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View Full Version : If you're not yourself today, you're welcome here

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:13 PM
to be how you are, even without the "Proper ID".

I'm in the middle of some deep healing and it's horrible. It's abandonment depression, something I've been trying to avoid my whole life. I have a nice effective "warrioress" to keep people away from me, but I have no words to describe the pain I feel in my loss.

Unless and until, I'm able to get over this, I'm not welcome to post in the rest of the forum. At least, I can hang out here.

05-15-2012, 01:16 PM
You should get a puppy Dorothy, It's near impossible to feel down with a puppy around.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:17 PM
How about we keep advice off this thread unless it is requested?

05-15-2012, 01:20 PM
How about we keep advice off this thread unless it is requested?

^^ This advice was NOT requested

05-15-2012, 01:20 PM
^Ironically, that's an advisement.

05-15-2012, 01:22 PM
^^ This advice was NOT requested
Ugh. Same time stamp but you beat me to it. Dick:slap::laugh:

05-15-2012, 01:25 PM
You should get a puppy Dorothy, It's near impossible to feel down with a puppy around.
Perhaps we could rephrase:
getting a puppy makes it nearly impossible to feel down.

05-15-2012, 01:27 PM
Orange Tangerine MIO + water + Vodka = happy feeling :)

Maybe, Dorothy, you should try aroma-therapy - lots of good things there. Maybe start writing a book?

15 pieces of advice:

Here is my list of suggestions to implement in May:
1. Eat outside (alfresco) whenever weather is permitting. Eat by the open window, if it’s raining or windy.
2. Stop wearing black-coloured clothes for the whole month, except shoes, belts and bags/briefcase. If you need to wear a black suit/uniform for your work, just follow ‘no black’ rule outside your working hours. Use navy, brown, purple, dark green, grey, denim and lots of white, pastel and light colours during this month. Enjoy the art of colour coordination.
3. Create a new focal point in your favourite room. Paint/paper the feature wall in an inspiring colour. Hang an inspiring picture. Create a shelf to display some inspiring and uplifting objects.
4. Have fresh flowers around your house. Buy some inexpensive (in-season) flowers. Ask any enthusiastic gardener you know if he/she would be able to supply you with flowers this month. Collect flowers in the wild. Change them as soon as they start wilting.
5. Move your bed to a new spot in your bedroom. Chances are your bed is located in the most convenient place. However, we sometimes need a new perspective the moment we open our eyes each morning.
6. Give up your favourite chair/sitting spot for this month. Create a new place to sit or move your chair.
7. Reduce TV watching by as much as possible. Record your favourite shows and watch them on your terms.
8. Step outside barefoot on the grass daily.
9. Find a scenic spot nearby that inspires you. Commit to visit it daily or as many times a week as it is reasonable. Note: it does not matter how you get there (drive, walk, cycle etc.). The key point is to get there and spend some time breathing, balancing and taking the beauty in.
10. Start practicing smiling daily.
11. Take up photography and share your best pictures on the web. I would like to use your photos on my blog!
12. Plan your next day the night before. Write it down.
13. Don’t watch the news. Let other people tell you what’s happening for a whole month.
14. Take time-off or reduce contact with your negative friends and relatives.
15. Focus on building connection with positive and inspiring people. Join their blogs, twitter, teleseminars.
Apologies to my friends in the southern hemisphere, as some of my suggestions are out of season for you.
Maybe this list triggered some of your own ideas and suggestions. We want you to share them with us. Please do so by clicking on the ‘Add new comment’ button.
<CITE>Stay strong, remain hopeful and seek inspiration! (http://liftmydepression.com/blogs/inspiration/15-suggestions-alleviate-your-depression-may/)</CITE>


05-15-2012, 01:28 PM
Perhaps we could rephrase:
getting a puppy makes it nearly impossible to feel down.

Indeed, only the most psychotic people, of which I do not believe Dorothy is one, would feel down while holding a puppy.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:28 PM
^^ This advice was NOT requested

Sheesh. I made a suggestion. I asked a question. I'm looking for ONE place on this forum where I can post without being criticised or bossed around.

All I want is to just be. This will pass. I don't need to be "fixed". Thank you.

05-15-2012, 01:33 PM
Sheesh. I made a suggestion. I asked a question. I'm looking for ONE place on this forum where I can post without being criticised or bossed around.

All I want is to just be. This will pass. I don't need to be "fixed". Thank you.

I'm sick today. Fever, dizziness, sore throat. I hope I only lose one day of work.

Indeed, only the most psychotic people, of which I do not believe Dorothy is one, would feel down while holding a puppy.

Even if she were, she couldn't do you any harm unless she were a world class hacker.

05-15-2012, 01:37 PM
Sheesh. I made a suggestion. I asked a question. I'm looking for ONE place on this forum where I can post without being criticised or bossed around.

All I want is to just be. This will pass. I don't need to be "fixed". Thank you.
We just hate to see someone hurting. We're not experts on dealing with such issues; we just do the best we can...which is all any of us can do really.

05-15-2012, 01:37 PM
I want...to...be..."fixed". Thank you.

Fixed that for you :)

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:38 PM
I'm sick today. Fever, dizziness, sore throat. I hope I only lose one day of work.

Even if she were, she couldn't do you any harm unless she were a world class hacker.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Sometimes all you can do is just lay there and feel miserable until it changes.

05-15-2012, 01:42 PM
I have a head and stomach ache. Im pretty sure I'm experiencing withdrawals from prescription painkillers.
Maybe I just need o take a shit...too much info? Probably. But what the hell, I'm not feeling like myself today.

05-15-2012, 01:51 PM
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Sometimes all you can do is just lay there and feel miserable until it changes.

Yeah, I did that once. When I was shot in the fucking leg by an AK47. Twas a long time ago though, so the time for using it as some sort of crutch to play victim has probably already lapsed.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:52 PM
We just hate to see someone hurting. We're not experts on dealing with such issues; we just do the best we can...which is all any of us can do really.

That's sweet.

I'm gonna just have to ride it out.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:53 PM
The title of this thread is stupid.

I just wanted some place where it's ok for anyone who is feeling vulnerable to be without having to be on high alert.

05-15-2012, 01:53 PM
I have a head and stomach ache. Im pretty sure I'm experiencing withdrawals from prescription painkillers.
Maybe I just need o take a shit...too much info? Probably. But what the hell, I'm not feeling like myself today.

If it makes you happy, post all the details complete with photos.

05-15-2012, 01:54 PM
That's sweet.

I'm gonna just have to ride it out.

The truth is - you've CHOSEN to remain in your current state. :(

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 01:54 PM
I give up.

05-15-2012, 02:07 PM
I give up.
Sometimes 'giving up' is the best we can do.
Pretty sure I'll give in to the urge to pop a pill; but that's my choice.

05-15-2012, 02:11 PM
Sometimes 'giving up' is the best we can do.
Pretty sure I'll give in to the urge to pop a pill; but that's my choice.
You sound like one of the union drivers that work for the MBTA.

05-15-2012, 02:15 PM
The truth is - you've CHOSEN to remain in your current state. :(

come on, let her have this one. Plenty of ammo in other threads. LOL

05-15-2012, 02:15 PM
You sound like one of the union drivers that work for the MBTA.
I'd never drive under the influence...again. Seriously though, I do my best to keep my choices from affecting others; most definitely their safety.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 04:06 PM
Sometimes 'giving up' is the best we can do.
Pretty sure I'll give in to the urge to pop a pill; but that's my choice.

When you're grieving, you have to just give up and grieve. Pull the covers over your head and stay there until it passes.

05-15-2012, 04:20 PM
When you're grieving, you have to just give up and grieve.
If you choose to, sure. When I grieve there's a bunch of emotions: anger, resentment, regret, sadness. They all kinda meld into one, each showing up in different ways at different times, you know?

For me, there is no point at which I'm 'healed' in any final sense. I just get better at not letting it bother me-- but that's a conscious choice IMO-- Nobody else made me feel that way. Here's a video I love; its worthy of watching in its entirety, but do listen to the song @ 5:30.


Wind Song
05-15-2012, 04:30 PM
If you're in the middle of feeling like a 200 lb rock landed on you, it doesn't feel like much of a "choice" to feel its weight.

05-15-2012, 04:41 PM
If you're in the middle of feeling like a 200 lb rock landed on you, it doesn't feel like much of a "choice" to feel its weight.

Obviously you've never tried percocet. :thumb:

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 04:44 PM
Obviously you've never tried percocet. :thumb:

No, I don't thnk I have.

05-15-2012, 04:46 PM
No, I don't thnk I have.

I'm not recommending it; I'm just saying there are alternatives available to us in how we deal with even the most insurmountable challenges.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 04:48 PM
I'm not recommending it; I'm just saying there are alternatives available to us in how we deal with even the most insurmountable challenges.

Yes, of course. The problem with PTSD, is literally the broca part of the brain goes dark when triggered and you're not able to access your usual resources.

05-15-2012, 04:52 PM
Yes, of course. The problem with PTSD, is literally the broca part of the brain goes dark when triggered and you're not able to access your usual resources.
Don't answer if its too personal; but usual resources such as what?

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 04:58 PM
Don't answer if its too personal; but usual resources such as what?

I have good real life friends, when I'm triggered into my trauma, I don't reach out to them. I started learning Buddhist meditation in the early 80's. When I'm triggered I can't meditate.

I'm a social worker and counselor myself. I know many different techniques for working with emotions. When I'm PTSD triggered, I'm helpless.

Slowly, this is beginning to change. I'd like to think my choice to stay on this forum is a healthy one. Most people here are kind and decent people, even though we argue politics vehemently.

05-15-2012, 05:01 PM
Sheesh. I made a suggestion. I asked a question. I'm looking for ONE place on this forum where I can post without being criticised or bossed around.

All I want is to just be. This will pass. I don't need to be "fixed". Thank you.

Actually, you do. You know it. Which is why you post as you do. Problem is, you aren't ready yet to hear it.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 05:02 PM
Actually, you do. You know it. Which is why you post as you do. Problem is, you aren't ready yet to hear it.


We're trying to have a friendly chat here. If you're game, please stay. If you're not, please go.

05-15-2012, 05:45 PM

We're trying to have a friendly chat here. If you're game, please stay. If you're not, please go.

I wasn't unfriendly. You don't set the rules.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 05:48 PM
Friendly chat means you're free to be yourself and be kind to others. This isn't the Steel Cage.

05-15-2012, 05:49 PM
Friendly chat means you're free to be yourself and be kind to others. This isn't the Steel Cage.

I was being my friendly self.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 05:52 PM
What does "friendly" mean to you?

To me, it means meeting someone in open acceptance, not offering unsoliticted advice or criticism. Say you've had a bad day. You come and share that without someone telling you that the reason you had the bad day is that you're a bad person, or taking some snipe otherwise.

This of this as a safe zone. You may be opponents politically with any number of people, but here you can let your hair down safely.

05-15-2012, 05:53 PM
What does "friendly" mean to you?

To me, it means meeting someone in open acceptance, not offering unsoliticted advice or criticism. Say you've had a bad day. You come and share that without someone telling you that the reason you had the bad day is that you're a bad person, or taking some snipe otherwise.

This of this as a safe zone. You may be opponents politically with any number of people, but here you can let your hair down safely.

There are no 'safe zones.' In case you missed the memo, you don't set rules.

05-15-2012, 05:54 PM

We're trying to have a friendly chat here. If you're game, please stay. If you're not, please go.

Stop seeing attacks in everything, hell I don't get along with Kath either, but her switch isn't permanently stuck on "attack" and at the same token credit where it is due, she doesn't act like others are either.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 05:59 PM
How about some friendly words, Aaron?

05-15-2012, 06:04 PM
How about some friendly words, Aaron?

I've given you friendly words. I think you should get a new puppy to fill the hole left by your beloved Daisy. We had a puppy die recently to, and a kitty, and after about a month , we bought a new puppy. She'll never take the place of Holly but she will be a loved member of the family.


The one in front is our new girl, the one in back is her brother who went to a new home the same day we got Mocha. I actually wanted both.. I LOVE puppies.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 07:03 PM
No more dogs in my life. Daisy is the last.

05-15-2012, 07:09 PM
No more dogs in my life. Daisy is the last.

That's to bad for you and some puppy that could use a good loving home.

Wind Song
05-15-2012, 07:11 PM
That's to bad for you and some puppy that could use a good loving home.

I've made a home for four cats. Puppies aren't in my future.

05-15-2012, 07:16 PM
1. Eat outside (alfresco) whenever weather is permitting


is that "in the nude"?......

05-15-2012, 10:30 PM
Orange Tangerine MIO + water + Vodka = happy feeling :)

Maybe, Dorothy, you should try aroma-therapy - lots of good things there. Maybe start writing a book?

15 pieces of advice:

Here is my list of suggestions to implement in May:
1. Eat outside (alfresco) whenever weather is permitting. Eat by the open window, if it’s raining or windy.
2. Stop wearing black-coloured clothes for the whole month, except shoes, belts and bags/briefcase. If you need to wear a black suit/uniform for your work, just follow ‘no black’ rule outside your working hours. Use navy, brown, purple, dark green, grey, denim and lots of white, pastel and light colours during this month. Enjoy the art of colour coordination.
3. Create a new focal point in your favourite room. Paint/paper the feature wall in an inspiring colour. Hang an inspiring picture. Create a shelf to display some inspiring and uplifting objects.
4. Have fresh flowers around your house. Buy some inexpensive (in-season) flowers. Ask any enthusiastic gardener you know if he/she would be able to supply you with flowers this month. Collect flowers in the wild. Change them as soon as they start wilting.
5. Move your bed to a new spot in your bedroom. Chances are your bed is located in the most convenient place. However, we sometimes need a new perspective the moment we open our eyes each morning.
6. Give up your favourite chair/sitting spot for this month. Create a new place to sit or move your chair.
7. Reduce TV watching by as much as possible. Record your favourite shows and watch them on your terms.
8. Step outside barefoot on the grass daily.
9. Find a scenic spot nearby that inspires you. Commit to visit it daily or as many times a week as it is reasonable. Note: it does not matter how you get there (drive, walk, cycle etc.). The key point is to get there and spend some time breathing, balancing and taking the beauty in.
10. Start practicing smiling daily.
11. Take up photography and share your best pictures on the web. I would like to use your photos on my blog!
12. Plan your next day the night before. Write it down.
13. Don’t watch the news. Let other people tell you what’s happening for a whole month.
14. Take time-off or reduce contact with your negative friends and relatives.
15. Focus on building connection with positive and inspiring people. Join their blogs, twitter, teleseminars.
Apologies to my friends in the southern hemisphere, as some of my suggestions are out of season for you.
Maybe this list triggered some of your own ideas and suggestions. We want you to share them with us. Please do so by clicking on the ‘Add new comment’ button.
<cite>Stay strong, remain hopeful and seek inspiration! (http://liftmydepression.com/blogs/inspiration/15-suggestions-alleviate-your-depression-may/)</cite>


I got a dozen red and yellow roses for mothers day...and they are working for me right now.

I have a head and stomach ache. Im pretty sure I'm experiencing withdrawals from prescription painkillers.
Maybe I just need o take a shit...too much info? Probably. But what the hell, I'm not feeling like myself today.

I have a headache too. No comment on the rest of that statement.:laugh2:

Sometimes 'giving up' is the best we can do.
Pretty sure I'll give in to the urge to pop a pill; but that's my choice.

Giving up is harder than it sounds.

is that "in the nude"?......

If so...that could cure a lot of my problems. It will definately chase unwanted visitors away...along with the neighbors. Another good idea DMP. :thumb:

05-16-2012, 12:15 AM
Obviously you've never tried percocet. :thumb:

Nor should she: I assisted with the code on a drug addiction website and read the content more than I cared to. All the opiates will latch on to you and not let go.

I've made a home for four cats. Puppies aren't in my future.

Were you ever featured on the TV show "Hoarders"? Just asking.

05-16-2012, 12:19 AM
Perhaps we could rephrase:
getting a puppy makes it nearly impossible to feel down.

what if it's not potty trained?

05-16-2012, 01:11 AM
what if it's not potty trained?

I still get satisfaction from rubbing their nose in it...not so much with people.