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View Full Version : The more polls there are, the farther ahead WI Gov. Walker gets

05-31-2012, 12:13 PM
The more polls get taken, the more votes there are to keep Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in office. And the more people there are in each poll, the wider the margin gets.

Looks like the massive out-of-state funding from Democrats, labor unions, etc., are coming to nought.

Ever since the agenda of the Democrats has been exposed to light following the 2008 elections, their star has waned. More and more people are turning against them, and voting Democrats out of office in record numbers.

It looks like the Wisconsin recall election, which Democrat had bragged would be a referendum on the policy of curtailing public-sector unions and reducing their almost-dictatorial power, will be exactly that. And the people of Wisconsin are speaking: They don't want the powerful unions to run wild as they did before Walker's election, and they much prefer the restrictions Walker has placed on them, making them pay a small fraction of the costs of their lavish health care and retirement benefits, and limiting some of their bargaining power for those benefits.

Democrats got a spectacular "thumpin" (to quote a recent President) in the 2010 mid-term elections. Now they are poised to receive a similar drubbing next Tuesday (see chart below). The Democrat national Committee has given up, and has withdrawn all funding from the Democrat recall effort in Wisconsin.

And then will come the 2012 Presidential election in November.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/governor/wi/wisconsin_governor_recall_election_walker_vs_barre tt-3056.html#polls

05-31-2012, 01:20 PM
In the WeAskAmerica poll, every deomgraphic they asked, came out in favor of Gov. Walker except families that had public-sector union employees... and even those came out nearly even (47% - 50%).


And that came out just last week.

Stick a fork in the Democrats.

05-31-2012, 03:27 PM
and as the polls come out - the panic level in the PMSNBC "newsroom" increases

PMSNBC is now begging liberals to go vote on Tuesday


05-31-2012, 03:58 PM
and as the polls come out - the panic level in the PMSNBC "newsroom" increases

PMSNBC is now begging liberals to go vote on Tuesday


Thank you, Ed Schult! All 300 of your whacky minions are going to follow the failure on Tuesday next!

05-31-2012, 04:00 PM
Thank you, Ed Schult! All 300 of your whacky minions are going to follow the failure on Tuesday next!


When did Ed's show spike in the ratings?

Heck, when did PMSNBC see an increase in their ratings?

05-31-2012, 08:43 PM

When did Ed's show spike in the ratings?

Heck, when did PMSNBC see an increase in their ratings?

As was once said about a USSC nominee "mediocre people deserve representation too"; with Walker, slimy, dirtbags have a man to represent THEM. :laugh:

06-01-2012, 09:04 AM
As was once said about a USSC nominee "mediocre people deserve representation too"; with Walker, slimy, dirtbags have a man to represent THEM. :laugh:

So that includes the majority of WI? Thanks for the post-and-run.

In the WeAskAmerica poll, every deomgraphic they asked, came out in favor of Gov. Walker except families that had public-sector union employees... and even those came out nearly even (47% - 50%).
