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View Full Version : Jesse Jackson All For Gay Marriage? Jesse Jackson's Sexual Harassment Of Gay Employee

05-17-2012, 04:08 PM
Which JJ will show up for Obama? LOL!


Jesse Jackson Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Discrimination By Gay Ex-Employee Tommy BennettFirst Posted: 09/21/11 05:09 PM ET

A gay former employee of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition has filed a lawsuit against Rev. Jesse Jackson, accusing the leader of the civil rights group of sexual harassment and discrimination.
Tommy R. Bennett said he was sexually harassed and forced to clean up after Jackson's sexual escapades with women in hotel rooms, according (http://www.courthousenews.com/2011/09/20/39904.htm) to the Courthouse News Service. Bennett worked for the Rainbow PUSH Coalition from July 2007 until Dec. 2009.

According to the complaint, Bennett says the harassment began shortly after he was hired as the group's national director of community affairs, when Caroline Wiggins, the coalition's membership and volunteer coordinator, went to the reverend to "inform him that she did not want to be under his supervision because Mr. Bennett is homosexual."

The complaint goes on to say that Wiggins would make "a limp wrist gesture" at Bennett anytime she passed him in the hallway, and that she once led a prayer that God would "bind these homosexual spirits that are in our office" and "get these homosexuals out of here and do it in Jesus' name."

Bennett also alleges that Jackson made him do "demeaning and demoralizing tasks" involving bringing women to his room after work hours and cleaning the room after Jackson had sex with the women.

Once, Bennett says he was "summoned" to the reverend's hotel room and asked to apply a prescription cream on Jackson's inner thigh. When he refused, Bennett says Jackson "became very angry" and called him a "little motherfucker."

The complaint states that Bennett felt he was subjected to the treatment because of his sexual orientation. He asserts that his orientation was well known due to appearances he had made as a gay character on the nationally syndicated radio talk show "The Tom Joyner Morning Show."


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What the Rev. Jesse Jackson Has To Say About Gay MarriageTIME talks to the Reverend Jesse Jackson about politics, religion and why blacks should support marriage equality

Some religious leaders are struggling with President Obama’s support for gay marriage but not the Rev. Jesse Jackson. In a statement released shortly after Obama’s announcement Jackson said (http://ideas.time.com/?attachment_id=15856), “If Dr. King and our civil rights movement have taught us anything, it’s the fundamental principle that all people deserve equal protection under the law. LGBT people deserve equal rights — including marriage equality. Discrimination against one group of people is discrimination against all of us. The State — and the Courts — should not sanction discrimination. We must be consistent in upholding human rights for all human beings.” I spoke to the Reverend about the impact of Obama’s announcement among blacks and the wider community of the faithful. . .

Read more: http://ideas.time.com/2012/05/17/what-the-rev-jesse-jackson-has-to-say-about-gay-marriage/#ixzz1vACHlY8N

05-17-2012, 04:11 PM
Jackson is an idiot as is Al Sharpton. ANYONE giving a shit about the opinion of either of these guys need their heads examined. They are both bottom of the barrel scrapers looking to make a buck off of other peoples troubles or be inciting trouble where it didn't exist.

Wind Song
05-17-2012, 04:16 PM
In all fairness, Jesse and his employee sound like jerks.

05-17-2012, 04:28 PM


Media Pundit Named in Jesse Jackson Lawsuit Cliff Kincaid — May 16, 2012

Tamara Holder, a Fox News contributor, is accused of having an affair with Jesse Jackson, Sr. in a lawsuit that alleges the illegal use of a gay Jackson employee to facilitate the relationship.
The accuser, Tommy R. Bennett, was Jackson’s personal travel assistant and ran the legal clinic at Jackson’s organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. He says he was eventually fired for protesting his treatment by Jackson and other PUSH employees and is seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.

Holder has not responded to repeated requests for comment from Accuracy in Media, but Jackson’s press representative, Lauren Love, says the allegations are false and will be proven so.

Bennett attorney Thomas V. Leverso says that Jackson and PUSH have been stonewalling a legal response for many months but that investigations and the case are moving forward. Leverso tells Accuracy in Media that witnesses have come forward to verify the allegations against Jackson.

Jackson, a minister and Democratic politician who served as an aide to Martin Luther King, Jr., suffered a major embarrassment in 2010 when he admitted to an extramarital affair that produced an illegitimate child.

Bennett worked for Jackson for more than two years and was known as “Aruba Tommy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPZGAp78s6c)” on local Chicago radio station WVON. The lawsuit alleges that Bennett was subjected to “humiliating tasks” because he was a homosexual, such as “escorting women to his [Jackson’s] hotel room” and then being ordered to clean up after Jackson had sexual intercourse with them...

The Courthouse News Service has run a lengthy account (http://www.courthousenews.com/2011/09/20/39904.htm) of the “lurid” allegations, while the Chicago Sun-Times published a small story (http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/7703573-418/jesse-jackson-fired-me-because-im-gay-man-claims-in-lawsuit.html) which made no mention of Tamara Holder being named in it. Holder says the Chicago Sun-Times once recognized her as one of “50 People Who Make Chicago a Better Place.”

In addition to the alleged relationship with Holder, Jackson is accused of demanding sexual favors from Bennett, such as being told to apply a cream on Jackson’s inner thigh to treat a rash. Bennett says he refused, Jackson became angry, and called Bennett a “little mother——.”

“My termination was discriminatory and retaliatory,” says Bennett’s complaint. He was told he was fired because of a “drastic economic downturn” when in fact another individual was hired to replace him.

Pretty disgusting.

Wind Song
05-17-2012, 04:30 PM
Try and imagine being any kind of celebrity and these kind of personal details become blog news.

Yuck. Who the heck cares what Jackson does on his off time? Is this a federal employee cleaning up after JJ? Not on my dime.

05-17-2012, 04:34 PM
Try and imagine being any kind of celebrity and these kind of personal details become blog news.

Yuck. Who the heck cares what Jackson does on his off time?

When he makes others clean up after him, when not in the job description? Then fires them? I'd file too.

Truth is, if legal and all for Obama's minions to crawl through civil legal documents to portray Romney contributors in a bad light, then it's certainly fair to highlight bad behavior on Democrats.

Simple fact, I don't like the 'little guy' getting squashed by the self-proclaimed, 'big Kahunas.' Story of some CEO stiffing a waitress? Yea, I do want to hear it.

05-17-2012, 05:24 PM
for years I've suspected Sharpton and Jackson were on the down lo


05-17-2012, 06:37 PM
Try and imagine being any kind of celebrity and these kind of personal details become blog news.

Yuck. Who the heck cares what Jackson does on his off time? Is this a federal employee cleaning up after JJ? Not on my dime.

I do if he comments on the activities of others, especially for someone who has claimed the limelight as he has.

05-18-2012, 12:32 AM
Who the heck cares what Jackson does on his off time?

People in glass houses should not throw stones. When Jackson goes out of his way to destroy others, he should make sure he has no skeletons in his own closet. He doesn't get to bash others and then depend on the "who cares what Jackson does" rhetoric.

05-18-2012, 10:12 AM
How cool it must be to have a minion who will perform all kinds of provocative tasks for you.
I need to get me one of those.