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View Full Version : Something Up In KY?

06-18-2012, 11:41 PM

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 <!-- Begin .post --> An Exploding Experience.....
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9Ot5PET__C8/T9-9kkBAIBI/AAAAAAAAAeY/tCpLyM4vJtY/s320/bunker+buster.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9Ot5PET__C8/T9-9kkBAIBI/AAAAAAAAAeY/tCpLyM4vJtY/s1600/bunker+buster.jpg)
About 6 months ago, I moved to Kentucky, about 30 miles away from Fort Knox.

Nobody told me about the bombs.

The first time I heard them, I was like DAMN!

Being from Milwaukee, I sadly became accustomed to hearing gunshots.

But bombs? Neva!

I was told that hearing bombs around here is pretty normal. Most people who have lived here for many years, barely even notice them.

Until now.

About a month and half ago, I heard (felt) my first bunker buster.
The first couple of times, most people around here shrugged.

But, since then, the amount of bombs that have been exploding, including the bunker busters, have locals raising their collective eyebrows.

People who usually don't notice the bombs, are actually talking about them.

The feeling I have is back prior to the Iraq war. Suddenly, I was hearing military planes.

I was use to seeing and hearing an occasional military plane. But all of a sudden, the volume increased, dramatically.

That is what is going on now with the bombs.


So many places could be the potential targets. But bunker busters?

There's only one place I can think of, that really could use a well placed bunker buster.

Could it really be true? After spending half my life, watching Iran stick their middle finger up at the world, are they finally going to pay?

Is the timing a coincidence or is this well timed?

Is this how Obama intends on getting elected?

Created catastrophy?

I seriously doubt Iran and their cronies will take being bombed, lying down. There very well could be trouble here.

Maybe that is all part of O's plan.

No matter. I want to see Iran finally get it.

But O better not get re-elected.

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06-18-2012, 11:54 PM
The blogger is obviously a delusional lunatic. Or she hates the troops.