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View Full Version : Sharp Disagreement For Obamacare Ruling

red states rule
06-16-2012, 03:13 PM
I see a 5-4 ruling shooting down Obamacare in flames. At that point the liberal media goes into full attack mode against the 5 Justices that correctly ruled Obamacare unconstitutional and perhaps even tagging them racists

Washington (CNN) -- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is predicting "sharp disagreement" as the Supreme Court prepares by month's end to release some of its most-talked-about rulings, including the constitutionality of the health care law championed by President Obama.

Speaking to a legal conference Friday night in Washington, the oldest member of the high court offered tantalizing hints about where the court may be heading in coming days.
"The term has been more than usually taxing, some have called it the term of the century," she said in remarks at the American Constitution Society's annual review of the court. The ACS is a left-leaning legal advocacy and scholarship group.

The court in the next two weeks will rule separately on health care, Arizona's controversial immigration crackdown law, television broadcast indecency enforcement, and a federal law making it a crime to lie about earning high military honors.

Ginsburg called the court's frantic race to finish their remaining 15 or so rulings "flood season."

"As one may expect, many of the most controversial cases remain pending," she noted. "So it is likely that the sharp disagreement rate will go up next week and the week after."
Ginsburg, among the left-leaning justices, spent several minutes talking about the health care issues, but offered no hints whatsoever on the internal deliberations, or how the court might be leaning. But she said her benchmates were fully aware of the public scrutiny the case has attracted.


06-16-2012, 03:29 PM
Though I suspect the SCOTUS will decide in a close count that destroys Obamacare.

I must remain slightly hesitant to openly SPEAK the words we all need, and want to hear.

Sometimes...it's just better...(In my own opinion based on my years of life) to just use the wisdom of SILENCE, with HOPE that will fall in our favor.

Once again. It's not that I want Obamacare to die...selfishly just for me. But...for my son's, and five grandchildren who will sadly become the primary victims IF.....SCOTUS fails to overturn it.

On that. I now wish to use my 5TH AMENDMENT and just wait.

red states rule
06-16-2012, 03:31 PM
Though I suspect the SCOTUS will decide in a close count that destroys Obamacare.

I must remain slightly hesitant to openly SPEAK the words we all need, and want to hear.

Sometimes...it's just better...(In my own opinion based on my years of life) to just use the wisdom of SILENCE, with HOPE that will fall in our favor.

Once again. It's not that I want Obamacare to die...selfishly just for me. But...for my son's, and five grandchildren who will sadly become the primary victims IF.....SCOTUS fails to overturn it.

On that. I now wish to use my 5TH AMENDMENT and just wait.

How anyone, let alone a man who taught US Constituional law, can say that the Federal government can FORCE a private citizen to buy a product/service under the threat on fines/jail is incredible

Obamacare will be struck down and the Dems and liberal media will have a very long and lound temper tantrum

06-16-2012, 03:49 PM
And when it's all done watch him come out with another executive order reinstating obamacare. If he can go around congress he can go around the supreme court.

06-16-2012, 03:49 PM
How anyone, let alone a man who taught US Constituional law, can say that the Federal government can FORCE a private citizen to buy a product/service under the threat on fines/jail is incredible

Obamacare will be struck down and the Dems and liberal media will have a very long and lound temper tantrum

red states. Of course. You are correct 100% about Obama. When I said WE...I meant, those of us who obviously are more familiar with the Constitution than those who WILL, and MUST defend Obama, merely because he is Obama.
I suspect Obama only taught people as much of the constitution as he could find ways to twist meanings, and context to meet his desires to Ignore, and Overturn that document.
Look at who his students were.
Primarily the easily led, and less educated who were always so impressed with Obama's ability to SOUND as if he was smarter than those who listened to him.
And, of course. Obama IS, and WAS much smarter than those he convinced to vote for him. We've seen how effective that has been. Much like those Americans who also believed LBJ back in the sixties, when he told them the Great Society would make their lives so much better, and easier.
Sadly, for those people. They are still Waiting for those promises. Just as Obama promised them CAKE and ICE CREAM, and ended up with more Liberal, Democrat Garbage that stinks to high heaven.

red states rule
06-16-2012, 03:50 PM
And when it's all done watch him come out with another executive order reinstating obamacare. If he can go around congress he can go around the supreme court.

If Obamacare ever does become the law of the land.........


06-16-2012, 03:52 PM
And when it's all done watch him come out with another executive order reinstating obamacare. If he can go around congress he can go around the supreme court.

We can only Hope, the Change will take place in November, and before he is able to drive America off the cliff in January...when the U-HAUL truck is parked in the White House driveway. Being loaded by members of the NEW BLACK PANTERS...or, possibly a handful of Illegals Obama promised College Tuition.

red states rule
06-16-2012, 03:56 PM
We can only Hope, the Change will take place in November, and before he is able to drive America off the cliff in January...when the U-HAUL truck is parked in the White House driveway. Being loaded by members of the NEW BLACK PANTERS...or, possibly a handful of Illegals Obama promised College Tuition.

Even with Obozo getting 100% of the dead, and illegal vote - it will not be enough to defeat the angry voters who are fed up his worn out failed policies

He will be another Jimmy Carter. A one term failure

06-16-2012, 04:04 PM
Even with Obozo getting 100% of the dead, and illegal vote - it will not be enough to defeat the angry voters who are fed up his worn out failed policies

He will be another Jimmy Carter. A one term failure

When speaking about the Obama Mentor...Jimmy Carter.
I heard Jay Leno talk about Obama last week when he said: "Even Jimmy Carter agree's. Obama is a worse president than I was!"

Yes. Voters are angry, and fed up. But we have to remember. It wasn't a FLUKE that Obama won in 2008. He had the Democrat Base of Completely Uninformed, Under-educated, Easily Led portion of our Population who voted for him. And, since they still ARE as Uninformed, and Under-educated. They will still vote again for him. Proving Einstein's theory of Insanity is still in effect.

red states rule
06-16-2012, 04:08 PM
When speaking about the Obama Mentor...Jimmy Carter.
I heard Jay Leno talk about Obama last week when he said: "Even Jimmy Carter agree's. Obama is a worse president than I was!"

Yes. Voters are angry, and fed up. But we have to remember. It wasn't a FLUKE that Obama won in 2008. He had the Democrat Base of Completely Uninformed, Under-educated, Easily Led portion of our Population who voted for him. And, since they still ARE as Uninformed, and Under-educated. They will still vote again for him. Proving Einstein's theory of Insanity is still in effect.

In 2008 the liberal media built Obozo up as the Messiah. They "reported" how he would solve all our problems and restore peace and prosperity around the world

Now they are making excuses for his failures and trying to blame everyone else

The people are not buying what they are selling this time

06-16-2012, 04:50 PM
In 2008 the liberal media built Obozo up as the Messiah. They "reported" how he would solve all our problems and restore peace and prosperity around the world

Now they are making excuses for his failures and trying to blame everyone else

The people are not buying what they are selling this time

We have all learned very well. After almost four years of the whiner-in-chief.
Excuses are the same as Blame games.
So. Let's just remember. Obama's best excuse for his own stupidity, and ignorance is, and must always be BUSH'S fault.
Just ask Obama.

red states rule
06-16-2012, 04:53 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-16-2012, 07:27 PM
We can only Hope, the Change will take place in November, and before he is able to drive America off the cliff in January...when the U-HAUL truck is parked in the White House driveway. Being loaded by members of the NEW BLACK PANTERS...or, possibly a handful of Illegals Obama promised College Tuition.

If November doesnt bring in a new man this nation is sunk(just a matter of time) just as surely as the ocean is big and wet..-Tyr

red states rule
06-17-2012, 04:34 AM
If November doesnt bring in a new man this nation is sunk(just a matter of time) just as surely as the ocean is big and wet..-Tyr

Don't worry. The economy is not going to improve much between now and November and that is the final nail in Obozo Presidency's coffin

You can see the desperation in the recent actions of Obozo, and it is fun to watch

06-17-2012, 02:18 PM
If Obamacare ever does become the law of the land.........

:goodposting::goodposting::goodposting::goodpostin g:

Yep ... EXACTLY.

I've just registered here, and this is my first post ... I'm British, posting from Wales, UK.

So, you'll appreciate that I've some experience of State healthcare, as the UK was the first country in the world to introduce such a thing, way back in 1948.

These days .. there's a supposed guarantee that patients won't wait more than eighteen weeks for hospital treatment, following diagnosis. When did the British NHS achieve such a milestone ? August 2008 .. a mere SIXTY YEARS after its creation !!

Eighteen MONTH waits were relatively commonplace just a decade previously.

If you want second class healthcare, with the State controlling what treatments will or will not be afforded (i.e whether or not they'll be available), then State healthcare is the way to go. And if or when you ever achieve it, watch out for the big tax bill everyone will have to pay, whether or not you have any need for treatment.

I say 'everyone' .. well, that includes taxpayers. Do you have illegals who'd use State healthcare without paying anything for it ??

06-17-2012, 02:48 PM
:goodposting::goodposting::goodposting::goodpostin g:

Yep ... EXACTLY.

I've just registered here, and this is my first post ... I'm British, posting from Wales, UK.

So, you'll appreciate that I've some experience of State healthcare, as the UK was the first country in the world to introduce such a thing, way back in 1948.

These days .. there's a supposed guarantee that patients won't wait more than eighteen weeks for hospital treatment, following diagnosis. When did the British NHS achieve such a milestone ? August 2008 .. a mere SIXTY YEARS after its creation !!

Eighteen MONTH waits were relatively commonplace just a decade previously.

If you want second class healthcare, with the State controlling what treatments will or will not be afforded (i.e whether or not they'll be available), then State healthcare is the way to go. And if or when you ever achieve it, watch out for the big tax bill everyone will have to pay, whether or not you have any need for treatment.

I say 'everyone' .. well, that includes taxpayers. Do you have illegals who'd use State healthcare without paying anything for it ??

Welcome, I'm sure your going to have good time here. Nice to see a conservative from the UK for a change. You're reaffirming what many of us have been saying for years.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-17-2012, 04:03 PM
:goodposting::goodposting::goodposting::goodpostin g:

Yep ... EXACTLY.

I've just registered here, and this is my first post ... I'm British, posting from Wales, UK.

So, you'll appreciate that I've some experience of State healthcare, as the UK was the first country in the world to introduce such a thing, way back in 1948.

These days .. there's a supposed guarantee that patients won't wait more than eighteen weeks for hospital treatment, following diagnosis. When did the British NHS achieve such a milestone ? August 2008 .. a mere SIXTY YEARS after its creation !!

Eighteen MONTH waits were relatively commonplace just a decade previously.

If you want second class healthcare, with the State controlling what treatments will or will not be afforded (i.e whether or not they'll be available), then State healthcare is the way to go. And if or when you ever achieve it, watch out for the big tax bill everyone will have to pay, whether or not you have any need for treatment.

I say 'everyone' .. well, that includes taxpayers. Do you have illegals who'd use State healthcare without paying anything for it ??

Hey friend. Im guessing that you got my pm/post at the other site eh?
Or did you find this site without having read that pm /post there.
You are the same rummond I talked to about Thatcher and Churchill , right?
I havent been back to that site since we exchanged replies there.
Welcome, get in and get your feet a bit wetter amigo.
If you are the same person send me a pm..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-17-2012, 07:53 PM
Hey friend. Im guessing that you got my pm/post at the other site eh?
Or did you find this site without having read that pm /post there.
You are the same rummond I talked to about Thatcher and Churchill , right?
I havent been back to that site since we exchanged replies there.
Welcome, get in and get your feet a bit wetter amigo.
If you are the same person send me a pm..-Tyr

OK, just went to the other site , found your message to me there about you coming here and joining.
Thanks, quite pleased that you took me up on the offer to join here, pm me when you next visit here amigo.
You will like it here, trust me on that. We can both sing the praises of Churchill and Thatcher here too.-;)
Also post on the introduction thread here if you care to.. -Tyr

red states rule
06-18-2012, 02:31 AM
How Obamacare drives up the cost of heathcare


06-18-2012, 02:56 PM
OK, just went to the other site , found your message to me there about you coming here and joining.
Thanks, quite pleased that you took me up on the offer to join here, pm me when you next visit here amigo.
You will like it here, trust me on that. We can both sing the praises of Churchill and Thatcher here too.-;)
Also post on the introduction thread here if you care to.. -Tyr

Thanks, Tyr, I'm enjoying myself already ! And yes, I belatedly figured out that the intro thread was ONE thread here, and newbies just add to it when they arrive. My intro piece is there.

Hope there is a lib or 2 around here who considers me a challenge. Looking forward to such encounters here ...

06-18-2012, 03:14 PM
Welcome, I'm sure your going to have good time here. Nice to see a conservative from the UK for a change. You're reaffirming what many of us have been saying for years.

I appreciate the welcome, Gaffer - many thanks.

I'm on a couple of other sites as well ... another American one where Tyr recently found me ... also a broadly Conservative one that's UK-based. Strange as it might seem .. I much prefer American sites to the home-grown ones. American Conservatism comes across to me as altogether less inclined to equivocate than the British version.

This is partly why I'm such a supporter of the Margaret Thatcher brand of it. Conservative leaders who've followed her have lacked her conviction politics, and there are times when I think of David Cameron as a bit of a joke. For example ... he's a SUPPORTER, believe it or not, of gay marriage !!


Quoting from the Daily Telegraph ..

Last year, Mr Cameron announced that he supported changing the definition of civil marriage to apply to same-sex couples as well as heterosexuals. He told the Conservative Party Conference that stable family relationships deserved support regardless of their composition

Getting back on track ... on our NHS, let me assure you that there is a LOT I can tell you about the British NHS's failings. Some examples are horror stories you'd probably have trouble believing (?). But ... here's the thing. We Brits don't have the range of experience, these days, to know how much better an alternative to it can be. If you ever had a healthcare system introduced like ours, I'd be willing to bet that you'd fall into the same perceptual trap that we have ... while thousands of your citizens suffer and die needlessly, victims of State incompetence (or worse !)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2012, 04:06 PM
Thanks, Tyr, I'm enjoying myself already ! And yes, I belatedly figured out that the intro thread was ONE thread here, and newbies just add to it when they arrive. My intro piece is there.

Hope there is a lib or 2 around here who considers me a challenge. Looking forward to such encounters here ...

I have read your intro and posted a reply there as well. I trust that you will be well received here amigo.
Cool moderating here and the mods are intelligent and certainly not arrogant. I mention that only because I endured five years of such treatment at another site which I and some friends recently left to journey over here. I will introduce you too those friends and say a bit about each in a pm later tonight.
Getting your feet wet I see. Good show and yes you will find some libs to debate here and my guess is even a few conservatives as well, more about that later .;)--Tyr

red states rule
06-19-2012, 02:45 AM
The USSC is expected rule anyday now on Obamacare. Should they repeal it who benefits?


Small Businesses

When you look at the front lines of this battle, special interests representing the small business community are making their presence known. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) believes that Obamacare will be detrimental to the growth of small businesses. Representatives from the lobby group report healthcare costs skyrocketing between 20% and 40% since the passage of the law and many worry that the premiums (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/premium.asp?Partner=worldnow) will continue to rise.

If this bill is repealed, small business owners hope to see decreases in premiums, but just as important is the removal of the uncertainty that has kept their growth plans shelved.


If you still believe the old model where doctors are among the richest people in America, some doctors want you to rethink that idea. There are still some physicians with lucrative positions who live the a lavish life, but most are finding their practices struggling to survive, with health insurance companies only paying a fraction of what they once did. Because of this environment, America is facing a critical shortage of doctors by 2020.

A recent study conducted by The Doctor's Company (http://www.thedoctors.com/) in February, found that 60% of doctors believe that Obamacare will hurt patient care and further put their practice under financial (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) pressure. Moreover, if Obamacare is repealed, some believe that doctors will stop leaving the profession, and more will believe that the large debt load they take on to become a doctor will result in a lucrative career allowing them to pay off the debt in a timely way.

The Wealthy

Those making more than $250,000 per year will pay a 3.8% surtax on their investment income to help pay for Obamacare. That, along with other tax hikes, would bring capital gains (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capitalgain.asp?Partner=worldnow) taxes up to 23.8% and dividend (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) taxes could rise from the current rate of 15% to as high as 43.4%. If Obamacare is repealed, that wouldn't bring tax rates down to Bush-era tax cut levels, but it would remove the 3.8% surtax.

Big Companies

When the healthcare bill was passed, companies immediately took charge-offs (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/chargeoff.asp?Partner=worldnow) and raised concerns that this legislation could drastically cut employees' healthcare benefits or even cause layoffs. AT&T took a $1 billion charge-off to account for a rise in healthcare costs, while Caterpillar, John Deere and many others took smaller, yet substantial charge-offs, soon after passage.

If the bill is ruled unconstitutional and later repealed, companies who took this charge-off could see a bounce in their stock price and the same thing could happen in the broader market. Markets hate uncertainty and since nobody knows the true effect of the bill until it takes effect, many investors would much rather see it repealed.

Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/18571999/2012-election-4-groups-that-win-if-obamacare-is-repealed?clienttype=printable#ixzz1yDtJZUBd

06-22-2012, 05:09 PM
:goodposting::goodposting::goodposting::goodpostin g:

Yep ... EXACTLY.

I've just registered here, and this is my first post ... I'm British, posting from Wales, UK.

So, you'll appreciate that I've some experience of State healthcare, as the UK was the first country in the world to introduce such a thing, way back in 1948.

These days .. there's a supposed guarantee that patients won't wait more than eighteen weeks for hospital treatment, following diagnosis. When did the British NHS achieve such a milestone ? August 2008 .. a mere SIXTY YEARS after its creation !!

Eighteen MONTH waits were relatively commonplace just a decade previously.

If you want second class healthcare, with the State controlling what treatments will or will not be afforded (i.e whether or not they'll be available), then State healthcare is the way to go. And if or when you ever achieve it, watch out for the big tax bill everyone will have to pay, whether or not you have any need for treatment.

I say 'everyone' .. well, that includes taxpayers. Do you have illegals who'd use State healthcare without paying anything for it ??

Not every person from the UK has your perspective on this matter. I just completed caring for a young woman who had a procedure at the facility where I work. She is English. One of the first things she said was that the US health care system "sucks" and that the English way was better because "everything is free". She was completely confused when I advised her that health care is far from free and if she pays taxes at home, she is paying for the care she and everyone else receives.