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View Full Version : Something is very wrong with Obama's re-election campaign.

06-08-2012, 04:30 PM
Political views aside and looking only at Obama's campaign strategy, something seems very wrong. There doesn't seem to be a clear underlying trajectory. It really reminds me of my blind cat. He just walks around bumping into things hoping he gets to where he wants to be. A few examples come to mind.

1. The attack on Romney's career at Bain. It flopped badly. He should have gone right after Romney's strategy for bringing America out of it's economic malaise. Romney issued a 59 point job plan. That's 59 points of attack he could have made against Romney. Instead he chose to attack Romney for being a successful entrepreneur which in this country is like spitting on grandma's apple pie.

2. Deploying Bill Clinton on the campaign trail. Wow, what a disaster this has been. Anyone following what Clinton has been saying might come to the conclusion that Clinton is actually sabotaging Obama. While Obama criticized Romney's career Bain, Clinton stated Romney had a "sterling" career at Bain. Ooops. While Obama stated that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy needed to expire, Clinton stated they should remain in place temporarily. A big oops and one that Clinton had to apologize for shortly after. Clinton seems to be hurting more than helping. Send him back to political limbo.

3. From today: "The private sector is doing just fine". Not only was he out of his mind for saying this, he went on to state that it is local and state governments that need help. What?! Did you not just see what happened in Wisconsin Mr President? It comes as absolutely no surprise that Obama had to back track a bit only hours after making these comments by stating no, the economy is not doing fine. Not a full u-turn but you get the point.

4. Hobnobbing with the rich and famous. Several celebrities have been hosting dinners with Obama to raise funds for the campaign. Attendance will cost you several thousand dollars a plate. At the same time Obama is criticizing Romney for being out of touch with average Americans? I'll get back to this later, my good buddy George Clooney just called me and invited me over for drinks...

In summary:
The 2012 campaign appears to stand in stark contrast to his 2008 campaign which was far more effective and purposeful. Combined with the continued bad economic news and poorer than expected fund raising, Obama needs to get his campaign on track if he wants any chance to hold onto his job.

06-08-2012, 04:53 PM
Obama is over his head and has no clue what to do.

This is what happens when a community organizer, with no experience, is elected to the highest office.

I hope the libs and college kids have realized by now that just because someone is a good public speaker it doesn't mean they have a CLUE how to fix or do anything.

06-08-2012, 05:03 PM
I honestly believe. Or rather. It's my honest opinion that Obama has known...all along. Since he was elected. That he wasn't qualified to be the President.
So. Without him ever admitting such a thing. I believe he has intentionally been doing things he may suspect are wrong, illegal, and against the constitution for ONE REASON.
And that reason is.
Obama doesn't really want to serve a 2nd Term.
What other reason would any idiot, or ignorant person try to destroy more than 200 years of History of the greatest nation on Earth?
Obama WILL go down in History as the absolute Worst, Most Convincing, Desperate, Dumb person to occupy the White House.
And we should all applaud him for that great DISTINCTION!

06-08-2012, 06:08 PM
I honestly believe. Or rather. It's my honest opinion that Obama has known...all along. Since he was elected. That he wasn't qualified to be the President.
So. Without him ever admitting such a thing. I believe he has intentionally been doing things he may suspect are wrong, illegal, and against the constitution for ONE REASON.
And that reason is.
Obama doesn't really want to serve a 2nd Term.
What other reason would any idiot, or ignorant person try to destroy more than 200 years of History of the greatest nation on Earth?
Obama WILL go down in History as the absolute Worst, Most Convincing, Desperate, Dumb person to occupy the White House.
And we should all applaud him for that great DISTINCTION!

If Obama didn't want to serve a 2nd term, he merely had to say what LBJ said.

No, Obama is someone who has been soaking up liberal talking points and theories all his life, and who seldom studies history enough to know that most of the talking points were tripe meant to collect votes, not plans meant to work. Ever since his election, he's been trying to legislate the talking points into actual programs, honestly believing that they would solve America's problems. And honestly believing that, when they didn't work, it was sombody else's fault, not the fault of the ideas themselves.

It's not because we elected a community organizer. It's because we elected a leftist ideologue who carefully avoided checking the bonafides of the ideas he was fed, and so never knew they were useless. All information to the contrary was "right-wing lies", and so not worth examining.

And for advisors, he has surrounded himself with similar ideologues who never question the ideas they are pushing.

If we had elected Hillary, we'd have gotten the same thing.

06-08-2012, 06:55 PM
I thought the point of reelections campaigns was to raise as much money as possible, in any way possible.

Who can forget the great reelection ploy of all, holding the GOP Convention in Manhattan in 2004. The Convention was held on the latest date in party history, a week before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. That allowed Dubya to call forth the spirits of the thousands who died (due to his stupidity) and claim that, if Kerry was elected, it would all happen again. It was all very Hitler-ish.

06-08-2012, 07:34 PM
I thought the point of reelections campaigns was to raise as much money as possible, in any way possible.

Who can forget the great reelection ploy of all, holding the GOP Convention in Manhattan in 2004. The Convention was held on the latest date in party history, a week before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. That allowed Dubya to call forth the spirits of the thousands who died (due to his stupidity) and claim that, if Kerry was elected, it would all happen again. It was all very Hitler-ish.
Of course reelection campaign are about raising money, among other things. I am not giving Obama grief for that. What I do question is his decision to berate Romney for being out of touch with average Americans while sitting down with witless celebrities over a $40,000 plate of food. As an average American I look at that say hypocrite.

As for the rest of your post, I won't speak to it. Once you toss out Hitler, it is not worthy of a response.

06-08-2012, 07:42 PM
I thought the point of reelections campaigns was to raise as much money as possible, in any way possible.

Who can forget the great reelection ploy of all, holding the GOP Convention in Manhattan in 2004. The Convention was held on the latest date in party history, a week before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. That allowed Dubya to call forth the spirits of the thousands who died (due to his stupidity) and claim that, if Kerry was elected, it would all happen again. It was all very Hitler-ish.

Gabby, you're better than THIS ^ post.

Hell, I personally believe you know what a sorry ass POTUS Obama is, but you gotta sort of fight the fight to hang onto that lest vestige of "I'm a liberal" LOL

06-09-2012, 01:10 AM
Gabby, you're better than THIS ^ post.

Hell, I personally believe you know what a sorry ass POTUS Obama is, but you gotta sort of fight the fight to hang onto that lest vestige of "I'm a liberal" LOL
Thank you ConHog. I KNOW she is better than that but I also know she likes to chime in with little jabs that do nothing to reflect her intelligence.
Again, my post is about nothing more than Obama's campaign strategy. I am of the objective opinion that other democrats have to be worried about him as his re-election campaign is really in the weeds at the moment.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-09-2012, 11:50 AM
I thought the point of reelections campaigns was to raise as much money as possible, in any way possible.

Who can forget the great reelection ploy of all, holding the GOP Convention in Manhattan in 2004. The Convention was held on the latest date in party history, a week before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. That allowed Dubya to call forth the spirits of the thousands who died (due to his stupidity) and claim that, if Kerry was elected, it would all happen again. It was all very Hitler-ish.

That's quite brazen of you to defend obama by accusing others of being Hitler-ish!!!!!
Perhaps you should study obama's record better and find that it's a fact that he would himself prefer to be a dictator. So as to more easily change this great nation into a socialist third rate hellhole that his insane political view would call a paradise! Pehaps you'll find that he has Unconstitutionally seized more and more power for the Executive branch.

06-09-2012, 12:06 PM
He's not making a huge effort because he has other more nefarious things in the works.

06-09-2012, 12:27 PM
Thank you ConHog. I KNOW she is better than that but I also know she likes to chime in with little jabs that do nothing to reflect her intelligence.

"Intelligence" isn't something that you can call up for some subjects but subsume for others. Your level of intelligence is the same no matter what you're seeing or talking about.

If you're stupid one one subject, you're stupid, period.

06-09-2012, 01:19 PM
"Intelligence" isn't something that you can call up for some subjects but subsume for others. Your level of intelligence is the same no matter what you're seeing or talking about.

If you're stupid one one subject, you're stupid, period.

Gabby ain't stupid--she just likes to go against the grain. If she was hanging with a bunch of liberals she would defend conservatives.

06-09-2012, 03:34 PM
"Intelligence" isn't something that you can call up for some subjects but subsume for others. Your level of intelligence is the same no matter what you're seeing or talking about.

If you're stupid one one subject, you're stupid, period.

Really? That may be the dumbest thing you've ever written LA. NO ONE is "intelligent" on every subject. In fact I'll bet there are some subjects you don't shit about, but overall I would opine that you are a pretty intelligent person.

06-09-2012, 04:14 PM
That's quite brazen of you to defend obama by accusing others of being Hitler-ish!!!!!
Perhaps you should study obama's record better and find that it's a fact that he would himself prefer to be a dictator. So as to more easily change this great nation into a socialist third rate hellhole that his insane political view would call a paradise! Pehaps you'll find that he has Unconstitutionally seized more and more power for the Executive branch.

Tyr. As we have seen so many times before in other places. It looks like where we WERE wasn't the only place that suffered from what we are seeing here.
Consequently. We just need to smile, and remember. When someone says those things like Gabby did. Remember. They just can't help it.

06-09-2012, 04:18 PM
Tyr. As we have seen so many times before in other places. It looks like where we WERE wasn't the only place that suffered from what we are seeing here.
Consequently. We just need to smile, and remember. When someone says those things like Gabby did. Remember. They just can't help it.

OR accept that Gabby is an accepted member here, and although we disagree with her on many subjects, we recognize that she is intelligent; so we don't like someone who barely knows her saying differently.

That's really all it is man, don't take it as YOU aren't wanted here, or anything of the nature.

06-09-2012, 04:22 PM
OR accept that Gabby is an accepted member here, and although we disagree with her on many subjects, we recognize that she is intelligent; so we don't like someone who barely knows her saying differently.

That's really all it is man, don't take it as YOU aren't wanted here, or anything of the nature.

I fully appreciate your support of Gabby. But, even though I am new here. I still am able to disagree with others. Am I not?
I didn't question anyone's intelligence. It's not for me to say.

06-09-2012, 04:24 PM
I fully appreciate your support of Gabby. But, even though I am new here. I still am able to disagree with others. Am I not?
I didn't question anyone's intelligence. It's not for me to say.

Of course, I disagree with everyone, all the time. How boring if we all agreed about EVERYTHING.

I was merely speaking to the calling her unintelligent and what have you.

PS - if you really read Gabby's posts she's a conservative , she just hasn't realized it yet - or at least she can't admit it. :laugh2:

06-09-2012, 05:08 PM
My post was not defending Obama. It was attacking Bush for his callous approach to the 2004 election.
I know the vast majority of you have already decided who you are going to vote for in November, but I have not. I know Obama has screwed up a lot of things up over the past four years. I also know that voters have a horrible choice of candidates this year.

ALL political campaigns are messed up. It's all about the Bejamins. Look at Romney last week. He made three stops in Texas last week and none of them were public events. Obama is auctioning off invitations to meet him and Clinton at some dinner. That's just the way it works.

06-09-2012, 05:14 PM
My post was not defending Obama. It was attacking Bush for his callous approach to the 2004 election.
I know the vast majority of you have already decided who you are going to vote for in November, but I have not. I know Obama has screwed up a lot of things up over the past four years. I also know that voters have a horrible choice of candidates this year.

ALL political campaigns are messed up. It's all about the Bejamins. Look at Romney last week. He made three stops in Texas last week and none of them were public events. Obama is auctioning off invitations to meet him and Clinton at some dinner. That's just the way it works.

I'm voting for whoever forces you to post self nudes :D

06-09-2012, 05:52 PM
I'll remember that in November. :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2012, 11:29 AM
I fully appreciate your support of Gabby. But, even though I am new here. I still am able to disagree with others. Am I not?
I didn't question anyone's intelligence. It's not for me to say.

My friend if you want to get the flavor of this critter go read the A-stan thread from yesterday and last night.
I'd say he is a cross of dem4life, Mr.Tik , Opinionated and edro14 from our old forum.. What a combo, eh!??
Go read and let me know if you agree. Assholes, every forum has a few , some forums have many like our old site did. Remember it seemed as if over half the lefties/dems there were mini-mod want to be and they got away with it too! Myself, I am hoping that is not the case here but Conhog is a want to be for sure.
Personally, I do not really give a damn what he wants to be as long as Im not forced to endure his arrogance and attempted Mod escapades at every turn! -Tyr

06-10-2012, 11:53 AM
NO ONE is "intelligent" on every subject.

No one is educated on every subject. Nobody has sufficient knowledge on a given subject, to reach correct conclusions and make accurate predictions. On some subjects they have more information than on others.

But their intelligence - the ability to absorb information when they do see it, to retain it, and to apply it in constructive and sensible ways to new subjects when needed, and appropriately modify their conclusions as new information comes in - is the same for every subject in a given person. Some people can do it more than others, thus leading to some people being right more often than others, even when they initially saw the same information go by.

Many people can see, when they observe the continued failures of socialistic governments and the glum, dependent and often evasive and dilatory attitudes of ordinary people who are subjects of it, can conclude that it does not suit human nature and in general does not work. Even after hearing the usual excuses and extenuations of the leftists, they can recognize them as excuses and dodges, and know that they have little to do with the real situation.

But some consistently draw the wrong conclusions, even when given the same information. Those people, though educated and even "knowledgeable", are not intelligent. They are, in fact, stupid. When presented with water, they do not drink... and then blame their thirst (and the thirst of all those they took with them) on mysterious and unknown forces and imaginary, unseen evil that they invent themselves and posit that it must be out there somewhere.

Imaginitive, it may be. Intelligent, it isn't.

06-10-2012, 12:06 PM
No one is educated on every subject. Nobody has sufficient knowledge on a given subject, to reach correct conclusions and make accurate predictions. On some subjects they have more information than on others.

But their intelligence - the ability to absorb information when they do see it, to retain it, and to apply it in constructive and sensible ways to new subjects when needed, and appropriately modify their conclusions as new information comes in - is the same for every subject in a given person. Some people can do it more than others, thus leading to some people being right more often than others, even when they initially saw the same information go by.

Many people can see, when they observe the continued failures of socialistic governments and the glum, dependent and often evasive and dilatory attitudes of ordinary people who are subjects of it, can conclude that it does not suit human nature and in general does not work. Even after hearing the usual excuses and extenuations of the leftists, they can recognize them as excuses and dodges, and know that they have little to do with the real situation.

But some consistently draw the wrong conclusions, even when given the same information. Those people, though educated and even "knowledgeable", are not intelligent. They are, in fact, stupid. When presented with water, they do not drink... and then blame their thirst (and the thirst of all those they took with them) on mysterious and unknown forces and imaginary, unseen evil that they invent themselves and posit that it must be out there somewhere.

Imaginitive, it may be. Intelligent, it isn't.

We just have different definitions than b/c i can see what youre saying and agree with the essence of it

06-11-2012, 12:17 PM
Another major blow to Obama's campaign:
When your biggest groupie kicks you to the curb, you know there's a problem :p

06-11-2012, 01:03 PM
"Intelligence" isn't something that you can call up for some subjects but subsume for others. Your level of intelligence is the same no matter what you're seeing or talking about.

If you're stupid one one subject, you're stupid, period.

Intelligent people know what they don't know, in addition to what they do know. I haven't a problem advising or criticizing people regarding education, history, child raising, saving money at the grocery, etc.

I'd never claim expertise of any sort on economics and many other subjects. For instance, I do know how to inflate my tires, I don't know how to change the oil. I would not advise anyone on car repairs. LOL! Could I learn more of the basics? Sure.

06-11-2012, 02:45 PM
Intelligent people know what they don't know, in addition to what they do know. I haven't a problem advising or criticizing people regarding education, history, child raising, saving money at the grocery, etc.

I'd never claim expertise of any sort on economics and many other subjects. For instance, I do know how to inflate my tires, I don't know how to change the oil. I would not advise anyone on car repairs. LOL! Could I learn more of the basics? Sure.

Exactly. This forum is full of uneducated people who are never short of ideas about education.
I don't know a flip about cars. My computer knowledge is limited to knowing how to turn my laptop on and off.

06-11-2012, 03:14 PM
we recognize that she is intelligent;

Who is "we"?