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View Full Version : Police to investigate Walker death threats

06-07-2012, 03:12 AM
Another example of the civility the left has been calling for?

The Milwaukee Police Department and Wisconsin’s Department of Justice are investigating death threats made against Gov. Scott Walker in the wake of his recall election victory, according to WISN-TV.

Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anna Schwarz said the department is investigating the threats alongside the state Justice Department’s criminal investigation division.

“People can not assume anonymity via social media while they are issuing a threat to another’s safety or life,” Schwartz said in a statement.

Twitchy.com chronicled more than two dozen threats made on Twitter against the Republican governor and his family. Among them: “Scott walker will die within the next week ive already payed for the hit” and “If I ever see anybody of the Walker family on the street, ima pop they ass.”


06-07-2012, 06:57 AM
because no one on the right of the political spectrum ever send death threats...

these people are idiots, putting them into left and right boxes for political points only make idiots of others.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2012, 07:43 AM
because no one on the right of the political spectrum ever send death threats...

these people are idiots, putting them into left and right boxes for political points only make idiots of others.

Sure. Reminds me of the ever so quick and false --"white hispanic "-- box tossed out there in order to play the race card and stir up racial hatred. Say did you condemn that too????--Tyr

06-07-2012, 08:02 AM
Sure. Reminds me of the ever so quick and false --"white hispanic "-- box tossed out there in order to play the race card and stir up racial hatred. Say did you condemn that too????--Tyr

Have no idea what the 'white hispanic' thing is/was.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2012, 08:19 AM
Have no idea what the 'white hispanic' thing is/was.

So you have no knowledge of the George Zimmerman trial and Trayvon death incident?

06-07-2012, 08:25 AM
So you have no knowledge of the George Zimmerman trial and Trayvon death incident?

I have knowledge of it, but like i said, no idea what 'white hispanic' is in relation to.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2012, 09:18 AM
I have knowledge of it, but like i said, no idea what 'white hispanic' is in relation to.

"white hispanic" was how the media described Zimmerman so they could better play the race card. The shooter Zimmerman was falsely labelled as "white" so the race card could be played from the very start. The media here wanted to stir up racial hatred. I find it hard to believe that you could have followed this case with even a cursory interest and not know this. Of course its possible if one doesnt read/follow other more reliable news sources than leftist/socialist and democratic loving /lying sources. I've found that its best to read from both sides here. That way one has at least a ideal where to start to unravel the lies.
The term-"white hispanic"- was made up to build a box so to speak, a box that put Zimmerman into the cursed white prejudice group and lend greater credence that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon simply because Trayvon was black.
The truth came out about the term "white hispanic" only after the racial crap was spread and they were stirred up as was it's intended purpose. This has long been the mainstream leftist media's way of operating. In fact we still have many blacks refusing to admit the truth about "white hispanic" and refusing to admit that Zimmerman isn't white..
Such is the lasting power of deliberate lying propaganda..-Tyr

06-07-2012, 09:43 AM
I have knowledge of it, but like i said, no idea what 'white hispanic' is in relation to.

A clearly black kid was shot by a clearly hispanic man. Of course it's been described as a WHITE hispanic man ever since. Yes, he's mixed, but there's little doubt that this was a way of raising the furor, sell more papers & make for good news. No one identifies in that manner, it's generally one or the other, unless you want to create anger and sell more, then add the white.

06-07-2012, 12:05 PM
As a real White Hispanic, I am offended by the whole affair.
Well, not really, I just wanted to chime in for no good reason because I'm a White Hispanic :p

06-07-2012, 12:33 PM
Another example of the civility the left has been calling for?

Hilary Clinton death threats


BillOReilly.com: "If [Hillary] wins... my guns are loaded"


Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.

But of course, none of those could be against liberal policies, now could they?

06-07-2012, 12:44 PM
"white hispanic" was how the media described Zimmerman so they could better play the race card. The shooter Zimmerman was falsely labelled as "white" so the race card could be played from the very start. The media here wanted to stir up racial hatred. I find it hard to believe that you could have followed this case with even a cursory interest and not know this. Of course its possible if one doesnt read/follow other more reliable news sources than leftist/socialist and democratic loving /lying sources. I've found that its best to read from both sides here. That way one has at least a ideal where to start to unravel the lies.
The term-"white hispanic"- was made up to build a box so to speak, a box that put Zimmerman into the cursed white prejudice group and lend greater credence that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon simply because Trayvon was black.
The truth came out about the term "white hispanic" only after the racial crap was spread and they were stirred up as was it's intended purpose. This has long been the mainstream leftist media's way of operating. In fact we still have many blacks refusing to admit the truth about "white hispanic" and refusing to admit that Zimmerman isn't white..
Such is the lasting power of deliberate lying propaganda..-Tyr

He's in the UK, Tyr. Not exactly a hotspot for the hispanic community. He'd have as much clue of that as he would about deep fried twinkies.

For an example of a White Hispanic, Cameron Diaz is one. They look white, due to mixed race, but are in fact, hispanic. Over here, the term has become used in an odd manner, with people going "HE'S WHITE" or "HE'S HISPANIC" based on how the mood/political advantage suits them. When media centers saw the last name Zimmerman, they didn't bother with fact checking, and just ran with the racial aspects of white on black crime. Where they really did go over the edge was when the media actually edited the call to 911 to make it sounds like Zimmerman had said, "He looks suspicious. He looks black."

Now, in the strictest sense, Zimmerman did say both sentences, but some important context is missing, and that being the question from the 911 operator saying "What does he look like- is he black, asian, hispanic, or white?"

06-07-2012, 03:28 PM
Hilary Clinton death threats


BillOReilly.com: "If [Hillary] wins... my guns are loaded"


Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.

But of course, none of those could be against liberal policies, now could they?

As Is said before, liberals are the one who say they are the tolerant ones. They welcome the open exchange of ideas. They are the big tent party. They want civility

All of is true as long as you never disagree with them

Or God forbid - defeat them in an election

BTW, it was liberals who wrote a book about the murder of Pres book, and made a movie about him being gunned down

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2012, 06:08 PM
He's in the UK, Tyr. Not exactly a hotspot for the hispanic community. He'd have as much clue of that as he would about deep fried twinkies.

For an example of a White Hispanic, Cameron Diaz is one. They look white, due to mixed race, but are in fact, hispanic. Over here, the term has become used in an odd manner, with people going "HE'S WHITE" or "HE'S HISPANIC" based on how the mood/political advantage suits them. When media centers saw the last name Zimmerman, they didn't bother with fact checking, and just ran with the racial aspects of white on black crime. Where they really did go over the edge was when the media actually edited the call to 911 to make it sounds like Zimmerman had said, "He looks suspicious. He looks black."

Now, in the strictest sense, Zimmerman did say both sentences, but some important context is missing, and that being the question from the 911 operator saying "What does he look like- is he black, asian, hispanic, or white?"

The deliberate lying by the media points to exactly whats going on in this country and also how well they have lied for obama since 2008! I've said before and will say again , quite a few of them should be shot.. Thats how bad they are.. Thats how bad their actions have affected this nation especially in regards to its political course. A very serious matter and thier corruption has had extremely serious negative effects on this nation! If we ever have a Revolution, those people should stand the wall first in my opinion. I dont play around when it comes to the concept of this nation's survival.. --Tyr

06-07-2012, 07:56 PM
As Is said before, liberals are the one who say they are the tolerant ones. They welcome the open exchange of ideas. They are the big tent party. They want civility

All of is true as long as you never disagree with them

Or God forbid - defeat them in an election

BTW, it was liberals who wrote a book about the murder of Pres book, and made a movie about him being gunned down

As you whine about how bad the liberals are. It's all their they fault, they were mean to us.

06-07-2012, 08:03 PM
The deliberate lying by the media points to exactly whats going on in this country and also how well they have lied for obama since 2008! I've said before and will say again , quite a few of them should be shot.. Thats how bad they are.. Thats how bad their actions have affected this nation especially in regards to its political course. A very serious matter and thier corruption has had extremely serious negative effects on this nation! If we ever have a Revolution, those people should stand the wall first in my opinion. I dont play around when it comes to the concept of this nation's survival.. --Tyr

And media lies in favor of republican candidates, too. So how many of them "should be shot"?

Strangely, most of the news reporters believe what they're saying, but they've abandoned reason in order to stand behind "their" candidate, so they automatically believe the good, and automatically dismiss the bad. It's like those hillbilly families you see on Cops, "I can't leave him, I love him!"

Now, yes, there have been points of direct lying, such as on the 911 tape, but that's not necessarily the reporters, who most often these receive their information from others, they're mainly just passing it along.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2012, 10:33 PM
And media lies in favor of republican candidates, too. So how many of them "should be shot"?

Strangely, most of the news reporters believe what they're saying, but they've abandoned reason in order to stand behind "their" candidate, so they automatically believe the good, and automatically dismiss the bad. It's like those hillbilly families you see on Cops, "I can't leave him, I love him!"

Now, yes, there have been points of direct lying, such as on the 911 tape, but that's not necessarily the reporters, who most often these receive their information from others, they're mainly just passing it along.

How many you ask? As many as seriously harm this nation and its survival. Doesn't matter to me which side they park their sorry azzes on! I don't cut any of them a break and they are lucky that Im not in charge to judge 'em! Anybody with more than half a brain and eyes not shut can see the blind ignorance and sanctimonious attitude many of the lying weasels think is brilliance. I do not give a flying shat that they believe what they are saying , hell the ffkking Nazis believed thier damnshat too.
Their are many more points of direct lying that aren't exposed and its a vicious cycle. Lies, half lies and lies by ommission.. Ignorance is no excuse in my book. And the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
From reading your posts here I'm sure you already know that but still I felt it needed to be said for the benefit of others less fortunate...-Tyr

06-08-2012, 08:00 AM
because no one on the right of the political spectrum ever send death threats...

these people are idiots, putting them into left and right boxes for political points only make idiots of others.

You're saying these could be CONSERVATIVES making these threats?

That's what you're trying to spin here??