIBS who lack the "I know what is funny" and "I know what is Ironic" gene. There ARE a few libs around here who possess such a gene; however the sad part is, those who seem to be MISSING said gene possess the "Well, I can't defend my position, so I'll just keep re-stating it, and attacking anyone (dmp) who attempts to force-teach me how to stay on-topic" gene. I'm not going to defend Gulliani's attack of Edwards. Its just a gotcha game at this point.

05-23-2007, 07:35 PM
Saying it's "irrelevant" over and over and over again doesn't make it so. I realize that those of you who are here just to bash Edwards need to make that argument because the fact that Giuliani charges higher speaking fees just shows how asinine your selective outrage over Edwards's fees is.

Please answer the question:

will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


05-23-2007, 08:05 PM
Any report of what John Edwards had to say about poverty?

He said it was bad?

05-23-2007, 08:08 PM
Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


Not much. There is more alumimoney:laugh2:

(an alchemists joke; don't expect to get it unless you are in the biz)

05-23-2007, 08:23 PM
Not much. There is more alumimoney:laugh2:

(an alchemists joke; don't expect to get it unless you are in the biz)

*admits, not in the biz*

So can I charge someone you know who is in poverty between $55,000 and $100,000 to get out of poverty and you won't mind?

05-23-2007, 08:37 PM
*admits, not in the biz*

So can I charge someone you know who is in poverty between $55,000 and $100,000 to get out of poverty and you won't mind?

(Pssst, the world bank has that market cornered)

And neither Guillianni or Edwards did that.

They were speaking at universities not refugee camps.

05-23-2007, 08:56 PM
(Pssst, the world bank has that market cornered)

And neither Guillianni or Edwards did that.

They were speaking at universities not refugee camps.

Would you mind answering this:

will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


Since you have not said there is irony in my post, I am only left so suppose you mean so. Therefore, you have no problem with the actual fact(s) of my scenario.

Never claimed either "cornered" the market. You are again, using logical fallacies.

I would be interested if you could actually, actually, answer directly, my question above.


Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 02:07 AM
Did you read a transcript of the speech he gave, Yurt? Are you so cocksure that Edwards' speech was about "how to get out of poverty"? If you believe, that you are wrong. Here is the news article about the speech right after it was given. Note the frequent references to poverty and how to "get out of it."

Peter Hecht
Sacramento Bee
Jan 9, 2006
Former presidential candidate John Edwards called Monday for a "substantial" reduction in American troops in Iraq, arguing that the presence of U.S. forces is "feeding the insurgency" and sending the wrong message that the Iraqi people aren't in charge of their own country.

Edwards, who spoke at UC Davis Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts, told reporters beforehand he believes the United States should draw down its forces in Iraq "to send a clear, unmistakable signal to the world that we intend to leave, to permit the Iraqis to govern themselves and provide their own security."

Edwards, a former U.S. Senator from North Carolina, was the Democratic Party's vice presidential candidate in 2004.

He is currently director of the Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North California.

He said he has made no decision on whether he will be a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008. He said he has been too consumed with his wife battle with breast cancer to ponder his political future.

He said Elizabeth Edwards has completed treatments and is now cancer-free, "knock on wood."

For now, Edwards said, he is consumed by his effort to draw renewed attention to poverty in America.

He advocated an increase in the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour, providing housing vouchers to help working families move into better neighborhoods with better schools and increased assistance to enable more lower-income residents to attend college.

Apparently, someone wanted to make a big hullabaloo about Edwards taking a fee to speak to a college. Somehow, some moron got it in his mind that if you want to speak about the subject of poverty that you have to accept poverty wages or you are a hypocrite. What Bullshit.

First, the guy wasn't a political candidate and he has the right to ask for whatever kind of fee he wants. Rudy does and no one bats an eye. Maybe because Rudy doesn't give a flying fuck about helping impoverished Americans that he doesn't get slapped down for his fees or get called a hypocrite.

Second, the speech was a wide ranging speech that focused more on issues of the day and not "how to get out of poverty."

Third, was what he did illegal? No. UC Davis would not have paid for him to come and speak if they did not think he was worth it.

This is just more hyperbole, sound and fury signifying nothing.

05-24-2007, 02:15 AM
Did you read a transcript of the speech he gave, Yurt? Are you so cocksure that Edwards' speech was about "how to get out of poverty"? If you believe, that you are wrong. Here is the news article about the speech right after it was given. Note the frequent references to poverty and how to "get out of it."

Apparently, someone wanted to make a big hullabaloo about Edwards taking a fee to speak to a college. Somehow, some moron got it in his mind that if you want to speak about the subject of poverty that you have to accept poverty wages or you are a hypocrite. What Bullshit.

First, the guy wasn't a political candidate and he has the right to ask for whatever kind of fee he wants. Rudy does and no one bats an eye. Maybe because Rudy doesn't give a flying fuck about helping impoverished Americans that he doesn't get slapped down for his fees or get called a hypocrite.

Second, the speech was a wide ranging speech that focused more on issues of the day and not "how to get out of poverty."

Third, was what he did illegal? No. UC Davis would not have paid for him to come and speak if they did not think he was worth it.

This is just more hyperbole, sound and fury signifying nothing.

Wellllllll. why should he charge anything...
But as all us little peons out here know....
Edwards is a two faced hypocrite......
He uses Class Warfare(poverty) only for his campaign, but he sure as hell doesnt live it.......:slap:

And people fall for it...:laugh2:

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 02:35 AM
Wellllllll. why should he charge anything...

Maybe RUDY should speak for free and Cheney give back all his Halliburton money. When that happens, let me know. Then I'll suggest that Edwards should cut his speaking fees.

But as all us little peons out here know....
Edwards is a two faced hypocrite......

"little peons" being the operative words in that whine

He uses Class Warfare(poverty) only for his campaign, but he sure as hell doesnt live it.......:slap:

And people fall for it...:laugh2:

He DID live but then you wouldn't know about that or his family history. He was the first one in his family to go to college and the first one to go to law school. He's supposed to actually BE poor so he can speak about them? What a load of crap.

Now that he is successful, he's supposed to give it all away because he cares about what happens to the poor, because you have some distorted notion that a rich person could not possibly care about what happens to the less fortunate among us? Careful, deary, your Social Darwinism is showing again.

Class warfare? Shit, the Republicans have been conducting Class Warfare for three decades now. Their so-called Christianity is nothing more than "I've got mine, good luck with you getting yours" and a prime example of "Survival Of The Fittest" that is the neocon mantra when it comes to anyone that doesn't hand over large sums of campaign contributions. The very idea that the poor could actually do better for themselves and take a larger piece of the pie scares the shit out of Republicans which is why they hate them so much and do everything they can to keep them poor. They are easier to exploit that way.

05-24-2007, 02:39 AM
I think any candidate Republican or Democrat that speaks at any School or University should not charge money, that is not right. I could understand for maybe the travel expense and hotel and food, but nothing else.

05-24-2007, 02:42 AM
Maybe RUDY should speak for free and Cheney give back all his Halliburton money. When that happens, let me know. Then I'll suggest that Edwards should cut his speaking fees.

"little peons" being the operative words in that whine

He DID live but then you wouldn't know about that or his family history. He was the first one in his family to go to college and the first one to go to law school. He's supposed to actually BE poor so he can speak about them? What a load of crap.

Now that he is successful, he's supposed to give it all away because he cares about what happens to the poor, because you have some distorted notion that a rich person could not possibly care about what happens to the less fortunate among us? Careful, deary, your Social Darwinism is showing again.

Class warfare? Shit, the Republicans have been conducting Class Warfare for three decades now. Their so-called Christianity is nothing more than "I've got mine, good luck with you getting yours" and a prime example of "Survival Of The Fittest" that is the neocon mantra when it comes to anyone that doesn't hand over large sums of campaign contributions. The very idea that the poor could actually do better for themselves and take a larger piece of the pie scares the shit out of Republicans which is why they hate them so much and do everything they can to keep them poor. They are easier to exploit that way.

Rudy and rest...aren't running a campaign on...I can fix poverty, cause I lived it...
Well hell...why shouldn't he give all his away...Isn't that what a good little socialist does...
Oh I forget.......it's only the little peons who are suppose to do that.:laugh2:

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 02:47 AM
Rudy and rest...aren't running a campaign on...I can fix poverty, cause I lived it...

Reminds of that Steve Martin movie...

I Grew up a poor black man....:laugh2:

That's because Rudy and the rest could give a rat's ass about anyone other than their rich Republican friends. Edwards isn't disqualified because he made something for himself. Only the most narrow minded would believe that.

You watch too many movies. It's giving you a distorted view of the world. Next you'll be telling me that a robot from the future that is almost indestructable is the governor of California.


05-24-2007, 02:51 AM
Rudy and rest...aren't running a campaign on...I can fix poverty, cause I lived it...
Well hell...why shouldn't he give all his away...Isn't that what a good little socialist does...
Oh I forget.......it's only the little peons who are suppose to do that.:laugh2:

Dont worry about him Steph, hes obviously not to bright. As reguards to the Steve Martin movie, The Jerk I think is one of his best movies along with Planes, Trains and Automobiles....

05-24-2007, 02:51 AM
That's because Rudy and the rest could give a rat's ass about anyone other than their rich Republican friends. Edwards isn't disqualified because he made something for himself. Only the most narrow minded would believe that.

You watch too many movies. It's giving you a distorted view of the world. Next you'll be telling me that a robot from the future that is almost indestructible is the governor of California.


You caught my post before I edited it...But..

Now that you mention Robots...

Didn't the Governator...play one..So it is Coming true.....:eek:

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 02:54 AM
You caught my post before I edited it...But..

Now that you mention Robots...

Didn't the Governator...play one..So it is Coming true.....:eek:

"play" being the important word there

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 02:56 AM
Dont worry about him Steph, hes obviously not to bright. As reguards to the Steve Martin movie, The Jerk I think is one of his best movies along with Planes, Trains and Automobiles....

Yeah, I'm not too bright. Who posted two sentences and made a spelling error in each one? Dimbulb.

05-24-2007, 02:59 AM
Yeah, I'm not too bright. Who posted two sentences and made a spelling error in each one? Dimbulb.

Who cares about a spelling error.

05-24-2007, 03:06 AM
"play" being the important word there

Well PLAY is an important word...

And we have too many politicians........playing as one...

And that's on both side's...

I'm pretty tired of them all...

I wish we could clean house and start over...term limits on all their asses, serve your time, and move on...

But, as it is.....we have a 99 yr. old senator who has to be helped into the chambers, and probably fed his speech though a loud speaker in his ear...


Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 03:11 AM
Well PLAY is an important word...

And we have too many politicians........playing as one...

And that's on both side's...

I'm pretty tired of them all...

I wish we could clean house and start over...term limits on all their asses, serve your time, and move on...

But, as it is.....we have a 99 yr. old senator who has to be helped into the chambers, and probably fed his speech though a loud speaker in his ear...


And none of them are doing a damn thing to help our country's poor. John Edwards is.

05-24-2007, 03:17 AM
And none of them are doing a damn thing to help our country's poor. John Edwards is.

I'm not a john Edwards fan..
He's a phoney, who is in the back pocket of the Unions..

Right now..I'm no body's damn fan..

I'm tired of the whole lot of them...

05-24-2007, 03:22 AM
I'm not a john Edwards fan..
He's a phoney, who is in the back pocket of the Unions..

Right now..I'm no body's damn fan..

I'm tired of the whole lot of them...

Your not supporting am one from the Republican side either?

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 03:28 AM
I'm not a john Edwards fan..
He's a phoney, who is in the back pocket of the Unions..

Right now..I'm no body's damn fan..

I'm tired of the whole lot of them...

I'm not tired of them. I'm certainly not tired of John Edwards or his fight for a better America.

But I'm tired of the lies of Chimpy McFlightpants and his band of neocon ogres. I'm tired of Chimpy being beholden to Big Oil, big business and Halliburton. I'm tired of our troops being put in harm's way without adequate body armor, adequate troop carriers, adequate pay, adequate health care, and adequate leadership.

05-24-2007, 03:35 AM
I'm not tired of them. I'm certainly not tired of John Edwards or his fight for a better America.

But I'm tired of the lies of Chimpy McFlightpants and his band of neocon ogres. I'm tired of Chimpy being beholden to Big Oil, big business and Halliburton. I'm tired of our troops being put in harm's way without adequate body armor, adequate troop carriers, adequate pay, adequate health care, and adequate leadership.

I'm just as tired of the Democrats bullshit too..

You can hate on Bush all you want...I'm not real thrilled on some of his shit either..

But, No Democrat has come up with anything that I want to support either..

One friggin thing I Don't want.......

Is to live in a Socialist Country...And to me...that's what all the Democrats is pushing on us..

If that's what you want.????? yuk, yuk, yuk..

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 03:52 AM
I'm just as tired of the Democrats bullshit too..

You can hate on Bush all you want...I'm not real thrilled on some of his shit either..

But, No Democrat has come up with anything that I want to support either..

One friggin thing I Don't want.......

Is to live in a Socialist Country...And to me...that's what all the Democrats is pushing on us..

If that's what you want.?????

What I want is a country where working class folks don't have to work two jobs just to live in a decent neighborhood.

What I want is a country where working class folks can have affordable health care.

What I want is a country where working class folks' children can go to schools that teach a subject completely and thoroughly and not a school where they teach to the test.

What I want is a country where working class folks don't have to bear the brunt of the tax base while multimillion corporations pay no taxes and businesses that offshore their jobs are rewarded.

What I want is a country where working class folks can vote for congressmen to end a war and they do whatever they can to achieve that end.

What I want is a country where poor folks have more opportunity to better themselves thru education and employment.

What I want is a country where poor folks are not harassed when they try to vote.

What I want is a country where all the folks share in the bounty and blessings of America, not just the richest 1%.

I see that happening with an Edwards presidency. I don't see it happening with any of the Republicans running. You may be tired and that's understandable after six years of the worst president ever. I see a brighter day ahead. 606 days of misery to go.

05-24-2007, 04:01 AM
What I want is a country where working class folks don't have to work two jobs just to live in a decent neighborhood.

What I want is a country where working class folks can have affordable health care.

What I want is a country where working class folks' children can go to schools that teach a subject completely and thoroughly and not a school where they teach to the test.

What I want is a country where working class folks don't have to bear the brunt of the tax base while multimillion corporations pay no taxes and businesses that offshore their jobs are rewarded.

What I want is a country where working class folks can vote for congressmen to end a war and they do whatever they can to achieve that end.

What I want is a country where poor folks have more opportunity to better themselves thru education and employment.

What I want is a country where poor folks are not harassed when they try to vote.

What I want is a country where all the folks share in the bounty and blessings of America, not just the richest 1%.

I see that happening with an Edwards presidency. I don't see it happening with any of the Republicans running. You may be tired and that's understandable after six years of the worst president ever. I see a brighter day ahead. 606 days of misery to go.

Well...it was nice of you changing my name on your post...That was a nice touch...

And the best I liked from your post...

Isss bing refeeeeerd to az folks......

Yeezh heww.....vot Johnney Edwirds...

The....I waz born a puur blak mun:laugh2:

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 04:55 AM
Well...it was nice of you changing my name on your post...That was a nice touch...

A nasty little touch that YOU started and I merely followed. Remember how you whined when Psychoblues hit you with it? (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=3073&page=2)

05-24-2007, 05:07 AM
A nasty little touch that YOU started and I merely followed. Remember how you whined when Psycho blues hit you with it? (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=3073&page=2)

do you really think I give a shit...
As I said.....I don't know why my quote button changes some names...But it does...If I don't catch it goes through...Now I see your name has been changed...by no fault of mine....I swear.....I don't know WHY?
Why in the hell would I change your last name???
If I was going to fool around with your name........it wouldn't be your last name... I'd insert something like......dickhead Von Esslingen.....
I just now noticed that your name has been changed in my post.......I DIDN'T CHANGE IT...

But...I see, you can't stop playing your game....
so go for it.....it makes look as stupid as you really are....


05-24-2007, 09:32 AM
I think any candidate Republican or Democrat that speaks at any School or University should not charge money, that is not right. I could understand for maybe the travel expense and hotel and food, but nothing else.


But in reality a pres candidate MUST raise $600,000/day to fund a pres campaign.

It doesn't just fall in your lap.

05-24-2007, 09:48 AM
Did you read a transcript of the speech he gave, Yurt? Are you so cocksure that Edwards' speech was about "how to get out of poverty"? If you believe, that you are wrong. Here is the news article about the speech right after it was given. Note the frequent references to poverty and how to "get out of it."

Apparently, someone wanted to make a big hullabaloo about Edwards taking a fee to speak to a college. Somehow, some moron got it in his mind that if you want to speak about the subject of poverty that you have to accept poverty wages or you are a hypocrite. What Bullshit.

First, the guy wasn't a political candidate and he has the right to ask for whatever kind of fee he wants. Rudy does and no one bats an eye. Maybe because Rudy doesn't give a flying fuck about helping impoverished Americans that he doesn't get slapped down for his fees or get called a hypocrite.

Second, the speech was a wide ranging speech that focused more on issues of the day and not "how to get out of poverty."

Third, was what he did illegal? No. UC Davis would not have paid for him to come and speak if they did not think he was worth it.

This is just more hyperbole, sound and fury signifying nothing.

Are you so cocksure I said that? I said it was my story. Please google an analogy...:poke:

05-24-2007, 09:55 AM
Amazing how all the libs ignore this....

will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


Had to highlight example for those who have a hard time with reading comprehension..

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 10:55 AM
do you really think I give a shit...
As I said.....I don't know why my quote button changes some names...But it does...If I don't catch it goes through...Now I see your name has been changed...by no fault of mine....I swear.....I don't know WHY?
Why in the hell would I change your last name???
If I was going to fool around with your name........it wouldn't be your last name... I'd insert something like......dickhead Von Esslingen.....
I just now noticed that your name has been changed in my post.......I DIDN'T CHANGE IT...

But...I see, you can't stop playing your game....
so go for it.....it makes look as stupid as you really are....

What a liar. :slap:

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 11:01 AM
Amazing how all the libs ignore this....

will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


Had to highlight example for those who have a hard time with reading comprehension..

The irony here is all on Rudy's part because he doesn't have a fucking clue about how to get people out of poverty. If you are charging $55k, I wouldn't bother showing up and the University has REALLY wasted its money.

Well, on second thought if Rudy is charging $100k, then it's fraud, for the forementioned reason.

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 11:07 AM
I think any candidate Republican or Democrat that speaks at any School or University should not charge money, that is not right. I could understand for maybe the travel expense and hotel and food, but nothing else.


Your complaint may apply NOW but it certainly did not apply in this instance.

05-24-2007, 11:16 AM
Did you read a transcript of the speech he gave, Yurt? Are you so cocksure that Edwards' speech was about "how to get out of poverty"? If you believe, that you are wrong. Here is the news article about the speech right after it was given. Note the frequent references to poverty and how to "get out of it."

Apparently, someone wanted to make a big hullabaloo about Edwards taking a fee to speak to a college. Somehow, some moron got it in his mind that if you want to speak about the subject of poverty that you have to accept poverty wages or you are a hypocrite. What Bullshit.

First, the guy wasn't a political candidate and he has the right to ask for whatever kind of fee he wants. Rudy does and no one bats an eye. Maybe because Rudy doesn't give a flying fuck about helping impoverished Americans that he doesn't get slapped down for his fees or get called a hypocrite.

Second, the speech was a wide ranging speech that focused more on issues of the day and not "how to get out of poverty."

Third, was what he did illegal? No. UC Davis would not have paid for him to come and speak if they did not think he was worth it.

This is just more hyperbole, sound and fury signifying nothing.

You're right, Baron. Edwards spoke about more than just poverty. The stink being made by rightwingers is simply a fraudulent non-issue.

Baron Von Esslingen
05-24-2007, 11:49 AM
Funny how this kind of crap keeps cropping up in a supposedly "Liberal Media" don'cha think?

05-24-2007, 11:53 AM
Funny how this kind of crap keeps cropping up in a supposedly "Liberal Media" don'cha think?


05-24-2007, 08:46 PM
What I want is a country where working class folks don't have to work two jobs just to live in a decent neighborhood.

What I want is a country where working class folks can have affordable health care.

What I want is a country where working class folks' children can go to schools that teach a subject completely and thoroughly and not a school where they teach to the test.

What I want is a country where working class folks don't have to bear the brunt of the tax base while multimillion corporations pay no taxes and businesses that offshore their jobs are rewarded.

What I want is a country where working class folks can vote for congressmen to end a war and they do whatever they can to achieve that end.

What I want is a country where poor folks have more opportunity to better themselves thru education and employment.

What I want is a country where poor folks are not harassed when they try to vote.

What I want is a country where all the folks share in the bounty and blessings of America, not just the richest 1%.

I see that happening with an Edwards presidency. I don't see it happening with any of the Republicans running. You may be tired and that's understandable after six years of the worst president ever. I see a brighter day ahead. 606 days of misery to go.

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

05-24-2007, 08:51 PM
The irony here is all on Rudy's part because he doesn't have a fucking clue about how to get people out of poverty. If you are charging $55k, I wouldn't bother showing up and the University has REALLY wasted its money.

Well, on second thought if Rudy is charging $100k, then it's fraud, for the forementioned reason.

Another non answer by libs. I have had responses to my "example" but no actual answer. Evading, running, scared..... *gasps* in surprise.

You attack Rudy, a logical fallacy, instead of actually answering my question. It is quite clear on this board who certain posters are that attack and insult rather than reply. Will say though, one seems to be answering more now though.... Why don't you bother answering the question instead of giving me hyperbole drivel that has nothing to do with my post?

Much appreciated Baron.

will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?


05-24-2007, 08:59 PM
Again with people having trouble following the point.



05-24-2007, 09:04 PM
Let me see if I can explain this in a way you can understand.

First off, let's start with the old adage, "Actions speak louder than words." Now that we have that out of the way, let's examine what Edwards is doing.

Edwards has taken it upon himself to cure poverty. Now, he could do like many churches and philothropists do and give away even small chunks of his MASSIVE fortune (which, by the way, he got by falsely accusing doctors of being the sole cause of cerebral palsey) to things like homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Instead, he spends his MASSIVE fortune on MASSIVE houses, MASSIVE cars, and MASSIVE investments. There's nothing wrong with that, but if he keeps all of his money, then how does he help the poor? Well, he goes around telling other people to help the poor. He asks people who have but a tiny fraction of what he has to give away more than he has to help the poor. Not only that, but he advocates that the government forcably take away what those people have and give it to the poor. Well, surely if he's truly advocating that those who make far less money than him give so much of it away, then he must surely be giving his time to help the poor, right? Wrong! He charges a MASSIVE fee for each of his appearances. If, instead of speaking, he told them to give that money away or if he gave the money away to the poor, like he's telling other people that they have a moral obligation to do, then the money he collects from a single appearance would accomodate a family of four in a lower-middle class lifestyle for an entire year. Instead, though Edwards just takes the money and spends it on MASSIVE haircuts and MASSIVE face lifts. It's a simply matter of "Do as I say, not as I do." If Edwards really believed what he was telling people, rather than just trying to get votes from the poor, then he would either not charge for his appearances or he would give them to the poor.........MASSIVE

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: That is the best post I have seen in a very long time :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

05-24-2007, 09:08 PM
It was a stab at adding humor to the post. If you'd care to read it instead of criticize the font, maybe you'd get the point.

She obviously cant attack what you said so she attacks you. Kinda like when I put the samckdown on her, and when someone else did, so couldn;t attack what we said, just how we got it or attacked us in general.

05-24-2007, 09:32 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: That is the best post I have seen in a very long time :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

It was massive...

05-24-2007, 09:41 PM
It isn't funny to me.

A leading presidential candidate MUST raise $600,000/day every day for a whole year to pay for a presidential run.

A typical senator MUST raise $5500 every single day for a year in order to afford a run at the senate.

This is all obscene and outrageous.

The fact that this fundraising activity might actually have some redeeming value is a minute perk in contrast to the appalling nature of the dominant role money plays in buying political office.

It just isn't very funny to me, sorry.

If you read the article, this was before he decided to run for President.

05-24-2007, 09:48 PM
Closed minded? Pot, meet kettle.

As for the bullying issue, you ARE behaving like a bully. I merely observed that and said so. I also don't believe in playing victim when confronted by bullying but to fight back. Bullies have a strange habit of getting even more belligerent when their would-be targets actually stand up to them, as you have just proven.

As for the relevance of commenting on Giuliani's higher speaking fees after Edwards has been denounced for accepting a $55K fee, well, some of us have tried to explain that to you, but you just don't get it.

We have said that we dont think it's right for Guiliani or any other Republican or Democrat to take speeking fees at Schools or Events for Charity. I cant speak for the other Conservatives but im really upset and dissapointed un Guiliani for doing that if that is true. On the other hand Guiliani wasnt out there basing his lecture on fighting poverty and then charging the school an out rageous amount to speak.

05-24-2007, 09:53 PM
Please answer the question:

will use my example again:

I will charge you $55,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Rudy will charge you $100,000 to tell you how to get out of poverty

Are you really telling me that there is NO irony in my offer of $55,000?



05-24-2007, 10:02 PM
Wellllllll. why should he charge anything...
But as all us little peons out here know....
Edwards is a two faced hypocrite......
He uses Class Warfare(poverty) only for his campaign, but he sure as hell doesnt live it.......:slap:

And people fall for it...:laugh2:

You men that huge house he live in isn't considered living in poverty?

05-24-2007, 10:11 PM

But in reality a pres candidate MUST raise $600,000/day to fund a pres campaign.

It doesn't just fall in your lap.

Yea but none of these guys were campaigning at the time. Also Ive worked on som pretty major campaigns and .oney does fall into their lap LOL.

05-24-2007, 10:16 PM
You men that huge house he live in isn't considered living in poverty?

I'm not sure what the problem is here. He earned the money to buy that big house. I thought Republicans were for pulling yourself up by your bootsraps and making something of yourself?

Baron Von Esslingen
05-25-2007, 01:35 AM
Another non answer by libs. I have had responses to my "example" but no actual answer. Evading, running, scared..... *gasps* in surprise.

You attack Rudy, a logical fallacy, instead of actually answering my question. It is quite clear on this board who certain posters are that attack and insult rather than reply. Will say though, one seems to be answering more now though.... Why don't you bother answering the question instead of giving me hyperbole drivel that has nothing to do with my post?

Much appreciated Baron.

No problem, Yurt.

This is just another example of someone asking a question, not liking the answer they get and then complain that their question didn't get answered. As I have heard said before: asked and answered. Next question.

05-25-2007, 06:39 PM
No problem, Yurt.

This is just another example of someone asking a question, not liking the answer they get and then complain that their question didn't get answered. As I have heard said before: asked and answered. Next question.

Where? Where exactly, was my hypo answered? Link...

Baron Von Esslingen
05-26-2007, 12:16 AM
Post #120

05-26-2007, 03:31 AM
I think the Baron has got you on that one per post #139, yurt.

Where? Where exactly, was my hypo answered? Link...

Now what the hell are we gonna do?