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View Full Version : Things no veteran would ever say

06-12-2012, 11:10 AM
Epic Win.


06-12-2012, 11:50 AM

There are a bunch more I bet! For example, "Do you think this uniform makes my butt look big?" or "They should take some of the armor off this MRAP so I get better gas mileage." and "Don't shoot at that guy, it's bad for the environment!"

Mr. P
06-12-2012, 05:16 PM
One I've NEVER heard here..."Obama is the BEST CinC Ever!"

Mention the guy and they roll their eyes...Really.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2012, 11:46 PM
One I've NEVER heard here..."Obama is the BEST CinC Ever!"

Mention the guy and they roll their eyes...Really.


My nephew does more than just roll his eyes when at home.
He has a few choice words that are by no means flattering.---Tyr

06-13-2012, 12:03 AM
"I ran out of bullets" or "I wish I had less ammo"

06-13-2012, 12:18 AM
"My recruiter was totally upfront with me"

11-28-2012, 05:50 PM
My nephew does more than just roll his eyes when at home.
He has a few choice words that are by no means flattering.---Tyri like your nephew already LOL

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-28-2012, 07:53 PM
i like your nephew already LOL

My baby sister's only son, I spoiled him. Had him shooting guns at 7 years old, had him shooting like a pro by 12 years old. He did two tours of duty in Iraq ansd was about to volunteer for a third one in A-Stan. I talked him out of it by swearing to never speak to him again if he volunteered, I did so because Obama the lying traitor was CIC and because 3rd time a strike out is likely--also my sister's only son ! He called me a few weeks later and told me he thought I was right and damn sure didnt want me pissed at him for decades. He despises obama. By the way he had injuries from an IED blast in Iraq, came back stateside to instruct . He was lieutenant rank and was booted out after not volunteering to serve in a warzone under the current maggot (CIC). They lowrated his disability and sent him packing. He is doing well now after going through a bad divorce from a lousy wife. She cheated on him while he was overseas fighting. I hate that bitch and hope she rots in hell. -Tyr

11-28-2012, 08:02 PM
My baby sister's only son, I spoiled him. Had him shooting guns at 7 years old, had him shooting like a pro by 12 years old. He did two tours of duty in Iraq ansd was about to volunteer for a third one in A-Stan. I talked him out of it by swearing to never speak to him again if he volunteered, I did so because Obama the lying traitor was CIC and because 3rd time a strike out is likely--also my sister's only son ! He called me a few weeks later and told me he thought I was right and damn sure didnt want me pissed at him for decades. He despises obama. By the way he had injuries from an IED blast in Iraq, came back stateside to instruct . He was lieutenant rank and was booted out after not volunteering to serve in a warzone under the current maggot (CIC). They lowrated his disability and sent him packing. He is doing well now after going through a bad divorce from a lousy wife. She cheated on him while he was overseas fighting. I hate that bitch and hope she rots in hell. -Tyrits a shame when there fighting for our country and the wife is one of those unappreciative spoiled brats, with not an ounce of patriotism

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-29-2012, 07:33 PM
its a shame when there fighting for our country and the wife is one of those unappreciative spoiled brats, with not an ounce of patriotism

I agree and he didnt deserve to be shafted like that. She took tens of thousands dollars out of his account while he was over there and bought herself a new car completely paid off and hid the remainder. She waited about 7 months after that to file for the divorce. Biatch will get my boot up her ass if she ever dared to set foooooot on my property again!-Tyr

11-29-2012, 08:02 PM
I agree and he didnt deserve to be shafted like that. She took tens of thousands dollars out of his account while he was over there and bought herself a new car completely paid off and hid the remainder. She waited about 7 months after that to file for the divorce. Biatch will get my boot up her ass if she ever dared to set foooooot on my property again!-Tyr

Tyr. That reminded me of a video a young Marine got from home, during Operation Desert Storm in 1990.
Almost everybody in the military. Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard saw the CNN report about the WIFE of that young Marine...who sent her husband, in uniform, in the sands of Saudi Arabia...a video of her...and her boyfriend in BED.

Cruel people. Hate filled People. Stupid, Ignorant People are EVERYWHERE!

01-23-2013, 09:40 AM
They lowrated his disability and sent him packing. He is doing well now after going through a bad divorce from a lousy wife. She cheated on him while he was overseas fighting. I hate that bitch and hope she rots in hell. -Tyr

Of course she cheated on him; she figured it out, though a little too late. He had chosen to leave her and go half the way around the world to get away from her and spend time with a bunch of men he loves a lot more than he loves her. Why should a woman stay faithful to a man like that? He didn't stay faithful to her: he LEFT her.

Men who want to be in a marriage stay in a marriage, they don't run off to the other side of the planet. Women should NEVER, NEVER marry these guys who want to wander around and play soldier in worthless sandpits of no use to us or anyone else. Don't tell me they are "defending the nation" -- that's just not true.

I had a masseuse once, a remarkably beautiful girl, who was engaged to a guy who kept getting talked into re-upping ONE MORE TIME, more and more training, JUST TWO YEARS, THAT'S ALL, he would plead. I was extremely unenthusiastic about her having anything further to do with this loser; she was not only unusually beautiful, she supported herself, had a little company, and was very pleasant and friendly, had strong family connections. She was going to do well in life, and she needed this character in Afghanistan and out of her life. I think she finally did come to her senses.

Here's the thing about marriage: don't marry the girl if you are just going to immediately leave her! What's the sense in that? Darn.

I except getting drafted or actually defending the nation, of course, as when Japan and Germany declared war on us; that was serious and women should be faithful and loyal in that case. But all this stuff lately, if people enlist for that nonsense, what can one really say for them? And then they try to tie up a woman's life while they are playing soldier for years in a worthless desert? And come back crippled and expect you to take care of them?? Doggone. What a con.

01-23-2013, 10:13 AM
Of course she cheated on him; she figured it out, though a little too late. He had chosen to leave her and go half the way around the world to get away from her and spend time with a bunch of men he loves a lot more than he loves her. Why should a woman stay faithful to a man like that? He didn't stay faithful to her: he LEFT her.

Men who want to be in a marriage stay in a marriage, they don't run off to the other side of the planet. Women should NEVER, NEVER marry these guys who want to wander around and play soldier in worthless sandpits of no use to us or anyone else. Don't tell me they are "defending the nation" -- that's just not true.

I had a masseuse once, a remarkably beautiful girl, who was engaged to a guy who kept getting talked into re-upping ONE MORE TIME, more and more training, JUST TWO YEARS, THAT'S ALL, he would plead. I was extremely unenthusiastic about her having anything further to do with this loser; she was not only unusually beautiful, she supported herself, had a little company, and was very pleasant and friendly, had strong family connections. She was going to do well in life, and she needed this character in Afghanistan and out of her life. I think she finally did come to her senses.

Here's the thing about marriage: don't marry the girl if you are just going to immediately leave her! What's the sense in that? Darn.

I except getting drafted or actually defending the nation, of course, as when Japan and Germany declared war on us; that was serious and women should be faithful and loyal in that case. But all this stuff lately, if people enlist for that nonsense, what can one really say for them? And then they try to tie up a woman's life while they are playing soldier for years in a worthless desert? And come back crippled and expect you to take care of them?? Doggone. What a con.

Wow....just WOW! So now we know that you not only hate men but you despise soldiers as well. Right up until you think we need them!

01-23-2013, 10:22 AM
If we need them, we really need them. My father and my husband's father were both in uniform, and the latter was seriously wounded in Germany.

But that was 1944, and this is now. There hasn't been any "defense of the nation" since 1945. There's been a lot of lying about that, but I think we all know the truth by now: all these brushfire wars since have been pointless, budget-busting, and most of them lost by America, from Korea on.

Men who VOLUNTEER to go play Obama's and Bush's stupid "I'm-President-so-I-get-my-very-own-neat-war" games for them? Fine, if they don't tie up some poor woman's life while they go have fun killing villagers in stone huts who never did anything to the United States or even know there is such a place.

If you expect me to admire that kind of thing, you're wasting your expect.

01-23-2013, 05:05 PM
Wow....just WOW! So now we know that you not only hate men but you despise soldiers as well. Right up until you think we need them!

CSM. That's okay. It's not unexpected to hear, or read. Coming from someone who obviously is Mentally challenged.

There are millions of this kind of American around today. Many of them actually fled to Canada during the Vietnam war. And later, during the First Gulf War.

I consider them as the large number of people who formerly were residents of what we used to call "STATE INSANE ASYLUMS"