View Full Version : A day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer

05-16-2012, 12:17 AM
Thursday May 17th is going to be a day of Humiliation, Fasting, and prayer among many of us in the country. We may not be a large group, but we are going to follow the path of our Founders.

The Second Continental Congress called for a day a Humiliation, Fasting, and prayer on May 17, 1776. This day was set aside by the people to humble themselves before God through fasting and prayer so that they could seek forgiveness of sins both individually and as a nation. It was a day to help them prepare their lives to do the will of God and look for His support in the Revolutionary War.

If you aren't familiar with fasting, it's when you go a day without eating. (Sometimes without drinking as well). It's not a popular practice among the people now, but Christ said that sometimes it takes Fasting and prayer to do what is needed.

Anyway, to continue, Our Founders tried to make themselves right with God and sought the Hand of Divine Providence to guide them to their liberty. If we want to restore the Republic, we need to do the same thing.

So I invite you to join many of us who are preparing for a day of Fasting and Prayer on Thursday for forgiveness and for guidance from the Lord in our effort to restore liberty in our lives. Our pride is destroying us as a people. Is there anyone can deny that?

Seek a forgiveness of sins. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. Unite with us to seek God's help. And more so, seek to be on the Lord's side. Let's seek Him so that He will be our God and we will be His people. If we trust in Him, He will lead us and we will see incredible miracles for the rest of our days.