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View Full Version : WI poll taken Sun. June 3, 1570 likely voters: Walker ahead by 12%

06-04-2012, 07:53 PM
If it were a Presidential election, this would be called a landslide.

Stick a fork in the Demmies. The country is rejecting them in election after election.


06-05-2012, 12:17 AM
Let's wait for the results before we start celebrating. And even then, we need to remain humble.

06-05-2012, 12:22 AM

June 4, 2012 Intrade Has Walker’s Chances over 90%; NY Times in Panic Mode

Even The New York Times has thrown in the towel on the Wisconsin recall.

With an Intrade poll citing Walker’s chances of winning (http://www.intrade.com/v4/markets/contract/?contractId=759686) the Wisconsin recall at more than 93%, The New York Times is entering into full-blown panic mode (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/04/us/politics/walker-recall-battle-may-hurt-obama.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1) over what this election could mean for Obama’s chances this November:

A Republican resurgence here, which has burst into full view as the party determinedly defends its sitting governor in a rare recall election, is spilling into the presidential race. The result is poised to shape the general election fight between Mr. Obama and Mitt Romney, who intends to add Wisconsin to his list of targeted states.

After valiantly trying to shield (http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2012/05/25/nyt-sticks-head-in-its-shell/) its readers from Walker’s lead, The New York Times is now doing its best to spare them the full horror of what is occurring in Wisconsin. The progressive left pulled out all the stops: unions, rage, “community organizers,” demonstrations, and name calling were supposed to make Wisconsin the front line for the progressive “fightback.” In a state that hasn’t been carried by a Republican since Reagan in 1984, Democrats thought this strategy couldn’t fail.

At Via Meadia, we will wait for the actual votes before we call the election. Polls have been wrong and Intrade has been wrong. Surprises do happen.

But going by the polls and the odds on election eve, the Democratic strategy in Wisconsin has been one disaster and misfire after another. Special election after special election, defeat after defeat. The latest polls we’ve seen show that only 12 percent of the voters think that restoring collective bargaining rights to the public sector unions is their top priority...

06-05-2012, 12:25 AM
Lets just make sure we get out the vote.

06-05-2012, 03:02 AM
First off, I have to take issue with the title's punctuation--it looks like the poll was taken June 3,1570. a bit dated :laugh:

Lets just make sure we get out the vote.

Several times I've volunteered for the local Republicans doing 'get out the vote'; I think it dispels that feeling of 'one vote doesn't count' because I got more people to vote-- awesome feeling.

06-05-2012, 05:23 AM
That poll likely didn't cover the dead and felons who are voting against the republican