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View Full Version : President Obama: Punching bag for the RW

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 03:48 PM
When you're having a bad day, blame the President.

05-26-2012, 03:51 PM
When you're having a bad day, blame the President.

He leads with his left punches with it and uses it to block. Then when he is about to get hit he ducks right. I say he's a one termer. The former Executive branch manager and organizer & chief.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 03:55 PM
Everyone likes to take a big fat dump on the President.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 03:58 PM
He pushed through and signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as “the stimulus package,” despite the fact that not one Republican voted for that bill. In addition, he launched recovery.gov, so that taxpayers could track spending from the Act. http://1.usa.gov/ibiFSs http://1.usa.gov/e3BJMk

In his first year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act created and sustained 2.1 million jobs and stimulated the economy 3.5%. http://reut.rs/i46CEE

He completed the massive TARP financial and banking rescue plan, and recovered virtually all of its costs. http://1.usa.gov/eA5jVS http://bit.ly/eCNrD6

He created the Making Home Affordable home refinancing plan. http://1.usa.gov/goy6z

l (http://1.usa.gov/goy6zl)He oversaw the creation of more jobs in 2010 alone than Bush did in eight years. http://bit.ly/hrrnjY

He oversaw a bailout of General Motors that saved at least 1.4 million jobs, and put pressure on the company to change its practices, resulting in GM returning to its place as the top car company in the world. http://lat.ms/zIJuQx He also doubled funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership which is designed to improve manufacturing efficiency. http://bit.ly/eYD4nf

He signed the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act giving the federal government more tools to investigate and prosecute fraud in every corner of the financial system. It also created a bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to investigate the financial fraud that led to the economic meltdown. http://abcn.ws/g18Fe7

He signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, which was designed to to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive credit card practices. http://1.usa.gov/gIaNcS

He increased infrastructure spending after years of neglect. http://bit.ly/f77aOw

He signed the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, expanding on the Making Home Affordable Program to help millions of Americans avoid preventable foreclosures. The bill also provided $2.2 billion to help combat homelessness, and to stabilize the housing market. http://bit.ly/eEpLFn

Through the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009, he and Congressional Democrats provided tax credits to first-time home buyers, which helped the U.S. housing market recovery. http://bit.ly/dZgXXw http://bit.ly/gORYfL

He initiated a $15 billion plan designed to encourage increased lending to small businesses. http://1.usa.gov/eu0u0b

He created business.gov, which allows for online collaboration between small businesses and experts re managing a business. (The program has since merged with SBA.gov.) http://www.business.gov (http://www.business.gov/)

He played a lead role in getting the G-20 Summit to commit to a $1.1 trillion deal to combat the global financial crisis. http://nyti.ms/gHlgp5

He took steps to improve minority access to capital. http://bit.ly/f9xVE7

He created a $60 billion bank to fund infrastructure improvements such as roads and bridges. http://bit.ly/e1SSaQ

He implemented an auto industry rescue plan, and saved as many as 1 million jobs. http://bit.ly/ibhpxr

Many are of the opinion that he saved the entire auto industry, and even the economy of the entire Midwest. http://bit.ly/gj7mt5

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, he saved at least 300,000 education jobs, such as teachers, principals, librarians, and counselors that would have otherwise been lost. http://1.usa.gov/ez30Dc

He dismantled the Minerals Management Service, thereby moveing forward to cut ties between energy companies and the government. http://nyti.ms/bw1MLu

Provided funding to states and the Department of Homeland Security to save thousands of police and firefighter jobs from being cut during the recession. http://bit.ly/g0IKWR

He used recovered TARP money to fund programs at local housing finance agencies in California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan. http://on.msnbc.com/i1i8eV

Crafted an Executive order establishing the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability to assist in financial education for all Americans. http://bit.ly/eyqsNE

Wall Street Reforms and Consumer Protection

Ordered 65 executives who took bailout money to cut their own pay until they paid back all bailout money. http://huff.to/eAi9Qq

He pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression. http://bit.ly/hWCPg0 http://bit.ly/geHpcD

Dodd-Frank also included the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau http://1.usa.gov/j5onG

He made it so that banks could no longer use YOUR money to invest in high-risk financial instruments that work against their own customers' interests. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

He supported the concept of allowing stockholders to vote on executive compensation. http://bit.ly/fnTay

j (http://bit.ly/fnTayj)He wholly endorsed and supported the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 that would close offshore tax avoidance loopholes. http://bit.ly/esOdfB http://bit.ly/eG4DPM

He made a deal with Swiss banks that permits the US government to gain access to the records of criminals and tax evaders. http://bit.ly/htfDgw

He established a Consumer Protection Financial Bureau designed to protect consumers from financial sector excesses. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

He oversaw and then signed the most sweeping food safety legislation since the Great Depression. http://thedc.com/gxkCtP (http://thedc.com/gxkCtP)

Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination

He advocated for and signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which made it a federal crime to assault anyone based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. http://bit.ly/gsMSJ7

He pushed through, signed and demanded the Pentagon enact a repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy that forced soldiers to lie to fight for their country, and put our troops at risk by disqualifying many qualified soldiers from helping. http://bit.ly/fdahuH http://bit.ly/mZV4Pz

He appointed Kareem Dale as the first ever Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. http://1.usa.gov/fi5IY0

Helped Congress pass and signed the Civil Rights History Act. http://bit.ly/th0JC8

He extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. http://1.usa.gov/g2RLCj

He's appointed more openly gay officials than anyone in history. http://bit.ly/g1lA7D

He issued a Presidential Memorandum reaffirming the rights of gay couples to make medical decisions for each other. http://1.usa.gov/aUueGT

He established a White House Council on Women and Girls http://1.usa.gov/rFfqMM

He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. This was after the GOP blocked the bill in 2007. Only 5 Republican Senators voted for the bill. http://bit.ly/fT3Cxg

Wrote and signed an Executive Order establishing a White House Council on Women and Girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies evaluate the effect of their policies and programs on women and families. http://bit.ly/e1puTk

He expanded funding for the Violence Against Women Act. http://1.usa.gov/dSbI0x

Under his watch, National Labor Relations Board has issued final rules that require all employers to prominently post employees' rights where all employees or prospective employees can see it, including websites and intranets, beginning November 2011. http://1.usa.gov/qu2EhQ

Fighting Poverty

He provided a $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). http://nyti.ms/gfLqyM

He signed an Executive Order that established the White House Office of Urban Affairs. http://wapo.st/eWECA8

Improved Foreign Relations and American Status Abroad

He visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any previous president during his first six months in office. http://bit.ly/hZycda

As he promised, he gave a speech at a major Islamic forum in Cairo early in his administration. http://nyti.ms/dKvY4g (http://nyti.ms/dKvY4g)

He did much to restore America's reputation around the world as a global leader that does the "right thing" in world affairs, at least according to the rest of the world. http://bit.ly/h743y7 http://bit.ly/ho4TCr

He re-established and reinforced our partnership with NATO and other allies on strategic international issues. http://1.usa.gov/e7QuDj

Closed a number of secret detention facilities. http://nyti.ms/rpUc9l

He improved relations with Middle East countries by appointing special envoys. http://1.usa.gov/tiGAGe

He pushed for military to emphasize devlopment of foreign language skills. http://bit.ly/AxUCLV

Offered $400 million to the people living in Gaza, called on both Israel and the Palestinians to stop inciting violence. http://bit.ly/9axfWh

He refused to give Israel the green light to attack Iran over their possible nuclear program. http://bit.ly/xVmSZK

He worked to make donations to Haiti tax deductible in 2009. http://huff.to/6YkAVY

He established a new U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. http://1.usa.gov/eX28DP

Issued Executive Order blocking interference and helping to stabilize Somalia. http://1.usa.gov/hxdf8U

He established new, more reasonable policies in our relations with Cuba, such as allowing Cuban-Americans to visit their families and send money to support them. http://n.pr/hY3Kwa http://nyti.ms/emQBde

He ordered the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. It was Republicans (and a smattering of Democrats) who prevented him from following through. http://bit.ly/eW6CVF

Ordered a review of our detention and interrogation policy, and prohibited the use of torture, or what Bush called "enhanced interrogation." He ordered interrogators to limit their actions to the Army Field manual. http://bit.ly/g6MTuC

He ordered all secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere to be closed. http://bbc.in/h6N9ax

He released the Bush torture memos. http://bit.ly/hWJ5z0

On his second day in office, he signed a detailed Executive Order that banned torture, reversed all Bush torture policies, and put the United States in compliance with the Geneva Convention. http://1.usa.gov/dL6Zve http://nyti.ms/hzWWys

In response to the emerging "Arab Spring," he created a Rapid Response fund, to assist emerging democracies with foreign aid, debt relief, technical assistance and investment packages in order to show that the United States stands with them. http://bit.ly/zfmGv9

Passed the Iran Sanctions Act, to prevent war, and to encourage Iran to give up their nuclear program. http://1.usa.gov/wLtNjb

Ended the Iraq War. http://tgr.ph/ru0tyS

He authorized and oversaw a secret mission by SEAL Team Six to rescue two hostages held by Somali pirates. http://bit.ly/y8c9Fz


Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:07 PM
More documented accomplishments at link. President Obama rolled up his sleeves and worked his ass off to make good on his campaign promises.

He has gotten nothing but shit from the MSM, which is owned by the RW.


We went from 50 media corporations in 1983 to 6 now. Big Brother is happening right now.


05-26-2012, 04:07 PM
Mandated that federal government fleet purchases be for fuel-efficient American vehicles, and encouraged that federal agencies support experimental, fuel-efficient vehicles. http://bit.ly/h5KZqyhttp://1.usa.gov/fLWq5chttp://1.usa.gov/hmUSbk

The government will spend $285 million in stimulus funds to purchase the cars before June 1.

"As a part of our commitment to the American auto industry, I charged my administration with using Recovery Act funds to purchase a new fleet of fuel-efficient government vehicles to increase demand for our American auto companies and stimulate the economy," President Obama said in a written statement


How is it an accomplishment to spend 285 Million tax payer dollars to buy NEW cars that the government doesn't need????

Mr. P
05-26-2012, 04:09 PM
Everyone likes to take a big fat dump on the President.

You realize that what you posted above is a BIG FAT DUMP on the AMERICAN PEOPLE, don't you?

Nope, I didn't think so.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:14 PM
You realize that what you posted above is a BIG FAT DUMP on the AMERICAN PEOPLE, don't you?

Nope, I didn't think so.

The President's list of accomplishments make me proud of him. What makes you think only YOUR SIDE constitute the American people? What list of accomplishments do you have Mr P? Other than complaining.

Go comfort yourself with RW nastiness on the MSM. Don't investigate the documented evidence of the President's successes for the last four years.

05-26-2012, 04:14 PM
He has been a failure. Look what he cost the democrats in the election of 2010 the house. still he had to pass the century legislation" health care" in spite of the fact that most people wanted a less regulated form of the legislation. He doesn't care what you think.

He is arrogant and an amateur statesman at best. Most of his foreign policy has been a hands off ,go alongistic, consensus building multilateral love fest.

We need him gone, he is emboldening our enemy's like Carter did and using his legislative economic clout to continually increase our nations debt as his signature tool for addressing our financial troubles.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:18 PM
I've left a TON of well documented evidence of President Obama's accomplishments over the last four years.

05-26-2012, 04:18 PM
I find it sad that people fall for the rhetoric and twisting of words/accomplishments. It doesn't take an Einstein to see what has happened to unemployment, 5 trillion debt, gas prices, bailouts, failed wars (and an addition, after the left cried, but they don't cry when O does so). Then his crap about not raising taxes, and standing on the fence about gay marriage, the joining but refusing to do anything about it. Yup, some people will believe about anything that is written, so long as it's about the (D) after the name.

Punching bag? Only for the facts, for what he has failed at, and failed miserably. And these facts would be criticized if it was a (R) in office, like the many here that complained about GWB's spending and other economical issues/decisions. It's not about a punching bag, but about pointing out failures and "hope" that perhaps these things can be fixed.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:19 PM
I find it equally sad, that when provided with a MASSIVE and welll documented list of the President's accomplishments over the last four years, all the opposition can do is ignore it.

That's the problem with this forum. It's overwhelmingly the same people high fiving each other while they whine and complain with no voice to oppose them.

Keep DP stable in its RW lean.

05-26-2012, 04:20 PM
I've left a TON of well documented evidence of President Obama's accomplishments over the last four years.

That's actually a very small handful for 4 years, and much of it is rhetoric and barely an "accomplishment". And quite frankly, it's what he HASN'T accomplished that overshadows that stuff by a mile.

05-26-2012, 04:20 PM
I find it equally sad, that when provided with a MASSIVE and welll documented list of the President's accomplishments over the last four years, all the opposition can do is ignore it.

Who ignored it?

05-26-2012, 04:21 PM
I've left a TON of well documented evidence of President Obama's accomplishments over the last four years.

How is spending 285 million tax payer dollars for cars the gov. doesn't need an accomplishment???

Not to mention the "save or created" BS that he tried to push. Just how do they count "saved" jobs?????

In his first year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act created and sustained 2.1 million jobs and stimulated the economy 3.5%. http://reut.rs/i46CEE (http://reut.rs/i46CEE)

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:24 PM
Here is my new strategy for surviving on this forum. Kill you with facts. Every single accomplishment on that list is documented.

Pardon me if I don't join you in your relentless and shallow character attack on the President and his administration.

05-26-2012, 04:26 PM
Here is my new strategy for surviving on this forum. Kill you with facts. Every single accomplishment on that list is documented.

The debate is whether everyone considers them accompishments.

For example it's a FACT he spend 285 million on fuel efficient cards. The DEBATE is whether it was a good idea to spend 285 million tax payer dollars on a NEW FLEET that he didn't need.

See the point???

05-26-2012, 04:27 PM
Here is my new strategy for surviving on this forum. Kill you with facts. Every single accomplishment on that list is documented.

Pardon me if I don't join you in your relentless and shallow character attack on the President and his administration.

And the continuation of an old strategy, which is to completely ignore what we are saying. Yes, he has made accomplishments, as has EVERY president. Some are good. Some are minimal. Some are rhetoric. But it's the problems he has caused and the accomplishments that he HASN'T achieved that are the problem. I'd MUCH rather certain accomplishments come off that list had he done a better job with so many economical points.

05-26-2012, 04:29 PM
The debate is whether everyone considers them accompishments.

For example it's a FACT he spend 285 million on fuel efficient cards. The DEBATE is whether it was a good idea to spend 285 million tax payer dollars on a NEW FLEET that he didn't need.

See the point???

Yep, waste money and then brag about how it's an accomplishment. Then some will see this "accomplishment" and further brag and link to it as if he did some great thing with it.

05-26-2012, 04:34 PM
Helped Congress pass and signed the Civil Rights History Act. http://bit.ly/th0JC8

This was a huge accomplishment........NO ONE voted against it. It's not like he had to beat heads together to get everyone to agree.

Honestly this makes me wonder how many of the things WS posted were "accomplishments" just like this one. :laugh:

05-26-2012, 04:37 PM
This was a huge accomplishment........NO ONE voted against it. It's not like he had to beat heads together to get everyone to agree.

Honestly this makes me wonder how many of the things WS posted were "accomplishments" just like this one. :laugh:

I suppose some will say that if it happened under his watch, then it's his accomplishment. But if that be the case, the economy spinning into the shitter happened under his watch as well.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:40 PM
And the continuation of an old strategy, which is to completely ignore what we are saying. Yes, he has made accomplishments, as has EVERY president. Some are good. Some are minimal. Some are rhetoric. But it's the problems he has caused and the accomplishments that he HASN'T achieved that are the problem. I'd MUCH rather certain accomplishments come off that list had he done a better job with so many economical points.

Thank you for admitting the President has a record to be proud of. He has accomplished a great deal in four years. He made good on his campaign promises. I think we have to look at our economic situation worldwide in with broader lens.

The big banking families benefit from divide and conquer. Democrat and Republican picking at each other does nothing to help us.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:41 PM
I suppose some will say that if it happened under his watch, then it's his accomplishment. But if that be the case, the economy spinning into the shitter happened under his watch as well.

He inherited a mess and it's still a mess, but he has been working on cleaning it up, as evidenced by the list of actions he has taken as President since he was elected.

05-26-2012, 04:42 PM
somehow I don't think that's what he was saying

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:42 PM
Yep, waste money and then brag about how it's an accomplishment. Then some will see this "accomplishment" and further brag and link to it as if he did some great thing with it.

Just keep high fiving each other, RWers. Same old same old.

05-26-2012, 04:44 PM
kept his campaign promises ?


05-26-2012, 04:44 PM
He inherited a mess and it's still a mess, but he has been working on cleaning it up, as evidenced by the list of actions he has taken as President since he was elected.

And yet the mess has skyrocketed! He added more debt than nearly every other president combined. That's HUGE. His accomplishments, while some worthy of applause, really don't amount to much with the predicament we are in.

05-26-2012, 04:44 PM
Just keep high fiving each other, RWers. Same old same old.

I agree same old same old.

we attempt to debate.....you evade

05-26-2012, 04:47 PM
Just keep high fiving each other, RWers. Same old same old.

You're impossible, and can't discuss facts for more than one post before resorting to your retarded rhetoric. And I'm dumb to believe over and over that one day a conversation will go somewhere with you. NO ONE was high fiving one another. Some of us just aren't dumb enough to believe a small handful of accomplishments is such a big deal, while he has single handedly destroyed our economy.

But I'm done with you, as I've said dozens of times. You simply cannot have a normal conversation without your talking points about "RW'ers" and other crap. Back to the ignore list for you, you're a fucking waste of time.

05-26-2012, 04:48 PM
kept his campaign promises ?


Yep, she'll basically demand we acknowledge his list of accomplishments, do you honestly think she'll go down that list and see how much shit he has failed at?

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:49 PM
You're impossible, and can't discuss facts for more than one post before resorting to your retarded rhetoric. And I'm dumb to believe over and over that one day a conversation will go somewhere with you. NO ONE was high fiving one another. Some of us just aren't dumb enough to believe a small handful of accomplishments is such a big deal, while he has single handedly destroyed our economy.

But I'm done with you, as I've said dozens of times. You simply cannot have a normal conversation without your talking points about "RW'ers" and other crap. Back to the ignore list for you, you're a fucking waste of time.

OK, I give up. It's all yours. Enjoy dumping the President with no one to counter it. I'm done too.

05-26-2012, 04:50 PM
OK, I give up. It's all yours. Enjoy dumping the President with no one to counter it. I'm done too.

Good, are you FINALLY leaving then?

05-26-2012, 04:52 PM
OK, I give up. It's all yours. Enjoy dumping the President with no one to counter it. I'm done too.

you aren't even trying to counter it. You are simply brushing off ALL disagreement without discussion.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 04:54 PM
Good, are you FINALLY leaving then?

At your command.

05-26-2012, 04:54 PM
you aren't even trying to counter it. You are simply brushing off ALL disagreement without discussion.

Yep, same as always, and yet she doesn't have a damn clue that it's HOW she posts and not the topic and not her POV. Some people are simply unreachable.

05-26-2012, 04:55 PM
At your command.

Clearly a sentence with a question mark at the end is a QUESTION. But if you want to think it's a command, then, well, adios!

05-26-2012, 04:57 PM
OK, I give up. It's all yours. Enjoy dumping the President with no one to counter it. I'm done too.

now I do recognize this posting style but I can't quite put my finger on whose it is------

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 05:36 PM
Consider how many of you posted on this thread will almost the same view yet demanding I answer this or that point. It's overwhelming and it isn't fair. When I don't respond as quickly and thoroughly as you demand then you write me off and more less ask me to leave.

I'm going to stay off the political threads.

What I wanted to see on this thread, was a discussion about the President's accomplishments instead of the usual dump of complaints about him.

05-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Consider how many of you posted on this thread will almost the same view yet demanding I answer this or that point. It's overwhelming and it isn't fair. When I don't respond as quickly and thoroughly as you demand then you write me off and more less ask me to leave.

I'm going to stay off the political threads.

What I wanted to see on this thread, was a discussion about the President's accomplishments instead of the usual dump of complaints about him.

I don't consider some of them accomplishments.

You didn't want a discussion, you wanted adoration.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 05:58 PM
I don't consider some of them accomplishments.

You didn't want a discussion, you wanted adoration.

I wanted a discussion. I'm sick of reading nothing but criticism of the President. Sadly, it appears impossible.

05-26-2012, 06:03 PM
I wanted a discussion. I'm sick of reading nothing but criticism of the President. Sadly, it appears impossible.

in discussions there are disagreements.

If you refuse to admit or discuss his failings why should anyone here admit or discuss his accomplishments?

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:07 PM
in discussions there are disagreements.

If you refuse to admit or discuss his failings why should anyone here admit or discuss his accomplishments?

We don't have to agree on everything. However, I put a substantial list of the President's accomplishments on this thread and Jim blew them off and said the list was nothing.

Then when I happen to notice all of the rest you agreeing with each other and call you on it, he says I'm a waste of his time.

I had five of you I think firing off posts at me at one time and each of you expecting some detailed answer. That's not fair.

I need more time.

Jim more or less asked me to leave, so I did. It's better to leave than stay and risk Jim banning me because he's mad.

05-26-2012, 06:12 PM
We don't have to agree on everything. However, I put a substantial list of the President's accomplishments on this thread and Jim blew them off and said the list was nothing.

Then when I happen to notice all of the rest you agreeing with each other and call you on it, he says I'm a waste of his time.

I had five of you I think firing off posts at me at one time and each of you expecting some detailed answer. That's not fair.

I need more time.

Jim more or less asked me to leave, so I did. It's better to leave than stay and risk Jim banning me because he's mad.

Fine then,

my point was he spent 285 million on a new fleet of cars from tax payer dollars that he didn't need.

My point was that I DON'T consider this an accomplishment. I consider it a waste of money.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:14 PM
Fine then,

my point was he spent 285 million on a new fleet of cars from tax payer dollars that he didn't need.

My point was that I DON'T consider this an accomplishment. I consider it a waste of money.

Can you be a little clearer on this car thing? What fleet of cars.

We all have ideas on how we could reduce government spending. I say take 5o% of the military's budget.

05-26-2012, 06:19 PM
Can you be a little clearer on this car thing? What fleet of cars.

We all have ideas on how we could reduce government spending. I say take 5o% of the military's budget.

From your source.

Obama spent 285 million to replace the gov. fleet of cars using the stimulus money.

page one of this thread post #6

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:20 PM
From your source.

Obama spent 285 million to replace the gov. fleet of cars using the stimulus money.

page one of this thread

Have you ever driven a government car? You take life in your hands. Perhaps, you'd rather see government workers injured.

05-26-2012, 06:21 PM
We don't have to agree on everything. However, I put a substantial list of the President's accomplishments on this thread and Jim blew them off and said the list was nothing.

Then when I happen to notice all of the rest you agreeing with each other and call you on it, he says I'm a waste of his time.

I had five of you I think firing off posts at me at one time and each of you expecting some detailed answer. That's not fair.

I need more time.

Jim more or less asked me to leave, so I did. It's better to leave than stay and risk Jim banning me because he's mad.

I won't even address the rest of your post. Suffice to say, this is why you have issues - YOU LIE. Not a single person said the list was nothing. I addressed the list, and also addressed that there is also a list of things he has failed to accomplish. You cannot address one without the other, unless of course you want to remain biased, which you accuse us of.

05-26-2012, 06:22 PM
Have you ever driven a government car? You take life in your hands. Perhaps, you'd rather see government workers injured.

rhetoric instead of debate.

From your source, he bought a whole new fleet of cars, 17,600 of them

You think that was money well spent?

05-26-2012, 06:24 PM
He pushed through and signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as “the stimulus package,” despite the fact that not one Republican voted for that bill. In addition, he launched recovery.gov, so that taxpayers could track spending from the Act. http://1.usa.gov/ibiFSs http://1.usa.gov/e3BJMk

You mean republicans tried to argue against an insane spending bill that we're getting to do rounds two and three of just a few years down the line? that's not in Obama's favor.

In his first year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act created and sustained 2.1 million jobs and stimulated the economy 3.5%. http://reut.rs/i46CEE

A quarter million of which were jobs at McDonald's, which Dems said "didn't Count" when Bush was in office, and then the majority of the jobs created were government jobs as he expanded the government, much as Bush before him.

He completed the massive TARP financial and banking rescue plan, and recovered virtually all of its costs. http://1.usa.gov/eA5jVS http://bit.ly/eCNrD6

Which in no way arrested the actual problem that caused the banking troubles in the first place. Maybe if he had taken a look at the practices of Fannie and Freddie, we might've seen something happen, but no, Fannie and Freddie are the darlings of the dems, so lord knows that wasn't gonna happen.

He created the Making Home Affordable home refinancing plan. http://1.usa.gov/goy6z

Which would never have been necessary had Fannie and Freddie not created the bubble to begin with.

l (http://1.usa.gov/goy6zl)He oversaw the creation of more jobs in 2010 alone than Bush did in eight years. http://bit.ly/hrrnjY

See the earlier point about job creation being either McDonald's, or government jobs due to his expanded government that forced to hit our debt ceiling, twice now.

He oversaw a bailout of General Motors that saved at least 1.4 million jobs, and put pressure on the company to change its practices, resulting in GM returning to its place as the top car company in the world. http://lat.ms/zIJuQx He also doubled funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership which is designed to improve manufacturing efficiency. http://bit.ly/eYD4nf

Except, again, did nothing to prevent the same thing from happening a few years down the line again. Basically, he's chucked money at it, and let's hope it works.

He signed the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act giving the federal government more tools to investigate and prosecute fraud in every corner of the financial system. It also created a bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to investigate the financial fraud that led to the economic meltdown. http://abcn.ws/g18Fe7

And then promptly ignored their findings as to Freddie and Fannie's part in it

He signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, which was designed to to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive credit card practices. http://1.usa.gov/gIaNcS

Which were illegal to begin with.

He increased infrastructure spending after years of neglect. http://bit.ly/f77aOw

Funny, I've traveled the country a bunch, and all the roads seemed to be in good working order, so what infrastructure was it that was neglected?

He signed the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, expanding on the Making Home Affordable Program to help millions of Americans avoid preventable foreclosures. The bill also provided $2.2 billion to help combat homelessness, and to stabilize the housing market. http://bit.ly/eEpLFn

A housing market that crashed due to the government playing by a different set of rules than they allowed the banks. That forced the banks into more desperate measures that would not otherwise have existed.

Through the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009, he and Congressional Democrats provided tax credits to first-time home buyers, which helped the U.S. housing market recovery. http://bit.ly/dZgXXw http://bit.ly/gORYfL

Jesus, did this man ever come up with an act name that wasn't politically loaded to make people look like assholes for disagreeing with it? (http://bit.ly/gORYfL)

He initiated a $15 billion plan designed to encourage increased lending to small businesses. http://1.usa.gov/eu0u0b

And we needed that why? Plenty of businesses were already popping up, so why did we need more money tossed into it?

He created business.gov, which allows for online collaboration between small businesses and experts re managing a business. (The program has since merged with SBA.gov.) http://www.business.gov (http://www.business.gov/)

Another extra government agency? How many bullshit agencies did he make in four years?

He played a lead role in getting the G-20 Summit to commit to a $1.1 trillion deal to combat the global financial crisis. http://nyti.ms/gHlgp5

So... wait, hold on. We're literally hitting our debt ceiling for the second time, and his brilliant move was to blow an extra trillion we don't have for other countries?

He took steps to improve minority access to capital. http://bit.ly/f9xVE7

This one I don't even understand: There was trouble with minorities getting financing? As far as I've seen in every state I've lived in, none of the banks have been making it harder on minorities. If you're talking about poor minorities, then basically, he's doing some of the same crap that led us down this road the last time, giving loans to people who don't have the credit to get them otherwise.

He created a $60 billion bank to fund infrastructure improvements such as roads and bridges. http://bit.ly/e1SSaQ

Um, okay. He repaired roads and bridges..... and?

He implemented an auto industry rescue plan, and saved as many as 1 million jobs. http://bit.ly/ibhpxr

A plan that didn't address the central issues that caused the collapse.

Many are of the opinion that he saved the entire auto industry, and even the economy of the entire Midwest. http://bit.ly/gj7mt5

um, okay? And many are of the opposite opinion?

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, he saved at least 300,000 education jobs, such as teachers, principals, librarians, and counselors that would have otherwise been lost. http://1.usa.gov/ez30Dc

He dismantled the Minerals Management Service, thereby moveing forward to cut ties between energy companies and the government. http://nyti.ms/bw1MLu

Except without any of the balls required to actually do it fully. This allows him to still maintaining a connection to the power companies while making a move no one actually sees, but it sounds cool, doesn't it?

Provided funding to states and the Department of Homeland Security to save thousands of police and firefighter jobs from being cut during the recession. http://bit.ly/g0IKWR

This would basically go along with his "Why even bother have a debt ceiling?" mentality. I'm sure our great-grandchildren will be thrilled with the debt they'll be inheriting from his term.

He used recovered TARP money to fund programs at local housing finance agencies in California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan. http://on.msnbc.com/i1i8eV

Um, why only those places?

Crafted an Executive order establishing the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability to assist in financial education for all Americans. http://bit.ly/eyqsNE

Um, why couldn't he have just made businesses courses a standard part of curriculum?

Wall Street Reforms and Consumer Protection

Ordered 65 executives who took bailout money to cut their own pay until they paid back all bailout money. http://huff.to/eAi9Qq

You mean it might have been a bad idea to give companies millions of dollars with no oversight?

He pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression. http://bit.ly/hWCPg0 http://bit.ly/geHpcD

Which did nothing to stop the unfair business practices of the federal government, one of the keys to the financial crisis.

Dodd-Frank also included the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau http://1.usa.gov/j5onG

See above, since this is just a repeat.

He made it so that banks could no longer use YOUR money to invest in high-risk financial instruments that work against their own customers' interests. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

Except for, again, the federal banks. What were these "instruments" again? Oh right, they were the bad loans that banks were forced to hand by government sanction, and to stay compettitive with the federal loans people were getting who had no method to pay off the loans. Can't see how that went wrong.

He supported the concept of allowing stockholders to vote on executive compensation. http://bit.ly/fnTay

The ability to fire the executives wasn't enough? Was the ability to joint vote in new executives not enough either?

j (http://bit.ly/fnTayj)He wholly endorsed and supported the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 that would close offshore tax avoidance loopholes. http://bit.ly/esOdfB http://bit.ly/eG4DPM

So... the US government is now going to extend its jurisdiction over foreign banks that they have absolutely no jurisdiction over? This is like me writing up a deed for my neighbor's house. Ain't exactly gonna hold up.

He made a deal with Swiss banks that permits the US government to gain access to the records of criminals and tax evaders. http://bit.ly/htfDgw

Except that the majority of criminals and tax evaders are now using the Grand Caymans. Yeah... Obama, closing the gate after the horse is already outta the barn.

He established a Consumer Protection Financial Bureau designed to protect consumers from financial sector excesses. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

Well, except for the excesses of the federally back financial institutions. They're still allowed to operate without rules, pretty much.

He oversaw and then signed the most sweeping food safety legislation since the Great Depression. http://thedc.com/gxkCtP (http://thedc.com/gxkCtP)

Why? Our food is plenty safe, shown by the fact that we're eating so damned much of it. So what was even the point of this?

Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination

He advocated for and signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which made it a federal crime to assault anyone based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. http://bit.ly/gsMSJ7

Assault is already a crime, so yeah, this wass another nothing act.

He pushed through, signed and demanded the Pentagon enact a repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy that forced soldiers to lie to fight for their country, and put our troops at risk by disqualifying many qualified soldiers from helping. http://bit.ly/fdahuH http://bit.ly/mZV4Pz

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell", brought to you by the Democratic party, the brainchild of Bill Clinton himself, was a landmark achievement that gave gay soldiers the ability to keep quiet on their personal lives, a right they had never previously possessed. Nice to see Obama turn on his own.

He appointed Kareem Dale as the first ever Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. http://1.usa.gov/fi5IY0

Why is this a good thing? Did they need a special assistant? Was the regular assistant just not enough?

Helped Congress pass and signed the Civil Rights History Act. http://bit.ly/th0JC8

We already teach the history of Civil Rights, along with black history in school. So basically, he did another free handwave to the minority vote. Does any Dem ever get sick of Obama using the voters like this?

He extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. http://1.usa.gov/g2RLCj

He's appointed more openly gay officials than anyone in history. http://bit.ly/g1lA7D

Yes, he has used gays for more political gain than any other president in history. Including when he flipped on them after taking office, when he reversed his decision, becoming against gay marriage just after promising to be "a better friend to them than Lyndon Johnson". Again, more recently, he flipped again, in favor of gay marriage, just as his re-election bid is coming up.

He issued a Presidential Memorandum reaffirming the rights of gay couples to make medical decisions for each other. http://1.usa.gov/aUueGT

Also flipped his stance on gay marriage twice, once against, and now for. He gets no credit for using people.

He established a White House Council on Women and Girls http://1.usa.gov/rFfqMM

See my remark on this below. There are a lot of repeats on this list.

He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. This was after the GOP blocked the bill in 2007. Only 5 Republican Senators voted for the bill. http://bit.ly/fT3Cxg

Another act for something that was already illegal, and get's company's sued for huge amounts every year.

Wrote and signed an Executive Order establishing a White House Council on Women and Girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies evaluate the effect of their policies and programs on women and families. http://bit.ly/e1puTk

Mainly becuase he's apparently been using the woman voting populace for his gain, so best to make sure of where they're at, so he can offer the proper incentives for them to vote for him, even if it means putting things into law that don't actually do anything.

He expanded funding for the Violence Against Women Act. http://1.usa.gov/dSbI0x

And act that makes violence illegal? Yeah, he increased funding to his bullshit run to use women to help his numbers. What a guy

Under his watch, National Labor Relations Board has issued final rules that require all employers to prominently post employees' rights where all employees or prospective employees can see it, including websites and intranets, beginning November 2011. http://1.usa.gov/qu2EhQ

Already existed for more than a decade. No boss I have had since I left Navy has failed to post the employee's rights posters, so again, he blew money on stuff that was already being done before he took office.

Fighting Poverty

He provided a $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). http://nyti.ms/gfLqyM

He signed an Executive Order that established the White House Office of Urban Affairs. http://wapo.st/eWECA8

Improved Foreign Relations and American Status Abroad

He visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any previous president during his first six months in office. http://bit.ly/hZycda

During a financial crisis that was plunging into deeper losses than the Great Depression, Obama "bravely" stayed away, and didn't do much of anything for us, going to talk to other people about how we could help their countries with money we didn't have.

As he promised, he gave a speech at a major Islamic forum in Cairo early in his administration. http://nyti.ms/dKvY4g (http://nyti.ms/dKvY4g)

Oh yeah, that was a hard promise to keep. A politician talking to people! [/sarcasm]

He did much to restore America's reputation around the world as a global leader that does the "right thing" in world affairs, at least according to the rest of the world. http://bit.ly/h743y7 http://bit.ly/ho4TCr

Yes, ascertained before he had so much as 1 week in office?

He re-established and reinforced our partnership with NATO and other allies on strategic international issues. http://1.usa.gov/e7QuDj

We're one of the leaders of NATO, so how the hell did we have to re-establish that?

Closed a number of secret detention facilities. http://nyti.ms/rpUc9l

Again, except for the main one at Gitmo.

He improved relations with Middle East countries by appointing special envoys. http://1.usa.gov/tiGAGe

He pushed for military to emphasize devlopment of foreign language skills. http://bit.ly/AxUCLV

You mean like, say, starting people off at a higher pay rate for knowing foreign languages that are in demand? Yeah, that's existed since 1997, somewhat before Obama's tenure. Funny, but the military also specifically trained people in foreign languages as well since at least that time. So again, another "I'm gonna do nithing, but in a way that seems like I'm awesome" moment.

Offered $400 million to the people living in Gaza, called on both Israel and the Palestinians to stop inciting violence. http://bit.ly/9axfWh

Is there any country on this planet we're not throwing ourselves into deeper debt for?

He refused to give Israel the green light to attack Iran over their possible nuclear program. http://bit.ly/xVmSZK

Ah yes, another tug on Israel's leash, keeping them from stopping the people who have a government policy for their extermination.

He worked to make donations to Haiti tax deductible in 2009. http://huff.to/6YkAVY

Charitable donations are already tax deductable, so he did nothing really. It sure looks nice, though.

He established a new U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. http://1.usa.gov/eX28DP

Had to read over this one. Basically, he got the Chinese to agree to talk to their biggest, most profitable market, about making more profit. Oh yes, truly a testimony to his brilliance, he got people to talk about stuff they wanted to do anyways.

Issued Executive Order blocking interference and helping to stabilize Somalia. http://1.usa.gov/hxdf8U

He established new, more reasonable policies in our relations with Cuba, such as allowing Cuban-Americans to visit their families and send money to support them. http://n.pr/hY3Kwa http://nyti.ms/emQBde

He ordered the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. It was Republicans (and a smattering of Democrats) who prevented him from following through. http://bit.ly/eW6CVF

Really? he must be a special form of incompetent then, since he had his first two years in office to do exactly that without the Republicans being able to say boo about it, given he had Dem majorities in both the House and Senate. (http://bit.ly/eW6CVF)

Ordered a review of our detention and interrogation policy, and prohibited the use of torture, or what Bush called "enhanced interrogation." He ordered interrogators to limit their actions to the Army Field manual. http://bit.ly/g6MTuC

He ordered all secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere to be closed. http://bbc.in/h6N9ax

Except for Gitmo, which was the only still in real operation.

He released the Bush torture memos. http://bit.ly/hWJ5z0

But yet didnt release all of the people affected by it.

On his second day in office, he signed a detailed Executive Order that banned torture, reversed all Bush torture policies, and put the United States in compliance with the Geneva Convention. http://1.usa.gov/dL6Zve http://nyti.ms/hzWWys

Except he didn't end indefinite detentions without trial, didn't close Gitmo

In response to the emerging "Arab Spring," he created a Rapid Response fund, to assist emerging democracies with foreign aid, debt relief, technical assistance and investment packages in order to show that the United States stands with them. http://bit.ly/zfmGv9

So, while we're hitting our debt ceiling, he's playing around throwing money to other potential countries?

Passed the Iran Sanctions Act, to prevent war, and to encourage Iran to give up their nuclear program. http://1.usa.gov/wLtNjb

Because none of the previous presidents tried talking to them. This is not going to work, just like Iran has played every other previous president on the subject.

Ended the Iraq War. http://tgr.ph/ru0tyS

Yup.... well, except for those troops we still have fighting over there. Now, what other president said the war was over while we were still fighting? Oh right, Bush. Yes, Obama's following in his predecessor's footprints beautifully on this one.

He authorized and oversaw a secret mission by SEAL Team Six to rescue two hostages held by Somali pirates. http://bit.ly/y8c9Fz

Woo? Two whole hostages?

05-26-2012, 06:24 PM
rhetoric instead of debate.

You will NEVER get true debate out of her, ONLY rhetoric. She doesn't want anything that she writes to be questioned.

05-26-2012, 06:26 PM
Woo? Two whole hostages?

Wow, best post in a LONG time and I can't wait to finish reading the rest. But you do realize that going point by point like that is futile, no? Do you REALLY think she'll look at each point you addressed and disagree or agree with facts of her own?

05-26-2012, 06:28 PM
Woo? Two whole hostages?

actually I liked that one.

No playing nice, just shot the pirates

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:28 PM
I'd like to have a discussion, not a debate. I'd like to discuss the list of accomplishments I provided instead of listening to a cacophony of complaints by the DP groupthink tank.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:30 PM
By the time I've responded to one post, five others are there, and there is this talking about me going on. It's distracting. I'm not the topic.

05-26-2012, 06:30 PM
I'd like to have a discussion, not a debate. I'd like to discuss the list of accomplishments I provided instead of listening to a cacophony of complaints by the DP groupthink tank.

than ignor the people you don't want to talk too.

You started a debate with me, I'd like to continue

05-26-2012, 06:31 PM
I'd like to have a discussion, not a debate. I'd like to discuss the list of accomplishments I provided instead of listening to a cacophony of complaints by the DP groupthink tank.

You wanted to discuss Obama's accomplishments. You went as far as to even post a list. Now DragonStryk has addressed each and every thing on that list. You want to DISCUSS? Then give him the respect of replying to each point as he did. That would be a discussion.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:31 PM
Since it's me against All OF YOU ALL THE TIME. And since you want to comment about me to each other, why not let one of you take the lead, and the rest of you can support the person you choose to address me in this topic?

05-26-2012, 06:32 PM
Wow, best post in a LONG time and I can't wait to finish reading the rest. But you do realize that going point by point like that is futile, no? Do you REALLY think she'll look at each point you addressed and disagree or agree with facts of her own?

Actually, I'm just realizing I missed a few. I'll have to get them later.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:33 PM
You wanted to discuss Obama's accomplishments. You went as far as to even post a list. Now DragonStryk has addressed each and every thing on that list. You want to DISCUSS? Then give him the respect of replying to each point as he did. That would be a discussion.

I haven't even had time to read Dragon Stryk because I'm so busy dealing with all of your personal attacks. This board is NOT fair. You gang up on me. I'm sick of it.

05-26-2012, 06:33 PM
Since it's me against All OF YOU ALL THE TIME. And since you want to comment about me to each other, why not let one of you take the lead, and the rest of you can support the person you choose to address me in this topic?

Instead of the continuing flamebait, you could just answer my posting. You posted that insane length of list, and I answered all of it. It took me more than two hours, checking the links and such.

05-26-2012, 06:34 PM
I haven't even had time to read Dragon Stryk because I'm so busy dealing with all of your personal attacks. This board is NOT fair. You gang up on me.

Then stop, and read it.

05-26-2012, 06:35 PM
try ignoring Jim

How about that fleet of cars I mentioned.

That should be easier to discuss than dragon's post.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:37 PM
I addressed the fleet of cars. I have had the sad experience of driving government cars and they are unsafe POS. I don't have a problem with taxes paying for new cars.

You have a problem with it. I don't. Some of the cuts I'd like to see, you'd likely want to keep. That's why we have elected representatives to hammer out a budget. Not one budget would agree with every citizen.

I'd like to be able to address an even bigger issue about the economy, which is the fact that our entire world has been carved up by banking families.

05-26-2012, 06:39 PM
I haven't even had time to read Dragon Stryk because I'm so busy dealing with all of your personal attacks. This board is NOT fair. You gang up on me. I'm sick of it.

Oh boo hoo. If you're sick of it, then you're free to leave. Otherwise, it's as easy as copying and pasting his reply and replying yourself. You're PURPOSELY looking for a reason to avoid responding to the post that blows your "accomplishments" clear out of the water. Try letting go of the drama and simply reply to him. I'll even zip my lips until you take the time to address his post...

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:40 PM
Oh boo hoo. If you're sick of it, then you're free to leave. Otherwise, it's as easy as copying and pasting his reply and replying yourself. You're PURPOSELY looking for a reason to avoid responding to the post that blows your "accomplishments" clear out of the water. Try letting go of the drama and simply reply to him. I'll even zip my lips until you take the time to address his post...

You keep asking me to leave. So be it.

05-26-2012, 06:40 PM
It took me more than two hours, checking the links and such.

I for one appreciate your efforts. I hope it was worthwhile and your points get addressed.

05-26-2012, 06:41 PM
I addressed the fleet of cars. I have had the sad experience of driving government cars and they are unsafe POS. I don't have a problem with taxes paying for new cars.

You really think new cars is gonna change that? They'll run into the ground like they did the old ones.

To Trigg:

Actually, I sort of agree with the cars bit. It does stimulate the economy a bit, as well as gets more of the vehicles into production so that the cost can come down faster. As well, the fuel and repair savings over time do balance out quite well on the long-term, which can save the government money. Now if they'd just get some efficiency experts in to trim the governmental fat, we'll be all set.

05-26-2012, 06:42 PM
You keep asking me to leave. So be it.

You know that sort of proves his point, right?

05-26-2012, 06:42 PM
You keep asking me to leave. So be it.

Nobody here has reading comprehension issues other than you, so don't think your "woe is me, he is making me leave" garbage is going to work. I very clearly wrote that you are free to leave if you are sick of it here. That is not demanding you leave nor is it asking you to leave. Its a way of telling you to either can it, or do it, but stop whining about it.

05-26-2012, 06:44 PM
try ignoring Jim

How about that fleet of cars I mentioned.

That should be easier to discuss than dragon's post.

Are the points I bring up any less valid than others? I'll zip it then and show her how it's done.

05-26-2012, 06:44 PM
Have you ever driven a government car? You take life in your hands. Perhaps, you'd rather see government workers injured.

I addressed the fleet of cars. I have had the sad experience of driving government cars and they are unsafe POS. I don't have a problem with taxes paying for new cars.

You have a problem with it. I don't. Some of the cuts I'd like to see, you'd likely want to keep. That's why we have elected representatives to hammer out a budget. Not one budget would agree with every citizen.

I'd like to be able to address an even bigger issue about the economy, which is the fact that our entire world has been carved up by banking families.

I didn't realize the first post was the end of the discussion.

Too be clear then you don't see any thing wrong with purchasing 17,600 new cars with the stimulus money? Not just the unsafe ones, but ALL OF THEM?

As far as cuts I'd like to see.

I think an across the board decrease of say 10%, from each and everything in the budget should be considered. That way no one thing take a hit.

05-26-2012, 06:48 PM
Are the points I bring up any less valid than others? I'll zip it then and show her how it's done.

I didn't say that.

I was pointing out that if she didn't like what you're posting to just ignor you instead of going into victim mode.

I'm trying to be nice and have a discussion with her.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:51 PM
I didn't realize the first post was the end of the discussion.

Too be clear then you don't see any thing wrong with purchasing 17,600 new cars with the stimulus money? Not just the unsafe ones, but ALL OF THEM?

As far as cuts I'd like to see.

I think an across the board decrease of say 10%, from each and everything in the budget should be considered. That way no one thing take a hit.

I don't see any problem with the purchase of those cars.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:52 PM
You know that sort of proves his point, right?

No, it doesn't. I plan on taking a step back every single time he flames.

05-26-2012, 06:54 PM
You really think new cars is gonna change that? They'll run into the ground like they did the old ones.

To Trigg:

Actually, I sort of agree with the cars bit. It does stimulate the economy a bit, as well as gets more of the vehicles into production so that the cost can come down faster. As well, the fuel and repair savings over time do balance out quite well on the long-term, which can save the government money. Now if they'd just get some efficiency experts in to trim the governmental fat, we'll be all set.

I don't have a problem with replacing old cars with new ones and choosing to go with hybrids or electric.

The problem I have is buying 17,600 of them to replace everything they already have regardless of need.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:54 PM

I am reading your post.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 06:55 PM
I don't have a problem with replacing old cars with new ones and choosing to go with hybrids or electric.

The problem I have is buying 17,600 of them to replace everything they already have regardless of need.

Your presumption is they weren't needed. I'm not a fan of government waste but how can you prove those vehicles weren't needed?

05-26-2012, 06:58 PM
Wind Song Said:
He extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. http://1.usa.gov/g2RLCj

Okay, I'll give him this one. But his stance on gays has generally been to use them to get as many possible votes as he can, so sorry, but it isn't enough to get over his other shenanigans.

He provided a $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). http://nyti.ms/gfLqyM

Problem being that the problem was the abuse of the system, which this did nothing to address, such as people using the ebt card to buy hundreds of dollars of party supplies to throw parties for $10-$20 a head, pocking the money under the table, turning their food stamps into the government paying for their catering business.

He signed an Executive Order that established the White House Office of Urban Affairs. http://wapo.st/eWECA8

Okay, had to read up on this one. sigh... He actually created an office for discussing "What is urban?" (quoted from article). Do I even have to explain how many shades of stupid this one is?

He improved relations with Middle East countries by appointing special envoys. http://1.usa.gov/tiGAGe

In other words, he sent more people to talk with them, cause that was the real problem. We just hadn't talked to them enough [/sarcasm]

Issued Executive Order blocking interference and helping to stabilize Somalia. http://1.usa.gov/hxdf8U

Okay, translation: "I stepped on the nuts of our entire system so that I could help yet another country while our own is experiencing Great Depression strength job loss, and insane debt."

He established new, more reasonable policies in our relations with Cuba, such as allowing Cuban-Americans to visit their families and send money to support them. http://n.pr/hY3Kwa http://nyti.ms/emQBde

They were doing that anyway. Funny thing, but these are the same people who engineered some of the most insane tricks for getting past Cuban police, coast guard, and such. Why would it be so much harder to get word to people there?

Ordered a review of our detention and interrogation policy, and prohibited the use of torture, or what Bush called "enhanced interrogation." He ordered interrogators to limit their actions to the Army Field manual. http://bit.ly/g6MTuC

And yet, he retained indefinite detention without trial, along with almost all of the Patriot Act. As well, he did nothing to rein in the TSA's continually more paranoid take on airport security. Yeah, no points for this.

Sorry, these were the ones I missed on my original go through. That should be the full list now.

05-26-2012, 06:59 PM
I wanted a discussion. I'm sick of reading nothing but criticism of the President. Sadly, it appears impossible.

Liar----you knew full well that wasn't gonna happen here.

05-26-2012, 07:00 PM
Your presumption is they weren't needed. I'm not a fan of government waste but how can you prove those vehicles weren't needed?

The government will spend $285 million in stimulus funds to purchase the cars before June 1. The accelerated purchase order has been placed exclusively with General Motors, Chrysler and Ford.
"As a part of our commitment to the American auto industry, I charged my administration with using Recovery Act funds to purchase a new fleet of fuel-efficient government vehicles to increase demand for our American auto companies and stimulate the economy," President Obama said in a written statement.


Do you really think the government NEEDED to replace 17,600 cars?

A few sure, maybe even a couple hundred NEEDED to be replaced, but 17,600?

As I stated I don't see a problem with the gov. replacing cars and choosing to go hybrid or electric. This article is a fluff piece and it still reads like a waste of money IMHO.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:01 PM
I hate Dragon's style of posting. It's too much. I do much better with essay than with one line sentences for every single accomplishment that I listed. Rather than fact, it is mostly Dragon's opinion that the accomplishment wasn't an accomplishment.

For me to respond to that post would take me a week. If you don't mind waiting, perhaps I can cut and paste his points into a word document and then write an essay about it.

But that will take me a lot of time, and won't satisfy all of you.

I can just hear Jim's angry voice criticising me.

05-26-2012, 07:01 PM
I don't have a problem with replacing old cars with new ones and choosing to go with hybrids or electric.

The problem I have is buying 17,600 of them to replace everything they already have regardless of need.

Well, truthfully, having been in the military, federal vehicles are usually already on their last legs before they buy new cars, and were they not government vehicles, would have long since failed inspections. Hell, sometimes it gets past the last leg point.

05-26-2012, 07:03 PM
I hate Dragon's style of posting. It's too much. I do much better with essay than with one line sentences for every single accomplishment that I listed. Rather than fact, it is mostly Dragon's opinion that the accomplishment wasn't an accomplishment.

For me to respond to that post would take me a week. If you don't mind waiting, perhaps I can cut and paste his points into a word document and then write an essay about it.

But that will take me a lot of time, and won't satisfy all of you.

Well, then, maybe you should have, say, not posted a point-by-point 3 page list that we all had to read through. So, why is my posting style, which is an exact match to your own posting style, such a problem for you?

05-26-2012, 07:04 PM
Well, truthfully, having been in the military, federal vehicles are usually already on their last legs before they buy new cars, and were they not government vehicles, would have long since failed inspections. Hell, sometimes it gets past the last leg point.

well, like I said, I don't have a problem at all of replacing old cars with new.

The problem I have is using the stimulus money to buy so many.........just to buy them.

I find it impossible to believe the gov. NEEDED 17 thousand new cars.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:04 PM

Do you really think the government NEEDED to replace 17,600 cars?

A few sure, maybe even a couple hundred NEEDED to be replaced, but 17,600?

As I stated I don't see a problem with the gov. replacing cars and choosing to go hybrid or electric. This article is a fluff piece and it still reads like a waste of money IMHO.

I don't think you appreciate the size and complexity of our government. Fifty states. Federal, state, county and city governments. I agree with you on fuel efficient cars.

Consider why we don't have the electric car. We're owned by the oil companies.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:07 PM
Well, then, maybe you should have, say, not posted a point-by-point 3 page list that we all had to read through. So, why is my posting style, which is an exact match to your own posting style, such a problem for you?

I put in a link. It is NOT my posting style. It is a list of the President's accomplishments. I prefer essays. I never post point by point like that unless the post is relatively small in scope.

I'm not here to write a dissertation on the President's accomplishments. I put a lot of the list in the one post because all I ever read at this place is a rant about the President.

If you ever give him any credit at all, it is extremely small.

05-26-2012, 07:08 PM
I don't think you appreciate the size and complexity of our government. Fifty states. Federal, state, county and city governments. I agree with you on fuel efficient cars.

Consider why we don't have the electric car. We're owned by the oil companies.

so I'm ignorant about the complexity because I question whether we NEEDED to accelerate the purchase of 17 thousand new cars.

We have electric cars......

05-26-2012, 07:10 PM
well, like I said, I don't have a problem at all of replacing old cars with new.

The problem I have is using the stimulus money to buy so many.........just to buy them.

I find it impossible to believe the gov. NEEDED 17 thousand new cars.

Really? Our government doesn't seem like the sort to forget about incidentals like keeping up the fleet of cars they use for everything, passing it off on the mechanics to "make do"? Cause from my angle, that seems to be about par for the course.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:13 PM
so I'm ignorant about the complexity because I question whether we NEEDED to accelerate the purchase of 17 thousand new cars.

We have electric cars......

We don't have electric cars in great numbers. Why? Ask yourself that. With the price of fuel going up and up and up why aren't we switching to electric cars ASAP and making them in America?

Answer: Oil barons.

05-26-2012, 07:14 PM
Really? Our government doesn't seem like the sort to forget about incidentals like keeping up the fleet of cars they use for everything, passing it off on the mechanics to "make do"? Cause from my angle, that seems to be about par for the course.

Have you ever bought a brand new cars only to forget where you put it? How about 300 of them? Probably not – unless you're Miami-Dade County, which was recently reunited with 298 vehicles it bought brand new between 2006 and 2007.

The county "discovered" this fleet of no-mileage vehicles after reading about them in a Spanish-language newspaper (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2012/04/20/1182845/flota-de-carros-abandonados-del.html&usg=ALkJrhj19feERN_ut7S3R8EXcB93TrSQkg) there (see the source for more images). Most of the misplaced motorcade is made up of Toyota Prius (http://www.autoblog.com/toyota/prius/) hybrids whose warranties either expired with very few miles on the odo or will very soon.


I think our government forgets about a hell of a lot of things. However, they excell at waste.

05-26-2012, 07:22 PM
We don't have electric cars in great numbers. Why? Ask yourself that. With the price of fuel going up and up and up why aren't we switching to electric cars ASAP and making them in America?

Answer: Oil barons.

Where does electricity come from? Imagine adding the strain of recharging hundreds of thousands of electric cars to an already strained grid in Cali for instance.

The number one reason we haven't seen a huge shift to electric vehicles is battery technology is still lacking. Very few are going to buy a car with a low range on it.

05-26-2012, 07:23 PM
I put in a link. It is NOT my posting style. It is a list of the President's accomplishments. I prefer essays. I never post point by point like that unless the post is relatively small in scope.

I'm not here to write a dissertation on the President's accomplishments. I put a lot of the list in the one post because all I ever read at this place is a rant about the President.

If you ever give him any credit at all, it is extremely small.

As you have never posted essay style, I have no basis of comparison. Your responses are either single line responses, flamebait, or those sorts of huge point-by-point ones.

I give credit where it's due, and had you posted a similar list for Mitt Romney, I'd have ripped into him as well. They've both racked up a ton of fail. Hell, you could hold a presidential debate between '08 Romney, and '12 Romney.

This is a debate forum, so posting a debate topic will engender a debate, meaning that people are going to disagree with you. That's what a debate is, Song, is two opposing opinions going back and forth.

Obama is not a good president, but Bush was worse. Romney will not be a good president, honestly. Honestly, the last good one we had was Clinton, and before him, Reagan. I'm not beyond giving credit where it's due, but Obama tries to turn his every decision into some great miracle. He spent two years telling us all how Republicans were responsible for every problem he was facing, until magically, Republicans got a majority back, and suddenly, he needed them. For some reason, likely to do with being scapegoated for two years, they've been unwilling to work with him, and that is his greatest single failing.

Clinton, despite the scandals, had the ability to get both sides to come together, and was careful not to over-criticize his opposition, knowing that he would need their help.

05-26-2012, 07:26 PM

I think our government forgets about a hell of a lot of things. However, they excell at waste.

Agreed, and I'll bet money that in the time those cars were unaccounted for, they replaced most of their fleet with other cars.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:28 PM

I think our government forgets about a hell of a lot of things. However, they excell at waste.

I agree with you that the government excels at waste. In California, on a state level, the state could not afford to pay the rent to store a massive amount of medicine, so they decided to destroy the medicine.

Isn't that insane?

Couldn't they have given the medicine away or auctioned it or offered to some third world for spreading goodwill?

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:34 PM
As you have never posted essay style, I have no basis of comparison. Your responses are either single line responses, flamebait, or those sorts of huge point-by-point ones.

I give credit where it's due, and had you posted a similar list for Mitt Romney, I'd have ripped into him as well. They've both racked up a ton of fail. Hell, you could hold a presidential debate between '08 Romney, and '12 Romney.

This is a debate forum, so posting a debate topic will engender a debate, meaning that people are going to disagree with you. That's what a debate is, Song, is two opposing opinions going back and forth.

Obama is not a good president, but Bush was worse. Romney will not be a good president, honestly. Honestly, the last good one we had was Clinton, and before him, Reagan. I'm not beyond giving credit where it's due, but Obama tries to turn his every decision into some great miracle. He spent two years telling us all how Republicans were responsible for every problem he was facing, until magically, Republicans got a majority back, and suddenly, he needed them. For some reason, likely to do with being scapegoated for two years, they've been unwilling to work with him, and that is his greatest single failing.

Clinton, despite the scandals, had the ability to get both sides to come together, and was careful not to over-criticize his opposition, knowing that he would need their help.

This is an excellent post. We will only be able to tell how good a President Obama has been after he leaves office. He reminds me, unfortunately of Jimmy Carter.

Obama's administration made a lot of mistakes. It helped me to read the list of his accomplishments, because we never hear about them in the media. We only hear the negative. I'm sick of the negative.

Choosing between Romney and the President, what can I say. I'm not going to cast a vote for Romney. It helped me alot to read Obama's list and to realize it hasn't been all bad.

Still, the economy drags on. And we're all angry about that, myself included. That's why I have to look at this whole situation from a broader perspective. It's a whole bigger than which party is running the White House. JMO.

05-26-2012, 07:34 PM
We don't have electric cars in great numbers. Why? Ask yourself that. With the price of fuel going up and up and up why aren't we switching to electric cars ASAP and making them in America?

Answer: Oil barons.

Nope, as was stated in "Who Killed the Electric Car": Cheap Americans. People didn't want to pay the extra money, and didn't think past the pricetags to the benefits of the vehicles.

As to why we aren't switching over? a huge part of it is the lack of infrastructure required to make the electric cars viable beyond the bounds of your local area. This means putting together huge banks of solar power energy stations at regular intervals based on the median mileage of the electric vehicles, but currently it's just too short for that to be a real possibility.

Likely, we are going to go over to full, or at least majority, hybrid cars first, which will advance the battery technology, before the eventual run over to full electric. Somewhere along, there will likely be a solar hybrid, since our solar tech has come a long ways.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:37 PM
Where does electricity come from? Imagine adding the strain of recharging hundreds of thousands of electric cars to an already strained grid in Cali for instance.

The number one reason we haven't seen a huge shift to electric vehicles is battery technology is still lacking. Very few are going to buy a car with a low range on it.

We have alternative energy technology but those who own fossil fuel companies aren't going to support that shift.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:38 PM
Nope, as was stated in "Who Killed the Electric Car": Cheap Americans. People didn't want to pay the extra money, and didn't think past the pricetags to the benefits of the vehicles.

As to why we aren't switching over? a huge part of it is the lack of infrastructure required to make the electric cars viable beyond the bounds of your local area. This means putting together huge banks of solar power energy stations at regular intervals based on the median mileage of the electric vehicles, but currently it's just too short for that to be a real possibility.

Likely, we are going to go over to full, or at least majority, hybrid cars first, which will advance the battery technology, before the eventual run over to full electric. Somewhere along, there will likely be a solar hybrid, since our solar tech has come a long ways.


05-26-2012, 07:41 PM
I agree with you that the government excels at waste. In California, on a state level, the state could not afford to pay the rent to store a massive amount of medicine, so they decided to destroy the medicine.

Isn't that insane?

Couldn't they have given the medicine away or auctioned it or offered to some third world for spreading goodwill?

wow, unbelievable.

this is exactly why I question the government buying those cars though. They waste, Florida "lost" 300 new hybrids WHY? Because it's other people's money (the taxpayers), plain and simple.

05-26-2012, 07:44 PM
This is an excellent post. We will only be able to tell how good a President Obama has been after he leaves office. He reminds me, unfortunately of Jimmy Carter.

Obama's administration made a lot of mistakes. It helped me to read the list of his accomplishments, because we never hear about them in the media. We only hear the negative. I'm sick of the negative.

Choosing between Romney and the President, what can I say. I'm not going to cast a vote for Romney. It helped me alot to read Obama's list and to realize it hasn't been all bad.

Still, the economy drags on. And we're all angry about that, myself included. That's why I have to look at this whole situation from a broader perspective. It's a whole bigger than which party is running the White House. JMO.

No offense, but it doesn't take years to see the numerous mistakes he's made, and they are numerous. He threw money at a lot of problems without fixing the very real problems that created them, meaning they're going to rear their head again, like with the debt ceiling. We can't just keep raising it, or the whole point of the ceiling is lost. We have to start erasing our debt. If we could just get rid of the deficit, we could cut taxes across the board, helping everyone out.

Not voting for Romney doesn't mean you have to vote for Obama. There are plenty of third party candidates out there. We need to quit with "A or B" politics. They are killing us. No major problem in anyone's life is a simple A or B choice, so why is our government locked in that exact philosophy?

A broader perspective has to include the failings as well as the successes, or it is stilted, and not an accurate reflection of events.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:46 PM
wow, unbelievable.

this is exactly why I question the government buying those cars though. They waste, Florida "lost" 300 new hybrids WHY? Because it's other people's money (the taxpayers), plain and simple.

I told that story for a reason. I want you to understand that liberals are just as concerned about government waste as moderates and conservatives are.

You shouldn't assume that the purchase of those vehicles is a waste.

Understand that it's OUR collective money, not YOUR money or MY money. We put it in the pot together.

05-26-2012, 07:46 PM
We have alternative energy technology but those who own fossil fuel companies aren't going to support that shift.

Sure they will, they'll just change gears like the horse and buggy sellers did when we rolled over to cars. Once someone is wealthy, it is extremely difficult to really make them broke.

05-26-2012, 07:50 PM
I told that story for a reason. I want you to understand that liberals are just as concerned about government waste as moderates and conservatives are.

You shouldn't assume that the purchase of those vehicles is a waste.

Understand that it's OUR collective money, not YOUR money or MY money. We put it in the pot together.

I said the gov. wastes money, I didn't name a party.

I assume the purchase of ALL of those vehicles is a waste.

I backed that up with an article pointing out that Miami LOST 300 brand new Hybrids for 5 YEARS.

I also posted the money comes from taxpayers, which includes you and me. You do not need to point out that it is OUR collective money.....I got that.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 07:54 PM
I said the gov. wastes money, I didn't name a party.

I assume the purchase of ALL of those vehicles is a waste.

I backed that up with an article pointing out that Miami LOST 300 brand new Hybrids for 5 YEARS.

I also posted the money comes from taxpayers, which includes you and me. You do not need to point out that it is OUR collective money.....I got that.
I don't assume the purchase of the vehicles is a waste.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 07:59 PM
Did you put this whole list together all by yourself? If not, you need to give attribution to the real author. ASAP

He pushed through and signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as “the stimulus package,” despite the fact that not one Republican voted for that bill. In addition, he launched recovery.gov, so that taxpayers could track spending from the Act. http://1.usa.gov/ibiFSs http://1.usa.gov/e3BJMk

In his first year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act created and sustained 2.1 million jobs and stimulated the economy 3.5%. http://reut.rs/i46CEE

He completed the massive TARP financial and banking rescue plan, and recovered virtually all of its costs. http://1.usa.gov/eA5jVS http://bit.ly/eCNrD6

He created the Making Home Affordable home refinancing plan. http://1.usa.gov/goy6z

l (http://1.usa.gov/goy6zl)He oversaw the creation of more jobs in 2010 alone than Bush did in eight years. http://bit.ly/hrrnjY

He oversaw a bailout of General Motors that saved at least 1.4 million jobs, and put pressure on the company to change its practices, resulting in GM returning to its place as the top car company in the world. http://lat.ms/zIJuQx He also doubled funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership which is designed to improve manufacturing efficiency. http://bit.ly/eYD4nf

He signed the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act giving the federal government more tools to investigate and prosecute fraud in every corner of the financial system. It also created a bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to investigate the financial fraud that led to the economic meltdown. http://abcn.ws/g18Fe7

He signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, which was designed to to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive credit card practices. http://1.usa.gov/gIaNcS

He increased infrastructure spending after years of neglect. http://bit.ly/f77aOw

He signed the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, expanding on the Making Home Affordable Program to help millions of Americans avoid preventable foreclosures. The bill also provided $2.2 billion to help combat homelessness, and to stabilize the housing market. http://bit.ly/eEpLFn

Through the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009, he and Congressional Democrats provided tax credits to first-time home buyers, which helped the U.S. housing market recovery. http://bit.ly/dZgXXw http://bit.ly/gORYfL

He initiated a $15 billion plan designed to encourage increased lending to small businesses. http://1.usa.gov/eu0u0b

He created business.gov, which allows for online collaboration between small businesses and experts re managing a business. (The program has since merged with SBA.gov.) http://www.business.gov (http://www.business.gov/)

He played a lead role in getting the G-20 Summit to commit to a $1.1 trillion deal to combat the global financial crisis. http://nyti.ms/gHlgp5

He took steps to improve minority access to capital. http://bit.ly/f9xVE7

He created a $60 billion bank to fund infrastructure improvements such as roads and bridges. http://bit.ly/e1SSaQ

He implemented an auto industry rescue plan, and saved as many as 1 million jobs. http://bit.ly/ibhpxr

Many are of the opinion that he saved the entire auto industry, and even the economy of the entire Midwest. http://bit.ly/gj7mt5

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, he saved at least 300,000 education jobs, such as teachers, principals, librarians, and counselors that would have otherwise been lost. http://1.usa.gov/ez30Dc

He dismantled the Minerals Management Service, thereby moveing forward to cut ties between energy companies and the government. http://nyti.ms/bw1MLu

Provided funding to states and the Department of Homeland Security to save thousands of police and firefighter jobs from being cut during the recession. http://bit.ly/g0IKWR

He used recovered TARP money to fund programs at local housing finance agencies in California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan. http://on.msnbc.com/i1i8eV

Crafted an Executive order establishing the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability to assist in financial education for all Americans. http://bit.ly/eyqsNE

Wall Street Reforms and Consumer Protection

Ordered 65 executives who took bailout money to cut their own pay until they paid back all bailout money. http://huff.to/eAi9Qq

He pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression. http://bit.ly/hWCPg0 http://bit.ly/geHpcD

Dodd-Frank also included the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau http://1.usa.gov/j5onG

He made it so that banks could no longer use YOUR money to invest in high-risk financial instruments that work against their own customers' interests. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

He supported the concept of allowing stockholders to vote on executive compensation. http://bit.ly/fnTay

j (http://bit.ly/fnTayj)He wholly endorsed and supported the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 that would close offshore tax avoidance loopholes. http://bit.ly/esOdfB http://bit.ly/eG4DPM

He made a deal with Swiss banks that permits the US government to gain access to the records of criminals and tax evaders. http://bit.ly/htfDgw

He established a Consumer Protection Financial Bureau designed to protect consumers from financial sector excesses. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

He oversaw and then signed the most sweeping food safety legislation since the Great Depression. http://thedc.com/gxkCtP (http://thedc.com/gxkCtP)

Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination

He advocated for and signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which made it a federal crime to assault anyone based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. http://bit.ly/gsMSJ7

He pushed through, signed and demanded the Pentagon enact a repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy that forced soldiers to lie to fight for their country, and put our troops at risk by disqualifying many qualified soldiers from helping. http://bit.ly/fdahuH http://bit.ly/mZV4Pz

He appointed Kareem Dale as the first ever Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. http://1.usa.gov/fi5IY0

Helped Congress pass and signed the Civil Rights History Act. http://bit.ly/th0JC8

He extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. http://1.usa.gov/g2RLCj

He's appointed more openly gay officials than anyone in history. http://bit.ly/g1lA7D

He issued a Presidential Memorandum reaffirming the rights of gay couples to make medical decisions for each other. http://1.usa.gov/aUueGT

He established a White House Council on Women and Girls http://1.usa.gov/rFfqMM

He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. This was after the GOP blocked the bill in 2007. Only 5 Republican Senators voted for the bill. http://bit.ly/fT3Cxg

Wrote and signed an Executive Order establishing a White House Council on Women and Girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies evaluate the effect of their policies and programs on women and families. http://bit.ly/e1puTk

He expanded funding for the Violence Against Women Act. http://1.usa.gov/dSbI0x

Under his watch, National Labor Relations Board has issued final rules that require all employers to prominently post employees' rights where all employees or prospective employees can see it, including websites and intranets, beginning November 2011. http://1.usa.gov/qu2EhQ

Fighting Poverty

He provided a $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). http://nyti.ms/gfLqyM

He signed an Executive Order that established the White House Office of Urban Affairs. http://wapo.st/eWECA8

Improved Foreign Relations and American Status Abroad

He visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any previous president during his first six months in office. http://bit.ly/hZycda

As he promised, he gave a speech at a major Islamic forum in Cairo early in his administration. http://nyti.ms/dKvY4g (http://nyti.ms/dKvY4g)

He did much to restore America's reputation around the world as a global leader that does the "right thing" in world affairs, at least according to the rest of the world. http://bit.ly/h743y7 http://bit.ly/ho4TCr

He re-established and reinforced our partnership with NATO and other allies on strategic international issues. http://1.usa.gov/e7QuDj

Closed a number of secret detention facilities. http://nyti.ms/rpUc9l

He improved relations with Middle East countries by appointing special envoys. http://1.usa.gov/tiGAGe

He pushed for military to emphasize devlopment of foreign language skills. http://bit.ly/AxUCLV

Offered $400 million to the people living in Gaza, called on both Israel and the Palestinians to stop inciting violence. http://bit.ly/9axfWh

He refused to give Israel the green light to attack Iran over their possible nuclear program. http://bit.ly/xVmSZK

He worked to make donations to Haiti tax deductible in 2009. http://huff.to/6YkAVY

He established a new U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. http://1.usa.gov/eX28DP

Issued Executive Order blocking interference and helping to stabilize Somalia. http://1.usa.gov/hxdf8U

He established new, more reasonable policies in our relations with Cuba, such as allowing Cuban-Americans to visit their families and send money to support them. http://n.pr/hY3Kwa http://nyti.ms/emQBde

He ordered the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. It was Republicans (and a smattering of Democrats) who prevented him from following through. http://bit.ly/eW6CVF

Ordered a review of our detention and interrogation policy, and prohibited the use of torture, or what Bush called "enhanced interrogation." He ordered interrogators to limit their actions to the Army Field manual. http://bit.ly/g6MTuC

He ordered all secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere to be closed. http://bbc.in/h6N9ax

He released the Bush torture memos. http://bit.ly/hWJ5z0

On his second day in office, he signed a detailed Executive Order that banned torture, reversed all Bush torture policies, and put the United States in compliance with the Geneva Convention. http://1.usa.gov/dL6Zve http://nyti.ms/hzWWys

In response to the emerging "Arab Spring," he created a Rapid Response fund, to assist emerging democracies with foreign aid, debt relief, technical assistance and investment packages in order to show that the United States stands with them. http://bit.ly/zfmGv9

Passed the Iran Sanctions Act, to prevent war, and to encourage Iran to give up their nuclear program. http://1.usa.gov/wLtNjb

Ended the Iraq War. http://tgr.ph/ru0tyS

He authorized and oversaw a secret mission by SEAL Team Six to rescue two hostages held by Somali pirates. http://bit.ly/y8c9Fz

05-26-2012, 08:04 PM
I don't assume the purchase of the vehicles is a waste.

I look at the article about miami loosing 300 BRAND NEW CARS......and see waste.

I look at your post about California throwing away medication.......and see waste.

I look at the gov. buying 17 thousand new cars......and see possible waste. Did they really NEED all of them....clearly Miami didn't or they wouldn't have lost so many for so long.

You don't even question the possibility of waste, yet a few posts back you question whether I see the big picture. Alrighty then. We disagree.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:06 PM
Did you put this whole list together all by yourself? If not, you need to give attribution to the real author. ASAP

There are links on every single line and there is a link at the bottom to the website that the list comes from.

Ironically the link says cutthecraptypepad or some such.

I know you're on a mission to get rid of me, Abbey, but today you lose. You don't get to ban me.
I didn't break any rules.

Better luck next time.:laugh:

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:07 PM
I look at the article about miami loosing 300 BRAND NEW CARS......and see waste.

I look at your post about California throwing away medication.......and see waste.

I look at the gov. buying 17 thousand new cars......and see possible waste. Did they really NEED all of them....clearly Miami didn't or they wouldn't have lost so many for so long.

You don't even question the possibility of waste, yet a few posts back you question whether I see the big picture. Alrighty then. We disagree.

I am the one who told you about the medical waste. Don't tell me we disagree. We both agree the government is wasteful. We disagree that one should always assume any purchase in the budget is waste.

05-26-2012, 08:15 PM
I don't assume the purchase of the vehicles is a waste.

Right here you said you don't assume the purchase was a waste. You aren't questioning it.

I look at the article about miami loosing 300 BRAND NEW CARS......and see waste.

I look at your post about California throwing away medication.......and see waste.

I look at the gov. buying 17 thousand new cars......and see possible waste. Did they really NEED all of them....clearly Miami didn't or they wouldn't have lost so many for so long.

You don't even question the possibility of waste, yet a few posts back you question whether I see the big picture. Alrighty then. We disagree.

Right here I stated it was your post

I am the one who told you about the medical waste. Don't tell me we disagree. We both agree the government is wasteful. We disagree that one should always assume any purchase in the budget is waste.

Go back through my posts and show where I said we should ASSUME "any purchase in the budget is a waste". You won't find it.

I have been talking about ONLY the 17thousand cars the gov. bought on a rush order. I posted an article PROVING the gov. lost 300 cars in Miami. I question the hell out of the idea that the government NEEDED all those cars that fast.

I never questioned that they should replace cars when needed with hybrids or any other vehicle.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 08:17 PM
There are links on every single line and there is a link at the bottom to the website that the list comes from.

Ironically the link says cutthecraptypepad or some such.

I know you're on a mission to get rid of me, Abbey, but today you lose. You don't get to ban me.
I didn't break any rules.

Better luck next time.:laugh:

You need to separate your link from the last one. Unless you look really close, it looks like its part of the link for the last sentence. Would that be too hard for you?

05-26-2012, 08:21 PM
There are links on every single line and there is a link at the bottom to the website that the list comes from.

Ironically the link says cutthecraptypepad or some such.

I know you're on a mission to get rid of me, Abbey, but today you lose. You don't get to ban me.
I didn't break any rules.

Better luck next time.:laugh:

The bold portion, the explanation, would have been sufficient in this post. There is no need for accusations and your drama. Your link was placed in a manner that it was missed, but it is in fact there, so no big deal. But stop with the accusations about staff trying to drive members away. I'm not dealing with this daily. Obviously, if it were true, you'd be gone, as we could drive you away with the click of a button. So seriously, drop the accusations when staff asks you questions or asks for links. If you can't answer without lame an baseless accusations, we will just remove you from the threads where you do make the baseless accusations.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:32 PM
You need to separate your link from the last one. Unless you look really close, it looks like its part of the link for the last sentence. Would that be too hard for you?

Would it be too hard for you to leave it how it is. The link is there. I did nothing wrong. We can edit posts just so long here.

Would it be so hard for you to admit you misjudged me?

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:34 PM
The bold portion, the explanation, would have been sufficient in this post. There is no need for accusations and your drama. Your link was placed in a manner that it was missed, but it is in fact there, so no big deal. But stop with the accusations about staff trying to drive members away. I'm not dealing with this daily. Obviously, if it were true, you'd be gone, as we could drive you away with the click of a button. So seriously, drop the accusations when staff asks you questions or asks for links. If you can't answer without lame an baseless accusations, we will just remove you from the threads where you do make the baseless accusations.
Works for me. Do what you will. Just stop with the threats. I don't do well with threats.

If you don't want me to post on your forum press a button and I'm gone. I won't stay where I'm not welcome. I've said that from the start.

05-26-2012, 08:38 PM
Works for me. Do what you will. Just stop with the threats. If you don't want me to post here anymore press a button and I'm gone.

That's not a "threat", its telling you to stop making unfounded accusations against staff members and questioning decisions - aka, asking you to abide by the rules that everyone else does. Just stop making the accusations, very simple.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:43 PM
That's not a "threat", its telling you to stop making unfounded accusations against staff members and questioning decisions - aka, asking you to abide by the rules that everyone else does. Just stop making the accusations, very simple.

How about you get off my ass for once?

My OP is FULL of links on every line in addition to the link for the webpage. Abbey made a mistake assuming I wasn't crediting my source when the absolute opposite was true.

That OP has more link than any other post I've ever seen here.

05-26-2012, 08:46 PM
How about you get off my ass for one day?

My OP is FULL of link on every line in addition to the link for the webpage.

I'm not going to ignore you when you make unfounded accusations about staff. Don't do so and you won't hear from me. Don't make it somehow my fault that you are doing this stuff. Just stop arguing and follow the rules and stop with the accusations. That's not getting on your ass, it's telling you that what you did was wrong, against the rules & asking that you don't repeat the behavior. End of discussion, I'm not dealing with this every time I ask you to stop doing something, it's not up for debate.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 08:46 PM
Would it be too hard for you to leave it how it is. The link is there. I did nothing wrong. We can edit posts just so long here.

Would it be so hard for you to admit you misjudged me?

I didn't misjudge anything. The link is practically hidden. If you can't edit the post anymore, I will separate it for you.

I expect that you will do a better job next time.

05-26-2012, 08:48 PM
Everyone likes to take a big fat dump on the President.

You do realize that this man has f**ked our entire country? The debt has shot up WAAAY too much. he's added more then bush ever did, and don't give me that bull crap that you have to spend money to make money. (that's a starting a business), you need to save money to have your money grow.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 08:52 PM
How about you get off my ass for once?

My OP is FULL of links on every line in addition to the link for the webpage. Abbey made a mistake assuming I wasn't crediting my source when the absolute opposite was true.

That OP has more link than any other post I've ever seen here.

Enough already. I don't care if you had 4,000 links to the "data" contained within the article. I want you to credit the source of the article itself. You apparently did so, but after two passes, I didn't notice it. All you had to do was tell me where it was.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:55 PM
I'm not going to ignore you when you make unfounded accusations about staff. Don't do so and you won't hear from me. Don't make it somehow my fault that you are doing this stuff. Just stop arguing and follow the rules and stop with the accusations. That's not getting on your ass, it's telling you that what you did was wrong, against the rules & asking that you don't repeat the behavior. End of discussion, I'm not dealing with this every time I ask you to stop doing something, it's not up for debate.

First of all, I didn't break a rule. I posted the link to the source. Because there were so many links in the article I had to manually insert spaces for every sentence. That Abbey didn't see the link clearly wasn't my fault.

Please point to the rule that says there must be space ahead and space behind any link to sources.

From now on, I would appreciate it if you don't answer my topic posts. I need some space from you. I will ignore your posts from now on too.

I have NOT broken any rules today.

05-26-2012, 08:57 PM
First of all, I didn't break a rule. I posted the link to the source. Because there were so many links I had to manually insert spaces for every sentence.

Please point to the rule that says there must be space ahead and space behind any links.

You are on my ass about a rule that I didn't break.

I'm talking about your accusations about staff and complaints. This has nothing to do with the links. Are you even reading what I'm typing? STOP MAKING UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS ABOUT STAFF. /end now, just stop

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 08:58 PM
First of all, I didn't break a rule. I posted the link to the source. Because there were so many links in the article I had to manually insert spaces for every sentence. That Abbey didn't see the link clearly wasn't my fault.

Please point to the rule that says there must be space ahead and space behind any link to sources.

From now on, I would appreciate it if you don't answer my posts and I will ignore yours too.

No, he's on your ass about your incessant accusations towards me and other staff.

I'm on your ass about a rule you didn't *technically* break.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 08:59 PM
Enough already. I don't care if you had 4,000 links to the "data" contained within the article. I want you to credit the source of the article itself. You apparently did so, but after two passes, I didn't notice it. All you had to do was tell me where it was.

I told you where the link was, and that wasn't enough for you. I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge that I didn't break any rule and that you are in fact on my case for nothing related to rules.


05-26-2012, 08:59 PM
The bold portion, the explanation, would have been sufficient in this post. There is no need for accusations and your drama. Your link was placed in a manner that it was missed, but it is in fact there, so no big deal. But stop with the accusations about staff trying to drive members away. I'm not dealing with this daily. Obviously, if it were true, you'd be gone, as we could drive you away with the click of a button. So seriously, drop the accusations when staff asks you questions or asks for links. If you can't answer without lame an baseless accusations, we will just remove you from the threads where you do make the baseless accusations.

That's not a "threat", its telling you to stop making unfounded accusations against staff members and questioning decisions - aka, asking you to abide by the rules that everyone else does. Just stop making the accusations, very simple.

I'm not going to ignore you when you make unfounded accusations about staff. Don't do so and you won't hear from me. Don't make it somehow my fault that you are doing this stuff. Just stop arguing and follow the rules and stop with the accusations. That's not getting on your ass, it's telling you that what you did was wrong, against the rules & asking that you don't repeat the behavior. End of discussion, I'm not dealing with this every time I ask you to stop doing something, it's not up for debate.

How ANYONE cannot see I was talking about accusations, and NOTHING about links in a post, is completely beyond me.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 09:01 PM
How ANYONE cannot see I was talking about accusations, and NOTHING about links in a post, is completely beyond me.

It's the sound of one member complaining... :rolleyes:

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 09:02 PM
You're correcting and over correcting me about something that I didn't do. I posted a link. End of story.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2012, 09:02 PM
I told you where the link was, and that wasn't enough for you. I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge that I didn't break any rule and that you are in fact on my case for nothing related to rules.


I am very close to giving you some time off, dearie.

Wind Song
05-26-2012, 09:04 PM
I am very close to giving you some time off, dearie.


05-26-2012, 09:06 PM
I am very close to giving you some time off, dearie.

She's out of this thread, that's one way to end the arguing!

05-26-2012, 09:24 PM
Woo? Two whole hostages?

Wow! Good job tackling that wall of words. Pretty impressive. Thanks for bringing up the issue with Fannie and Freddie...and others...too many to list.

05-26-2012, 09:37 PM
Wow! Good job tackling that wall of words. Pretty impressive. Thanks for bringing up the issue with Fannie and Freddie...and others...too many to list.

lol, yeah, that was fun. Got to watch an entire movie while working on that.

05-26-2012, 09:39 PM
lol, yeah, that was fun. Got to watch an entire movie while working on that.

What movie was that?

05-26-2012, 09:41 PM
What movie was that?

Relative Strangers, about 1.5 hours, and I was working both before and after it.

05-26-2012, 09:50 PM
Relative Strangers, about 1.5 hours, and I was working both before and after it.

That's dedication :thumb:

As for the movie.

I've never heard of it, so I looked it up. Sounds interesting, and has some pretty familiar names in it. Is it worth renting?


05-26-2012, 09:58 PM
That's dedication :thumb:

As for the movie.

I've never heard of it, so I looked it up. Sounds interesting, and has some pretty familiar names in it. Is it worth renting?


Yreah, it was decently funny.

05-26-2012, 11:06 PM
Everyone likes to take a big fat dump on the President.

And, this very same quote has probably been repeated about every single president since Washington. Why does it bother you so much that it's happening to the current president. Why should he be treated any differently?

05-26-2012, 11:08 PM
I just randomly chose one of the accomplishments you listed.

He improved relations with Middle East countries by appointing special envoys. http://1.usa.gov/tiGAGe

What makes you think every other president has not improved relations with foreign countries by doing this every same thing? Why should Obama get credit for doing what all presidents have done?

Aeryn Sun
05-26-2012, 11:29 PM
Good one!


05-27-2012, 12:13 AM
I find it sad that people fall for the rhetoric and twisting of words/accomplishments. It doesn't take an Einstein to see what has happened to unemployment, 5 trillion debt, gas prices, bailouts, failed wars (and an addition, after the left cried, but they don't cry when O does so). Then his crap about not raising taxes, and standing on the fence about gay marriage, the joining but refusing to do anything about it. Yup, some people will believe about anything that is written, so long as it's about the (D) after the name.

Punching bag? Only for the facts, for what he has failed at, and failed miserably. And these facts would be criticized if it was a (R) in office, like the many here that complained about GWB's spending and other economical issues/decisions. It's not about a punching bag, but about pointing out failures and "hope" that perhaps these things can be fixed.

Got another 'copy & paste' problem with no attribution:


05-27-2012, 01:12 AM
Got another 'copy & paste' problem with no attribution:


From the Common Sense Progressive Politics??? And she thinks Fox News is biased and then has the nerve to quote something like this as if it is the gospel and expects us to believe it's not biased. Go figure.

05-27-2012, 08:40 AM
Good one!


Who is that in your avatar? Something about her I like...

Aeryn Sun
05-27-2012, 02:14 PM
Claudia Black. From Farscape.

05-28-2012, 05:59 AM
When you're having a bad day, blame the President.

Wind Song, I want Pres Obama to get credit for eveyrhting he has accomplioshed

Here are few things I hope voters will remember as they head to the polls in November

Since Pres Obama has taken office:

1) gas prices have doubled

2) about 2 milion jobs have been lost

3) If the same number of people were woking now as ther was when Pres Obama took office - the unemployment rate would be about 11%

4) $5 1/2 triliion has been added to the national debt

5) The annual premiums for health insurance are up about 24% thanks to Obamacare (and many employers are considering NOT offering this benfit any longer thaks to Obamacare as well)

6) We now have a record number of people on food stamps

7) There has been a huge increase in the nuber of personal and business bankruptices in the Obama economy

8) The US credit rating was downgraded under Pres Obama

9) Trillions wasted for Pre Obama's so called "stimulus" plan, Cash for Clunkers, "green" energy ideas, and other "economic" programs that have done nothing except add to the nations debt

10) While Obama complains about Mitt Romney putting people out of work while he was at Bain Capital - noone mentions all the jobs lost when Pres Obama bailed out the auto companies. (and the BILLONS us taxpayers are on the hook for) Rememebr all the dealerships that were closed that put thousands of people out of work Wind Song?

Yes, these are only a few of the things I want to give Pres Obama credit for Wind Song.

Now will you step up and dicuss these Wind Song, or will you go into an emotonal diatribe and post how I am consumed with "hate" for Pres Obama?

05-28-2012, 07:18 AM
When you're having a bad day, blame the President.

Tell me Wind Song, is this the way you are going to ask the voters to give Pres Obama a second term?

If you don't support, point out the failures of his policies, and not vote for Obama you are "dumping" on him?

Is this how liberals now define LEADERSHIP? Pass the buck and make excuses?

Are you now going to tag me as a hater, and a racist for asking these questions?

05-31-2012, 12:27 PM
More documented accomplishments at link.

Would you care to separate those into what were good, what were bad, what merely happened while he was POTUS, and what are merely fluff?

I saw an "achievement" on obamaachievements.com which claimed credit for the jail population decreasing for the first time in a long time. The period ended in June 2009 and was the result of a trend starting in 2005. I couldn't get a progressive to acknowledge that BO is not due the credit for that particular "result."

05-31-2012, 12:31 PM
I've left a TON of well documented evidence of President Obama's accomplishments over the last four years.

Is it an accomplishment when his policies lead to an under-performance of the economy?


05-31-2012, 12:44 PM
Tell me Wind Song, is this the way you are going to ask the voters to give Pres Obama a second term?

If you don't support, point out the failures of his policies, and not vote for Obama you are "dumping" on him?

Is this how liberals now define LEADERSHIP? Pass the buck and make excuses?

Are you now going to tag me as a hater, and a racist for asking these questions?

This looks like a fine time to point out that republicans don't need excuses.
Besides, Obama has helped. he helped make us look even more awesome!

Aeryn Sun
05-31-2012, 01:10 PM
I would wait for Christmas but hopefully Obama will be gone before then. I want one now!



05-31-2012, 03:04 PM
If you watch/listen to Pre Obama this will come in handy during or after the speech


05-31-2012, 04:53 PM
I voted for Obama, enthusiastically. I truly wished to believe in his message of changing the way things are done. I have been vastly disappointed. The bottom line for me is, "am I better or worse off". All voters need to ask themselves that one question. The answer is worse. Things were bad under Bush and worse now. I work and never seem able to get out from under. V4R works 2 or 3 jobs at a time and sometimes 3 weeks in a row without a day off and we struggle in this economy. I am lucky I now have insurance through my work. I could never have afforded to purchase a policy under the Health Care act. I can't bring myself to support Romney. I still don't know if I can vote for Obama again. I find myself fervently wishing for a better choice and wondering why party politics as we now have it cannot give the public a candidate who will do the job he/she signs up for. This is not about bashing the president. It is about demanding that our politicians respect the people they work for - the American voter.

05-31-2012, 04:57 PM
I voted for Obama, enthusiastically. I truly wished to believe in his message of changing the way things are done. I have been vastly disappointed. The bottom line for me is, "am I better or worse off". All voters need to ask themselves that one question. The answer is worse. Things were bad under Bush and worse now. I work and never seem able to get out from under. V4R works 2 or 3 jobs at a time and sometimes 3 weeks in a row without a day off and we struggle in this economy. I am lucky I now have insurance through my work. I could never have afforded to purchase a policy under the Health Care act. I can't bring myself to support Romney. I still don't know if I can vote for Obama again. I find myself fervently wishing for a better choice and wondering why party politics as we now have it cannot give the public a candidate who will do the job he/she signs up for. This is not about bashing the president. It is about demanding that our politicians respect the people they work for - the American voter.

What specifics did candidate Obama ever offer? he spoon fed you bumper sticker slogans and conned oyu into thinking he was the Messiah

Mitt at least has a record in the private sector and has put people to work in the private sector

Bottom line is - Obama is toast as the jobs outlook will start to probably get worse as the economy slows even more

If things are tight for you now - I do hope you and your family will get by as Obama's policies play out to their end

05-31-2012, 05:10 PM
What specifics did candidate Obama ever offer? he spoon fed you bumper sticker slogans and conned oyu into thinking he was the Messiah

Mitt at least has a record in the private sector and has put people to work in the private sector

Bottom line is - Obama is toast as the jobs outlook will start to probably get worse as the economy slows even more

If things are tight for you now - I do hope you and your family will get by as Obama's policies play out to their end

Oh, he made promises that Jesus would have had a time with, let's be honest.

Not everyone behind Romney, not even I am. The reason for this is simple: I just can't trust a man who has flipped on every major issue in the last two years. If you can hold a debate with yourself from two years ago, you're not cut out for the Oval Office.

Now, could you stop slamming the people who are starting to wake up to the problem? she was actually talking about the realization that all that "hope and change" hasn't exactly worked out.

05-31-2012, 05:16 PM
I find it equally sad, that when provided with a MASSIVE and welll documented list of the President's accomplishments over the last four years, all the opposition can do is ignore it.

That's the problem with this forum. It's overwhelmingly the same people high fiving each other while they whine and complain with no voice to oppose them.

Keep DP stable in its RW lean.

Wind Song. What accomplishments? Rattling off a long list of what YOU call accomplishments are all based on Obama's, and the Dem's drive, and need to destroy this nation by making it a totally government dependent population.
If you honestly can't see where Obama lies, and lies, and lies. Do what you do best, and vote for him in November. It's your right to be uninformed. The constitution gives you that right.

05-31-2012, 05:24 PM
Dragonstryk, thank you for the understanding. It is a hard thing for anyone to acknowledge an error in judgement. But the first step to finding a way out is to admit the error. I have always been a liberal-minded lady and a registered Democrat. I have never entirely bought the party line and I hope I never do. I prefer to think for myself. At the moment i am still trying to see where I can cast an honest vote for a candidate that will be the best for the country, not just the lesser of two evils.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-31-2012, 07:32 PM
Dragonstryk, thank you for the understanding. It is a hard thing for anyone to acknowledge an error in judgement. But the first step to finding a way out is to admit the error. I have always been a liberal-minded lady and a registered Democrat. I have never entirely bought the party line and I hope I never do. I prefer to think for myself. At the moment i am still trying to see where I can cast an honest vote for a candidate that will be the best for the country, not just the lesser of two evils.

Voting for the best man to lead this country is always a great policy to follow. I give ya a big bravo for that!
Just consider that obama has put us over 5 trillion deeper into debt, we have higher unemployment, less chance of advancement and still he grabs more power for the Federal government every chance he gets! I may not live long enough to be a slave here in my own country but if he is not stopped my kids and grandkids will! My friend thats not fear but rather an admission of a rapidly approaching reality.
In short, the guy is about as far from what the Founders would have wanted in the highest office of the land as possibly ever could be!
No way around it, more power for the federal government always means great restrictions on our freedoms!
Myself, I say firmly--Enough of that rot!!!!! I hope you agree that at least we need a change, any change from him will be a move for the better...--Tyr

05-31-2012, 09:27 PM
Oh, he made promises that Jesus would have had a time with, let's be honest.

Not everyone behind Romney, not even I am. The reason for this is simple: I just can't trust a man who has flipped on every major issue in the last two years. If you can hold a debate with yourself from two years ago, you're not cut out for the Oval Office.

Now, could you stop slamming the people who are starting to wake up to the problem? she was actually talking about the realization that all that "hope and change" hasn't exactly worked out.

Looks like most everyone here on DP generally agree's about how Obama's pre-election promises, and even those after his election; managed to fool a large portion of our population. But now. Those who fell for those promises just aren't smart enough, or willing to admit Obama took them to the Woodshed back in 2008.
So we have to do our best to help those....WHO OBVIOUSLY are not smart enough to help themselves. Not to make the same mistake TWICE in November.
Problem is. The Dems and Obama will soon be reverting back to their cries of Racism, and Treason about people like me again.
And we all know how well the Dems...think that works.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-31-2012, 09:43 PM
Looks like most everyone here on DP generally agree's about how Obama's pre-election promises, and even those after his election; managed to fool a large portion of our population. But now. Those who fell for those promises just aren't smart enough, or willing to admit Obama took them to the Woodshed back in 2008.
So we have to do our best to help those....WHO OBVIOUSLY are not smart enough to help themselves. Not to make the same mistake TWICE in November.
Problem is. The Dems and Obama will soon be reverting back to their cries of Racism, and Treason about people like me again.
And we all know how well the Dems...think that works.

That big eared foooooooool going down.
Down to the unemployment line my man!
Say it loud, say it proud

Hey, really he will be out of a job but not soon enough for all the people hurting so bad because of his socialism and treason! Most of them needed his dismissal a couple years back!--Tyr