View Full Version : ConHog FACTS!

06-22-2012, 06:37 AM
True - all of these our true from our resident self-proclaimed "hero", "Retired Army Major", "So-wealthy-he-doesn't-have-to-work", and "Constitutional Scholar". If any of us have THOUGHT it, He thought it first. If anyone here has DONE it, He's done it BETTER. If ANYONE here has been with somebody BEAUTIFUL, that beautiful person PALES in comparison to ConHog's wife - whom is a current reigning Miss MilkyWay. (Milky Way - that was also my nickname in college). But don't ask for evidence or photos of his life because none exists. His life is too enchanted to be recorded by any media device.

CornDog has:

...stepped in front of a BULLET to save a child.
...taught a German shepherd to bark in Spanish
...His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s entire body.
...He’s a lover, not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas.
...He is left-handed. And right-handed.
...He once punched a magician. That’s right. You heard me.
...He owns three sports cars and rents five.
...He once brought in $13 million at a charity bachelor auction, which was a lot of money at the time.
...GOD is a man of ConHog
...He gets close AND gets the cigar
...his Cat has TEN lives
...His Congressional Medal of Honor once earned an Army Commendation Medal
...The US Flag must salute HIM when he walks by


06-22-2012, 10:22 AM
holy crap....he's Chuck Norris' sockpuppet!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2012, 10:44 AM
I had a good friend that pulled a lady and her small child from icy water after she had driven off a bridge into the frozen river below. His name was Mike McCullar and I went to school with him and we ran together as wild young teenagers. It was wintertime, he was following this car and it just missed the bridge and went into the water breaking thru the ice there at the bridge. He stopped and dived in getting mother and daughter out! They did ok but he ended up getting pneumonia and having to go to the hospital. It was all written up in the local paper back in the late 70's.. Good guy he is and I hear he now runs a small pool hall/tavern in that same small town.
Myself, the most heroic thing I ever did was putting up with my ex-wife an additional 8 years for our daughter's sake. That and eating my brother-in-law's SUPER HOT chili !:laugh:
But my , stepping in front of a bullet! Now that is some kind of heroic deed!
Do tell, who did that , SAVE A CHILD , CATCH A BULLET!? -Tyr

06-22-2012, 10:59 AM
CH would have gotten to those folks quicker if Mike McCullar had't got in his way.

06-22-2012, 11:50 AM
holy crap....he's Chuck Norris' sockpuppet!

Exactly wrong, Chuck Norris in fact is MY sock puppet. :dance:

06-22-2012, 12:06 PM
If by some weird, powerful and strange cosmic force, CH could debate himself, he'd win - hands down.

06-22-2012, 12:14 PM
If by some weird, powerful and strange cosmic force, CH could debate himself, he'd win - hands down.

He does that anyway...when he assigns the parts of the debate that are and aren't 'relevant'...and what points the other poster is making when posting (or allowed to make in context to his side of the argument). Might as well just be talking to himself. :thumb:

Abbey Marie
06-22-2012, 12:18 PM
Reminds me of the Dos Equis commercial with the guy who is so cool, his mother has a tattoo that says "Son".

And when in Rome, the Romans do as he does. :laugh:


06-22-2012, 12:23 PM

06-22-2012, 12:44 PM
Reminds me of the Dos Equis commercial with the guy who is so cool, his mother has a tattoo that says "Son".

And when in Rome, the Romans do as he does. :laugh:


Aaron is gonna be PISSED you posted his photo!

(that's where I got my list; by googling that guy's quotes - except a couple which are CH's claims here on the forum).


Abbey Marie
06-22-2012, 12:53 PM
Aaron is gonna be PISSED you posted his photo!

(that's where I got my list; by googling that guy's quotes - except a couple which are CH's claims here on the forum).


I feel like saying "duh" to myself!

06-22-2012, 12:55 PM

Hilarious, I guess OCA and CH are puppets as both are now the Dos Equis guy! LOL Mike claimed he was the guy in the commercial. I wish I could be so great! :lol:

06-22-2012, 02:07 PM
Hilarious, I guess OCA and CH are puppets as both are now the Dos Equis guy! LOL Mike claimed he was the guy in the commercial. I wish I could be so great! :lol:

See that's the difference between Mike and I. He has to claim that for himself, I on the other hand have others stating it about me.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2012, 02:29 PM
CH would have gotten to those folks quicker if Mike McCullar had't got in his way.

Who was it that stepped in front of a bullet to save a child. I 'd like to hear about that story and the amazing details too! You brought it up my friend, so who was it? And can you give us the details of the heroic act???
Dont be shy if it was you my friend!
Let's get the story, what do you say?--Tyr

06-22-2012, 02:36 PM
Who was it that stepped in front of a bullet to save a child. I 'd like to hear about that story and the amazing details too! You brought it up my friend, so who was it? And can you give us the details of the heroic act???
Dont be shy if it was you my friend!
Let's get the story, what do you say?--Tyr

I stepped in front of a bullet for a child once too.

And it would sound great if just that small sentence. But it was my son who I stepped in front of. And the bullet was one of those Nerf bullets. Stung a little, but I saved the boy! :coffee:

06-22-2012, 08:29 PM

Good for you, Connie!

06-22-2012, 08:41 PM
In my physical condition today. I am unable to bow down, or go to my knee's to worship any member here.
So. I must ask for a pass, or some kind of waiver from PRAYER postures for ConHog the Magnificent.
I haven't been a member very long. So I obviously have missed much of the Autobiographical Contributions that were placed here before I arrived.

Reading that list from ADMIN really makes me feel sad that I haven't had the pleasure of attending prayer meetings, or worship car wash fund raising events of the past.

Will someone please create a short thread listing the adventures, trials, and tribulations I have missed concerning this ONE, VERY SPECIAL member?
Thank you in advance.

06-22-2012, 10:47 PM
In my physical condition today. I am unable to bow down, or go to my knee's to worship any member here.
So. I must ask for a pass, or some kind of waiver from PRAYER postures for ConHog the Magnificent.
I haven't been a member very long. So I obviously have missed much of the Autobiographical Contributions that were placed here before I arrived.

Reading that list from ADMIN really makes me feel sad that I haven't had the pleasure of attending prayer meetings, or worship car wash fund raising events of the past.

Will someone please create a short thread listing the adventures, trials, and tribulations I have missed concerning this ONE, VERY SPECIAL member?
Thank you in advance.

Hmm, can I get a clarifiication here? Was Darin posting as an admin? Cuz I thought he was just flaming as a regular member.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2012, 11:03 PM
In my physical condition today. I am unable to bow down, or go to my knee's to worship any member here.
So. I must ask for a pass, or some kind of waiver from PRAYER postures for ConHog the Magnificent.
I haven't been a member very long. So I obviously have missed much of the Autobiographical Contributions that were placed here before I arrived.

Reading that list from ADMIN really makes me feel sad that I haven't had the pleasure of attending prayer meetings, or worship car wash fund raising events of the past.

Will someone please create a short thread listing the adventures, trials, and tribulations I have missed concerning this ONE, VERY SPECIAL member?
Thank you in advance.

My friend, methinks that some special member here has in the past been telling how he can shit ice cream, blow pretty little bubbles and whistle catchy little tunes out his ass with both hands tied behind his back when blindfolded while walking a tightrope stretched across the Grande Canyon!-:laugh2:
Perhaps the offending varmit cares to correct some of his past declarations.
So far seems avoidance is the tactic being used.
You know what they say about lies catching up to a person. "Sometimes it's a real bitch.!" :laugh: --Tyr

06-22-2012, 11:15 PM
My friend, methinks that some special member here has in the past been telling how he can shit ice cream, blow pretty little bubbles and whistle catchy little tunes out his ass with both hands tied behind his back when blindfolded while walking a tightrope stretched across the Grande Canyon!-:laugh2:
Perhaps the offending varmit cares to correct some of his past declarations.
So far seems avoidance is the tactic being used.
You know what they say about lies catching up to a person. "Sometimes it's a real bitch.!" :laugh: --Tyr

Thought you were ignoring me, yet you keep talking shit. You're like the little pussy dog that hides behind the glass door yapping furiously at the big dog when everyone damn well knows you won't go out and face him in the yard.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 12:50 AM
I am reminded of my good friend Tom Dooley that always said, The guilty dog will bark soon enough!
Guy really knew his dogs. He even once bought a birddog that couldnt fly! Turns out that it was the best rabbit dog he ever owned. Some guys are just lucky like that. My good friend Jake bought a race dog that only raced to the food bowl. Yelping little cuss couldnt even stop racing to an empty bowl, now that's some real smarts.
Some people are like that you know. Give 'em enough bait and they race to yelp out their tales.. Only unlike dogs people can talk and some tell some mighty fancy tales.
I have yet to name who I suspect but surely there will be a sign from heaven soooooooooon -for surely , GOD, will speak.--:laugh2:-Tyr

06-23-2012, 01:03 AM
Sometimes ConHog vexes me with his stubbornness on an issue, but I have no reason to not believe what he has told us about his accomplishments.

Just because an individual disagrees with me does mean I think they are a liar.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 01:19 AM
Sometimes ConHog vexes me with his stubbornness on an issue, but I have no reason to not believe what he has told us about his accomplishments.

Just because an individual disagrees with me does mean I think they are a liar.

Sorry, were you talking to me? I've named nobody yet. I may have strong views on somebody but I have yet to name that person. I was just waiting to see who barked first. Did I miss something along the way?;)--Tyr

06-23-2012, 01:26 AM
Sorry, were you talking to me? I've named nobody yet. I may have strong views on somebody but I have yet to name that person. I was just waiting to see who barked first. Did I miss something along the way?;)--Tyr

I did not quote you.

I was making a general reply to anyone who reads or posts in this thread what I believe about ConHog.

It is just an observation that I made.

As this thread is about ConHog, why would you even obliquely refer to an as yet unnamed person?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 09:26 AM
Aaron is gonna be PISSED you posted his photo!

(that's where I got my list; by googling that guy's quotes - except a couple which are CH's claims here on the forum).

:D "claim jumper" --:beer: ^^^^^^^^^-tyr

06-23-2012, 10:02 AM
Hmm, can I get a clarifiication here? Was Darin posting as an admin? Cuz I thought he was just flaming as a regular member.

Very curious you call that 'flaming'. Hrm...

Really Aaron - you have to admit...you come up with some crazy shit sometimes.

06-23-2012, 01:42 PM
Very curious you call that 'flaming'. Hrm...

Really Aaron - you have to admit...you come up with some crazy shit sometimes.

Intereeting. And avoiding the question i asked.

06-23-2012, 02:07 PM
Intereeting. And avoiding the question i asked.

Your question has a false premise. It'd be like if you said "When did you stop beating your wife?" then saying I 'avoided' by saying "What makes you think i EVER beat my wife?"

False premise. :)

06-23-2012, 03:23 PM
Your question has a false premise. It'd be like if you said "When did you stop beating your wife?" then saying I 'avoided' by saying "What makes you think i EVER beat my wife?"

False premise. :)


There is no question that this thread is a flame. Of course it is. The ONLY question i asked is did you start it as a member or as i suspected or as admin as has been suggesred

06-23-2012, 03:44 PM
Staff members are entitled to opinions and entitled to have fun just like everyone else. Unless they are in fact "moderating" something, they are speaking as members. Staff members 'moderate' and make 'decisions'. I fail to see how a funny thread would somehow change whether posted by an admin, moderator, regular member or even a guest. Funny is funny. You can't moderate funny. To infer otherwise is to try and infer that the big bad staff member is somehow doing wrong.

Lighten up, Francis. :lol:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 04:06 PM
Quite right Jimmy.
My old grandpappy always said, people are mighty touchy when the TRUTH hits too close to home!
And good humor so often has much TRUTH in it.--:beer:--Tyr
ice cold San Miguels ^^^^^, amigo--:salute:

06-23-2012, 04:13 PM
Staff members are entitled to opinions and entitled to have fun just like everyone else. Unless they are in fact "moderating" something, they are speaking as members. Staff members 'moderate' and make 'decisions'. I fail to see how a funny thread would somehow change whether posted by an admin, moderator, regular member or even a guest. Funny is funny. You can't moderate funny. To infer otherwise is to try and infer that the big bad staff member is somehow doing wrong.

Lighten up, Francis. :lol:

Exactly my point in asking why another member would think this thread was started by "admin" and act like it carried some official weight

It obviously was started by darin the poster. Perhaps I've given you too much credit and you really are too stupid to grasp the difference, but i doubt it

06-23-2012, 04:20 PM
Exactly my point in asking why another member would think this thread was started by "admin" and act like it carried some official weight

It obviously was started by darin the poster. Perhaps I've given you too much credit and you really are too stupid to grasp the difference, but i doubt it

Replied to me, so I assume this was directed at me, or perhaps Darin? :dunno:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 04:26 PM
Momma, quick shine the light over here. I think I see a huge snake lying about the place and its getting angry too.
Quick, tell daddy to bring the shovel because its gonna get real serious any moment and the snake is apt to slither way after it shits a gold brick or two!-:laugh2:-Tyr

06-23-2012, 04:36 PM
Anyone who Chuck Norris needs to emulate can probably reach through a monitor and punch me in the face.

Speaking of which, I had a guy try that on me once, and I chopped his hand clear off when it came out through my monitor.

And just last week, I was at a 7-11 when they had one of those flash mobs. About 123 of them little bastards came in and started to fill their pockets and break everything. I kicked all their asses. The world can use a little more respect.

And I saw a guy driving AND talking on his cell phone last month. That shit pisses me off. We stopped at the next red light and I got out and knocked all of his teeth out like chiclets.

That's just how I roll.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 04:56 PM
Anyone who Chuck Norris needs to emulate can probably reach through a monitor and punch me in the face.

Speaking of which, I had a guy try that on me once, and I chopped his hand clear off when it came out through my monitor.

And just last week, I was at a 7-11 when they had one of those flash mobs. About 123 of them little bastards came in and started to fill their pockets and break everything. I kicked all their asses. The world can use a little more respect.

And I saw a guy driving AND talking on his cell phone last month. That shit pisses me off. We stopped at the next red light and I got out and knocked all of his teeth out like chiclets.

That's just how I roll.

OH YEA, well when I was a young dude and used to buy and sell hunting dogs I had a unique way of testing dogs for thier owners's declared high praised abilities before I bought them. With Birddogs I use to pick the dog up and toss it over the top of a tall tree to see just how well it could fly! Well, wouldnt you know that got me in trouble. The government sent some agents to force me to stop because my test was causing passenger planes serious dangers as several dogs had flown right on past them as they were on the up path! Naturally, I tossed all 6 agents up there to see if they could find them damn dogs that had yet to land from the month before!-:laugh:--Tyr

06-23-2012, 05:25 PM
Replied to me, so I assume this was directed at me, or perhaps Darin? :dunno:


I was talking to you.

I couldn't care less about the flame, but another poster implied it was from the board admin, I merely pointed out that it was not, it was from Darin the poster. I thought you were smart enough to grasp what I was saying, but apparently you're not seeings as how you implied that I was saying moderators shouldn't flame.

Have a good day.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 06:11 PM
Momma, quick shine the light over here. I think I see a huge snake lying about the place and its getting angry too.
Quick, tell daddy to bring the shovel because its gonna get real serious any moment and the snake is apt to slither way after it shits a gold brick or two!-:laugh2:-Tyr

I was correct, the light of truth prevailed and the snake slithered away.
Never fear folks, evil always returns to hatch its eggs of lies.-:laugh:---Tyr

06-23-2012, 06:15 PM
I am reminded of my good friend Tom Dooley that always said, The guilty dog will bark soon enough!
Guy really knew his dogs. He even once bought a birddog that couldnt fly! Turns out that it was the best rabbit dog he ever owned. Some guys are just lucky like that. My good friend Jake bought a race dog that only raced to the food bowl. Yelping little cuss couldnt even stop racing to an empty bowl, now that's some real smarts.
Some people are like that you know. Give 'em enough bait and they race to yelp out their tales.. Only unlike dogs people can talk and some tell some mighty fancy tales.
I have yet to name who I suspect but surely there will be a sign from heaven soooooooooon -for surely , GOD, will speak.--:laugh2:-Tyr

Tyr. So far. The only thing I can imagine GOD saying is. "You human's never fail to piss me off!"

06-23-2012, 06:20 PM
I was talking to you.

I couldn't care less about the flame, but another poster implied it was from the board admin, I merely pointed out that it was not, it was from Darin the poster. I thought you were smart enough to grasp what I was saying, but apparently you're not seeings as how you implied that I was saying moderators shouldn't flame.

Have a good day.

My bad, but forgive me, I'm still recovering from the made up wound I have from taking a bullet for the young chap. And you shouldn't question my intelligence, I have a masters degree in anything you wish to debate, doesn't matter the subject, I've mastered it. But I'll have to answer your questions later tonight, as I'm busy eating dinner with Seal Team 6. They're pretty tough bastards, but they won't mess with me once they see me, I'm a former Ranger!

06-23-2012, 06:24 PM
My bad, but forgive me, I'm still recovering from the made up wound I have from taking a bullet for the young chap. And you shouldn't question my intelligence, I have a masters degree in anything you wish to debate, doesn't matter the subject, I've mastered it. But I'll have to answer your questions later tonight, as I'm busy eating dinner with Seal Team 6. They're pretty tough bastards, but they won't mess with me once they see me, I'm a former Ranger!

My mistake jimnyc. I thought you said "LONE ranger."
Seal team 6 doesn't eat dinner. They just do the Slaughtering for everyone else.

By the way. I have a masters degree in anything as well. Ninety-Eight, Pt. Six. In fact. I was born with it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 06:59 PM
My mistake jimnyc. I thought you said "LONE ranger."
Seal team 6 doesn't eat dinner. They just do the Slaughtering for everyone else.By the way. I have a masters degree in anything as well. Ninety-Eight, Pt. Six. In fact. I was born with it.

The sea critters now feeding on the dead as hell Osama thank the Seal Team.--:beer:--Tyr

06-23-2012, 07:30 PM

There is no question that this thread is a flame. Of course it is. The ONLY question i asked is did you start it as a member or as i suspected or as admin as has been suggesred

What's funny is - MY question remains - Funny you called this a "Flame Thread" or 'flaming'. That's WAY more important than whatever status I used or didn't use. Because if it was a "Let's verbally blow CH" thread, my status as Admin wouldn't MATTER.

Thus -the premise was wrong on your part - you were asking the wrong question.

Dude - you gotta admit, you come up with a LOT of stuff. VERY MUCH 'seen it, done it twice, and BETTER than you'.

06-23-2012, 07:42 PM
What's funny is - MY question remains - Funny you called this a "Flame Thread" or 'flaming'. That's WAY more important than whatever status I used or didn't use. Because if it was a "Let's verbally blow CH" thread, my status as Admin wouldn't MATTER.

Thus -the premise was wrong on your part - you were asking the wrong question.

Dude - you gotta admit, you come up with a LOT of stuff. VERY MUCH 'seen it, done it twice, and BETTER than you'.

Too true. True dat! Never had a complaint from anyone about saying something nice. I wonder if others "wonder" when you say something nice, as to whether or not you're being nice to them as an admin or as a member? :dunno:

06-23-2012, 07:53 PM
Too true. True dat! Never had a complaint from anyone about saying something nice. I wonder if others "wonder" when you say something nice, as to whether or not you're being nice to them as an admin or as a member? :dunno:

I'm not the one who wondered this time either you idiot. Clearly it was another poster who claimed Darin was posting as "admin" not me. I in fact posted "I thought he was posting as Darin"

Shove this board up your ass.

06-23-2012, 08:25 PM
Tough 'ol Ranger gonna cry over the horrors of a little ribbing? :lol: Funny how you've done the same in this very section quite a few times to others. Now you get some yourself and it's time for me to shove the board and you're quitting and bringing your ball home with you.


06-23-2012, 08:30 PM
I'm not the one who wondered this time either you idiot. Clearly it was another poster who claimed Darin was posting as "admin" not me. I in fact posted "I thought he was posting as Darin"

Shove this board up your ass.

I am darin and an Admin. I post as both, Aaron. :)

06-23-2012, 08:34 PM
Do you know that trick where you put the coins flat on your elbow, then catch them in mid air?

I can do that.

06-23-2012, 08:42 PM
According to Taft2012, I can use my legs like a flypaper! :neener:

Legs are like flypaper. They lure men in and then they're stuck.

06-23-2012, 08:44 PM
Do you know that trick where you put the coins flat on your elbow, then catch them in mid air?

I can do that.

You stole that from Happy Days! And I think my record is like 20 pennies!

06-23-2012, 08:50 PM
Tough 'ol Ranger gonna cry over the horrors of a little ribbing? :lol: Funny how you've done the same in this very section quite a few times to others. Now you get some yourself and it's time for me to shove the board and you're quitting and bringing your ball home with you.


I haven't cried at all. Darin's list was funny.

06-23-2012, 08:51 PM
You stole that from Happy Days! And I think my record is like 20 pennies!

I did 45! I kid you not!

I am a superior human being.

06-23-2012, 08:51 PM
I am darin and an Admin. I post as both, Aaron. :)

no kidding. but you don't always post as both. Of course you already knew that.

06-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Also, I can juggle.

06-23-2012, 08:52 PM
I did 45! I kid you not!

I am a superior human being.

Oh man, I suck then. Sometimes I would just leave my hand open faced, purposely, so that I could spray the room with coins!

06-23-2012, 08:52 PM
Oh man, I suck then. Sometimes I would just leave my hand open faced, purposely, so that I could spray the room with coins!


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 09:05 PM
Tough 'ol Ranger gonna cry over the horrors of a little ribbing? :lol: Funny how you've done the same in this very section quite a few times to others. Now you get some yourself and it's time for me to shove the board and you're quitting and bringing your ball home with you.


What? Somebody leaving! Again! Get out the yo'yo's girls an boys the string is short and the
return may be even faster than last time!:laugh2:
I've always maintained that TRUTH is the greatest weapon in the universe. Just shine its light and watch evil flee away from the bone shattering exsposure!
Any man brave enough to step in front of a bullet to save an innocent life would not ever flee from the light of TRUTH! In fact, SUCH A MAN WOULD BE THE FIRST TO EMBRACE AND DEFEND IT IMHO...
Not curse another man for embracing the search for such TRUTH!
Of course just a humble opinion from me , the thought to be redneck hick that was an easy target to pick on.
I am certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed but I damn sure am not the dullest..
Many thanks. Great thread be it from, admin or just a bright member that appreciates the TRUTH!-Tyr

06-23-2012, 09:17 PM
You stole that from Happy Days! And I think my record is like 20 pennies!

Try it with quarters. Start with 5, then 10. Be careful. They tend to fly, and never can be found again.
Oh, those days of long ago, trying all the Bar tricks and losing money. A double Loss of Money and Brains as well.

06-23-2012, 10:01 PM
I did 45! I kid you not!

I am a superior human being.

My arthritis wouldn't allow me to do that trick now, but I can still tie cherry stems with my tongue. :laugh:

06-23-2012, 10:11 PM
My arthritis wouldn't allow me to do that trick now, but I can still tie cherry stems with my tongue. :laugh:

Well, that beats the hell out of my flypaper!!!


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 10:19 PM
My arthritis wouldn't allow me to do that trick now, but I can still tie cherry stems with my tongue. :laugh:

Go ahead amigo, sweet talk the ladies!
While I sit here trying to do the quarters trick!-;)--Tyr

06-23-2012, 10:37 PM
Go ahead amigo, sweet talk the ladies!
While I sit here trying to do the quarters trick!-;)--Tyr

I'm a bald headed, arthritic, toothless old man, but I still got talent. :laugh:

06-23-2012, 10:42 PM
I'm a bald headed, arthritic, toothless old man, but I still got talent. :laugh:

Funny...I always pictured you older than that. :laugh2:

06-24-2012, 06:18 AM
no kidding. but you don't always post as both. Of course you already knew that.

But I ALWAYS post as both because I who I am (me) is inseparable from what i do here (admin/moderate).

I'm posting as "Admin" right this second. And this second, too.

Admins can joke, tease, discuss, form and share opinions.

06-24-2012, 07:25 AM
There is no question that this thread is a flame. Of course it is.

but we don't care........

06-24-2012, 10:42 AM
I'm not the one who wondered this time either you idiot. Clearly it was another poster who claimed Darin was posting as "admin" not me. I in fact posted "I thought he was posting as Darin"

Shove this board up your ass.

I'm still cracking up at this. A bunch of people pick on the 6'4 800lb Ranger who stopped a speeding bullet dead in it's tracks, and I'm the only one who needs to put something up their ass. LOL Will it suffice if I vomit shoelaces instead of the board? I just can't figure out how to shove software up my ass.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2012, 11:09 AM
I'm still cracking up at this. A bunch of people pick on the 6'4 800lb Ranger who stopped a speeding bullet dead in it's tracks, and I'm the only one who needs to put something up their ass. LOL Will it suffice if I vomit shoelaces instead of the board? I just can't figure out how to shove software up my ass.


Perhaps he thought you had the same amazing big butt talent that he has.
"6'4 800lb Ranger ", :laugh2:
From his boasting here one would think more like the amazing HULK.:laugh:-Tyr

06-24-2012, 11:14 AM
Perhaps he thought you had the same amazing big butt talent that he has.
"6'4 800lb Ranger ", :laugh2:
From his boasting here one would think more like the amazing HULK.:laugh:-Tyr

He beat up the Hulk once, as well as Spider Man, Batman and Iron Man. Superhero's are no match! And it's not just strength, but also appearances and the vibe he gives off. He went to Hedonism in Jamaica once, ended up leaving with 197 women and all the men were left hanging by themselves. Oh, and he didn't just drink Jamaican Rum while there, but at the bottles as well. True stories, you can't make this stuff up! :coffee:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2012, 11:20 AM
He beat up the Hulk once, as well as Spider Man, Batman and Iron Man. Superhero's are no match! And it's not just strength, but also appearances and the vibe he gives off. He went to Hedonism in Jamaica once, ended up leaving with 197 women and all the men were left hanging by themselves. Oh, and he didn't just drink Jamaican Rum while there, but at the bottles as well. True stories, you can't make this stuff up! :coffee:

It is well known that the Fantastic Four is him branching himself out on a busy day!

Mr. P
06-24-2012, 01:05 PM
Corndawg is a Ranger? Hummm

06-24-2012, 01:13 PM
Anyone that causes rsr to slink off twice is 7' tall in my book!

I guess it's easier to coddle constant stupidity than to maybe read some tall tales! :puke:

06-24-2012, 01:52 PM
My arthritis wouldn't allow me to do that trick now, but I can still tie cherry stems with my tongue. :laugh:

Does arthritis ever attack cherry-tying tongue muscles?

That would eventually make your language sound like you were holding your tongue, trying to say: "My father worked in a Ship Yard".

"Did I get you to smile?"

Mr. P
06-24-2012, 02:10 PM
Does arthritis ever attack cherry-tying tongue muscles?

That would eventually make your language sound like you were holding your tongue, trying to say: "My father worked in a Ship Yard".

"Did I get you to smile?"

No, but it made me :laugh::laugh::laugh: a lot!

Haven't heard "My father worked in a Ship Yard" for many many yrs.

Well, ok I'm smilin now that I tried it again. So yes! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-24-2012, 02:17 PM
No, but it made me :laugh::laugh::laugh: a lot!

Haven't heard "My father worked in a Ship Yard" for many many yrs.

Well, ok I'm smilin now that I tried it again. So yes! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good for you. Now..fess up. Admit it! You actually did hold your tongue!

See how a smile tends to change everything...if only for a second?

That's what all of us Need More Of.

I had a good friend from California who had a favorite expression I have also, never forgotten.
Come to think of it.
I actually got banned on another forum for repeating it.
But...it always makes me laugh whenever I think of him.

He just quietly said: "Chuck you Farley. Go back off in your own Jack yard!"

If that upset, offended, or insulted anyone. Oh well.

I hate to use this expression. But in keeping up with the times..."My Bad."

Mr. P
06-24-2012, 02:35 PM
Good for you. Now..fess up. Admit it! You actually did hold your tongue!

See how a smile tends to change everything...if only for a second?

That's what all of us Need More Of.

I had a good friend from California who had a favorite expression I have also, never forgotten.
Come to think of it.
I actually got banned on another forum for repeating it.
But...it always makes me laugh whenever I think of him.

He just quietly said: "Chuck you Farley. Go back off in your own Jack yard!"

If that upset, offended, or insulted anyone. Oh well.

I hate to use this expression. But in keeping up with the times..."My Bad."

Yes I did. Old times gone are not forgotten and some can easily be relived, regardless of ones age. :thumb:

Abbey Marie
06-24-2012, 03:45 PM
Anyone that causes rsr to slink off twice is 7' tall in my book!

I guess it's easier to coddle constant stupidity than to maybe read some tall tales! :puke:

Hmm. Both Con and rsr have been prolific posters who have contributed much to this board. Not sure I've seen you around all that much, though. Just sayin'.

06-24-2012, 04:20 PM
FACT: Polar bears are the biggest bears!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2012, 04:28 PM
Corndawg is a Ranger? Hummm

Are Rangers also military police? I read where he clearly stated that he was (possibly retired) but definitely military police.
I was not aware that Army Rangers where military police officers as well?
Perhaps somebody with far more military knowledge that I can and will be kind enough to answer these questions.-Tyr

06-24-2012, 04:32 PM
Conhog's a Ranger? What position did he play? Center? Left wing? Defense? Goalie?

06-24-2012, 04:34 PM
Conhog's a Ranger? What position did he play? Center? Left wing? Defense? Goalie?

Wrong Rangers. I play the outfield, ALL of them.

06-24-2012, 04:37 PM
Are Rangers also military police? I read where he clearly stated that he was (possibly retired) but definitely military police.
I was not aware that Army Rangers where military police officers as well?
Perhaps somebody with far more military knowledge that I can and will be kind enough to answer these questions.-Tyr

Just to set your tiny mind at ease. Ranger training is open to ANY MOS. I was not a Ranger as in I was not part of the 75th Regiment. I merely went through the training, which many guys have. It's not a big thing and certainly doesn't make me anything special, nor have I ever said it did.

06-24-2012, 05:11 PM
Wrong Rangers. I play the outfield, ALL of them.

You sir, have been exposed as a LIAR!

There's no outfield in hockey!

06-24-2012, 05:13 PM
You sir, have been exposed as a LIAR!

There's no outfield in hockey!

If we were in a bar you wouldn't say that to me. :laugh:

06-24-2012, 06:37 PM
If we were in a bar you wouldn't say that to me. :laugh:

Sure I would. I would pull this image and say, see ...


there's no outfield in hockey!

06-24-2012, 06:41 PM
Sure I would. I would pull this image and say, see ...


there's no outfield in hockey!

And then I'd tell you to Google Texas Rangers.

Dumb arse Canadian. :lol:

06-24-2012, 06:43 PM
And then I'd tell you to Google Texas Rangers.

Dumb arse Canadian. :lol:

If people are telling you there is a hockey team named "The Texas Rangers," they're lying to you.

06-24-2012, 06:43 PM
Dumb arse Canadian. :lol:


You beat me to it, Con!!

06-24-2012, 06:45 PM
If people are telling you there is a hockey team named "The Texas Rangers," they're lying to you.

Who ever said there was a hockey team called Texas Rangers?

06-24-2012, 06:51 PM
If people are telling you there is a hockey team named "The Texas Rangers," they're lying to you.

real men don't play hockey.

06-24-2012, 07:43 PM
real men don't play hockey.

Real men ONLY play hockey!


06-24-2012, 07:51 PM
Real DUMB men ONLY play hockey!




Mr. P
06-24-2012, 08:02 PM
Best pro game I ever saw in person was Hockey! Atlanta Flames Vs Boston. That was back when Bobbie Orr was HOT. The Flames went to Canada as I recall..Do you know where, Toro?

06-24-2012, 08:45 PM
Best pro game I ever saw in person was Hockey! Atlanta Flames Vs Boston. That was back when Bobbie Orr was HOT. The Flames went to Canada as I recall..Do you know where, Toro?


The Calgary Flames.

A lot of my homies go to see them.

red states rule
06-27-2012, 04:16 PM
I wonder if there are times when CH's "greatness' make him jealous of himself?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2012, 07:45 PM
I wonder if there are times when CH's "greatness' make him jealous of himself?

^^^^^^^^A safe guess would be yes indeed!!

Say , where has our Corndog gone????

This place is so dark and gloomy without his brilliant light shining forth, eh? -:laugh2Tyr

07-20-2012, 12:46 PM
I can't believe I missed this entire discussion!
I was wondering what happened to ConHog. He may have been stubborn, narcissitic, and downright caustic at times but I liked him.

On another note:
I once punched a kid in the face in second grade because he liked Kiss. Oh yeah, he was wearing glasses too. That's how badass I am.

07-20-2012, 01:20 PM
I wonder if there are times when CH's "greatness' make him jealous of himself?

^^^^^^^^A safe guess would be yes indeed!!

Say , where has our Corndog gone????

This place is so dark and gloomy without his brilliant light shining forth, eh? -:laugh2Tyr

It appears. Since I refused to post to CH for any reason. That member is gone, probably because of being very busy with politics, and making public appearances around the nation as DNC chairwoman Debby Wasserman Shultz. That supposition should probably clear up the mystery as to the whereabouts of CH.
Just a comical thought is all. And it also clears up all of the Bragging many members have pointed out in reference to this Amazing, Heroic, Superstar member....His opinion, not mine.

07-20-2012, 03:52 PM
I was wondering what happened to ConHog

??....did he leave?.....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-20-2012, 08:36 PM
[QUOTE=Tyr-Ziu Saxnot;566909]

It appears. Since I refused to post to CH for any reason. That member is gone, probably because of being very busy with politics, and making public appearances around the nation as DNC chairwoman Debby Wasserman Shultz. That supposition should probably clear up the mystery as to the whereabouts of CH.
Just a comical thought is all. And it also clears up all of the Bragging many members have pointed out in reference to this Amazing, Heroic, Superstar member....His opinion, not mine.

Mutt and Jeff both have disappeared, hmmmmm, reckon they are the same person???
Ch's little side kick is gone too.-:laugh: -Tyr

Anton Chigurh
07-20-2012, 10:31 PM
I found out his Indian name.

"Spreading Bull."

07-21-2012, 10:06 AM
I wonder if there are times when CH's "greatness' make him jealous of himself?

^^^^^^^^A safe guess would be yes indeed!!

Say , where has our Corndog gone????

This place is so dark and gloomy without his brilliant light shining forth, eh? -:laugh2Tyr

I actually think it has been nice. Other people have actually had a chance to discuss topics without everything having to be about 'him' or his shoving his opinions or his current board drama of the day down your throat. Imagine that...people getting to think for themselves....what a concept.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2012, 04:55 PM
[QUOTE=Tyr-Ziu Saxnot;566909]

I actually think it has been nice. Other people have actually had a chance to discuss topics without everything having to be about 'him' or his shoving his opinions or his current board drama of the day down your throat. Imagine that...people getting to think for themselves....what a concept.


AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!--:clap: TYR

08-05-2012, 09:17 PM
Conhog was last sighted at 3:33pm on 7/12/2012

01-28-2013, 06:43 AM
Last night, Chewbacca and ConHog were having a conversation in ConHog's billion dollar mansion about how much they hate people who lie on the Internet...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2013, 11:09 AM
[QUOTE=Tyr-Ziu Saxnot;566909]

I actually think it has been nice. Other people have actually had a chance to discuss topics without everything having to be about 'him' or his shoving his opinions or his current board drama of the day down your throat. Imagine that...people getting to think for themselves....what a concept.


^^^^^ Say, what happened to Shadow????
She was a bright lady that did not beat around the bush when she presented her opinion!!--Tyr

01-28-2013, 12:21 PM
Last night, Chewbacca and ConHog were having a conversation in ConHog's billion dollar mansion about how much they hate people who lie on the Internet...

why on Earth would I have been in my servant's quarters?

01-28-2013, 02:29 PM
Last night, Chewbacca and ConHog were having a conversation in ConHog's billion dollar mansion about how much they hate people who lie on the Internet...

dmp. I thought that was AL GORE'S mansion. The one with the HUGE carbon footprint made of BURNED U.S. Currency.