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View Full Version : Artur Davis switches to GOP

05-30-2012, 03:40 PM


05-30-2012, 06:05 PM
Just saw this a little while ago.

The closer Nov. gets the more optimistic I become

05-30-2012, 07:41 PM
How many times have we seen this kind of thing happen?
Funny how it seems, more Libs do the conversion to Conservative, than the other way around.
Let's not forget how UNSUCCESSFUL Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania was...switching to Dem before the 2008 election cycle.
If this man Davis knows what's good for him. He probably knows his political future would be at risk if he remained on the 'D' side.
But then. I must warn everyone to BEWARE of Wolves in Conservative Clothing this close to the election.
He may change his party. But that doesn't always mean he will vote against his FORMER teammates on the Left.
Obama has created a highly Distrustful bunch who will do ANYTHING to keep him in power long enough to create the full MONTY...called the Socialist States of America.

IN OTHER WORDS....As Reagan always said: "Trust, but Verify."

05-31-2012, 12:07 AM
He's not the only one:


The defection of a prominent Pennsylvania Democrat to the Republican Party is raising some eyebrows.
Jo Ann Nardelli, a state committeewoman and founding president of the Blair County Federation of Democratic Women, has switched her political affiliation to the GOP, citing her Catholic faith and President Obama’s embrace of gay marriage as reasons.

During a press conference last week, Nardelli cited President Obama’s recent announcement in support of gay marriage as a central reason for her defection, endorsed Mitt Romney for president and changed her party registration to Republican, The Altoona Mirror reported.

“As the Democratic Party has taken the stand for same-sex marriage, then I must make a stand on my faith that marriage is between a man and a woman. God’s principles for life never change. His guidelines, given in Scripture, produce fruitful lives when you follow them,” Nardelli, a pro-life Democrat for more than 40 years, said at the Blair County Courthouse.
According to Politics PA, Nardelli continued to point to her Catholic faith as a major motivator in her letter of resignation to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.

“I respect all of you and all that I have achieved in the past. Due to personal matters and faith beliefs at this time, it is only fair to resign,” she wrote. “I will miss you all very much as you are all a part of my family; however, it is time to move forward with my life in a direction that is more in line with my faith.”