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View Full Version : Choices That Matter

05-22-2007, 10:55 AM
Apparantly, D.C. loves the new school choice system. Lots of bright kids are finally getting a decent education. Parents are getting involved with the schools, since they now feel they are having an impact. However, when the bill was passed that allowed this, it only narrowly won, with only 4 Democrats voting for it, meaning that when it's up for renewal, it may be in trouble. Opponents of this system claim that allowing people to choose their schools moves schools toward privatization, which will put education out of reach for everyone but the [evil] rich. How then, do they explain that the biggest proponents of the bill and the ones who are most served by it have an average annual household income of just over $21K for a family of four?


Well, I can tell you why. School choice means teachers have to compete for their jobs and schools have to compete for their customers, and the unions don't like that, which means that those who get campaign funding from unions (Democrats) have to oppose this bill or get cut off.