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red states rule
06-14-2012, 04:43 PM
Yep, that "shitload of economic experience" Obama brought to the Oval Office is doing wonders

Do you feel fine in the Obama economy?

I am glad to see this ad taking Obama to task for his stupid comment


06-14-2012, 05:09 PM
Yep, that "shitload of economic experience" Obama brought to the Oval Office is doing wonders

Do you feel fine in the Obama economy?

I am glad to see this ad taking Obama to task for his stupid comment


Truth be told, financially we aren't much affected by who's in office. Just part of living in a poor state I guess.

red states rule
06-14-2012, 05:12 PM
Truth be told, financially we aren't much affected by who's in office. Just part of living in a poor state I guess.

CH, Obama's polcies have made nearly everything worse.

His drilling ban has helped drive up the price of gas

His insane spending has caused the US to have it's credit rating downgraded

Obamacare and pending tax increases is preventing the public sector from hiring

The government stalling the forclosure process has prolonged the hosuing slump and not that the stalling process is winding down there is a wave of foreclosures on the way. Which wil only drive the rpice of homes down even further

And yet, Obozo says the private sector is doing fine

Go figure

06-14-2012, 05:14 PM
CH, Obama's polcies have made nearly everything worse.

His drilling ban has helped drive up the price of gas

His insane spending has caused the US to have it's credit rating downgraded

Obamacare and pending tax increases is preventing the public sector from hiring

The government stalling the forclosure process has prolonged the hosuing slump and not that the stalling process is winding down there is a wave of foreclosures on the way. Which wil only drive the rpice of homes down even further

And yet, Obozo says the private sector is doing fine

Go figure

I'm not arguing with you; I'm just stating that I personally have not felt the effect.

red states rule
06-14-2012, 05:19 PM
I'm not arguing with you; I'm just stating that I personally have not felt the effect.

Good for you and your family

As I posted I am doing well since so many people are defaulting on their mortgages. Over the last 6 months, I have moved to a much bigger place, I am 100% out of debt; saving for when I will have to buy a new car (my current one has about 250,000 miles but will not last forever) and increased my 401K deduction

But for most folks, Obama, and his "shitload of economic experience" has been a nightmare

06-14-2012, 05:22 PM
Good for you and your family

As I posted I am doing well since so many people are defaulting on their mortgages. Over the last 6 months, I have moved to a much bigger place, I am 100% out of debt; saving for when I will have to buy a new car (my current one has about 250,000 miles but will not last forever) and increased my 401K deduction

But for most folks, Obama, and his "shitload of economic experience" has been a nightmare

No argument, but you asked how we were doing. Myself no change. That sure doesn't mean I don't recognize that even as poor as Arkansas is, eventually piss poor decisions will affect us.

red states rule
06-14-2012, 05:23 PM
No argument, but you asked how we were doing. Myself no change. That sure doesn't mean I don't recognize that even as poor as Arkansas is, eventually piss poor decisions will affect us.

But you are paying close to double for your gas, and your food expense has soared over the last 4 years

Other then that, I am glad you are escaping the wrath of Obamanomics

red states rule
06-14-2012, 05:27 PM
and how many of you remember McCain's economy comment during the 2008 election and how the liberal media "reported" on it?


06-14-2012, 05:56 PM
But for most folks, Obama, and his "shitload of economic experience" has been a nightmare


red states rule
06-14-2012, 05:59 PM

That is what the voters will tell Obama in November Gabby

I am looking forward to it

red states rule
06-14-2012, 07:04 PM

06-14-2012, 08:37 PM
Just saw that Sarah Jessica Parker and her friends threw a fete for the President at $40,000 a plate... must be nice to have that kind of cash to throw around.... I guess that just proves that the Democrats are the party of the little guy...

Meanwhile, back in Smallville, USA, Mr and Mrs Joe Average are living in the Obama Gulag.. looking for work, worrying about their jobs, wondering if they'll be able to pay the bills once the unemployment runs out.... seeing their net worth decline by 40% over the past 3 years... with no hope that anything will change if BO is given four more years at the helm.

Frankly, we can't afford Obama. A $15 Trillion Debt notwithstanding. The guy is a walking nightmare. An economic moron. Now, there are those who will say that Bush screwed things up... really?????... and Bush has been screwing things up since 2009???? I though Barak Obama and the Democrat know-it-alls were in charge. It's their economy now... and... pardon the pun... the borrowed buck stops with them.

06-14-2012, 10:33 PM
No argument, but you asked how we were doing. Myself no change. That sure doesn't mean I don't recognize that even as poor as Arkansas is, eventually piss poor decisions will affect us.

Very few, outside of those in place for capitalizing on the hard times, such as RSR, are doing better.

red states rule
06-15-2012, 02:59 AM
Just saw that Sarah Jessica Parker and her friends threw a fete for the President at $40,000 a plate... must be nice to have that kind of cash to throw around.... I guess that just proves that the Democrats are the party of the little guy...

Meanwhile, back in Smallville, USA, Mr and Mrs Joe Average are living in the Obama Gulag.. looking for work, worrying about their jobs, wondering if they'll be able to pay the bills once the unemployment runs out.... seeing their net worth decline by 40% over the past 3 years... with no hope that anything will change if BO is given four more years at the helm.

Frankly, we can't afford Obama. A $15 Trillion Debt notwithstanding. The guy is a walking nightmare. An economic moron. Now, there are those who will say that Bush screwed things up... really?????... and Bush has been screwing things up since 2009???? I though Barak Obama and the Democrat know-it-alls were in charge. It's their economy now... and... pardon the pun... the borrowed buck stops with them.

Your post reminds me of this Joe Biden gem:

Biden Calls Republicans ‘Out of Touch’ at $10K per Couple Fundraiser

March 13, 2012

Last night Vice President Joe Biden spoke at a tony fundraiser at Senator John Kerry’s Georgetown home (http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/biden-hails-middle-class-wealthy-fundraiser/424931). While dining under an outdoor tent on gourmet food, to the tune of $10,000 per couple, Biden accused the Republicans of being out of touch with the American people.
“These guys don’t have a sense of the average folks out there,” Biden said according to the pool report, “They don’t know what it means to be middle class.” 87 guests paid a minimum of $10,000-per-couple to attend the dinner.

Aren’t you glad to know Biden is attuned to your struggles of putting food on the table, paying your utility bills and gassing up your car? Forget buying wine (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-13/obama-transparency-scaled-back-when-it-comes-to-wine-list-at-state-dinner.html), even if you do know the price tag. But I’m sure Biden feels your pain while he’s chauffeured around to hobnob with the 1%.
