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06-11-2012, 02:19 PM
It's just the opposite, relatively speaking. Truth is the private sectors should be growing more, but they are both burdened with taxes and in terror of what may come in short future.


It’s the public sector that’s ‘doing fine’ By Marc A. Thiessen (http://www.washingtonpost.com/marc-a-thiessen/2011/02/24/ABwzFYN_page.html), Updated: Monday, June 11, 11:10 AM “It’s very clear that private sector jobs are doing just fine.”
Sound familiar? These words are not President Obama’s. They were spoken six months ago by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kk6D1-ECnQ&feature=player_embedded). While pushing a Democratic proposal to spend another $35 billion we don’t have to help states hire more public workers, Reid declared: “It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers.” At last week’s news conference, Obama simply repeated the point (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWXoXEqQ4Zc) Reid made last October.

Jared Bernstein, a former Obama economic adviser, said the president’s gaffe won’t do lasting damage “because that’s not the way he sees it.” But as Reid’s comment demonstrates, that is precisely how Obama and Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill see it. They’ve been saying for months that the private sector is doing fine and that the solution to our unemployment problems is to spend even more taxpayer money to hire more government workers.

Obama and Reid have it precisely backward: It’s the public sector that’s doing fine. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t14.htm), the unemployment rate for government workers last month was just 4.2 percent (up slightly from 3.9 percent a year ago). Compare that to private-sector industries such as construction (14.2 percent unemployment), leisure and hospitality services (9.7 percent), agriculture (9.5 percent), professional and business services (8.5 percent) and wholesale and retail trade (8.1 percent). As Andrew Biggs of the American Enterprise Institute points out, the public-sector unemployment rate “is the lowest of any industry or class of worker, even including the growing energy industry.” If the rest of Americans enjoyed the same unemployment rate as government workers, Obama would be cruising to reelection.

Meanwhile, the private sector continues to struggle under the weight of Obamacare, the spiraling national debt, the $46 billion in annual costs (http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/washington-secrets/2012/03/regulation-nation-new-study-finds-obama%E2%80%99s-regs-cost-46-billion) of the new regulations imposed by Obama, and the looming threat of “taxmageddon” — when, come January 2013, the private economy will get hit with hundreds of billions in higher taxes...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2012, 07:10 PM
It's just the opposite, relatively speaking. Truth is the private sectors should be growing more, but they are both burdened with taxes and in terror of what may come in short future.


Obama and his corrupt crew only care about greater government growth and union jobs. They do not give a damn about private sector growth. The bigger the government =the bigger the pie and more pie to steal from. Of course his plan is to steal as much as he can and at the same time push his leftist agenda. The shame of it all is after he is voted out he will not be prosecuted for his treason or his corruption!-Tyr