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View Full Version : SHOCK: Sharpton Blames Holder Contempt Charge On Racism

06-21-2012, 06:00 PM
So now it's racist. After this administration tries to blame the former administration. I'd love to know how Sharpton survives, in the news day in and day out. He should be in jail for inciting violence and such, or at the very least, made irrelevant and homeless.

How easy it must be to live your life as Al Sharpton does. Only the race-baiting NBC News star can look at the tragic events of the Fast and Furious scandal that ended with the death of a border patrol agent and see Attorney General Eric Holder as the real victim.

In the Huffington Post yesterday, Mr. Sharpton likened the House Oversight Committee's contempt vote on America's chief law enforcement official to the NYPD practice of "Stop and Frisk" which critics call a racially motivated police state tactic.

As I marched this past Sunday with tens of thousands in New York in opposition to the abhorrent practice of stop & frisk,' I couldn't help but think of our attorney general. Tattered down and publicly humiliated, AG Holder has been mishandled just like the young Black and Latino men (and women) who are demonized on our streets everyday. Chris Matthews of Hardball on MSNBC concurred: AG Holder is being profiled, stopped and searched.

Sharpton informs his HuffPo readership that Rep. Darrel Issa's (R-CA) committee has treated Holder in a snappy and demeaning way:

The highest officer of law and order in this nation has been ridiculed, scapegoated and handled as some sort of criminal throughout this 'investigation.' Turning over thousands of documents and overextending himself, AG Holder was spoken to and mistreated as if he were a child, and reminded that despite his esteemed position, he can and would be profiled.

Of course, the good Reverend never provides an example or a link to back up his claim. The reader is merely left to trust Sharpton on his assertion of racist behavior. And why shouldn't we? After all, his charges of racism in the past have been spot-on and always truthful. When you have a track record like his, you don't need to provide evidence of your irresponsible charge, your word is as good as gold.

Attorney General Eric Holder famously said that America is a "nation of cowards" when it comes to race. This was his first public pronouncement as the newly-sworn AG. If you tend to agree with Holder on this, can't we possibly excuse our hesitance to discuss racial issues on the obvious fact that race-peddlers like Sharpton use race as a cudgel to pound political opponents into the ground? In fact, Sharpton has made a lucrative career out of injecting odious racial politics into every single issue of American life for the past twenty years. And he is rewarded not just by a major broadcast news organization and radio network, but also by this President and Holder, himself.


06-21-2012, 06:02 PM
And the NYT sinks about as low...

The New York Times Editorial Board and their editor, Andrew Rosenthal, think the Operation Fast & Furious investigation is "a pointless partisan fight."

Their op-ed takes the position that one of the deadliest political scandals in American history has been blown out of proportion by Republicans in Congress, and their contempt vote was meant only to score political points against the Obama administration. And to reach this conclusion, they have to twist the facts into a simple-minded caricature of what's really happened.

From the get-go, the piece downplays the significance of the operation's horrific toll. They simply refer to Brian Terry as "an American border agent." Yes, just some nameless agent, right? It would've only taken a two-second search to find he was Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. He had a name. He died protecting this country. That the NYT casts his identity aside to soften the blow of his death is telling.

These guns are also connected to the deaths of over 300 Mexicans, which you wouldn't know from their whitewashing generalization, "some of the guns turned up in deadly shootouts." Yes, "some," as in "hundreds." Guns have also been found at twelve crime scenes in America.

The NYT also repeats the standard DOJ line that the operation was "botched." Fast & Furious was not botched. Special Agent John Dodson, the original whistleblower, confirmed this last year. It went exactly as planned. Of course, those in the media who are content to suck up to the powerful wouldn't bother reporting his account.

The article further claims Attorney General Eric Holder’s supposed crime is not giving the Oversight Committee documents--which, again with their spin, is described as "some" documents--not the tens of thousands that were requested. Regardless, that is not his crime. As Rep. Trey Gowdy points out in his Wednesday speech, a regular person would not be able to ignore a subpoena and get away with it. If an ordinary citizen lied to Congress, he would be hauled to prison.


06-21-2012, 06:30 PM
So now it's racist. After this administration tries to blame the former administration. I'd love to know how Sharpton survives, in the news day in and day out. He should be in jail for inciting violence and such, or at the very least, made irrelevant and homeless.

I'm not sure I can blame Sharpton anymore. The guy is a dinosaur from another time who cannot see the world outside of the prism of his time.
He has not and cannot move past it to see that racism has little if nothing to do with politics today.

An American died defending our border by U.S. weapons our government knowingly shipped to Mexican drug cartels. Congress wants to get to the bottom of it. Plain and simple.

06-21-2012, 06:32 PM
I have a feeling Sharpton even blames his erectile dysfunction on whitey.