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View Full Version : Boardrooms are the new battlefield for gay rights

06-19-2012, 08:40 AM
Kind of an interesting article...that I have seen at my place of employment. Employees are prohibited from political speech or anything deemed offensive. Even ask employees to put disclaimers on their facbeook pages regarding the company not being responsible or sharing your views. Yet company's very own news letters support gay activism...and try to sway folks to their views.

Board members come under fire from shareholders all the time over their fiscal responsibilities but now there's a new battle brewing in the boardroom: Social issues like gay rights.
When activist investor Carl Icahn recently took on Chesapeake Energy over allegations of misuse of company funds (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) by CEO and Chairman Aubrey McClendon, the company acted quickly, announcing McClendon would be stripped of his chairman title and agreeing to replace four board members.
How the board manages a company’s money is of direct interest to shareholders. But how important is it for a board member to agree with a company’s policies on social issues if they are going to sit on the board? Will a contradiction have broader implications for clients, customers, and shareholders of both organizations?


06-19-2012, 08:46 AM
Kind of an interesting article...that I have seen at my place of employment. Employees are prohibited from political speech or anything deemed offensive. Even ask employees to put disclaimers on their facbeook pages regarding the company not being responsible or sharing your views. Yet company's very own news letters support gay activism...and try to sway folks to their views.

Board members come under fire from shareholders all the time over their fiscal responsibilities but now there's a new battle brewing in the boardroom: Social issues like gay rights.
When activist investor Carl Icahn recently took on Chesapeake Energy over allegations of misuse of company funds (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) by CEO and Chairman Aubrey McClendon, the company acted quickly, announcing McClendon would be stripped of his chairman title and agreeing to replace four board members.
How the board manages a company’s money is of direct interest to shareholders. But how important is it for a board member to agree with a company’s policies on social issues if they are going to sit on the board? Will a contradiction have broader implications for clients, customers, and shareholders of both organizations?


I've seen this one coming too. Gay friendly businesses hiring more gays. There are a lot of ways to make sure certain people have jobs.

06-19-2012, 09:11 AM
I've seen this one coming too. Gay friendly businesses hiring more gays. There are a lot of ways to make sure certain people have jobs.

I thought this was interesting...

How the board manages a company’s money is of direct interest to shareholders. But how important is it for a board member to agree with a company’s policies on social issues if they are going to sit on the board? Will a contradiction have broader implications for clients, customers, and shareholders of both organizations?

So is this the new tactic for getting their way? I find it interesting that this article goes on to brow beat the Boy Scouts Of America trying to get them to come around to their point of view...because activists have taken spots on their board.

06-19-2012, 10:33 AM
And here I thought businesses were just profit making entities. Apparently they are arbiters of social justice as well.

06-19-2012, 10:39 AM
And here I thought businesses were just profit making entities. Apparently they are arbiters of social justice as well.

The moral might be don't piss off market share with excess disposable income.

06-19-2012, 10:44 AM
I've been predicting this for quite some time.. I think gay affirmative action is coming... I wonder how people will feel about gay rights when their jobs are eliminated in favor of a gay person.

06-19-2012, 10:52 AM
And here I thought businesses were just profit making entities. Apparently they are arbiters of social justice as well.

So does this mean once the 'right' people situate themselves as board members and CEO's...suddenly big business won't be deemed evil anymore?

Another interesting quote...

"Corporate America has found that it's a smart business decision to stand with the majority of Americans who support gay and lesbian couples," said Rich Ferraro, vice president of communications at GLAAD. "Companies that actively support anti-gay causes are being met with vocal disapproval from the gay community as well as their friends and families, while brands like JC Penney, Johnson & Johnson and Gap are building loyal consumer bases simply by being inclusive.”

06-19-2012, 10:55 AM
I've been predicting this for quite some time.. I think gay affirmative action is coming... I wonder how people will feel about gay rights when their jobs are eliminated in favor of a gay person.

Yep...already here. I have several friends (and relatives) that are gay/lesbian...they already network (and have for some time) and know the gay friendly companies etc...

06-19-2012, 11:00 AM
Networking =/= Affirmative Action.

06-19-2012, 11:04 AM
Networking =/= Affirmative Action.

Not what I said.

I said they network...and through this... find out what companies/businesses are 'gay friendly'. Meaning places that will hire specifically gay employees.

06-19-2012, 11:05 AM
""Corporate America has found that it's a smart business decision to stand with the majority of Americans who support gay and lesbian couples," said Rich Ferraro, vice president of communications at GLAAD. "Companies that actively support anti-gay causes are being met with vocal disapproval from the gay community as well as their friends and families, while brands like JC Penney, Johnson & Johnson and Gap are building loyal consumer bases simply by being inclusive.”"

That is funniest thing I have heard in a while. Does that guy actually believe the steaming pile of poo coming out of his mouth?
This is just not reality. Building a loyal customer base has nothing to do with being inclusive and everything to do with value and quality of service.
When was the last time anyone (who isn't gay) decided to shop at one store over another simply because one shop supports gay rights?
You could have gay men hanging in effigy outside your front door but if you have a good 60" LED HDTV on sale for $500, I'm walking in the door.

06-19-2012, 11:09 AM
Not what I said.

I said they network...and through this... find out what companies/businesses are 'gay friendly'. Meaning places that will hire specifically gay employees.

You agreed with a post about AA and then proceeded to bring up networking. Nevertheless, everyone should network so why can't they talk about the gay-friendly companies.

06-19-2012, 11:13 AM
You agreed with a post about AA and then proceeded to bring up networking. Nevertheless, everyone should network so why can't they talk about the gay-friendly companies.

Didn't mean to confuse you. I basically was saying there are companies that WILL already hire gays over other employees. I did not say there was anything wrong with networking...just that it is and has been a tool used to spread the word.

06-19-2012, 11:19 AM
""Corporate America has found that it's a smart business decision to stand with the majority of Americans who support gay and lesbian couples," said Rich Ferraro, vice president of communications at GLAAD. "Companies that actively support anti-gay causes are being met with vocal disapproval from the gay community as well as their friends and families, while brands like JC Penney, Johnson & Johnson and Gap are building loyal consumer bases simply by being inclusive.”"

That is funniest thing I have heard in a while. Does that guy actually believe the steaming pile of poo coming out of his mouth?
This is just not reality. Building a loyal customer base has nothing to do with being inclusive and everything to do with value and quality of service.
When was the last time anyone (who isn't gay) decided to shop at one store over another simply because one shop supports gay rights?
You could have gay men hanging in effigy outside your front door but if you have a good 60" LED HDTV on sale for $500, I'm walking in the door.

I guess maybe the gay community only shops at stores they deem PC? I know... it doesn't effect me one way or another either... when I am interested in something and can only find what I am looking for at a store that doesn't have activist views. I think I am pretty much in the 'majority' on that also.

06-19-2012, 11:19 AM
Didn't mean to confuse you.

I wasn't confused, I understood perfectly what you posted.

06-19-2012, 11:25 AM
I wasn't confused, I understood perfectly what you posted.

Oh...and I never stated that they couldn't talk about gay friendly companies either. So, apparently you didn't understand what I posted.

06-19-2012, 11:27 AM
who cares who companies hire ? Should we shrink government by passing further laws that state that companies can't hire gays?

06-19-2012, 11:29 AM
who cares who companies hire ? Should we shrink government by passing further laws that state that companies can't hire gays?

Once again...missing the point. Shocking. :laugh:

06-19-2012, 11:29 AM
Oh...and I never stated that they couldn't talk about gay friendly companies either. So, apparently you didn't understand what I posted.

No. Thank you for your concern though.

06-19-2012, 11:31 AM
No. Thank you for your concern though.

Well...when putting words in my mouth you batted zero. So...glad I could help.

06-19-2012, 11:36 AM
Well...when putting words in my mouth you batted zero. So...glad I could help.

Yeah, I put words in your mouth.

I think gay affirmative action is coming...

Yep...already here.


06-19-2012, 11:37 AM
Yeah, I put words in your mouth.


you're a hall monitor :rolleyes:

06-19-2012, 11:39 AM
Yeah, I put words in your mouth.


Nice edit job :laugh:

Cherry picking does not make your case stronger.Whatever case that may be....other than to play word games.

06-19-2012, 11:41 AM
you're a hall monitor :rolleyes:

I thought Mr Passive Aggressive 'high road' was ignoring me. Oops...caught in another lie. :laugh:

06-19-2012, 11:42 AM
Nice edit job :laugh:

Cherry picking does not make your case stronger.Whatever case that may be....other than to play word games.

Anyway. :rolleyes:

06-19-2012, 11:44 AM
Anyway. :rolleyes:


06-19-2012, 11:48 AM

06-19-2012, 11:50 AM

Well...did you have anything else to say...add...ask? Or are were just planning on dismissing me again?

06-19-2012, 11:53 AM
Well...did you have anything else to say...add...ask? Or are were just planning on dismissing me again?

What more can I add/ask when you deny your own words?

06-19-2012, 11:59 AM
What more can I add/ask when you deny your own words?

I already explained my words,which I even said were confusing. Do you want to discuss THAT or not? Or... do you still just want to try to get me to admit to your interpretation of the conversation?

06-19-2012, 12:47 PM
I already explained my words,which I even said were confusing. Do you want to discuss THAT or not? Or... do you still just want to try to get me to admit to your interpretation of the conversation?

You said I put words in your mouth; I did not. You said gays are hiring gays at gay-friendly firms; I agree with that. I understand exactly the points you were trying to make.

06-19-2012, 12:56 PM
You said I put words in your mouth; I did not. You said gays are hiring gays at gay-friendly firms; I agree with that. I understand exactly the points you were trying to make.

What points am I trying to make?

06-19-2012, 01:19 PM

06-19-2012, 01:40 PM

Just trying to make sure you are correct when you say you understand 'exactly' what points I was making. You took issue with something,obviously,but since you won't say what...I will just conclude it was my choice of words then.:beer:

06-19-2012, 01:50 PM
You took issue with something,obviously,but since you won't say what...

Do we need to relive post #9 again?

06-19-2012, 01:51 PM
And what's the deal with Walmart Managers ? The last three I have frequented have ALL had gay managers.

06-19-2012, 01:55 PM
Do we need to relive post #9 again?

I already addressed that. How much clearer can I make it other than saying...that's not what I said. And later...Sorry, for confusing you?

06-19-2012, 01:56 PM
I've been predicting this for quite some time.. I think gay affirmative action is coming... I wonder how people will feel about gay rights when their jobs are eliminated in favor of a gay person.

I think hiring those with the same political views is already here too.
Networking=good old boy system

06-19-2012, 02:14 PM
I already addressed that. How much clearer can I make it other than saying...that's not what I said. And later...Sorry, for confusing you?

Yeah, why you keep bringing it up I don't know but I made no point about anything else you posted.

06-19-2012, 02:15 PM
I think hiring those with the same political views is already here too.
Networking=good old boy system

So... you're against networking?

06-19-2012, 02:20 PM
Yeah, why you keep bringing it up I don't know but I made no point about anything else you posted.

Well...you seem to have your needle stuck there in error. So, make your case. Or am I supposed to guess?

06-19-2012, 02:21 PM
Well...you seem to have your needle stuck there in error. So, make your case. Or am I supposed to guess?


06-19-2012, 02:27 PM

So...apparently I am supposed to guess? Okay...

You think I was calling AA and Networking the same thing. And I wasn't (which I clarified). And now that you understand that fact...you want to move on.

Okay...me too. :thumb:

06-19-2012, 02:33 PM
So...apparently I am supposed to guess? Okay...

You think I was calling AA and Networking the same thing. And I wasn't (which I clarified). And now that you understand that fact...you want to move on.

Okay...me too. :thumb:

:clap: Geez, you don't have to guess at anything. And FWIW, I'm glad you clarified.

06-19-2012, 02:39 PM
:clap: Geez, you don't have to guess at anything. And FWIW, I'm glad you clarified.

Right...it's not like I already addressed this too...in post number 34 or anything. ;)

06-19-2012, 03:56 PM
Right...it's not like I already addressed this too...in post number 34 or anything. ;)

OK, you win. I don't even really know what you're talking about anymore.

06-19-2012, 04:02 PM
OK, you win. I don't even really know what you're talking about anymore.

I never knew what you were talking about...so we are even.:beer:

06-19-2012, 08:51 PM
It was about homosexuals taking over the world.

06-19-2012, 08:56 PM
It was about homosexuals taking over the world.


06-19-2012, 09:04 PM

You Too ?? no way--tell me it ain't so.