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View Full Version : Prayer request

06-21-2012, 07:08 PM
One of my coworker was riding his motorcycle last night and was hit by a car that crossed over into his lane. He has a fractured neck. His hand and foot were severed from his body. They saved the hand, but last I heard the foot was not salvageable. He's in critical condition with other breaks, fractures, etc.

The real sad thing is he was married just two weeks ago and now his wife and him have to deal with this instead of enjoying newly wed bliss.

Please keep him and his wife in your prayers.

06-21-2012, 07:11 PM

06-22-2012, 05:27 PM
Extending my prayers and wishes for healing to include your friend, Avatar.

06-22-2012, 09:22 PM
One of my coworker was riding his motorcycle last night and was hit by a car that crossed over into his lane. He has a fractured neck. His hand and foot were severed from his body. They saved the hand, but last I heard the foot was not salvageable. He's in critical condition with other breaks, fractures, etc.

The real sad thing is he was married just two weeks ago and now his wife and him have to deal with this instead of enjoying newly wed bliss.

Please keep him and his wife in your prayers.

Prayers do work!