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View Full Version : Lesbian Couple Charged With Staging Hate Crime

05-28-2012, 12:55 PM
Now gays are forced to fake hate crimes so they can attract attention to themselves? Police and the FBI have to waste time and resources to investigate this crap while the gays cry and whine how they were "victims"

Lesbian Couple Charged With Staging Hate Crime

A lesbian couple who claimed they were victims of a hate crime have been arrested after police determined they staged the incidents.

On Oct. 28, Aimee Whitchurch, 37, and Christel Conklin, 29, called police and reported the words “Kill the Gay” were scrawled in red spray paint on the garage door of their Parker, Colo., home.

The next day, the couple told deputies they found a noose hanging on the handle of their front door.

The women told officers they believed the incidents were retaliation from their neighbors and homeowner’s association, who had complained the couple did not pick up after their dogs.

Due to the nature of the crimes, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office worked in tandem with the FBI to investigate. After reviewing witness statements, authorities determined Whitchurch and Conklin had staged the incidents.

Both women are charged with criminal mischief and false reporting. Whitchurch faces an additional charge of forgery.


05-28-2012, 05:52 PM
Now gays are forced to fake hate crimes so they can attract attention to themselves? Police and the FBI have to waste time and resources to investigate this crap while the gays cry and whine how they were "victims"

I think in a case like this that the fact that they are idiots is what made them make this shit up, not the fact that they are lesbians.

05-28-2012, 05:55 PM
I think in a case like this that the fact that they are idiots is what made them make this shit up, not the fact that they are lesbians.

Depends on whether you are trying to bait lesbians or not.

05-28-2012, 06:15 PM
Depends on whether you are trying to bait lesbians or not.

That's a fair point.

05-28-2012, 06:46 PM
Can't trust dem lesbeens!

05-28-2012, 06:50 PM
Idiots, i hope they treasure their time behind bars.

05-28-2012, 08:14 PM
This is the extent some will goto to escape the purview of HOA; buyer beware!

05-28-2012, 08:25 PM
Depends on whether you are trying to bait lesbians or not.

Bait them how?

By this couple trying to gain public sympathy,and baiting the gay community into rallying around their fraudulent cause? Or do you mean that the mean ol HOA baited them into perpetrating a fraud on the police department because of the emotional stress of having to pick up after their dogs?

05-28-2012, 08:35 PM
Idiots, i hope they treasure their time behind bars.

No felonies, they won't do time. However, they will have a criminal record unless they are smart enough to request and get diversion.

Nell's Room
05-29-2012, 02:33 AM
They should be jailed, first and foremost, and made to pay costs to make up for the time the police spent on their case.
They have made it harder for genuine victims of hate crimes to speak out. This reminds me the black guy who hung a noose around a doll and everyone thought it was a white guy, but it was the black dude who simply wanted attention. Its sick.
People are genuine victims of hate crimes everyday, gay people get beaten simply for being different, and these two scumbags come along and pretend to be victims, when they are playing everyone for fools. It makes my stomach churn.

05-29-2012, 06:47 AM
They should be jailed, first and foremost, and made to pay costs to make up for the time the police spent on their case.
They have made it harder for genuine victims of hate crimes to speak out. This reminds me the black guy who hung a noose around a doll and everyone thought it was a white guy, but it was the black dude who simply wanted attention. Its sick.
People are genuine victims of hate crimes everyday, gay people get beaten simply for being different, and these two scumbags come along and pretend to be victims, when they are playing everyone for fools. It makes my stomach churn.

I'm against hate crime laws. Why is it less of a crime to beat a straight white male?

Nell's Room
05-29-2012, 11:18 PM
I'm against hate crime laws. Why is it less of a crime to beat a straight white male?

It depends on the intent behind the attack. If a gay man is targeted simply because he was gay, that is a hate crime. Likewise, if your straight, white male was attacked simply because he happened to be white, and heterosexual, and there was evidence to back that up, it would (or should) also be classed as a hate crime.

Its not the actual crime, per say, its the intent behind the crime - the motive.

05-31-2012, 12:00 AM
This story has been out for a while. They are stupid. Doesnt really help the gay cause. It's a shame. But I am not going to pretend this means something for every gay person.