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View Full Version : The Vetting - Barack Obama, the First Tea Partier

05-23-2012, 12:13 PM

In 2009, President Barack Obama reportedly called members of the Tea Party "teabaggers." It turns out that our fourth greatest president, first in so many things, may have been the first "teabagger" himself, as seen in the 1997 photograph above. Yes, that really is Barack Obama wearing a regimental coat and carrying a tricorn hat in his hand. And that flag behind him really is a Gadsden flag, with its serpent and its "Don't Tread On Me" slogan. You may want to let all of this sink in a bit, especially if you're a Tea Party-bashing progressive.

Neither Democrats nor the media have been particularly kind to the Tea Party. There is hardly space to go through all the times the Tea Party has been compared to terrorists (including by the Vice President) or fascists, or the many times it has been accused of racism by progressives in supposedly mainstream news outlets. That's a book-length story of it's own.

But given the photo above, it is certainly a good time to think back upon some of the ridicule Tea Party members were forced to endure for evoking the Revolutionary War era by their dress and choice of symbols.


Anton Chigurh
05-23-2012, 12:21 PM

05-23-2012, 02:53 PM
A Tea Partier (or a TEA Partier) is someone who believes we are Taxed Enough Already, and opposes any more taxes. True in 1773, true today.

I've seen no evidence that Barack Obama qualifies... and plenty that he does not.

It takes more than wearing a silly hat.