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06-21-2012, 10:42 PM
Does anyone out there remember the absolute thrill that comes with the first day of summer vacation? For my daughter, the magical day is tomorrow (Friday).
This is an annual occasion for my daughter. She has been roosting in her room all night, planning all the things she wants to do and sharing her plans with others.
I remember the last day of school quite well. Where I was able to relish the thrill of not having to wake up for school for the next 10 weeks or so. And having few responsibilities.
Of course, now I have to plan it instead of partaking in it, but I still find it enjoyable. :cool:

06-21-2012, 10:45 PM
Does anyone out there remember the absolute thrill that comes with the first day of summer vacation? For my daughter, the magical day is tomorrow (Friday).
This is an annual occasion for my daughter. She has been roosting in her room all night, planning all the things she wants to do and sharing her plans with others.
I remember the last day of school quite well. Where I was able to relish the thrill of not having to wake up for school for the next 10 weeks or so. And having few responsibilities.
Of course, now I have to plan it instead of partaking in it, but I still find it enjoyable. :cool:

worked at my dad's auto repair shop 6 days a week during the summer starting the day after school let out. No summer off at my house growing up.

06-21-2012, 11:34 PM
Does anyone out there remember the absolute thrill that comes with the first day of summer vacation? For my daughter, the magical day is tomorrow (Friday).
This is an annual occasion for my daughter. She has been roosting in her room all night, planning all the things she wants to do and sharing her plans with others.
I remember the last day of school quite well. Where I was able to relish the thrill of not having to wake up for school for the next 10 weeks or so. And having few responsibilities.
Of course, now I have to plan it instead of partaking in it, but I still find it enjoyable. :cool:

Yes I do. It is a magical day indeed.
My kids have been out of school a couple of weeks now. They have been having a blast "camping" for the last 2 weeks. I'll be heading up the hill tomorrow to join them after work again. Really looking forward to this weekend with my family and friends.

06-21-2012, 11:35 PM
Does anyone out there remember the absolute thrill that comes with the first day of summer vacation? For my daughter, the magical day is tomorrow (Friday).
This is an annual occasion for my daughter. She has been roosting in her room all night, planning all the things she wants to do and sharing her plans with others.
I remember the last day of school quite well. Where I was able to relish the thrill of not having to wake up for school for the next 10 weeks or so. And having few responsibilities.
Of course, now I have to plan it instead of partaking in it, but I still find it enjoyable. :cool:

I loved summer vacations, until very recently! LOL! As a kid we didn't take any 'exotic' vacations, but would always spend a week or so in MI or WI resorts on the water. My dad had enough 'roughing it in the army,' and my mom wouldn't ever have gone there. ;) There was always a kitchen, but mostly we ate out for breakfast and dinner. My mom would load the cooler with sandwiches, fruit, chips, treats, and drinks for 'beach and boat time.' (basically from 11 am-5:30 pm.) We were a water loving family. My brother and I both love to water ski, subsequently we've added tubing.

But most of the summer it was just us kids. While my dad would take my brother and I to 'family swim' along with any neighborhood kids that wanted to go from 6-7 pm; during the day my mom was doing her thing and wherever my brother and I wanted to go, we either walked or rode our bikes. Now we're talking about 8 and over, but we rode our bikes to golf courses, museums, library, shopping areas, etc. None more than 5 miles, but we did it regularly. We'd make lunches and eat them when the time was right.

We had lemonade stands and went swimming in a 4' pool as little kids, later to the public pool. Both my brother and I were on swim team for public and the Y.

We had summer classes, some as little kids run by the park district at our local public school. They had field trips once in awhile to downtown museums, but mostly it was organized games and arts/crafts. For a couple summers I took private art classes. In jr. high I took typing. In high school I took typing again, along with some creative writing courses. I liked summer school in hs much better than the regular year.

06-22-2012, 11:23 AM
Sounds almost like my childhood Kat, just exchange the lakes with the beach. Reading your post got me all nostalgic for the good ole' days :)

06-22-2012, 11:46 AM
Summer is the best time for kids to be kids. My daughter is starting off her summer vacation by spending the weekend with my sister.

Abbey Marie
06-22-2012, 12:32 PM
Your summers sound dreamy. Summers in the South Bronx weren't so pretty. I remember it being very hot and going to the library alone and doing a lot of reading. I guess I was sort of a library rat. My father dominated the one TV set with endless Yankees games; seemed like almost every night. Probably why I can't watch baseball to this day.

06-22-2012, 12:57 PM
Your summers sound dreamy. Summers in the South Bronx weren't so pretty. I remember it being very hot and going to the library alone and doing a lot of reading. I guess I was sort of a library rat. My father dominated the one TV set with endless Yankees games; seemed like almost every night. Probably why I can't watch baseball to this day.
Me too Abbey!!
The public library was about a mile down the road from my house. On the way there was a strawberry patch that I always stopped by for a fresh treat. I'd spend at least a couple of hours at the library just reading and always came home with a few books. To me it was enormous vault of stories waiting to be told and knowledge to be imparted. I was a real geek :laugh:

06-22-2012, 01:01 PM
Your summers sound dreamy. Summers in the South Bronx weren't so pretty. I remember it being very hot and going to the library alone and doing a lot of reading. I guess I was sort of a library rat. My father dominated the one TV set with endless Yankees games; seemed like almost every night. Probably why I can't watch baseball to this day.

My friend and I would get to the library at least twice a week. Every summer there was "The Battle of the Books" for each grade in each school. I always won! WooT! Prize? 10 coupons for double dip cones at Baskin Robbins.

06-22-2012, 05:06 PM
Your summers sound dreamy. Summers in the South Bronx weren't so pretty. I remember it being very hot and going to the library alone and doing a lot of reading. I guess I was sort of a library rat. My father dominated the one TV set with endless Yankees games; seemed like almost every night. Probably why I can't watch baseball to this day.

I loved summer vacations. I very rarely watched TV. When it go to be about 10 a.m. or so, my mom would make me go outside. She didn't like my sister or I loafing around the house all day.
I had several good friends and we spent a lot of time skating, riding bikes and skateboarding. Sometimes we would walk or bike down to Disneyland and watch the traffic. Occasionally they would give up a few bucks for cleaning trash out of the parking lot.
The highlight of summer was always out vacation to see relatives in Dallas. We would usually fly there, but we did drive a few times. My uncle always took us down to the water park in New Braunfels. Or to the mega outlet mall in San Marcos. I loved it because I got to hang out with my cousin, who was the same age as me.

Life was good growing up. Can't complain about my childhood at all.

06-22-2012, 06:25 PM
Me too Abbey!!
The public library was about a mile down the road from my house. On the way there was a strawberry patch that I always stopped by for a fresh treat. I'd spend at least a couple of hours at the library just reading and always came home with a few books. To me it was enormous vault of stories waiting to be told and knowledge to be imparted. I was a real geek :laugh:

Me, three!!! Books took me to exotic places and the library was my travel agent.

06-22-2012, 11:16 PM
I loved summer vacations. I very rarely watched TV. When it go to be about 10 a.m. or so, my mom would make me go outside. She didn't like my sister or I loafing around the house all day.
I had several good friends and we spent a lot of time skating, riding bikes and skateboarding. Sometimes we would walk or bike down to Disneyland and watch the traffic. Occasionally they would give up a few bucks for cleaning trash out of the parking lot.
The highlight of summer was always out vacation to see relatives in Dallas. We would usually fly there, but we did drive a few times. My uncle always took us down to the water park in New Braunfels. Or to the mega outlet mall in San Marcos. I loved it because I got to hang out with my cousin, who was the same age as me.

Life was good growing up. Can't complain about my childhood at all.

Gabby, your comment about roller skating reminded me of how much time we spent doing that! Believe it or not, I know you will, but my skates until probably 4th grade were adjustable with a key! Steel wheels that made such great noise and vibrations on the sidewalk! During the school year we'd go to the roller rink on Friday nights.

You also reminded me of my best friend and I trying to get 'rich' in the summer, we didn't do too badly. We sold Christmas cards from the back of comic books.

We sold bread orders that we were to bake, unfortunately we decided after a couple hours that baking over 30 loaves wasn't going to work! So we went back and offered to give the money back, but everyone let us keep the cash! LOL!

We collected milk and pop bottles from both family and neighbors in our wagon. Took them for the deposits.

We washed cars.

In 8th grade we cut lawns and cleaned out garages, to pay for a canoe trip through Canadian Waters. Yep, we made enough to go.

06-23-2012, 02:07 AM
Gabby, your comment about roller skating reminded me of how much time we spent doing that! Believe it or not, I know you will, but my skates until probably 4th grade were adjustable with a key! Steel wheels that made such great noise and vibrations on the sidewalk! During the school year we'd go to the roller rink on Friday nights.

You also reminded me of my best friend and I trying to get 'rich' in the summer, we didn't do too badly. We sold Christmas cards from the back of comic books.

We sold bread orders that we were to bake, unfortunately we decided after a couple hours that baking over 30 loaves wasn't going to work! So we went back and offered to give the money back, but everyone let us keep the cash! LOL!

We collected milk and pop bottles from both family and neighbors in our wagon. Took them for the deposits.

We washed cars.

In 8th grade we cut lawns and cleaned out garages, to pay for a canoe trip through Canadian Waters. Yep, we made enough to go.

We spent a lot of time at the skating rink.....I think a lot of us wanted to be a Roller Derby star.

Using the wagon to collect coke bottles ..... yep!!!

Instead of selling lemonade, my brothers and I would string mattress buttons. I also cleaned houses, did babysitting and ironing. I absolutely loathe ironing now.

I really loved school, so summer vacations were way too long for me. I think I loved the first day of school more than the last day.

06-23-2012, 02:27 AM
We spent a lot of time at the skating rink.....I think a lot of us wanted to be a Roller Derby star.

Using the wagon to collect coke bottles ..... yep!!!

Instead of selling lemonade, my brothers and I would string mattress buttons. I also cleaned houses, did babysitting and ironing. I absolutely loathe ironing now.

I really loved school, so summer vacations were way too long for me. I think I loved the first day of school more than the last day.

I can't rep, but awesome post!

06-23-2012, 08:24 AM
I grew up on a farm....we worked all summer.....

06-23-2012, 10:42 AM
Which is why it was better to live in the suburbs. :cool:

When I was in high school, one of my dads PR clients was a guy who had bought an old roller rink and redid it. He found some quad skates and gave them to me. I still have them.
Quad skates are awesome.